HD6850 and a Phenom X6
Aha, I'm running a HD5870, might be an AMD-only thing.
HD6850 and a Phenom X6
So there's really no way, no mod, no tweak to have your character cast a shadow while in 1st person mode?
After a couple months of not touching Skyrim I started up a new play-through today with a handful of mods. This game is amazing, already stumbled upon a few things I didn't see with my previous two characters. Such an amazing game, helps getting rid of the sour taste ME3 left with me.
Monzcarro, Imperial.
Triss Armor
Hair Pack
Cloaks of Skyrim
JaySuS Swords
Better Female Faces
Enhanced Night Sky
Are the mods seen in the screenshot, however I'm also using...
Sounds of Skyrim: The Wilds
Wars in Skyrim
I don't think so. I remember there being a mod that makes first person more "realistic" by basically making it third-person mode but with the camera in your character's head. That way, your PC has an actual body to cast a shadow...
But it also looks awkward as hell to play.
Cloaks of skyrim is pretty cool, although your armor tends to clip through it. I picked up a cloak that gave +60 HP last night which is a god send for a mage like me with low HP. I was just like "fuck yeah!".
Oh, and you need these mods:
Sounds of Skyrim - The Dungeons
Realistic Lighting
Better Dynamic Snow
A Quality World Map
I just searched the nexus looking for what you're describing and couldn't find it.
It's just so... weird seeing this beautiful game and yet there's this one simple thing that's missing where ever you look and it happens to be your own shadow. I can't get past it.
Taken a break from this game so it wouldn't fully complete the devouring of my soul, but anyways, now that the Steam version supports mods directly can I find all of these mods (like cloaks and the like) through Steam? Or should I keep my Nexus Mod Manager around?
Stick with Nexus, it's better. Also, a lot of the modders have opted to use Nexus only so you won't find their mods (or if you do, the updates won't be there) on Steam Works.
Are the images in the OP broken for anyone else?
Quick question: Has the PS3 version been patched for performance yet? If ot, can I use a pad to play it on PC?
My only gaming options are PC or PS3, and I really love an open world like tES series where I can just roam without worrying about time, objectives or anything else.
Seems hopeless, I can't find any new weapons at all. Agh.
I went through a long spell where the only way I got better weapons was through smithing and enchanting (and their associated perks). There's definitely long period of time where that's the only way to get new, worthwhile gear outside of the quest lines.
Well, the Companions questline went kinda fast. All those other newbs were telling me how awesome the Circle is and how hard you have to work to get in. I cleared out one freaking cave infested with cave trolls and suddenly the Circle was all like "Whoa, you're totally badass, you should be a werewolf."
Kinda lame.
Yeah, I thought it would be longer. You're all like, "This is going to take forever" and then you do a few missions and they're all just like "DRINK MY BLOOD!" "NO, DRINK MY BLOOD!"
Well, the Companions questline went kinda fast. All those other newbs were telling me how awesome the Circle is and how hard you have to work to get in. I cleared out one freaking cave infested with cave trolls and suddenly the Circle was all like "Whoa, you're totally badass, you should be a werewolf."
Kinda lame.
That's Skyrim for ya.
Well, the main quest is pretty much this:
Spoilar alertz
"Dude, a dragon!" - "Whoa, that dude can kill dragons!" - "Yo, I heard you can kill dragons, but I'm not sure yet." - "You can kill a dragon? Show me." - "We don't know shit about no dragons." - "I'm an old man, I know about dragons." - "Here be dragons." - "Dude, you're a dragon!" - "You need to do this to kill more dragons." - "Time traveling dragons, bitches!" - "You're gonna need to capture a dragon." - "All right, let's go finish some dragons."
The Dark Brotherhood:
"Old lady is dead!" - "Wait, why am I in this cabin?" - "Everyone is dead!" - "Oh look, assassins!" - "I kill people!" - "Hey, dead lady corpse can speak." - "More killing!" - "Kill the Emperor?" - "More killing!" - "I'll do it, I'll kill the Emperor!" - "More killing!" - "The Emperor is dead!" - "Lolno." - "For reals now."
The Thieves Guild:
"I wanna steal shit." - "Go steal this shit." - "Keep stealing this shit." - "Yo, come with me so I can betray you." - "Yo, translate this shit so I can find that guy." - "MOAR STEALING!" - "Yo, that guy stole from us!" - "All right, let's go steal... HIS LIFE!"
The College of Winterhold:
"MAGIC, motherfuckers." - "Whoa dude, giant floaty orb-thing." - "Teleporting person!" - "Evil Thalmor, who'd have thunk it." - "Go and magic that shit." - "MOAR MAGIC!" - "Magic can blow shit up? Shit!" - "Well, magic prevails!"
But then the Companions...
"Yo dude, kill this guy." - "Hyper-exclusive werewolf group!" - "Go kill a troll!" - "Lol, okay, you can join, lol." - "Lol, everyone's dead." - "Sovngarde? Fuck it."
The battle systems are not too far apart already.Elder Scrolls should kind of be minecraft HD with a battle system.
This is why I think Elder Scrolls should build on Daggerfall and be more of a "adventure life simulator" instead of "become the leader of everything and yet all that changes is that guards randomly recognizes how important you are now and then".
Elder Scrolls should kind of be minecraft HD with a battle system.
Well, the Companions questline went kinda fast. All those other newbs were telling me how awesome the Circle is and how hard you have to work to get in. I cleared out one freaking cave infested with cave trolls and suddenly the Circle was all like "Whoa, you're totally badass, you should."be a werewolf
Kinda lame.
If I hadn't just done that part I'd be pretty annoyed with your spoiler. 80 hours in and didn't know this was a thing.
Thanks for spoiling the Companions quest dudes. Guess I won't be enjoying that one...