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The Hill: Trump to overhaul visa program for high-skilled workers (H1-B visas)

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President Trump will sign an executive order on Tuesday that aims to overhaul the H1-B visa program used by tech companies to bring high-skilled workers to the U.S.

Trump will travel to a manufacturing plant in Kenosha, Wis., to sign the order, which the administration says will make it more difficult for U.S. companies to look overseas for workers to fill middle-income jobs.

At a background briefing with reporters, senior administration officials described the current H1-B visa program as a lottery system that indiscriminately hands out work visas to contracting firms that recruit low-skilled, low-wage workers to replace working-class domestic laborers.

They say a new system is needed to ensure that the program returns to its original purpose of bringing in high-skilled, high-paid workers to fill more specialized or technical roles.

The Trump administration says it believes the order will be supported by labor unions, although it will likely be met with opposition from the tech sector, which has used the H1-B program to boost its workforce.

Tech leaders and advocacy groups have long called for expanding the program, saying it’s necessary for hard-to-fill and highly specialized software and engineering positions.

The administration argued Monday that the program has become an end-around to flood the market with cheaper, unspecialized foreign laborers willing to work for below-market wages.

“The current system awards visas randomly with no regard to skill or wage,” the official said. “This will make it tougher to undercut American workers because they will no longer be replaced by workers making beneath the market wage.”


There was previous threads on H1-B visas, but since changes to the program is now a reality, I guess it's time for a new thread.
I can see the benefit of this, but it'll still suck considering how many people come to study or work in the US straight out of college intending to live and work in the US due to job opportunities here vs their home country, and are now kind of fucked. Going to affect so many coworkers.


While I doubt Trump will offer a solution that doesn't end up fucking everyone over, this is actually a legitimate issue.

GE just ended our contract in favor of hiring H-1B visa programmers from Tech Mahindra to replace us for a third of our cost. They're super unskilled and have already given themselves titles like "senior developer" and they haven't even started yet. I'd be really upset if I hadn't just accepted an offer for a better job.


Yeah keep trying to stop people from working jobs that Americans turn their nose up to..... See how that works

Americans turn their nose to high paying programming/IT jobs? I think it is more of companies hiring foreign workers for half the pay a US citizen requires/demands.


Good luck filling STEM jobs with ignorant rural shitheads who believe that getting an education is liberal.


If it's anything like the tech sector here in Australia (and I have no reason to believe it's different since it's a lot of the same companies) this is a good move.
This will be interesting. I think some overhaul could be useful here but I'd want to see specifics before deciding whether it's something to be supported or not.


Or how about they pay Liberal Americans fair wages?
I'm sure the only reason Orange mother fucking turd is doing this is because he is pissed off that the CEOs of Microsoft and Google are foreigners from india.

He is too stupid to carefully evaluate proposals, he just goes with what his racist gut tells him.


At a background briefing with reporters, senior administration officials described the current H1-B visa program as a lottery system that indiscriminately hands out work visas to contracting firms that recruit low-skilled, low-wage workers to replace working-class domestic laborers.

Errr, this doesn't seem to address what everyone in this thread is talking about unless I'm misreading something.


Junior Member
All this will do is create more Offshore teams that will keep most of that money from circulating in the US..

Its a complicated issue that 1 swish of a pen will not fix.


Errr, this doesn't seem to address what everyone in this thread is talking about unless I'm misreading something.

your problem isn't reading, but rather believing anything trump administration officials say

you can't even get an H1B for a job that doesn't require a degree. They have nothing to do with low-skilled, low-wage laborers

Requirement 2 - Your job must qualify as a specialty occupation by meeting one of the following criteria:
  • A bachelor's degree or higher degree or its equivalent is normally the minimum requirement for the particular position;
  • The degree requirement is common for this position in the industry, or the job is so complex or unique that it can only be performed by someone with at least a bachelor's degree in a field related to the position;
  • The employer normally requires a degree or its equivalent for the position; or
  • The nature of the specific duties is so specialized and complex that the knowledge required to perform the duties is usually associated with the attainment of a bachelor's or higher degree.

It is true that it is a lottery though, and the entire system desperately needs an overhaul
I'm sure the only reason Orange mother fucking turd is doing this is because he is pissed off that the CEOs of Microsoft and Google are foreigners from india.

He is too stupid to carefully evaluate proposals, he just goes with what his racist gut tells him.

You know what. I kind of buy that.

However, I have seen it myself (first hand )the hiring practices that favor the cheaper worker.

All this will do is create more Offshore teams that will keep most of that money from circulating in the US..

Its a complicated issue that 1 swish of a pen will not fix.

and this. I'm sure this will not hold permanently. Next administration could easily undo this just as fast.



This is mainly abused by tech companies to hire cheap overseas programmers

The bolded I see used very easily. Has there been any research that supports that claim? And by supports, I dont mean that it happens; but more specifically that its LITERALLY the primary and majority use for said program?

Serious question.
Maybe this is only good if he forces the STEM jobs to move to rural America so those racist drug pushers can find some meaning in their lives.


your problem isn't reading, but rather believing anything trump administration officials say

you can't even get an H1B for a job that doesn't require a degree. They have nothing to do with low-skilled, low-wage laborers

It is true that it is a lottery though, and the entire system desperately needs an overhaul

That's what I meant, sorry. I was always under the impression that H-1Bs were for high-skill laborers, which is why I was mighty confused.

Basically Trump is blatantly lying to his base, amazing.


Oh shit, this is going to hurt a lot of industries not just tech. Agriculture in Florida is about to get real pissed off.

Nevermind, got this confused with H-2A


Clothed, sober, cooperative
Well this was many moons ago. Had I known this to be the case I might have.

Also I figured it was a shitty business practice but, not inherently illegal. Interesting.

H1-b employers must make good faith efforts to find us employees and cannot offshore wages like that. Obviously some do just that but it is illegal. My company pays foreign born workers the same salaries as equivalent us employees.


This will piss off SV for sure. But the biggest abusers of H1-Bs are the contracting companies like Tata and Infosys. Can't cast too wide a net or American businesses will legit suffer.


Man, I'm really worried about this. I'm studying my Masters at Berkeley on an F-1 visa and I've taken out a substantial loan with the hope that I can stay on in the US and work here to pay off my loan.

Don't think I'll ever be able to pay off my loan if I have to move back to my home country.



Incidentally, Kenosha is Paul Ryan's district. Who wants to bet Trump's doing this there as some kind of alpha male dominance bullshit?


Junior Member
The bolded I see used very easily. Has there been any research that supports that claim? And by supports, I dont mean that it happens; but more specifically that its LITERALLY the primary and majority use for said program?

Serious question.

There are entire companies built around bringing in cheap oversees labor to American Companies..

Look up a company such as Cognizant.
Yeah there is a lot of H-1B abuse, its not direct but basically big companies outsource things to smaller companies who are the ones who go and abuse the H-1B, that way the big company can just say "hey no man we are totally clean all our jobs are american!!" and no one cares what a small 100 man outsourcing company does. Not rumor or friend-of-a-friend either, I outsourced regularly our companies QA functions to groups that brought in indian contractors (stateside) who in turn managed groups back in India. We'd get 15-25 employees for the price of a single US hire, so even with the tons of headaches and issues it still was cost effective just because of brute force - throwing people at a problem.

Of course predictably I'm sure it'll backfire in spectacular ways, but the tech industry has been using outsourced H1-B visas as a crutch for a long time to pay extremely low wages in certain IT sectors.

The American tech sector would not be able to function or exist without the importation of foreign labor.

Something has to give when your public education system is so shitty. We don't produce enough domestic high school grads or college grads that are able to to do this work

I don't think thats true at all, most of the outsourced H1-B work is not high level software or hardware engineering, its helpdesk, IT, QA, system conversions, data entry, etc. Literally any student nowadays who is literate and can use a phone/facebook can do the job, but the jobs pay $25-30k which someone can do better at as a barista at Starbucks. Plus when the job is outsourced the company doesn't have to pay a lot of taxes, doesn't have to pay medical, social security, unemployment insurance, etc.


This might actually be a good thing but we'll have to see specifics. H1-B visas are useful but the program has definitely become abused.

Trump being behind it doesn't instill me with much confidence though.


The American tech sector would not be able to function or exist without the importation of foreign labor.

Something has to give when your public education system is so shitty. We don't produce enough domestic high school grads or college grads that are able to to do this work


Junior Member
The American tech sector would not be able to function or exist without the importation of foreign labor.

Something has to give when your public education system is so shitty. We don't produce enough domestic high school grads or college grads that are able to to do this work

No a lot of the outsourcing I have seen in the industry is moving a lot of the Operational work to offshore workshops that do the job of for half the price.. Then there is the other portion of bringing in foreign contractors to do a lot of the grunt coding work, particularly when refactoring or moving a script or job from one language to another. The problem is that a lot of this coding is over complicated and lacks readability in most cases.


Will definitely lead to more outsourcing. My company is already adopting a larger focus on our global centers to do most of the client work. I hear the goal is an 80-20 split or something like that. Moves like this will accelerate stuff like this at most companies
The American tech sector would not be able to function or exist without the importation of foreign labor.

Something has to give when your public education system is so shitty. We don't produce enough domestic high school grads or college grads that are able to to do this work

That's quite a broad stroke.

Public school system is trash? I agree.

To say that college grads can't do the jobs is, I don't know, wrong? How about misinformed?


Time ta STEP IT UP
Hope he actually does something about it.

Information Technology is seen as an expense and taken for granted. Management finds ways to reduce IT to service contracts and disposable workers in an effort to reduce their bottom line. One day contractors are brought on and they shadow you to do your job, then you get laid off. Quality of work goes down, continuous improvement stops, customers become unhappy. Nobody wins except the guys getting bonuses for their 20% budget reductions lol


That's quite a broad stroke.

Public school system is trash? I agree.

To say that college grads can't do the jobs is, I don't know, wrong? How about misinformed?

I said _enough_ grads. As in, we don't send enough people to college to learn the skills.

We're vastly underutilizing 20% of our emerging potential labor workforce because they either don't graduate high school or don't finish college

Deleted member 284

Unconfirmed Member
The American tech sector would not be able to function or exist without the importation of foreign labor.

Something has to give when your public education system is so shitty. We don't produce enough domestic high school grads or college grads that are able to to do this work

Watch this lead to increased emmigration from Russia/China exclusively.


He mentioned this during his campaign, and to be frank it sounds like it's quite in need of an overhaul.

in the current system it's easy to open a job listing, throw every resume in the shredder for 60 days before starting to hire from India.

Of course the new hire is unaware of their rights and can easily be intimidated to work free overtime and cut his own salary. after all the consequence if that you fire him and call the ICE on him and his family.

This is bad for the employee and the taxpayer, the company that abuses the system is the only one who profits.
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