Cindi Mayweather
What'd you learn in your first MT class??
It was my first muay thai since my injury.What'd you learn in your first MT class??
Oh they do but my mind goes into wrestler mode.They don't have exercises to keep your hands up?
After the tourney I realized that as much as I hate cardio I need to do it more. Usually my "cardio" is BJJ and a five minute jog warm up on the treadmill at the gym before doing my routine. I didn't treat it like a Muay Thai fight. I probably should have. Next tournament I'll train the way I was trained in MT. This will include a lot of cardio. God I hate cardio.
Glad to see another experienced Muay Thai fighter here. Why'd you switch to BJJ?
Have you done any HIIT training? Thats the fun kind of cardio. The gym I go to has great equipment that I use for high intensity cardio like the sled, battle ropes, medicine balls etc. A good HIIT session can be really, really enjoyable. And it's faster than spending an hour on a treadmill or some shit
If I may be permitted a personal confession, never in the countless judo tournaments in which I have participated have I had a feeling of perfect security. I am always pursued by an uneasiness that I can only describe as fear directed toward the opponent I must encounter. When I reach the hall where the tournament is to be held, I always experience a vague sense of bleakness.
Though I cannot ascribe exact causes to the feeling, I am perfectly aware of its manifestations. The blood drains from my face, and tears well up in my eyes. I cannot carry on coherent conversations. Even when I eat nothing in the early part of the day, in the afternoon I am not hungry. I begin to have doubts abut myself: perhaps I am a coward.
The only thing for me to do is exert my best mental and technical efforts and fight to the last. After concentrating all of my attention on this idea, I assume the attitude that the imminent contest is my last one. This has always helped me to reach the point where I can wager everything on winning and losing. Put in extreme terms, my approach to judo can be summed up in the idea of one last meet.
Another great class. Can't wait for open mat tomorrow to review all I've learned! Starting to get less nervous and just excited for class these days.
Saw this Reddit post on fear and competition. It's so good.
Look at this quote:
Really makes me proud of what I accomplished. Walrus was right: I won by signing up.
Thanks to this thread I actually signed up at Balance studios here in philly. The migliarese brothers are very knowledgeable and were trained with helio and royce gracie. Best instructors I've ever had and the students are really friendly too.
Thanks to this thread I actually signed up at Balance studios here in philly. The migliarese brothers are very knowledgeable and were trained with helio and royce gracie. Best instructors I've ever had and the students are really friendly too.
1-4 SURVIVAL AND THE WHITE BELT The theme of the white belt is survival, nothing more and nothing less. After all, this is what the white belt has to do from the first day of class. He is not going to arrive in class and beat the best. He has no one to whom he can compare himself because he is still an empty vessel. Although one often takes up jiu-jitsu to learn submissions, the first lesson for the beginner is survival. Before he moves on, the white belt must become a survivor. Beyond this, the white belt is the level where I will first test a student’s insecurity and patience. There have been countless professionals who have walked into my academy beaming with confidence and strength, but when they were mounted by one of my white belts, they completely panicked. Everyone has to learn patience, starting at white belt. Eventually, by dealing with a superior power, students lose their insecurities and gains patience. This is a benefit to survival training that will last a lifetime.
Of course, I will give the white belt more weapons than just survival, but like the young man who goes to war, my first goal is for him to survive and come back to his family. He doesn’t have a lot of skill yet, but if he is smart and focuses on his defense and knowledge, he can survive. The white belt process teaches patience in situations of having to tap or in holding off the opponent. Eventually, students arrive at a crossroad where I teach this key aspect: how to change the situation to prevent having to tap out.
Helpful Survival Tips:
Always close your elbows. An open elbow is a pathway for armbars, upper body control, and poor posture.
Always prevent the cross-face control. If your opponent controls the direction of your head, he controls the direction of your entire body.
Never stay flat. A flat body is an immobile body.
1-5 SURVIVAL AND THE UPPER BELT Think back to that white belt that knows some survival. The longer he lasts, the more pressure he puts on the higher rank. This is great for the upper belt, because it forces him to move more and search for the tiniest hole in the white belt’s defensive shell. Also, the white belt is going to test the higher rank‘s accuracy because the senior student will often begin to rush through his movements as his foundation is disrupted by the white belt’s survival skills. Usually, this is the point where one should transition into an escape, but the white belt is still likely to remain in the survival position due to his inexperience and lack of transitioning skills. The upper belt will thus get to work his skills in adaptation and transition while being challenged to find new ways to submit the white belt without force or pure strength. When an upper belt visits the academy, I have a different approach to teaching survival. Schools have various ways of receiving visitors. Sometimes, the instructor takes the biggest and best students and allows them to beat down the visitor to prove their own worth in the academy. I do not believe this is the right approach, and it says nothing about the students’ abilities to protect themselves. In my school, I use the visit of an upper belt to test my students’ abilities to survive against somebody who doesn’t know about their survival skills. I want to see if they can make the visitor work really hard to find a hole to attack. In addition, I want to see if our special guest has patience and whether he is going to lose his temper or get rough with my white belts. Often enough, the visitor tries to destroy the white belt, especially when he becomes frustrated with the white belt’s defense. In this regard, I am truly happy if my white belt can just survive in the face of such an onslaught.
If the visitor becomes too rough with my students, I bring him to my world and show him what it means to survive. Now, he will have to survive against a veteran, and I will discover how his mind works when the tables are turned. Some upper belts make excuses or fake injuries and others accept their relative lack of survival skills. Regardless, the visiting upper belt, gives me the opportunity to watch him both when he is the hunter and the prey. In this way I can analyze his style to see if I want to continue to welcome this guest into the academy. If he shows kindness to the white belts, then I give him the red carpet.
Even when upper belts visit for private lessons, I instruct them in survival. My view is that I cannot change you or give you an entire new game in one private lesson, so I will focus on this most important area of jiu-jitsu. In all honesty, 99 percent of the people who come in seeking these lessons do not know how to survive. If they already understand survival, then I can go further and teach some escapes. Usually, they ask about fancy sweeps, and I tell them that this is the last thing they need. As an instructor, I will not waste my guest’s money on these techniques because his defense has got to be tight before he even considers fancy sweeps or the newest attacks. When these private lessons are over the student thanks me for showing him something that he should have learned in the beginning.
People really get into it here. It reminds me a little of crossfit TBH, or at least the love that crossfit had.
Ah, Jiu Jitsu University is so good.
All of these hard lessons took me weeks if not months to learn. The never stay flat thing especially. It's tempting to stay flat when in guard and you're being pummeled with someone's weight. You're like,"what can I possibly do??" and it feels so hard to turn on your side. But bit by bit you learn that staying on your back is the worst possible position you can be in if it's someone is on top of you. I love you BJJ. I'd give you a Valentines day card if I could.
Speaking of Ribeiro, when I get to San Diego his school is the first one I'll be looking up. I can't believe I'm moving to the mecca of BJJ and I'll have so many places to choose from.
Secondly I rolled with the guy that's bashful about rolling with women and gets an erection while rolling. While rolling he touches my boobs while we're going and it's like, whatever you know, gonna happen. But he stops and is like "oh my God I'm so sorry!" Sigh. Here comes the erection. I hope he gets used to this eventually.
Wow. I didn't think it was possible to get a hard on while rolling given the fact that, you know, you're preoccupied trying to stop people from strangling you.
About every girl in BJJ can tell you a story about some guys erection. It's weird but also not weird? Very common among white belts but hey, they happen. It's okay. It's only bad when they get weird about it. Honestly though, it shouldn't really happen exactly like why you said, hence why it really mostly happens with inexperienced white belts. I've rolled with guys I think are hot and have big muscles but I've never gone there because I'm too busy sparring.
About every girl in BJJ can tell you a story about some guys erection. It's weird but also not weird? Very common among white belts but hey, they happen. It's okay. It's only bad when they get weird about it. Honestly though, it shouldn't really happen exactly like why you said, hence why it really mostly happens with inexperienced white belts. I've rolled with guys I think are hot and have big muscles but I've never gone there because I'm too busy sparring.
You still sick?![]()
Concentrate on getting better.
I'm out for a few days. I'm not sure if I'm injured or what so we're in this together.
Everyone is different. I'm in my 40s so sprains take longer to heal. Ice it and play it by ear. Once the swelling subsides it should be safe to drill and roll but your pain tolerance will play a factor. Just be smart and don't grip with the thumb.How long is long? And you think I should tape it and go to class while it's still swollen?
Gross. Did the doc pop it like a pimple?Well I went from a sprain to an absess and now have a hole in my leg.
Kinda shocked the doctor didn't put any stiches in it.
They had to cut it open and I'm on 3 different antibiotics.Gross. Did the doc pop it like a pimple?
You're awesome Walrus. Lots of videos to chew on while at work tonight.
Lots to reply to but I'll keep this short. San Diego is indeed expensive. I'm not moving there for BJJ at all. Honestly, I might not even move there. I'm not sure what to do honestly. I want to move to attend an art school in Encinitas which is close to SD - 20 minutes to be exact. I'm currently doing online classes for them already and figure actually attending the school would step my art game up, not to mention the contacts you can get. The school is relatively cheap because it's an atelier. I'm stuck between moving there are gaining live insutriction or staying here and doing online classes and slowly building a portfolio. Either way, my destination and goal is Ca once I feel my art is to a point where I can rely on my talents, and I have been hired before, but I want the extra security by becoming something of a master of my field before trying again. I am licking my wounds so to speak. The school will help with that. The best idea would be to not live in SD directly. Escondido is close to both the school and SD and something I can afford.
Secondly I rolled with the guy that's bashful about rolling with women and gets an erection while rolling. While rolling he touches my boobs while we're going and it's like, whatever you know, gonna happen. But he stops and is like "oh my God I'm so sorry!" Sigh. Here comes the erection. I hope he gets used to this eventually.