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The Division 2 |OT| Open Beta (1st-4th Mar)


Watched joes impressions and it seems as if they learned NOTHING from the first game, lol. UI still is a mess and enemies take like a bazillion bullets. Why didn't they improve the concept? Division 1 seemed like a games that was begging for a sequel that fixes all the issues.

EDIT: Who thought that this little twitching window that shows how much ammo you have left was a good idea? It annoys me to look at it, let alone play it where my digital life can depend on it. Why not place the current bullet count and the magazines left in the bottom right corner like every other shooting game in existence? I don't understand it. Does no one besides me find this unneccessary distracting?

most of D1's "issues" were fixed by 1.8, and D2 going by the private beta refines it further.

joe is just sticking with his script. i get the first game wasn't his thing and that's fine, it's certainly not for everybody. but he's going to scream and mock it with skits either way. it's a loot rpg, enemies will soak bullets, UI will be busy, it's just the kind of game it is
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most of D1's "issues" were fixed by 1.8, and D2 going by the private beta refines it further.

joe is just sticking with his script. i get the first game wasn't his thing and that's fine, it's certainly not for everybody. but he's just going to scream and do mock it with skits either way. it's a loot rpg, enemies will soak bullets, UI will be busy, it's just the kind of game it is

jap, I know joe. He has to fill his role and I understand that. I like the art direction of the division though, so I'm willing to give this game a fair chance. It's nice that the demo beta is available, so that I can form my own opinion about the game. Good thing my livelihood doesn't depend on being angry at videogames.
Division attracts a lot of people who want it to be something else.

I'm glad they made Division 2 for people who liked Division 1.

The Crew is an example of an Ubi where they tried to cater to the masses and screwed it up.
I don't get the "bullet sponge" complaints. If any enemy died with a single shot to the head what would be the point of acquiring better loot?
Loving the game but I got stuck on The mission at The theater. I destro The debris tô go tô The terrace but I can't get through it. Wtf


I don't get the "bullet sponge" complaints. If any enemy died with a single shot to the head what would be the point of acquiring better loot?
Never understood it either. I think a lot of that criticism has to do with it being human enemies and being set in a more realistic scenario. I feel like if it were in space and we were shooting monsters, nobody would bitch about bullet sponges.
I don't get the "bullet sponge" complaints. If any enemy died with a single shot to the head what would be the point of acquiring better loot?

I’ve never understood the comlaints as well.’i go into every RPG with the expectation of varying Heath pools, armors, resistances, damage mitigation, weaknesses, etc

To me it’s like saying Diablo has “sword sponges”
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I don't get the "bullet sponge" complaints. If any enemy died with a single shot to the head what would be the point of acquiring better loot?
So much this. I seriously don't understand what people expect, especially when it's an online multiplayer game where people want to be in control all the time. I guess they expect some superintelligent boss that does different stuff every time? Good luck finding something like that in any game currently in existence. There's only so much you can do with current AI tech and it hasn't gotten further than large health pools and easily exploitable, repeated attack patterns.

People already are saying that it looks just like The Division. I'm simply at a loss of words. What are they expecting? Freaking fantasy RPG with swords and magic? It's like saying Uncharted 4 looks just like Uncharted 3 and proceed to give a lower rating as a result.

It's actually funny that people bring up Joe and his opinion, the guy who gave Guild Wars 2 legendary rating. What's the difference in a boss fight in Guild Wars 2? You just spam your skills non-stop on a boss that has a huge health pool repeating its attack patterns over and over. So innovative and cool. LMAO As it was already mentioned, I expect him to shit all over The Division 2 for being boring and so on when he doesn't like these types of games in the first place.
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I don't get the "bullet sponge" complaints. If any enemy died with a single shot to the head what would be the point of acquiring better loot?
It's generally not something I notice, but I think it only really bothers me when, say, the enemy in question has little to no armor. I'm okay with spongey'ness when the enemy is kitted out in a helmet, kevlar, etc.
I don't get the "bullet sponge" complaints. If any enemy died with a single shot to the head what would be the point of acquiring better loot?

It's that the enemies take box magazines to the head to kill while you get wiped out in seconds.
It's why I run the D3F3NC3 set in division.
It's that the enemies take box magazines to the head to kill while you get wiped out in seconds.
It's why I run the D3F3NC3 set in division.

I mean, it’s an RPG though. How many RPGs have SoCom/Sniper Elite style realism? I’m sure they exist, but in the looter realm it’s pretty much the way it has to work. Do people have issue with Borderlands “bullet sponges” too?

Is it the Tom Clancy name attached to it? Is that why it pops up so much with Division discussion?
I mean, it’s an RPG though. How many RPGs have SoCom/Sniper Elite style realism? I’m sure they exist, but in the looter realm it’s pretty much the way it has to work. Do people have issue with Borderlands “bullet sponges” too?

Is it the Tom Clancy name attached to it? Is that why it pops up so much with Division discussion?

I do think that's part of it.
I mean, it’s an RPG though. How many RPGs have SoCom/Sniper Elite style realism? I’m sure they exist, but in the looter realm it’s pretty much the way it has to work. Do people have issue with Borderlands “bullet sponges” too?

Is it the Tom Clancy name attached to it? Is that why it pops up so much with Division discussion?

Ohh i totally understand why they do it, and i've made peace with it.

Maybe the AI is a little too effective in these games though, they're hitscan, they take cover, flank and chase you which can be rough when you rely heavily on weakpoint damage. The barely existent AI in destiny and anthem sorta works in that regard.

I have a feeling the end bosses in this will rely heavily on the boston dynamic style robots however, so the designers can do whatever they want gameplay wise.


Gold Member
What's the deal with the shady controls. Sometimes I get hit and it feels like my agent is hard to move in the direction I'm pressing. Is this an effect/debuff?


Been away for a few dyas. So is the beta worth downloading for someone like me who already played the cllosed beta?, is it the same?.
Been away for a few dyas. So is the beta worth downloading for someone like me who already played the cllosed beta?, is it the same?.
of course it's not exactly the same. they have made a lot of changes based on feedback from the closed beta. there is some more things to do but i'm not sure if it's worth downloading it all again. majority of it is the same though. go look through the changes and decide for yourself:

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Ulysses 31

I don't get the "bullet sponge" complaints. If any enemy died with a single shot to the head what would be the point of acquiring better loot?
Bullet sponges are a lazy tool for devs to use instead of coming up with better enemy diversity, enemy AI and enemy level encounters.

Bullet sponges are easier to sell when fighting huge enemies since it would make sense they'd need a lot to take down, humans that can take magazines worth of headshots are a tougher sell for me and since the Division 2 is more grounded because of the Tom Clancy name it has that going against it IMO.
Bullet sponges are a lazy tool for devs to use instead of coming up with better enemy diversity, enemy AI and enemy level encounters..

I don’t think this is universal truth. I certainly see how this is true in some cases, but I maintain that “bullet sponge” enemy encounters are just a natural part of a looter RPG style game.

I think games like this would get boring with “one shot, one kill” mechanics
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It absolutely isn't a universal truth. Everything has to be judged in context.

And I'm done with the "but humans" criticism at this point. If it's a deal-breaker for you cool, but Division was quite successful regardless.


There must be people who didint liked 1 game and wont like this one. And thats fine and even if its more of those people crying on net means that all people that like it just plays it , like me here enjoying on pc via uplay.
There is no point to convince someone thats its amazing game because its just is. I left metro and far cry new dawn for this beta. Its more intetesting for me
And enemies are great. I died so many times allready because picked wrong cover places and was thinking too well of myself. If they surround you its done
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Ulysses 31

I don’t think this is universal truth. I certainly see how this is true in some cases, but I maintain that “bullet sponge” enemy encounters are just a natural part of a looter RPG style game.

I think games like this would get boring with “one shot, one kill” mechanics
Of course there can be exceptions, S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games do it good IMO where they can be brutal with you dying in 1 sec if you're caught off guard and enemies can be bullet spongy if they wear high-end armor and you're not using the right weapons/bullets. But there's never this situation where you can empty entire clips in enemies heads from cover with them surviving and you not getting flanked eventually. Even camping with a scope is usually not that easy with the Zone's environment and enemies having good aim once they see you.


Exactly if you dont know what you doing or you came out fron some space shooter to this game then better go back to what you was doing really. Its that simple to noy play game if its not for you and play other game.


Game feels pretty much same as first running covering and such. Which was fine on ps4 pro first game and now it feels same on pc just better. As most allready said its feels same and it is.
Being 5 lvl cant pass side mission no matter how many times i try i picked wrong guns and sold rest . in private beta didiny had any probs and now i guess i made poor choices and having hard time fighting enemies who trow fire at you non stop.
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Are consumable buffs gone? I've been picking up food and water but as far as I can tell, the only thing I can do with them is donate them to the settlements or projects.
What a janky snooze fest lol. And while Ubi is at the absolute top end when it comes to overall slick presentation, I almost broke out in laughter about how pretentious the intro was. I get that it's a somber subject, but good grief.


Enjoying the beta so far. Have not played a division game before other than a quick play of division 1 beta. Seems a little buggy to me with a lot of pop up but that's no big deal and Has not killed my enjoyment . I do however have to wonder about enemy variety though. Being used to fantasy rpg/mmo's it could get a little boring(hello destiny) shooting same guys for hours on end. Just my opinion


I liked intro kinda. I get it. It was good. Food and water was interesting couple times i helped others colect it.
People who help you fight sometimes shout funny frazes like: watch over im noob yet .. and similar.
But they fight good.
Nvidia cards doesnt like dx12, works better on dx11 for me. In streets game runs better then inside buldings with lots enemies and elites. Same amount people on street runs more fluid for me. Thats on i7 gtx1060 8gb ram laptop using ps4 controller
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I'm going through the division right now, I'm really enjoying it so far. How is this expanding the division experience, does it look like it's going to be good?


the FOV is killing me.
Same, although in my case I think it has more to do with the ADS FoV than the normal "running around" FoV. I can live with that but the motion sickness starts when I am in combat. Even a small FoV increase would help here or a toggle like in Battlefield where you can set it to not zoom in on ADS weapons without scopes.


Gold Member
Having a good time so far. Looks like they're doing server maintenance right now, so they booted me.

As for the game, I got some crazy sound glitches where at first it sounded like an AK going off for 3min non-stop, then I couldn't hear gunshots or music for the remainder of the mission, just enemies yelling and random ambient sound effects. The FOV is burdensome, but I'm getting used to it.

My brother is obsessed with the first game, so I'm trying to get into this one early so I can feel the excitement. Free is free. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I'm torn on this.

On the one hand, the game has layer upon layer of interesting systems and RPG-like mechanics. I feel like I picked up more diverse and interesting loot in just the open beta, then the entirety of Anthem. And whilst the sheer amount of information it throws at you is overwhelming at first, it bodes very well for longevity and having things to do in the end-game.

The minute-to-minute gameplay is also solid, reminds me of Gears of War's horde mode in terms of having to clear out waves of enemies using cover mechanics and co-op, really like some of the abilities (auto-turrets!) and there is definitely enough customisability to create a character I enjoy playing.

But the setting is just so damn bland. Diablo has heaven and hell, PSO has alien planets, Anthem has lush jungles.. this has run-down Washington DC. On paper, it's interesting enough, but man, it just looks like countless other games I've played before it but minus the zombies.

I'm also a bit disappointed by Ubisoft's interpretation of diversity. The first couple of times they did the "Ha you are taking orders from a woman!" thing I was down with it, but by the end of the beta, and after meeting countless strong independent black women, I was left wondering where the fuck all the Asians went in their near-future vision of Washington? Hopefully, we have some more Asian characters in the full-game but yer, it's a bit of a pet peeve how we're left out of most diversity efforts, especially film and videogames. But that's just a moan and doesn't really impact my decision to buy or not buy the game at all.

So I dunno, it ticks a ton of my gameplay boxes but I just don't know if I want to explore Division's 2 world, it just seems so uninviting and dull. Going to watch some clips to see if it expands beyond that later in the game.


In streets game runs better then inside buldings with lots enemies and elites.

Completely opposite for me on the rx 580. I haven't done comparisons between dx11 and 12 yet but the fps tanks badly if you look down a long street, especially with that green smoke around. Vegetation is also a big issue. I expect performance to go up a bit at release when new drivers are released but so far the optimisation seems subpar.

Also the audio glitches are extremely annoying. During the theatre mission I could not even hear the minigun firing.


Completely opposite for me on the rx 580. I haven't done comparisons between dx11 and 12 yet but the fps tanks badly if you look down a long street, especially with that green smoke around. Vegetation is also a big issue. I expect performance to go up a bit at release when new drivers are released but so far the optimisation seems subpar.

Also the audio glitches are extremely annoying. During the theatre mission I could not even hear the minigun firing.
DX12 runs way better for me on my Vega. Like night and day almost.


DX12 runs way better for me on my Vega. Like night and day almost.

Cheers, I'll try it later. I ran the game quickly to check which it used and it was indeed set to dx11. Sadly there's a maintenance going on so I can't do any comparisons but I'll be back with results later.


I'm also a bit disappointed by Ubisoft's interpretation of diversity. The first couple of times they did the "Ha you are taking orders from a woman!" thing I was down with it, but by the end of the beta, and after meeting countless strong independent black women, I was left wondering where the fuck all the Asians went in their near-future vision of Washington? Hopefully, we have some more Asian characters in the full-game but yer, it's a bit of a pet peeve how we're left out of most diversity efforts, especially film and videogames. But that's just a moan and doesn't really impact my decision to buy or not buy the game at all.

you played the first game? base of operations main commander was asian. she was the most prominent NPC in the game afaik
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