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The Flash S2 |OT2| Jays of Future Past - Tuesdays 8/7c

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This was such a struggle episode. Like what does Team Flash suddenly have a code of honor that they strictly adhere to even when facing their worst enemies?!


Oh look GAF is turning on The Flash as well.


You do realize that was a story told by Jay/Hunter right? So it's not real at all. Not hard man. I mean he literally said he paraded as the hero to give them hope so he can take it.

I don't think you know what being salty actually means.

This episode was overly complicated and stretched the believability of stupidity from it's characters to Legends of Tomorrow levels. That's hard in a show which successfully portrayed a giant shark man.


Jays of Future Past is the most fitting title for this show now more than anything else.


Is it

Who else?

You do realize that was a story told by Jay/Hunter right? So it's not real at all. Not hard man. I mean he literally said he paraded as the hero to give them hope so he can take it.

It wasn't just a story, we were shown it. It's a bit different to have a character lie, but it was presented to the audience as truth.

This was such a struggle episode. Like what does Team Flash suddenly have a code of honor that they strictly adhere to even when facing their worst enemies?!

Especially when it's well established that Earth-2 lives don't matter.


Everything was going so well up until Zoom was caught, then the show sought out to be the worst Flash episode it could be in the shortest time frame.
It wasn't just a story, we were shown it. It's a bit different to have a character lie, but it was presented to the audience as truth.

So what we were show it. It still doesn't make it valid just because it was visual representation. Young Hunter was still telling us the story


So what we were show it. It still doesn't make it valid just because it was visual representation. Young Hunter was still telling us the story

Because most shows don't outright show you lies presented as the truth (or they do it more than once). Especially since other flashbacks to Earth-2 were true. It's a bad way to do it, especially when we aren't aware it's a lie for something like five months.

Yeah they dedicated time to the show to make a point that he was a liar. It was pretty clear and cut.

Don't defend this mess.


Oh look GAF is turning on The Flash as well.


You do realize that was a story told by Jay/Hunter right? So it's not real at all. Not hard man. I mean he literally said he paraded as the hero to give them hope so he can take it.

But, as ZeroX03 said, we were actually shown it, and their battles were public on Earth-2. Harrison should not have been confused who Zolomon was, unless you want me to believe that a beard and some long hair was enough to fool Wells and everyone on Earth-2


Ok so I don't read any comics so can someone explain to me why people are upset about Zoom's character?

Jay Garrick is a very different, much better character in the comics.
Zoom / Hunter Zolomon is a very different, much better character in the comics.
The two of them also aren't related in any way.

I'm totally for them changing character stories if it does something new, interesting or straight up better than the comics. Eobard was an improvement. But this time they took the original Flash, made him a chump and a liar and they took Hunter Zolomon, a villain with an interesting motive and terrifying demeanor and turned him into a speed addict serial killer.
Tbh They didn't even have to worry about Zoom, he was gonna die anyways.

This entire episode is pointless and stupid because they wanna be extra proactive.

Well yeah. Now that you think about it, how is forcing a dying murderous speedster into your reality with everyone you love a logical thing to do? Almost as dumb as Barry deciding to time travel at the risk of the universe. I realize we have to have risks because of plot, but it takes you out of it every time Barry just irresponsibly throws caution to the wind and it blows up in his face. Just because the other characters tell him flat out it's a terrible idea doesn't make it okay.


Because most shows don't outright show you lies presented as the truth (or they do it more than once). It's a bad way to do it, especially when we aren't aware it's a lie for something like five months.

Don't defend this mess.
I'm not defending it, just saying how things were. The scene where he tells Caitlyn that he was lying the entire time is to establish partially that he is an unreliable narrator. The only times we have seen flashbacks of Jay were told through the eyes of Wells, and that was only what, once? There's a million other things to complain about, this isn't one of them.
But, as ZeroX03 said, we were actually shown it, and their battles were public on Earth-2. Harrison should not have been confused who Zolomon was, unless you want me to believe that a beard and some long hair was enough to Wells and everyone on Earth-2

There's a lot of other weirdness in the episode, but it's this that kinda stands out the most to me.

I can forgive the time travel fuckery, and the fact Team Flash are honor-bound to be idiots, but the idea that Jay ran around for years as the Flash and no one recognized the face of a 23-count serial killer is just... dumb.
They could still salvage this mess if the man in the iron mask is the real Jay Garrick. And not Hunter's dad or Earth 2 Eobard or something equally stupid.
There's a lot of other weirdness in the episode, but it's this that kinda stands out the most to me.

I can forgive the time travel fuckery, and the fact Team Flash are honor-bound to be idiots, but the idea that Jay ran around for years as the Flash and no one recognized the face of a 23-count serial killer is just... dumb.
Even more so when Wells explicitly says that serial killers are rare so Zolomon's case was very publicized

Mory Dunz

Well, I was about to post but it seems everything has been covered.

That was pretty...absolutely horrible

I mean seriously! He gives you Wally and you still give him the speedforce because....?...?...!? Code of honor nonsense.

That was probably the worst part. I mean, what did they think Zoom was gonna do?

And how did Zoom get back to Earth 1? He obviously couldn't do it by himself before. Did Cisco leave that breach open or something? They didn't specify.

If Zoom and Jay were separate, how does zoom know Caitlyn?
Wells didn't recognize that instantly recognizable face?
Shouldn't killing Jay kill zoom?

man, i can't even...
Because most shows don't outright show you lies presented as the truth (or they do it more than once). Especially since other flashbacks to Earth-2 were true. It's a bad way to do it, especially when we aren't aware it's a lie for something like five months.

Ummm wow okay then


I'm not defending it, just saying how things were. The scene where he tells Caitlyn that he was lying the entire time is to establish partially that he is an unreliable narrator. The only times we have seen flashbacks of Jay were told through the eyes of Wells, and that was only what, once? There's a million other things to complain about, this isn't one of them.

It's just bad storytelling. A show that has plenty of flashbacks, and cuts to Earth-2 (that episode ends on a scene in Earth-2). There was no reason to show us a lie presented in a method that was always used to show us true events. If they'd done it multiple times, that'd be a little more justified because it sets a pattern. But every other time it's been true. And then they don't establish it's a lie for 16 episodes.

Of course we don't even see what really happens. That Zoom was acting as Jay makes no sense, they didn't justify it other than "rip hope away". Silly silly silly. And then the serial killer Wells knows by name but apparently can't recognize.

This is exactly how Olicity started. Just have them be with who they're supposed to be and stop all the drama.

Olicity is better than Laurel and Oliver ever was. They followed the chemistry. It's fine to do that, Olicity drama is the problem. Few people have issues with them when they're getting along fine.

Ummm wow okay then

Okay I have a few questions because I'm really confused.

Who did Hunter Zolomon Kill? Was it Earth 2 Jay or another Version of Hunter Zolomon?

Also who do you guys think is in the Mask? Is it someone we know (
I think it's Earth-2 Wally
) or someone not introduced?
Reading how you guys are reacting shows me how much of a better approach I have of watching these show. Maybe it's because I'm not a true comic head( I grew up on pretty much all the shows and cartoons based on the comics).


this show is always stupid but sometimes its too much

like that ep where barry goes back to the past and says "fuck ill ignore sound advice about repercussions and just wing it"

that one skirted the line pretty hard but sometimes you get a miss


Everything was going so well up until Zoom was caught, then the show sought out to be the worst Flash episode it could be in the shortest time frame.

Yeah. Just a terrible ending to that episode. So stupid.

They're going to have Jay, Iron Mask one, give up his speed to Barry probably.


Reading how you guys are reacting shows me how much of a better approach I have of watching these show. Maybe it's because I'm not a true comic head( I grew up on pretty much all the shows and cartoons based on the comics).

You're right, you're totally better than us for being able to ignore poor story telling.
I totally do it for Arrow, makes it much easier to swallow.

What if the man in the mask is Alan Scott Green Lantern


Wait what...?

Wow this is fucking confusing



I hate how Jay Garrick is nothing.

I don't mind Zoom's origin but I didn't like he was so triggered over every little thing.

Episode wasn't the best but it's not as bad as you guys make it out to be.


Reading how you guys are reacting shows me how much of a better approach I have of watching these show. Maybe it's because I'm not a true comic head( I grew up on pretty much all the shows and cartoons based on the comics).

I don't get what you're saying. The problem with what just happened has nothing to do with a comic book.


Olicity is better than Laurel and Oliver ever was. They followed the chemistry. It's fine to do that, Olicity drama is the problem. Few people have issues with them when they're getting along fine.

I disagree honestly. I have yet to see a scene of Felicity and Oliver together that's even half way decent compared to this or even this.


I don't get what you're saying. The problem with what just happened has nothing to do with a comic book.
We will get more posts similar to this. Same thing happened with Arrow. "Lol I don't care about comics and you're canon, I'm enjoying the show lol stay salty nerds" even when people have major gripes over the story telling and presentation. From Arrow, to Supergirl, back to Flash, Legends is the only DC show to have an okay episode recently, while Gotham is running laps around everyone else.


Reading how you guys are reacting shows me how much of a better approach I have of watching these show. Maybe it's because I'm not a true comic head( I grew up on pretty much all the shows and cartoons based on the comics).
There's a lot I'm willing to let slide but A) Barry simply giving Zoom his speed and B) Wells not even recognizing that Hunter and Jay have the same face is blatantly lazy writing. The latter is so obviously terrible that it makes me believe Zoom is lying through his teeth about something.
I hate how Jay Garrick is nothing.

I don't mind Zoom's origin but I didn't like he was so triggered over every little thing.

Episode wasn't the best but it's not as bad as you guys make it out to be.


There's a lot I'm willing to let slide but A) Barry simply giving Zoom his speed and B) Wells not even recognizing that Hunter and Jay have the same face is blatantly lazy writing. It's so obviously terrible that it makes me believe Zoom is lying through his teeth about something.
Don't get me wrong those were bad but it didn't break the episode or anything.

The Light

This was such a struggle episode. Like what does Team Flash suddenly have a code of honor that they strictly adhere to even when facing their worst enemies?!

Apparently they're low enough to taunt him with memories of his parents but not as low to renege on a deal as that would be crossing the line.
Reading how you guys are reacting shows me how much of a better approach I have of watching these show. Maybe it's because I'm not a true comic head( I grew up on pretty much all the shows and cartoons based on the comics).

Avatar quote

These were the worst episodes of flash and arrow. Jay being in the man in the mask could save it because right now we are supposed to assume Hunter was good Jay or there was no good Jay. He went back in time to get another Jay to fight and then kill him. At least if it was an Earth 1 Jay it would make sense.

Mory Dunz

Reading how you guys are reacting shows me how much of a better approach I have of watching these show. Maybe it's because I'm not a true comic head( I grew up on pretty much all the shows and cartoons based on the comics).

Forget everyone attacking you, I want to hear about this approach that makes Season 2 Episode 18 make sense.

The Hermit

Well, first Arrow, then Legends...

It was supposed to happen guys, there's no way The Flash wouldn't shit its bed. Lets hope they fix it quicly
I hate how Jay Garrick is nothing.

I don't mind Zoom's origin but I didn't like he was so triggered over every little thing.

Episode wasn't the best but it's not as bad as you guys make it out to be.

Yea I was disappointed by the fake Jay. Zoom planned a shitload of stuff early on. Played everyone, even himself lol.

He loved every second of his lies. Zoom is straight up legit crazy until his past self's emotions came out for Caitlyn.

I'm thinking masked man is Jay Garrick and all his powers were drained by Hunter Zolomon. The reason why he got so upset when Barry spoke of Jay was that he was Jay and Zoom is not Jay.
Oh yes just continue to ignore the legitimate gripes people have and mock them instead. Genius idea there mate.

I mean we it's legitimate GAF overreacting. I mean it was inevitable that Flash-GAF was gonna turn on the show. I'm just glad I wasn't around during the Smallville days.


We will get more posts similar to this. Same thing happened with Arrow. "Lol I don't care about comics and you're canon, I'm enjoying the show lol stay salty nerds" even when people have major gripes over the story telling and presentation. From Arrow, to Supergirl, back to Flash, Legends is the only DC show to have an okay episode recently, while Gotham is running laps around everyone else.

Oh lord. I dropped that show after S1, but are things now so bad that Gotham is considered the best of the bunch?!
Yea I was disappointed by the fake Jay. Zoom planned a shitload of stuff early on. Played everyone, even himself lol.

He loved every second of his lies. Zoom is straight up legit crazy until his past self's emotions came out for Caitlyn.

I'm thinking masked man is Jay Garrick and all his powers were drained by Hunter Zolomon. The reason why he got so upset when Barry spoke of Jay was that he was Jay and Zoom is not Jay.

I really hope that isn't the case and they actually surprise us.


I mean we it's legitimate GAF overreacting. I mean it was inevitable that Flash-GAF was gonna turn on the show. I'm just glad I wasn't around during the Smallville days.
You're literally just dismissing it as overreacting. You're not making an argument at all.

Oh lord. I dropped that show after S1, but are things now so bad that Gotham is considered the best of the bunch?!
Gotham has been baller since the second half of S1
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