Red Liquorice
This, all this.I would be all for "locking players out" of certain areas as long as it was done intelligently.
Player joined up with the opposing faction? Turn the whole city guard hostile against them and make them sneak to their objectives. For non-stealth characters, there could be a few shady NPCs that could sneak you into the city and escort you around -- for a price. Most of the large cities could easily have supported a secret entrance through the sewers or something similar. Maybe add a simple disguise mechanic so players have a little more versatility with stealth that doesn't rely on the Sneak ability. Incorporate Speech so some players can talk their way out of getting seen by civilians.
Maybe I'm underestimating the amount of work involved with this kind of stuff, but I think a few minor changes like those could have noticeably improved the AI interaction in this game and provided some non-combat uses for a lot of the skills.
Imagine that at some point in the Thieves Guild questline it was made known in one of the cities you were a master thief, making you a wanted criminal on punishment of execution. So the only way to continue with your quest objectives in that town would be to wear a cowl and cloak covering your face, paying off the guards and discreetly asking around for leads to a guild member in town, or to sneak in through dark sewers where you needed to carry a torch to avoid the cities traps and defenses.