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The Hobbit - Official Thread of Officially In Production

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Will the skirmish between white council and necromancer be included in the Hobbit trilogy? Because that's the only way I can see them stretching this baby to three movies.


I don't think Jackson will get off so easily with the running time and bloat in this one. Critics will have a field day with this.

It's not going to change anything though. We are going to get three 3-hour Hobbit films and then EE's for all of them that add about a half hour to each of their running times (PJ already said the EE for Unexpected Journey runs about 25 minutes longer).

PJ being a big Tolkien fan is both a curse and a blessing. A blessing because he got so much so perfectly dead on that the Hollywood blockbuster machine would have never have done that stay true to the source material, and a curse because he is so attached to the material he is very unwilling to cut anything outside of stuff near incapable of doing in a film (such as Tom Bombadil).


I don't think Jackson will get off so easily with the running time and bloat in this one. Critics will have a field day with this.

The critical response to the length is interesting, because it seems half the reviews say the film is too long and drags, while the other half insists the movie will fly by and you'll never get bored.

I guess it simply depends on how much you're enjoying the film.


It's not going to change anything though. We are going to get three 3-hour Hobbit films and then EE's for all of them that add about a half hour to each of their running times (PJ already said the EE for Unexpected Journey runs about 25 minutes longer).

PJ being a big Tolkien fan is both a curse and a blessing. A blessing because he got so much so perfectly dead on that the Hollywood blockbuster machine would have never have done that stay true to the source material, and a curse because he is so attached to the material he is very unwilling to cut anything outside of stuff near incapable of doing in a film (such as Tom Bombadil).

What the fuck. This is going to be a bloated fucking mess. I essentially thought THESE were the extended editions.


It's not going to change anything though. We are going to get three 3-hour Hobbit films and then EE's for all of them that add about a half hour to each of their running times (PJ already said the EE for Unexpected Journey runs about 25 minutes longer).

PJ being a big Tolkien fan is both a curse and a blessing. A blessing because he got so much so perfectly dead on that the Hollywood blockbuster machine would have never have done that stay true to the source material, and a curse because he is so attached to the material he is very unwilling to cut anything outside of stuff near incapable of doing in a film (such as Tom Bombadil).

I disagree. He's more than willing to add superfluous garbage like Pippin ninja-ing around and lighting beacons and the Aragorn/Sarah Jessica Parker romance.
No offense to anyone, but why do people make such a big deal about the theatrical version of The Hobbit being 3 hours long? I know some people like to listen to the music with the credits rolling and let the film sink in for a while, i doo that too occasionally, but is anyone seriously sitting through nearly 20 minutes of credits in the theater? Besides, even with credits it doesn't go 3 hours and without credits the film is just a bit over 2 and a half hours long, which seems to have become the norm in recent years.


Combovers don't work when there is no hair
I'm beautiful in my way
'Cause Eru makes no mistakes
I'm on the right track, Bilbo
I was Beorn this way



New vlog chronicling the premiere of the film was just posted on PJs Facebook Page. I'd link it but I'm on my phone right now.


It's actually kind of surreal watching that vlog and then going back and watching the first one again, from early 2011. Man, I've talking about these movies for over two years (including all the drama with MGM) and we're finally here. Feels good man.


Edmond Dantès;45419451 said:
Aragorn Begins.

A 4th Hobbit would be a little bit too much, but i'm all for more 3 movies with the rest of the story that aren't in The Hobbit or in the Lord of the Rings.

Hell .. I even acept a Tom Bombadil solo movie xD
Saw The Hobbit this afternoon. Great movie. I saw it in good ole 24fps, so none of hoopla around high frame rates and 3D. I fucking hate 3D anyway.

The best part? 5-6 more hours remain in Jackson's Middle Earth. Fantastic.


Combovers don't work when there is no hair
He's actually seriously suggesting a 4th film could happen...

Bombadil Begins pls

Got back home again like 15 minutes ago after watching it (in 24fps 3D, but since my right eye is kinda fucked it was basically just regular 2D to me anyway). It was a great movie overall. Not quite as good as the LotR trilogy, but that's more down to the difference in tone and story than anything else. Although the first hour or so is relatively slow it never bothered me (three hours went by in the blink of an eye), but I could see why more casual fans of the LotR movies might find it a tad boring. And the Riddles in the Dark part was absolutely brilliant. Same goes for Radagast who was just the loveable kind of crazy (loved Saruman's comment about
Radagast eating too many mushrooms, and Radagast's reaction when Gandalf let him smoke some Old Toby

That said, some of the CGI looked.. well, far too obviously CGI, specifically the goblin chieftain, who looked like something out of a CGI cutscene from a video game. And why did Azog look like a buff version of Voldemort? Other than that, no complaints from me. Can't wait for the EE BD.


Saw it this past weekend. Overall I was underwhelmed. On a positive note the movie was beautiful, I adjusted to 48 frames per second second quite easily, though at times I thought it looked like it was being played at 1.5x speed, like you would do on a DVD player. I felt the 3-D effect was underutilized, and I don't even like 3-D movies. To this day avatar has still done it best, and it's probably the only series of films that I will watch in 3-D. Ok, and maybe man of steel.

The story was what lacked the most. I did not like the story compared to any three of the lord the rings movies. It lacked the action and wow factor of those movies, and also lacked a lot of the humor you saw in the first LOTR film.


I swear. I need this in 48FP over here in Holland near me.

I need to see it.

Just got back from seeing it in 48. If you're like me it'll look strange at first, like it's "too smooth" but you quickly adjust to it. At times I forgot I was watching a movie. It's weird.


Azog should have been someone with makeup/costume. Too many CG critters in this movie. The stupid Goblin king scribe sitting in a basket was so George Lucas-esque.


And so begins round-two of The Hobbit hype; Desolation of Smaug edition :D

We probably won't get a new vlog until late January/early February if I had to guess. But I'm totally ready for another year of this.


The next two movies I'll be more excited about, purely because we'll be getting more NEW stuff, as in locations, creatures etc.

Seriously hyped to see Smaug.

My favourite depiction of a dragon (visually) would probably be this cinematic -

Ha, I was about to post Deathwing myself while I waited for your link to load. I agree, Blizzard definitely knows how to make some damn-impressive dragons.


Not sure if this has been discussed yet, but Cate Blanchett is an absolutely stunning woman. I'm sure you all knew this already. Every time she's on the screen, I'm entranced. Such a sexy voice too...

I will now post several images I don't think any reasonable man would find reason to complain about. :p

Ha, I was about to post Deathwing myself while I waited for your link to load. I agree, Blizzard definitely knows how to make some damn-impressive dragons.

My only issue is his Godzilla head. But the shot of him swooping over Darkshore is just awesome. He's like a flying comet.


I am Korean.
Azog should have been someone with makeup/costume. Too many CG critters in this movie. The stupid Goblin king scribe sitting in a basket was so George Lucas-esque.

I liked the little poop catching bucket under his seatless chair. Those Goblins are advanced.

I also liked his salacious crumb laugh when he went off to deliver his note to Kratos. Dude loves his work.
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