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The history of Brazilian Jiu Jitsu is fascinating

Trained with a buddy from work who hasn't trained in years. He was surprisingly good and even caught me once. Cool rolling with "regular" people who you met elsewhere. He's probably going to get back in to it now.
Lol funny story walrus. Isn't getting an erection during a dance normal though? And erections at funerals? Weird.

What part are you having trouble with that move? Considered drilling it with your professor at open mat?


Did a lot of twisters and banana splits today.

Lots of half guard stuff.

Man the fucking gi makes things tough.
Summary of tonight:


I got smashed. I got submitted. Over. And over. By a three stripe white belt.

Partner said to me "it's a good thing you got your ego under control."

I got rekt. Wouldn't give back a single second.


Man my left foot is not having a good time. Yesterday i landed on the toe next to the pinky and it bent the wrong way and it hurts to move or touch. Today when doing a leg take downs (don't know the name of it sorry) the guy took me down and while falling his knee landed directly on my left foot. FML
Give it a few days. Get some ice and nurse that baby till you think you're fit for jiu jitsu. My thumb still isn't 100% yet but it's not bothering me much. I know that feel. Is it swollen anywhere?
Little injuries are a part of the game. Luckily, they haven't kept me off the mat and everything seems to be finally healing.

Cindi, you may have been submitted tonight but did you learn from it? Was it an issue with your posture being broken? Lack of awareness with your partner's grips?
I learned a lot from it which is why I wouldn't take back a second. One submission I had him in side control and underestimated his strength. He pushed me off, somehow got me on my back and choked the ever living day lights out of me. I thought I was going to go to sleep before I tapped out. I realized that as I transitioned from his guard I was being sloppy and didn't press his leg down with my knee enough, he used this hole to turn the tide. Basically, my defense could have been much better. We talked after and I've got everything I did wrong or didn't do in my notes for today's journal entry. Sloppy technique, poor defense got me murdered. I need to remember to concentrate on the tiny details during an intense roll.
@ I want to learn Tornado Guard but it's not an easy thing for me to hit. Getting to half guard is not the problem, but kinda getting the momentum shifted. I need to figure out how to make it work because I am missing some crucial details. / https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7afkv4ih68c

I'm not going to discourage you from doing this but if you want to have a good tornado guard, you should focus on improving your half guard first.

There are three guards:

* Closed
* Half
* Open

Things like De La Riva, Tornado guard, rubber guard, Shawn Williams etc. are all sub guards - as in, they require you to enter into them using one of the main three guards. It's an extra step. You need to have a top level half guard game to start playing something like deep half because you can't pull deep half, you have to enter into it via the half guard. Same thing with tornado guard.
Eddie Bravo bringing back Combat Jiu Jitsu for a future EBI. Previous Combat Jiu Jitsu had gloves but only allowed striking while on the ground. This new iteration has only open hand striking, which is an odd choice.
I'm not going to discourage you from doing this but if you want to have a good tornado guard, you should focus on improving your half guard first.

There are three guards:

* Closed
* Half
* Open

Things like De La Riva, Tornado guard, rubber guard, Shawn Williams etc. are all sub guards - as in, they require you to enter into them using one of the main three guards. It's an extra step. You need to have a top level half guard game to start playing something like deep half because you can't pull deep half, you have to enter into it via the half guard. Same thing with tornado guard.

That's a good point.

I'm mostly a open guard player. Probably a side effect of my passive style xD

My biggest problem from half guard are people who charge into me with bull style passes and the knee smash pass (I think it's called?).
Also one of the biggest problems I have is guys, pushing down my knee from bottom half guard. I really need to get that sorted so they don't pass so easily.
Come to think of it, I do not have a good guard retention from half guard.

I do spend a lot of time in De la Riva and reversed de la Riva but these are not conscious choices. It just sort of happens as a side effect of being lanky with long legs. Same with x-guard.

If I get into deep half I never feel comfortable. I cup the outer leg, I use his belt as a pendulum and then I use the momentum to dive under him. It sort of works most of the time but it feels unnatural. <.<

If I am in open Guard, my main tools are;
- Flower or cranby rolling as he tries to pass.
- Try for neck control and scrambling/wrestling for top by pulling his neck down
- Ankle pick if he wants to pass from standing

If I am in closed Guard;
- Scissor sweep
- Hip bump / fake kimura / Omoplata
My biggest problem from half guard are people who charge into me with bull style passes and the knee smash pass (I think it's called?).
Also one of the biggest problems I have is guys, pushing down my knee from bottom half guard. I really need to get that sorted so they don't pass so easily.
Come to think of it, I do not have a good guard retention from half guard.

Half guard is a very dynamic guard so it depends on how you want to play it. The traditional half guard where you triangle your legs around one of your opponent's legs while you hunt for the underhook (seen here is very susceptible to a lot of different counters. Knee slices, smash passes, backsteps, etc. The only guys I know who really play half guard like that are old school guys. I've had a chance to roll with Fabio Holanda, Gordo (the inventor of the half guard) and Gordhino (Gord's brother) and they play like that. They just have a very specific feel and tightness to their game that counter everything you do. Watch this match here Fabio (the guy in red) does a very good job of countering Lucas Lepri's knee slices.

Most guys today however, have a very open style of half guard. What people began to realize is that to lock down the a person's leg, you don't really need a triangle. If you look at how Cyborg plays his half guard, you'll note that he has it very open and he keeps the knee in front of the opponent's chest or arm and he'll move it around based on what his opponent does. This opens him up to enter into deep half or tornado guard. If he needs to triangle his legs, he'll do so. The knee in front of his opponent's chest acts as a natural barrier to knee slices and since he plays so open, he doesn't telegraph what he'll do next. He can switch to butterfly, enter to deep half or invert to tornado.

The key to the modern half guard is to have the ability to switch from one type of guard to another. That's why the modern half is probably the most difficult guard to learn. At every position you're in, there is so much potential for error.
I love half guard, both on top and on bottom.

I remember a black belt instructor who would do nothing but get on his back, use a bruising lockdown, then he would choke us out using an Ezekiel, a loop choke variation, or a guillotine. I use to think he had this magic strength pulling off these chokes from bottom position until I learned his chokes and the lockdown.
How many of you train in Muay Thai while doing BJJ? What are your weekly schedules looking like?

Quit Muay. Wanted an art where you spar, found BJJ.

Schedule is:

Sunday - open mat
Monday - strength training
Tuesday - bjj fundamentals
Wednesday - strength training
Thursday - bjj
Friday - rest
Saturday - bjj

I want abs like Angelica. Getting close.

Lol funny story walrus. Isn't getting an erection during a dance normal though? And erections at funerals? Weird.

I think it depends, but generally I'd say that being more used to dancing with women will not make that happen. I think it comes from inexperience to sexual tension, where as older men won't sweat it like a young man who has never danced close with a woman.

Half guard is a very dynamic guard so it depends on how you want to play it. The traditional half guard where you triangle your legs around one of your opponent's legs while you hunt for the underhook (seen here is very susceptible to a lot of different counters. Knee slices, smash passes, backsteps, etc. The only guys I know who really play half guard like that are old school guys. I've had a chance to roll with Fabio Holanda, Gordo (the inventor of the half guard) and Gordhino (Gord's brother) and they play like that. They just have a very specific feel and tightness to their game that counter everything you do. Watch this match here Fabio (the guy in red) does a very good job of countering Lucas Lepri's knee slices.

Most guys today however, have a very open style of half guard. What people began to realize is that to lock down the a person's leg, you don't really need a triangle. If you look at how Cyborg plays his half guard, you'll note that he has it very open and he keeps the knee in front of the opponent's chest or arm and he'll move it around based on what his opponent does. This opens him up to enter into deep half or tornado guard. If he needs to triangle his legs, he'll do so. The knee in front of his opponent's chest acts as a natural barrier to knee slices and since he plays so open, he doesn't telegraph what he'll do next. He can switch to butterfly, enter to deep half or invert to tornado.

The key to the modern half guard is to have the ability to switch from one type of guard to another. That's why the modern half is probably the most difficult guard to learn. At every position you're in, there is so much potential for error.

That makes a lot of sense! Thank you! My instructor is moving away next month, so I will bring this up with my new instructor. xD

The idea of trying to have a strong half guard without triangling seems.. my brain has a hard time understanding. The knee in front of the chest- can't they smash it down?

From the video with Lepri it looks like he squeezes his knees together. lucas was doing insane knee twists trying to get the foot out. goddamn that knee flexibility xD
Rolled with the black belt instructor this morning and to my surprise he awarded me with a 4th stripe on my blue belt.

Really surprised as I've only been at this school for 6 weeks. Most schools have rules against promoting new students until they've "paid" their dues. More determined than ever to continue my journey.

Bad news though, one of my new training partners that I helped get ready for a tournament this past weekend got his forearm broke in 4 places in his 1st match. He shot in for a double and his opponent kimura'd him and cranked hard.
Sounds amazing. You did great and you're almost purple. When I got my first stripes my hands were shaking from excitement. Does that ever go away?

Shame about your teammate.
Sounds amazing. You did great and you're almost purple. When I got my first stripes my hands were shaking from excitement. Does that ever go away?
Don't think it does, at least for most of us. I tell myself and others to train for progression not promotion. However, yeah I had a little skip in my step today.
I think it depends, but generally I'd say that being more used to dancing with women will not make that happen. I think it comes from inexperience to sexual tension, where as older men won't sweat it like a young man who has never danced close with a woman.

That makes a lot of sense! Thank you! My instructor is moving away next month, so I will bring this up with my new instructor. xD

The idea of trying to have a strong half guard without triangling seems.. my brain has a hard time understanding. The knee in front of the chest- can't they smash it down?

From the video with Lepri it looks like he squeezes his knees together. lucas was doing insane knee twists trying to get the foot out. goddamn that knee flexibility xD

Look for youtube videos of Gordon Ryan, Cyborg + half guard. They explain and illustrate the modern half guard very well.

If you prefer the old school approach, Gordo+Half Guard is the one you wanna search.
Sounds amazing. You did great and you're almost purple. When I got my first stripes my hands were shaking from excitement. Does that ever go away?

Shame about your teammate.

Purple is the hurdle belt. My old instructor used to say that if you got your purple, you have to continue training until your black belt. He always said it was a shame when purple belts left the sport.

I've been training 11 years and in that time, I've seen three purples quit, 1 brown quit. One of the purples quit because he was more interested in strength training and cross fit stuff. Another got pregnant and never returned and another moved to France. The brown belt who quit was kind of interesting - he was one of the most talented guys I ever rolled with but he never competed or was interested in MMA or watching BJJ. He would absolutely wreck dudes though, just had a natural affinity for grappling I guess. He was an outdoorsman and got really interested in rock climbing, camping, scaling, ice fishing etc. that sort of thing. He created quite a stir when he left because everyone in the community was sad to see him go.
Rolled with the black belt instructor this morning and to my surprise he awarded me with a 4th stripe on my blue belt.

Really surprised as I've only been at this school for 6 weeks. Most schools have rules against promoting new students until they've "paid" their dues. More determined than ever to continue my journey.

Bad news though, one of my new training partners that I helped get ready for a tournament this past weekend got his forearm broke in 4 places in his 1st match. He shot in for a double and his opponent kimura'd him and cranked hard.

Congrats! Also..fucking ouch. Broken in 4 places?? Thats fucking brutal.

Its been almost 3 weeks since my last class now. Over the worst of this chest infection but ive still got a bad cough and im not sure ill be able to train again even this week. After 2 weeks sitting on the sofa playing videogames and eating garbage, im dying to get back to BJJ and regular gymming
Purple is the hurdle belt. My old instructor used to say that if you got your purple, you have to continue training until your black belt. He always said it was a shame when purple belts left the sport.

I've been training 11 years and in that time, I've seen three purples quit, 1 brown quit. One of the purples quit because he was more interested in strength training and cross fit stuff. Another got pregnant and never returned and another moved to France. The brown belt who quit was kind of interesting - he was one of the most talented guys I ever rolled with but he never competed or was interested in MMA or watching BJJ. He would absolutely wreck dudes though, just had a natural affinity for grappling I guess. He was an outdoorsman and got really interested in rock climbing, camping, scaling, ice fishing etc. that sort of thing. He created quite a stir when he left because everyone in the community was sad to see him go.
Yeah, instructors tell me most hobbyist quit at blue belt.

For people who do quit at purple or higher, I'd like to think they'd eventually return. I have an old friend from Jr High who's been training on and off in a span of 16 yrs and is only a purple belt due to lengthy breaks. He may get distracted with his kids, CrossFit, etc, but always eventually returns to BJJ.

Speaking of rock climbing, I tried indoor rock climbing last year and loved it. It was the closest thing to BJJ that I've experienced due to its unique challenge/rush both mentally and physically.
Congrats! Also..fucking ouch. Broken in 4 places?? Thats fucking brutal.

Its been almost 3 weeks since my last class now. Over the worst of this chest infection but ive still got a bad cough and im not sure ill be able to train again even this week. After 2 weeks sitting on the sofa playing videogames and eating garbage, im dying to get back to BJJ and regular gymming

Three weeks without a work out would make me go insane. I'm so sorry.
Half was about Super Metroid but I got the point. As a white belt, you will get swept from full mount. They tell you it's a dominant position but you don't learn the details and techniques to keep the position until later. Posting with the opposite arm, posting with your head, grape vining legs, high vs low mount, etc, are really advance techniques.

I got the article, haha. But I still found it weird how it starts with "I'm addicted to video game speed runs" and I just had to internally debate how high the author was when they wrote it.

I frequently hear new students question the effectiveness of certain “dominant” positions. For example, in class they are often told that mount is one of the most powerful positions to achieve, but when they roll, mount feels far less stable than side control. Worse yet, they feel like they have even less options from mount than they do in other top positions. The gutsy white belts will continue jumping to mount even if they get rolled over most of the time, but for every gutsy white belt there is a timid white belt who opts to play it safe and avoid taking mount entirely.

I agree with this. Most people in my gym are just too good at escaping mount or being swept from mount. It's a big problem. Incidentally, I can't think of anyone who is good at finishing someone from mount, besides a step-over arm bar.
Mount is the worst for me. I'd rather be in north south or have the back. Side control is a lot more comfortable, but that depends on what side control it is.
I remember being told at the beginning putting a partner in side control - let's say cross face I guess - was a great position to have. Then I'd watch my opponent bench press me off. There's so many details. You recognize it should be theoretically a good position to be in but when you lack the offense to see it through. Of course that factors into what makes jiu jitsu so addictive: there's always a way out or something to improve.

McKenzie Dern pulled off a rare iminari choke last night.

I agree with this. Most people in my gym are just too good at escaping mount or being swept from mount. It's a big problem. Incidentally, I can't think of anyone who is good at finishing someone from mount, besides a step-over arm bar.
Mount is the worst for me. I'd rather be in north south or have the back. Side control is a lot more comfortable, but that depends on what side control it is.
Roger Gracie had a world championship run where he did nothing but full mount and cross choke. His challengers knew it was going to happen yet no one could stop it. Everyone in BJJ were in awe as the cross choke is usually the first submission people learn and here's this high level black belt pulling off this classic move in an era where the term "modern jiu jitsu" began.
I remember being told at the beginning putting a partner in side control - let's say cross face I guess - was a great position to have. Then I'd watch my opponent bench press me off. There's so many details. You recognize it should be theoretically a good position to be in but when you lack the offense to see it through. Of course that factors into what makes jiu jitsu so addictive: there's always a way out or something to improve.
Yup, I've always loved side control but yes there are so many details to it. Almost 5 yrs of training and there's always something new to learn from that one position. I still forget to stay on my toes for increased pressure and mobility.
McKenzie Dern pulled off a rare iminari choke last night.

Roger Gracie had a world championship run where he did nothing but full mount and cross choke. His challengers knew it was going to happen yet no one could stop it. Everyone in BJJ were in awe as the cross choke is usually the first submission people learn and here's this high level black belt pulling off this classic move in an era where the term "modern jiu jitsu" began.

Yup, I've always loved side control but yes there are so many details to it. Almost 5 yrs of training and there's always something new to learn from that one position. I still forget to stay on my toes for increased pressure and mobility.

That imanari choke was fucking nuts. It just looks like a tangle of limbs. Amazing stuff.

Hoping to get back to training on Tuesday. First day at the regular gym in 3 weeks today, just doing some light cardio and lifting, and it went well enough. There's a seminar at the club tomorrow too but it's a bit pricey, and my membership has expired too, so realistically it's either pay for the month, OR the seminar.
went to my gym's old man open mat this past Sunday morning. great vibes, everybody was chill going no more than 70% (mostly). a slew of higher belts; purple, brown, and black. i was almost at the end of the rank line (blue). dudes may have been "masters/seniors" but all were beast and all in shape.

i did have a mental lapse on my 1st roll. i passed a brown belt's guard, got a collar grip for a baseball bat choke, then i got overly excited and became a bird of prey diving in for the kill. the brown belts eyes bugged out at me because not only was he in danger but i was zoning out for the kill. i caught myself, dropped my intensity, and moved onto another sub attempt. glad i didn't piss him off.
Going to catch up on posts later but this reddit post infuriates me.


I read that earlier this morning. I loved the ultimatum "it's me or jiu jitsu"

"Okay, jiu jitsu"

Fucking loser lol. Looks like I'll be another week off the mats. I'm going for a long weekend to Stockholm on Friday, and can't really afford to spend 90 euros on mat fees 3 days beforehand. Hopefully by next Tuesday, I'll be back to it.
You've got this! How are you doing mentally without working out for so long?

I feel like a lazy ass slob, and as usual my scumbag brain is telling me "you can totally afford mat fees you're just chickening out!!". When in reality between the holiday, the 3 doctor visits, and 2 prescriptions, I can barely afford lunch today.

But, I did get in a work out on Saturday morning. I had DOMS for 2 days afterwards and it felt GREAT lol..so it's not all bad. I'm just hoping the break makes me even more relaxed and ready to get back to training next week. Also it's payday on Monday thank Christ!!
I got my purple belt yesterday!! I'm pretty damn proud:D

Going to catch up on posts later but this reddit post infuriates me.


That makes me angry too.
On one level its just about one of the most arrogant things I've heard. What kind of adult tells another what they can or can't do. It's unreal.
But on another level its just totally controlling and misguided. :(

Walrus I have something for you to add to your positive videos folder.


It's karate but they do jiu jitsu. It's an incredible video.

I liked this a lot. Thank you!

It reminded me a bit of this:


I think that's what it's all about.

Roger Gracie had a world championship run where he did nothing but full mount and cross choke. His challengers knew it was going to happen yet no one could stop it. Everyone in BJJ were in awe as the cross choke is usually the first submission people learn and here's this high level black belt pulling off this classic move in an era where the term "modern jiu jitsu" began.

Ohh yeah! that was sick!
Well after procrastinating for way too long I finally scheduled a trial class next Wednesday. I wanted to do it sooner but my scheduling over the next few days is all over the place.

I'm as excited as I am nervous and scared. This is something that is way out of my element but I'm looking forward to it. It'll be at Alberto Crane's Legacy gym/dojo.


Tough night of gi chokes and rolling.

One of the disadvantages of weighing 200 pounds at my gym is that I'm bigger than most of the 150-170 guys and the only other person is basically the 2nd coming of Brock Lesnar at 260 lbs.
Todays class was something else.

It was full on HIIT. The entire class. An hour and a half.

For warm ups we picked up our partner, put them on our back, and did laps around the room. Then they did the same to us.

Holy shit.

Then we shrimped across the room, back rolls, forward rolls, walking squats, then we did hip toss warm up.

Then we got on our backs, and did kimura warm ups to our partner.

This was the warm up and I was already near death.

Then we drilled. We drilled. That wasn't bad too bad and I had tthe opportunity to drill with one of our coaches. Then we had two rolls. I was shocked by the fact I was still going but I have to admit that at some point I asked myself why I'm doing this and there's so many other ways to stay in shape or martial arts to train. Why this?!

Class ended up with us jumping over our partners backs. After all those warm ups and two rolls. I thought I was going to barf and I haven't felt like that in months doing bjj.

The buzzer blew and I felt like I survived a boot camp. During class I asked myself why I do this. I could quit any time - I'm no longer under contract. But I don't stop because that feeling after class. That feeling of pride. That indescribable feeling. The one thing I knew that was true: that I survived.

Then I got home, washed my gi, showered, cooked four eggs scrambled, two pieces of turkey sausage, and a bowl of blueberries, and went to work.

Here's hidden footage of me today after class living life.


Goku is my spirit animal.


Todays class was something else.

It was full on HIIT. The entire class. An hour and a half.

For warm ups we picked up our partner, put them on our back, and did laps around the room. Then they did the same to us.

Holy shit.

Then we shrimped across the room, back rolls, forward rolls, walking squats, then we did hip toss warm up.

Then we got on our backs, and did kimura warm ups to our partner.

This was the warm up and I was already near death.

Then we drilled. We drilled. That wasn't bad too bad and I had tthe opportunity to drill with one of our coaches. Then we had two rolls. I was shocked by the fact I was still going but I have to admit that at some point I asked myself why I'm doing this and there's so many other ways to stay in shape or martial arts to train. Why this?!

Class ended up with us jumping over our partners backs. After all those warm ups and two rolls. I thought I was going to barf and I haven't felt like that in months doing bjj.

The buzzer blew and I felt like I survived a boot camp. During class I asked myself why I do this. I could quit any time - I'm no longer under contract. But I don't stop because that feeling after class. That feeling of pride. That indescribable feeling. The one thing I knew that was true: that I survived.

Then I got home, washed my gi, showered, cooked four eggs scrambled, two pieces of turkey sausage, and a bowl of blueberries, and went to work.

Here's hidden footage of me today after class living life.


Goku is my spirit animal.

So you roll with this?


I got my purple belt yesterday!! I'm pretty damn proud:D

That makes me angry too.
On one level its just about one of the most arrogant things I've heard. What kind of adult tells another what they can or can't do. It's unreal.
But on another level its just totally controlling and misguided. :(

I liked this a lot. Thank you!

It reminded me a bit of this:


I think that's what it's all about.

Ohh yeah! that was sick!

Amazing gif and powerful words. Congrats on the purp. You don't plan on quitting now do you?


Nope. With this. ;_;

That gi is baller but wouldn't be allowed by my affiliate lol. Maybe a Goku or Vegeta rash guard...

Tough night of gi chokes and rolling.

One of the disadvantages of weighing 200 pounds at my gym is that I'm bigger than most of the 150-170 guys and the only other person is basically the 2nd coming of Brock Lesnar at 260 lbs.

Well that must be amazing training for pressure. You'll lose weight and while you do you'll get used to be smashed by a 260 pound guy. That'll teach you amazing technique if nothing else. Silver lining.
Tough night of gi chokes and rolling.

One of the disadvantages of weighing 200 pounds at my gym is that I'm bigger than most of the 150-170 guys and the only other person is basically the 2nd coming of Brock Lesnar at 260 lbs.
At 185, I too get lumped in with the big guys. I'm usually the smallest of the bunch. My ribs are sore all the time from drilling double legs with these monsters.

I popped a blood vessel in my eye from an accidental eye poke this morning. Right in time for Halloween I guess. Got a few "still doing Fight Club" comments from co-workers today.
caught an elbow to the dome yesterday while rolling with a fairly spazzy guy - nice shiner for the week!

been practicing diff knee on belly variations for months, and having a lot of success with it
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