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The Fifth Element is returning to theaters in 4K

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Thanks. Just grabbed 3 tickets at my local AMC. Always loved this movie. Going to take my daughter so I hope she loves it as much as I did my first time seeing it. If not, I'm cutting her off my will.
US only??



Do I win a prize for talking about my penis on the Internet???
Somehow my wife has never seen this movie...yeah we're fucking going to see this.


How anyone could dislike the performance of Chris Tucker in this is beyond me. He's super green in this.

I have no 4k equipment at all, and I'm tempted to get the UHD bluray. Soooo envious of you fuckers for being able to watch this again in your fancy shmancy 4k cinemas. Dammit.
How are they going to do HDR on UHD if they only have access to low-contrast prints?

I assumed if they have access to a master that allows them to restore a 4K remaster, then it has to be on film. AFAIK film should have a higher dynamic range than what was possible to show in SDR. At least that's how I understood the restoration process of older movies for UHD with HDR.


I think that The Fifth Element is a terrible piece of trash.

My best friend thinks this movie is "the greatest science fiction movie ever made" (excluding the Star Wars series).

More frequently than you'd think, this topic comes up in heated discussions. We often see movies together, and as we are walking out of the theater he will bait me by saying something like "I thought that was really good, but not as good as The Fifth Element." Often our discussions on this matter end up with me rattling off science-fiction movies that are very obviously better than The Fifth Element, and him scoffing over my picks.

He frequently holds my hatred of the film up as an example of my stuffy snobbery, and I point to his exaltation of the film as an example of his lack of taste and poor perspective.

I think we're going to have to see this together in 4K. It's a shame that we will have to pay FathomEvents ticket prices.


I tried the link in OP on my phone and it doesn't show anything about the movie. I also searched for it on the site and nothing (on phone too). I'm I doing something wrong... I do that a lot.
It took about 4 watches to finally get past all the French in this movie where I finally appreciate what it was trying to be, which was a French Heavy Metal sci fi comic book movie.


Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
I assumed if they have access to a master that allows them to restore a 4K remaster, then it has to be on film. AFAIK film should have a higher dynamic range than what was possible to show in SDR. At least that's how I understood the restoration process of older movies for UHD with HDR.

That's usually done from the camera negative. Someone was saying that Sony doesn't have access to it. Unless Sony didn't do this transfer?
my goodness that temp boxart

They should reuse the taxibox dvd for the 4K restoration, it even opens up from the middle:


It took about 4 watches to finally get past all the French in this movie where I finally appreciate what it was trying to be, which was a French Heavy Metal sci fi comic book movie.

Well, the Metal Hurlant Chronicles are originally french (Heavy Metal is the english localized version)
don't most theaters only project in up to 2K though?

give me Blade Runner and/or 2001 though and i'll run people over to see it.

edit: nevermind, looks like it's just a special event at a location.


helped a brotha out on multiple separate occasions!
She's even stunning while pissed off.

.....why though?
IIRC, she was doing some live interview in France and the interviewer asked her about her dad going to jail and she blew up on him and walked out. I wanna say she had specifically asked for this subject not to be brought up, but I don't remember.
I didn't know this film was loved by so many people.
I hated it back in the day and still think it sucks at each and every level.
I'd say 65mm would be the closest analogue to 4k. Seeing a 65mm print in the cinema is truly eye-popping (see: Kenneth Branagh's Hamlet).

There is nothing better in this world than a brand new spanking 70mm print. Need a proper projectionist so they won't get it blurry, but when it's projected right. And that sound. Amazing. I think Imax, even the 70mm prints actually use digital sound.

Well, I am someone who just likes the movie quite a bit. I don't worship or have the same nostalgia for it that everyone else does. French Hollywood movies usually rub me the wrong way, with their weird euro trashy fashion and dialogue full of English cliches. But there's too much awesome stuff in Fifth Element too dislike the movie. A very cool movie, that any comic book lover probably cannot help but love.

Things like Chris Tucker and I guess I am the only one, the Alien Opera scene, still annoy and grate me. It does seem you either love or hate this movie.
I love this movie!
Great characters, visuals, story. I also find it very interesting that the hero and the villain never even have a single interaction.

Really too bad this return to theatres seems to be a US only thing.
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