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The Hobbit - Official Thread of Officially In Production

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Calm Killer

In all media, only true fans who consume every book, film, game, or pog collection deserve to know what's going on.
Just search 'desolation of smaug' in Daily Motion, I found a copy of the whole stream, along with a 5 minute cut down version with a largely finished scene from the film.

I just did a search and only found 1 item relating to the hobbit. Went through 8 pages. Mostly music videos.

Edmond Dantès

Dantès the White
Oh I know, don't worry :p I also imagine there would be a tad more hype if he'd actually been revealed, haha


The wizards :) Totally awesome! Artist here
Breathtaking artwork.

Love the Grey Havens one:


And this Hobbit one:


This Music of the Ainur one too:



Edmond Dantès;51425175 said:
Peter Jackson planning novelization of The Hobbit


Well, George Lucas did the same with Willow. Even The Goonies was novelised.

Tee hee

Surely you remember the novelisation of The Lord of the Rings:


Finally, she wheeled around on her horse. The Nazgul started to cross the stream, but drew back, as if they were afraid of water. Arwen drew her mighty sword, and held it before her. It was a mighty sword, she thought, mighty enough to cut someone if she had to.

"If you want him," she hollered, "Come and claim him!"

All of the Nazgul drew their mighty swords.

One of them yelled, "I'll cut you, bitch!"

Then the Nazgul started crossing the stream! Arwen thought, "I have to think of something, but what?"

Ah! Then she remembered — she would use her power! Her power of hydrokinesis — the ability to make water appear and do whatever you wanted it to do.

Edmond Dantès

Dantès the White
What in the I don't even

This is a real thing?
Now we know why Sauron was so angry:
Many a day and many a night ago, as the ancients told time, there was a magical land that existed as if it had come straight out of a fantasy book. This magical world was called Middle Earth because it was in the middle of the earth. The reasons why there could be a sun and a moon in the middle of the earth were known only by the most learned and knowledgeable of the intelligent wizards, who kept their information written in scrolls. This was a mysterious time.

On this land, there dwelt the noble elves, pointed of ear and brave of heart. And there dwelt the hobbits, happy little people who were hirsute of foot. There were also dwarves, who were small like the hobbits, but upon whose feet there was a comparatively regular amount of hair. And there dwelt the humans, who were normal.

But one time, there was a very evil man named Sauron. He made himself a big, magic ring. It was the kind of ring that a handsome prince might give to his beloved on a summer's day long ago, after he had spent a long day slaying dragons and trolls with his mighty sword, and rescuing his fair maiden on horseback, and then going to a grassy field with yellow flowers, where they would sit and have a picnic. Then he would say to her that he loved her, and she would say that she loved him, and then he would give her the One Ring. It was called that because it was the one prettiest ring in all of Middle Earth. Then the handsome prince and the beautiful, flaxen-haired maiden would be married by a jolly friar, and they would live in a huge castle, with a moat and a drawbridge that would take you from the ground over the moat and into the castle.

There was a large war over Middle Earth, started by Sauron, the evil wizard. As he strode back and forth, looking at his troopers and their horses that were black of hair, he pondered how this had all come about. Was it not too long ago, he mused, that he first heard of the One Ring. . . .

"Eat your dinner, young man, or you will never grow up to be a strong knight like your father!" His mother always talked about his father, about how strong and important he was.

"But my sister got to go and play without finishing her dinner!"

"You leave Saureen out of this! She is a good girl, and you are very bad, very bad indeed!"

Sauron did not want to eat. All he could think about was how the boys at school had teased him that day. One of them said, "You'll never amount to anything when you grow up!" And then another one said, "You're so stupid, I bet you couldn't even make a magic ring so powerful that its magic could be used to conquer all the lands and people of Middle Earth, and rule over everything!"

One day, Sauron, thought, one day he would show them. He would show them ALL.

Then a mighty human, who was called Isildur, strode up to Sauron and they had a mighty fight. Isildur's skill at the sword was great, and Sauron considered him a worthy opponent. With one final surge of sinew and strength, the human slashed at Sauron with his broadsword, which had an intricately-carved design on the hilt, and cut Sauron's fingers right off!

"YYYEEAAAARRRGHHAARGGHAARRGHH! My fingers!!! " Sauron yelled, in great pain. But because one of the fingers that had been cut off had the One Ring on it, Sauron then vanished in an explosion, nevermore to be seen or heard from ever again.

Everyone was happy because the battle was at long last over, except Elrond. He would not be happy until he was back home in Rivendell, back home in his wonderful forest. "We must throw the ring into Mount Doom!" yelled Elrond, the king of the elves, whose golden crown glistened. "If we don't, no one will be safe, especially my beautiful daughter, whose name is Arwen!"

But Isildur did not throw the ring into the hot, lava-spewing Mount Doom, because he was greedy, and the ring had the power of greed creation, thus making Isildur even greedier. And then some other things happened, and Bilbo Baggins got the ring from a monster in a cave while on one of his many adventures with some amazing friends of his.

Listen, now, as our story begins. . . .
Then, there it was. It was very tall, and had horns, and was on fire, and was carrying a whip that was also on fire.

Legolas wailed, "Holy shit! It's Balrog!!!"

The Balrog just laughed, a deep, throaty laugh that smelled of brimstone and sulphur.

"Quick, Merry!" hollered Pippin to his friend Merry, a plucky lad not unlike himself. "Let's jump on his back and distract him like we did that cave troll!"

"No!" Gandalf forbade. "You'll catch yourselves on fire!"

"What's the plan, Gandalf?" Frodo whispered.

"Don't come any closer!" Aragorn yelled. "We're the Fellowship of the Ring!"

"That we are!" yelled Frodo the hobbit. "If Balrog hits me, his flaming whip will bounce off my super-hard Mithril armor!"

"I will use my sword," yelled Aragorn the human, "for nothing can stand up to Aragorn in a sword fight!"

Merry said, "Let's try to befriend him! Everyone needs a friend!"

I agree with all my heart, Merry. Truly a FONT of wisdom, that hobbit <3


Edmond Dantès;51438618 said:
Now we know why Sauron was so angry:

"Eat your dinner, young man, or you will never grow up to be a strong knight like your father!" His mother always talked about his father, about how strong and important he was.

"But my sister got to go and play without finishing her dinner!"

"You leave Saureen out of this! She is a good girl, and you are very bad, very bad indeed!"

Sauron did not want to eat. All he could think about was how the boys at school had teased him that day. One of them said, "You'll never amount to anything when you grow up!" And then another one said, "You're so stupid, I bet you couldn't even make a magic ring so powerful that its magic could be used to conquer all the lands and people of Middle Earth, and rule over everything!"

One day, Sauron, thought, one day he would show them. He would show them ALL.

Absolutely done.

This is so bad it's almost good.

And then some other things happened,

rofl, I'm dying over here.




No Scrubs
Edmond Dantès;51453849 said:
One part of The Hobbit that's easily forgotten is Bilbo's
. I hope that scene is as beautiful as I have envisaged.

Oh man, I really hope they do a good job on that one. I've got this amazing image in my head and I hope they don't disappoint. That said they haven't so far.
Edmond Dantès;51453849 said:
One part of The Hobbit that's easily forgotten is Bilbo's
. I hope that scene is as beautiful as I have envisaged.

That scene with him above the trees in Mirkwood they keep teasing in the production clips... blargh!!!
Haven't really followed the Hobbit stuff outside of seeing the movie. As they're already splitting this to 3 movies, are people waiting for extended or not as far as picking up the movie?
Edmond Dantès;51483543 said:

One of my favorite scenes in the animation, aside from the Bilbo & Smaug encounter... Oh man. This next movie going to be overflowing with so many good parts I'm feel like I'm gonna have to take a chill pill or something before I watch it in the theater so I don't bug the crap outta everyone around me with all the excitement :(
Haven't really followed the Hobbit stuff outside of seeing the movie. As they're already splitting this to 3 movies, are people waiting for extended or not as far as picking up the movie?

I'm waiting for EE. The urge to get the standard version has somewhat died down. The EE release shouldn't be that far away anyway, summer will be over before I know it :(.
Oh? Already confirmed then :eek:

EE was confirmed before the movie hit the theaters :). Apparently it has 20-25 mins of new scenes. We know these are included:

Bilbo and shards of Narsil
Young Bilbo meets Gandalf at old Tooks party. Appearances by Lobelia and Bilbos mom Belladonna.
Bilbo at the Shire marketplace
EE was confirmed before the movie hit the theaters :). Apparently it has 20-25 mins of new scenes. We know these are included:

Bilbo and shards of Narsil
Young Bilbo meets Gandalf at old Tooks party. Appearances by Lobelia and Bilbos mom Belladonna.
Bilbo at the Shire marketplace

**I am so very much looking forward to these <3 I know a lot of people found the first part of the movie to be boring, but I love that slice-of-life stuff! And
young Bilbo
?! GAH!

Edmond Dantès

Dantès the White
Some info about Beorn from Moviezine.se, translated by DuBekar

"He is really big and looks unbelieveable. His head, you can't believe it. He has also prosthetics but you can see his blue eyes, James Nesbitt confirms about Mikael Persbrandt's character".

"The wonderful thing about Mikael is his distinct voice, we listened to him through our earbuds and it was easy to imagine what he does with his character. He has a good voice, and looks fantastic. I love the character, says Armitage".

Mr Cola

Brothas With Attitude / The Wrong Brotha to Fuck Wit / Die Brotha Die / Brothas in Paris
Im going to say it, never thought I would, the prologue to the Hobbit IS better than the prologue to the fellowship, it is stunning and colourful and wonderfully narrated. I have been watching it a few times a day on youtube in HD and its a joy. That is not to say the fellowships is any less mighty, that too is awe inspiring but something about the setting, the colour and the sound of the Hobbits opening fills me with glee.

Edmond Dantès

Dantès the White
Im going to say it, never thought I would, the prologue to the Hobbit IS better than the prologue to the fellowship, it is stunning and colourful and wonderfully narrated. I have been watching it a few times a day on youtube in HD and its a joy. That is not to say the fellowships is any less mighty, that too is awe inspiring but something about the setting, the colour and the sound of the Hobbits opening fills me with glee.
Seeing Erebor in the flesh was certainly breathtaking.

FOTR's prologue has aged somewhat though certainly in comparison to TTT and ROTK's respective prologues.

I'm looking forward to TDOS' prologue. I wonder if they'll go for another epic opening akin to TTT's Maiar battle or something similar to ROTK or even an origin story for Smaug or The Necromancer who will play a more prominent role in the next two films.


What's impressive to me about the Fellowship prologue is just how much exposition it manages to get across in such a short amount of time without feeling overwhelming, in addition to how remarkably well it sets up the entirety of Middle-Earth. Phillipa Boyens did an excellent job with it considering she apparently was only given two days to write it.

The setup is one thing a lot of live-action fantasy movies struggle with, mostly because you have to convince audiences that the story they're about to watch isn't completely ridiculous. To paraphrase Richard Taylor, they often have to throw the audience a wink, saying "Just buy into this, please. Just go with it." But that's part of what made The Lord of the Rings successful as a whole; they never did that. Jackson - much in the same way that Tolkien did - treated the story like it wasn't a fantasy story, but a historical epic.

The Hobbit obviously is much more of a liquid fantasy tale, so it's fair to embrace that aspect more than with LotR, and I agree the prologue was great - especially Erebor. I'm glad that scene wasn't spoiled in any of the trailers.
Edmond Dantès;51529797 said:
Quiz: How well do you know the lands of Lord of the Rings?

Can you find your way from the Shires to the Undying Lands?


Ok, I got 7 outta 10. Some of it was common sense, but if they'd just given descriptions and "Where are they?" questions I would've been screwed! Looks like it's time to brush up on my Elvish, too :(

'S all good, though, I can crash at Elrond's pad while I get some tutoring, L O L


Ok, I got 7 outta 10. Some of it was common sense, but if they'd just given descriptions and "Where are they?" questions I would've been screwed! Looks like it's time to brush up on my Elvish, too :(

'S all good, though, I can crash at Elrond's pad while I get some tutoring, L O L

I had 8 of 10. Don't remember exactly which ones, but it was more of a vague description that threw me off I think.

Brushing up on one's Quenya/Sindarin is always a good idea though. :)


well not really...yet
**I am so very much looking forward to these <3 I know a lot of people found the first part of the movie to be boring, but I love that slice-of-life stuff! And
young Bilbo
?! GAH!
The movie shoulda thrown the Frodo stuff by the wayside and opened with Bilbo in the Shire with the slice of life stuff. The final cut is mostly Bilbo at his home. If anything more stuff in the Shire will be better.

Edmond Dantès

Dantès the White
The movie shoulda thrown the Frodo stuff by the wayside and opened with Bilbo in the Shire with the slice of life stuff. The final cut is mostly Bilbo at his home. If anything more stuff in the Shire will be better.
In a perfect world the film would have started with 'In a hole in the ground there lived a hobbit...' - narrated by Gandalf or Old Bilbo.
Edmond Dantès;51578970 said:
In a perfect world the film would have started with 'In a hole in the ground there lived a hobbit...' - narrated by Gandalf or Old Bilbo.

Yeah, followed by 'slice of life' scenes. Move the backstory of Erebor to being told by the dwarves round the table in Bag End, and/or by Balin on the road.

And no more bunny sleigh....


Yeah, followed by 'slice of life' scenes. Move the backstory of Erebor to being told by the dwarves round the table in Bag End, and/or by Balin on the road.

I don't know if I agree with full 'slice of life' scenes. If anything, perhaps a quick montage of Bilbo doing things around the Shire would have made sense after the movie starts with the 'In a hole...' quote, sort of like the scene that occurs during Bilbo's description of the Shire in the extended version of Fellowship.

Then I would have Gandalf come and start the plot, with the Erebor sequence taking place during the dinner.

What we got instead was three beginnings. Messy.
I don't know if I agree with full 'slice of life' scenes. If anything, perhaps a quick montage of Bilbo doing things around the Shire would have made sense after the movie starts with the 'In a hole...' quote, sort of like the scene that occurs during Bilbo's description of the Shire in the extended version of Fellowship.

Then I would have Gandalf come and start the plot, with the Erebor sequence taking place during the dinner.

What we got instead was three beginnings. Messy.

Oh yeah, by slice I meant just that. Start with 'in a hole in the ground....' and as old Bilbo narrates for a minute or so to set the scene, we see (young) him leave Bag End, walk into Hobbiton, walk around, and head back. Then Gandalf arrives, and so straight into the rest of the Shire scenes.

As excited as I am to see the new scenes in the EE I think it may just end up dragging on for far too long.
Edmond Dantès;51578970 said:
In a perfect world the film would have started with 'In a hole in the ground there lived a hobbit...' - narrated by Gandalf or Old Bilbo.

Yeah, for serious :( I know it's in there, but its impact is greatly diminished by the time we hear it.

I'm grateful for the Erabor prologue, though, because it really does a nice job of setting up the main motivation of the dwarves. It's a bummer it doesn't "fit in" that well anywhere, and in the very beginning is the best place to put it as not to break up the film too much with flashbacks and explanations.
They should've done a twist on it.

Old Bilbo: "In a hole in the ground, there lived...."

Harsh voice of Thorin breaks in: "A MIGHTY CIVILIZATION OF DWARVES, until the evil dragon Smaug burned us out. Now we're gonna take back our home. But before we can take it back, another hole must first be infiltrated: BAG END."
They should've done a twist on it.

Old Bilbo: "In a hole in the ground, there lived...."

Harsh voice of Thorin breaks in: "A MIGHTY CIVILIZATION OF DWARVES, until the evil dragon Smaug burned us out. Now we're gonna take back our home. But before we can take it back, another hole must first be infiltrated: BAG END."

LOL! It even fits in with the fact that Thorin is such a butt to Bilbo the entire movie :p


Edmond Dantès;51604131 said:
That should be There and Back Again's end credits song.

I...have no problem with that :) On a side note, if we do end up creating a Production Thread 2 once we reach 10,000 (wow) posts in a page or two, I request it be called "The Hobbit: Desolation of Shmaug Production Thread".

Seriously, I have never heard someone pronounce Smaug the way Jackson does, it is quite baffling.


I...have no problem with that :) On a side note, if we do end up creating a Production Thread 2 once we reach 10,000 (wow) posts in a page or two, I request it be called "The Hobbit: Desolation of Shmaug Production Thread".

Seriously, I have never heard someone pronounce Smaug the way Jackson does, it is quite baffling.

I found that odd too, but I noticed in videos the cast doing it too and Jimmy Nesbitt doing it in the film too.

I always thought it was pronounced like Smog.
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