Sword Impulse when?
Also, did they ever release the Launcher/Sword Striker packs for the HGCE Aile Strike Gundam? Or do the ones that come with the old HG Strike kits or the Perfect Strike work?
HG Perfect Strike said:
HGCE Aile Strike said:
I am ready to build my first two models.
I am ready to build my first two models.
I am ready to build my first two models.
What time slot does it have?IBO airs on Toonami tonight.
Wish I had cable or satellite, I wouldn't mind watching it again dubbed.
What time slot does it have?
What time slot does it have?
Oh god I should try watching both.It's midnight, right before HxH here.
Can someone save Banagher please, I can't handle him like this. Its too sad, too pitiful. I miss him being, well him.
Guys... Meet Jim!
I must be too used to the Japanese voices in IBO, because the English ones all sound a little awkward. A lot of them are voice actors I like, but they just don't sound right except for the adult characters and they aren't important. I also noticed a lot of the lazy animation that I missed before. The fight scenes were still great though.
Dude Audrey jumped out of a moving plane with no parachute to get out of dealing with Riddhe she wants nothing to do with his creeper ass.MOBILE SUIT GUNDAM UNICORN RE:0096 Episode 10 From the Scorching Earth
Can someone save Banagher please, I can't handle him like this. Its too sad, too pitiful. I miss him being, well him.
Riddhe too, and poor dealings with Audrey, how can she avoid him like that.
Actually sad episode for everyone, I just hopeMarida wont be changed too much now that she was reprogrammed? Banagher can set her free I hope, unless he loses himself to NTD.
Guys... Meet Jim!
Dude Audrey jumped out of a moving plane with no parachute to get out of dealing with Riddhe she wants nothing to do with his creeper ass.
Dude Audrey jumped out of a moving plane with no parachute to get out of dealing with Riddhe she wants nothing to do with his creeper ass.
The anti-Riddhe brigade SMH.
What other kind of Riddhe Brigade is there?The anti-Riddhe brigade SMH.
What other kind of Riddhe Brigade is there?
Great way to sound like a righteous butt head.Riddhe apologists, and the "Riddhe is cool so far in the 3-5 episodes I've watched, he has the best Mobile Suits too" squad.
Riddhe is many things but at least he's more likeable than Lynn Kaifun.Great way to sound like a righteous butt head.
Seriously though Riddhe can't be mentioned with out some one on Gaf screaming about how much they hate Riddhe. Granted I do like the character but at this point it's old.
This is nearing levels the old UC Vs AU of just saying it to cause a scene. Unicorn is old enough now that we really should be moving on from Fuck Riddhe to opinions on the show both positive and negative (for which Riddhe can certainly be) but far to often it comes down to people getting pissed tower what he did to their Waifu and simply saying Fuck Riddhe.
At this point only I ever say anything positive about the character because the second he comes up its usually a list of four or five people yelling fuck Riddhe.
Given how much greatness that Unicorn has its sad that so much of the talk of the show gets drown out by haters of Riddhe.
Riddhe apologists, and the "Riddhe is cool so far in the 3-5 episodes I've watched, he has the best Mobile Suits too" squad.
Oh there are character far far worse then Riddhe and I even like some of them *Dorothy Catalonia* but I get the faults with him.Riddhe is many things but at least he's more likeable than Lynn Kaifun.
And yeah he had the best mobile suitBanshee Norn
Dorothy's not even that bad. She's bat shit, but she's fun bat shit. You ever see the original Macross by any chance? Few characters are on the level of "fuck this dude" like Lynn Kaifun is.Oh there are character far far worse then Riddhe and I even like some of them *Dorothy Catalonia* but I get the faults with him.
It can just be hard when its litteraly a wall of Fuck Riddhe lol.
Fuck Riddhe. His own fault for going manic pixie dream girl on Audrey.
Nope.Dorothy's not even that bad. She's bat shit, but she's fun bat shit. You ever see the original Macross by any chance? Few characters are on the level of "fuck this dude" like Lynn Kaifun is.
OG Macross is excellent and I like Frontier as well. Macross 7 is...well...um...it takes some getting used to. I ended up liking it a lot, but Basara is not my favorite character, that and you can't watch Macross 7 without seeing the first show cause there are some definite character hold overs from the original show.Nope.
I've only seen Macross Plus.
I want to watch 7 and Zero but right now I'm doing RWBY and looking into Might Gain.
I feel a lot of hate is directed against him becausehe killed everyone's favorite waifu who just got a silly scene before. They should have known that such a scene usually signs a character's death. Riddhe was just the form the reaper took.
Pretty much. Some people also don't like that he pretty much. It also doesn't help that he exhibits Zeta worthy levels of thirst for a teenaged girl.faced no real repercussions for killing everyone's favorite waifu
Audrey was born in September 2nd,0079.
Unicorn takes place in 0096.
So she's either 17 or 18. Very much space legal. Besides, Riddhe isn't that much older.
I think it's closer to to 16-17 than 17-18, it depends on when in 96 Unicorn takes place I guess. Ride is 23(right?). It's not awful but it's still kinda creepy.
This is weird since I don't think I hate Riddhe as much as others. I don't really like him, but I don't really like anyone in Unicorn.
If Zinnerman shot that fool for his transgression all would've been right in the world.Pretty much. Some people also don't like that he pretty much. It also doesn't help that he exhibits Zeta worthy levels of thirst for a teenaged girl.faced no real repercussions for killing everyone's favorite waifu
It has Gundam cross overs so here works.Just sitting here watching Cross Ange with no idea where to post my reactions...
I tried looking for the mecha thread and couldn't find it actually. So what's the use of green magic barriers if they couldn't even stop a bullet? These people also seem pretty racist sticking a live baby in a hamster cage cause she's a "Norma." There's even a half ass Lelouche Vi Britania in this. Is this guy really plotting to rebuild his family through inbreeding with a fucking 12 year old girl? Like fucking seriously or am I misinterpreting something? And um...yeah...prison rape...can't even go into details on that one without risking a ban, thanks Cross Ange.It has Gundam cross overs so here works.
We also have a dead mecha thread.