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The Expanse |S1| Ubiquitous. Mendacious. Polyglottal. Like a couple of donkey balls.

The radiation poisoning is different than the infection caused by the blue stuff. Alex says "but what if they are infected" and Naomi says something like "He wouldn't do that [come back on the ship infected]."

Aww Naomi <3 Holden

Hence why Julie also smashes all her TVs and lights when she's infected. She was either going crazy or started associating any form of radiation may be increasing her problem. She initially finds the blue stuff on the core of the ship, which is full of radiation, etc.

She could probably feel it kicking off in her body; she was sitting right under a lamp when she first freaked out.


only one year left!


Nice gifs! I'm powering through book 1. I have passed the end of season and have entered uncharted territory. I'm liking what's going on so far
Is there a book thread (other than What Are You Reading?) where we can discuss the Expanse books? I'd love to talk about them as I've just finished the 5th book but obviously don't want to spoil anyone here or even risk it with spoiler tags. Don't know if there's a big enough following for them to have their own thread, though.

I liked the finale. It was pretty slow and I was expecting it to be a bit more fast-paced, but overall I really love what they've done with the show. Miller is my favorite character and Thomas Jane knocks it out of the park. Loved the banter between him and Holden.


Is there a book thread (other than What Are You Reading?) where we can discuss the Expanse books? I'd love to talk about them as I've just finished the 5th book but obviously don't want to spoil anyone here or even risk it with spoiler tags. Don't know if there's a big enough following for them to have their own thread, though.

I liked the finale. It was pretty slow and I was expecting it to be a bit more fast-paced, but overall I really love what they've done with the show. Miller is my favorite character and Thomas Jane knocks it out of the park. Loved the banter between him and Holden.

I think we decided that this thread can act as both, I don't think there is enough interest to support two threads. Just be sure to spoiler tag with the book name so book readers not up to 5 don't click. I'm on the 5th book myself and would be happy to talk about them too!

Funky Papa

I have a question for the book readers: I know that
Ceres has artificial gravity due to humans artificially spinning the planetoid
, but how does artificial gravity on smaller ships work? It seems to come and go depending on the engines, which is... odd.


I have a question for the book readers: I know that
Ceres has artificial gravity due to humans artificially spinning the planetoid
, but how does artificial gravity on smaller ships work? It seems to come and go depending on the engines, which is... odd.

When the engines are on, the ship accelerates. Just as you are pinned back in your car seat when that accelerates, everything inside the ship is held "down". Half way through a voyage, the ship spins 180° (during which everything floats around) and then deccelerates at the same rate to provide gravity again.

This explains why the Rocci has so many staircases - the arrangement is like a skyscraper with a rocket on the bottom, rather than the traditional scifi arrangement of a naval vessle with engines on the back.


I have a question for the book readers: I know that
Ceres has artificial gravity due to humans artificially spinning the planetoid
, but how does artificial gravity on smaller ships work? It seems to come and go depending on the engines, which is... odd.

Not really spoiler but I'll tag it just in case
There is no real "artificial gravity" on the ships. There's only really acceleration, as in they accelerate at (in the books) mostly 0.3G (which would give same perceived gravity as on Ceres with it's spin, minus the coriolis effect). Whenever they're "stationary" or drifting at a constant speed, they have magboots (you can actually hear this in the show, the click of the boots when they walk).

Some info about the technical side of the ships in the Expanse (bookwise), so not really spoilers, but anyway.
Though, since the propulsion of the ships in this world is virtually free (only needs ejection mass in the form of water iirc), they usually, again in the book, are at constant acceleration whenever they're travelling from point A to B (halfway acceleration, halfway deceleration, resulting in a constant perceived gravity for almost the duration of the trip)


yup, there is nothing odd about it
seats need to be adjusted accordingly, you are pressed into them
the faster the ship goes, the higher the gravity, for very fast speeds the people in the ship need to inject some fluid so they can survive the high gravity, this is shown in the first episode I think


yup, there is nothing odd about it
seats need to be adjusted accordingly, you are pressed into them
the faster the ship goes, the higher the gravity, for very fast speeds the people in the ship need to inject some fluid so they can survive the high gravity, this is shown in the first episode I think

This is a thing that annoyed me about the show. The seats look like any old sci-fi type seats. Where's the gimbal? I always imagined them as being more suspended, so that they can adjust in any and all directions. They look way to stationary imo. Also more like beds.


Honestly I imagined the ships layout differently, with the gravity through acceleration in mind I thought the ships are built like towers basically, with many floors and the pilot on the top
they way the rocinante is built in the show, there is no way to walk around there when the ship is moving, they always need to be strapped in
if I understood all that correctly


Honestly I imagined the ships layout differently, with the gravity through acceleration in mind I thought the ships are built like towers basically, with many floors and the pilot on the top
they way the rocinante is built in the show, there is no way to walk around there when the ship is moving, they always need to be strapped in
if I understood all that correctly

No, you misunderstood. That *is* how the ships are laid out. The main set for the Rocci happens to be the top floor, but that staircase goes down and down again - there's storage and engine rooms etc. There's no need for the pilot to sit "on top" though. Windows on a warship make no sense at all.

They only need to get strapped in when making hard course alterations. In those cases, the acceleration is much higher - too high to walk around in, so they need to sit down for it.


Having enjoyed the series from the outset I was considering starting the books but feared ruining the show for myself.

But then I discovered I actually have a copy of the first book already - it was included with an ebook copy of The Dragon's Path by Abraham that I bought on a lark because it was stupid cheap sometime back and then promptly forgot about.

I guess I know what I'm doing today!


No, you misunderstood. That *is* how the ships are laid out. The main set for the Rocci happens to be the top floor, but that staircase goes down and down again - there's storage and engine rooms etc. There's no need for the pilot to sit "on top" though. Windows on a warship make no sense at all.

Oh really?
Yeah I got that wrong in that case, but the pilot IS on top floor in this case, isnt he?
but yes, he does not need to be.
I did not realize that the other rooms are below and not next to that command room


but yes, he does not need to be.

In fact, it makes the most sense for the pilot and command area to be at the center of gravity of the ship so that when it rotates, the sideways acceleration effects are lessened. I think the Rocci's "top deck" is too far forward to be realistic in this way. ( >:-# pre-order cancelled!)


the faster the ship goes, the higher the gravity, for very fast speeds the people in the ship need to inject some fluid so they can survive the high gravity, this is shown in the first episode I think

What's the reasoning behind the injections here? That one terrorist killed himself by avoiding it.


What's the reasoning behind the injections here? That one terrorist killed himself by avoiding it.

The 'juice' injects you with drugs to keep your system from failing under the pressures of high G. Also keeps people conscious so they can continue their duties on the ships, albeit in considerable pain


The 'juice' injects you with drugs to keep your system from failing under the pressures of high G. Also keeps people conscious so they can continue their duties on the ships, albeit in considerable pain

There's got to be a better way! Is the "acceleration tank" another hand-wavy scifi solution to the problem or something with real science behind it?
When the engines are on, the ship accelerates. Just as you are pinned back in your car seat when that accelerates, everything inside the ship is held "down". Half way through a voyage, the ship spins 180° (during which everything floats around) and then deccelerates at the same rate to provide gravity again.

This explains why the Rocci has so many staircases - the arrangement is like a skyscraper with a rocket on the bottom, rather than the traditional scifi arrangement of a naval vessle with engines on the back.

Whoa, never noticed this (or thought about it until now). That's pretty cool.


That's how it normally is for TV shows.
Unless it's Doctor Who of course.

You could always buy the books.

Eeeeeeh. I wouldn't quite say that. Network shows that get full seasons usually end in the spring and restart in the fall. Cable shows, yes absolutely, generally have shorter seasons that air without interruption, so the time between seasons is closer to a year.


Eeeeeeh. I wouldn't quite say that. Network shows that get full seasons usually end in the spring and restart in the fall. Cable shows, yes absolutely, generally have shorter seasons that air without interruption, so the time between seasons is closer to a year.
Yeah I meant cable shows.
The 'juice' injects you with drugs to keep your system from failing under the pressures of high G. Also keeps people conscious so they can continue their duties on the ships, albeit in considerable pain

Yep, when they first make the escape in the Roci and Alex was sedated he juices up hard. He goes from groggy to coked out in seconds flat.

There's got to be a better way! Is the "acceleration tank" another hand-wavy scifi solution to the problem or something with real science behind it?

It's not hand-wavy it's an actual thing.

Combine that with a gimbaled "bed" that lines up to be perpendicular to direction of acceleration so that blood doesn't pool at the head or legs and you can take quite high sustained Gs.

Technical but not plot book talk:
I think the max sustained G they've run in the show was 15-18, and it was really bad news even for Earthers. I think the max a belter can take without injury is about 3, and maybe 5 starts to kill them.
I think we decided that this thread can act as both, I don't think there is enough interest to support two threads. Just be sure to spoiler tag with the book name so book readers not up to 5 don't click. I'm on the 5th book myself and would be happy to talk about them too!

Cool! SPOILERS FOR BOOK 5 - NEMESIS GAMES (general spoilers, not particulars)
How do you feel about how the book is set up, with the team members going their separate ways? I'm not sure how I feel about it. I don't know where you are in the book so I won't say anything more than that, haha.


Cool! SPOILERS FOR BOOK 5 - NEMESIS GAMES (general spoilers, not particulars)
How do you feel about how the book is set up, with the team members going their separate ways? I'm not sure how I feel about it. I don't know where you are in the book so I won't say anything more than that, haha.

Book 5 Spoilers:
After the failure that was Cibola Burn, where the shit was really supposed to hit the fan and minds were meant to be blown, but turned out to be boring garbage, I think it was a great idea to take a step back and not only focus completely on our solar system but also on the 4 main characters, I think it was a lot better than both cibola burn and abaddon's gate. I was ready to drop the series but luckily I read on GAF that it was apparently good again and I am glad I gave it a chance, I have now again some hope for this series


I have a question for the book readers: I know that
Ceres has artificial gravity due to humans artificially spinning the planetoid
, but how does artificial gravity on smaller ships work? It seems to come and go depending on the engines, which is... odd.

It's not odd, that's just how the reality works. :) Standing on a flat surface with "gravity" pushing downward can be achieved in 3 different ways:

Mass - lots of mass bends space-time continuum and creates gravity force that pushes toward the center of mass [and slows down time a bit with non-superlarge objects, time ticks a bit differently on the surface on Earth than in the deep space]

Spin - Spinning pushes bits of mass outward from the center point of spin.

Thrust - Pushing something makes that thing push back. Engines push the ship, everything inside that ship wants to "not move" so it is pushed toward the engines.

All of that is described in the book.

Cool! SPOILERS FOR BOOK 5 - NEMESIS GAMES (general spoilers, not particulars)
How do you feel about how the book is set up, with the team members going their separate ways? I'm not sure how I feel about it. I don't know where you are in the book so I won't say anything more than that, haha.

Book writers were clear on their approach of storytelling. Two books make one story arc. Book 1 and 2 are very closely connected, so were 3 and 4. Five and six will also be very close, so don't worry. By the end of six, I expect good end for all current mini arcs.


Cool! SPOILERS FOR BOOK 5 - NEMESIS GAMES (general spoilers, not particulars)
How do you feel about how the book is set up, with the team members going their separate ways? I'm not sure how I feel about it. I don't know where you are in the book so I won't say anything more than that, haha.

book spoilers here, beware, all books, speculation on future books. You've been warned!

Book 3 has so far easily been my least favorite, followed by book 5. And it has to do with one particular character, Clarissa. At the end of book 3 I got the feeling she would somehow end up joining the crew, and in book 5 it really is getting hammered. And that pisses me off, she's not redeemable in any way, she tried to kill the crew, I can see Amos being friendly with her, he's a sociopath after all, but no way the rest of the crew would (or should) accept her.

I didn't mind the structure with the team going separate ways though.

And I actually enjoyed Cibola Burn.

I wrote a "review" of book 5 in one of the "What are you reading?" threads, where I sum up my views on it:


Finally had the chance to watch to past episode 5. All I can say is this is an incredible show. Last time i saw scifi (space opera) on television at this level was Battlestar...and this show is better in a lot of ways. Excited to watch the rest of the first season.

EDIT: The moment i fell in love was
when the ship's lights dimmed when they spun up the rail guns...looked at my friend and couldn't believe they got a detail like that correct
Finished the series last week and then started the book. Half way through now and almost caught up to where the show left off.
much prefer the book pacing where miller is with them on the anubis

Going to power through the books, I can tell


Finally had the chance to watch to past episode 5. All I can say is this is an incredible show. Last time i saw scifi (space opera) on television at this level was Battlestar...and this show is better in a lot of ways. Excited to watch the rest of the first season.

EDIT: The moment i fell in love was
when the ship's lights dimmed when they spun up the rail guns...looked at my friend and couldn't believe they got a detail like that correct

no need to spoiler tag stuff that's been on the show. Only book discussion needs to be spoiler tagged.

Anyway, apparently Wikia did an intervju with Ty Franck and Daniel Abraham (James SA Corey), watched one of the videos and didn't notice any spoilery discussions,.

The playlist will the 3 videos for anyone interested:


Please do not let me serve on a jury. I am actually a crazy person.
It's pretty weird they cut the book 1 finale. There's what, 20 pages missing?

I have a question for the book readers: I know that
Ceres has artificial gravity due to humans artificially spinning the planetoid
, but how does artificial gravity on smaller ships work? It seems to come and go depending on the engines, which is... odd.

Ships are 'aligned' to their drive, and the ship accelerates continuously during travel.
At travel half-point, the ship flips, and decelerates.
Either way, the engine is keeping a 1g accel on the ship at all times, except during flips and combat manoeuvres.


It's pretty weird they cut the book 1 finale. There's what, 20 pages missing?

Wut? They have 1/4-1/3 of the book1 left to tell.
Attack on Toth station, dissolution of Miller/Holden teamup, return to Eros and ending clusterfuck when protomolecule "leviathan wakes"

Either way, the engine is keeping a 1g accel on the ship at all times, except during flips and combat manoeuvres.

Actually in the books 1g is pretty rare during regular travel because that gravity actually hurts belters. 1/3g is more widely used.


Please do not let me serve on a jury. I am actually a crazy person.
Wut? They have 1/4-1/3 of the book1 left to tell.
Attack on Toth station, dissolution of Miller/Holden teamup, return to Eros and ending clusterfuck when protomolecule "leviathan wakes"
Uh, it was that much? I saw Miller on the ship and thought the endgame was there. Welp.

It's nearly not enough to stretch S2 over, though - so they're doing like, half of caliban's war?
mid-season is going to be strange though.

Actually in the books 1g is pretty rare during regular travel because that gravity actually hurts belters. 1/3g is more widely used.

Well, yes. Was just for clarity. (i think it's 2/3rd, though - i remember the phrase "A leisurely 0.6g")


Oh man, I can't wait to see (Season 2 spoilers)
Bobbie. They need to nail that character and the power armor, or I'll be disappointed. lol


Wut? They have 1/4-1/3 of the book1 left to tell.
Attack on Toth station, dissolution of Miller/Holden teamup, return to Eros and ending clusterfuck when protomolecule "leviathan wakes"

Yeah there's quite a bit left of book 1, if they do it all, they have:
Book 1 spoilers:
Go to Tycho, hang around Tycho, go to Thoth, go back to Tycho, refit the Navoo, go to Eros, have the Navoo miss, Miller gets on Eros, Holden plays with the UN, UN tries to nuke Eros, OPA steals the nukes, Eros crashes on Venus.

And I'm sure they'll have more UN stuff we didn't see in the book. So there's plenty of content to do. I don't imagine we will see much of book 2. That'll be season 3. Hopefully we'll get a season 3.
Also bought the book after checking the show out. Now on chapter 36 of book1
Expected the stuff to be alien but damn, phoebe being a weapon with this virus being the payload and it meant to hit earth billions of years ago! Now Earth attacking mars! Can't believe Holden broadcasting all this info all the time though :/
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