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The Hobbit - Official Thread of Officially In Production

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Is there any chance we could start adding spoiler tags to stuff that hasn't been revealed for those that haven't read The Hobbiit?

I am surprised how closely you follow this thread yet haven't read the Hobbit. You really should read it and LOTR if you haven't. As much as I really love Jackson's LOTR trilogy and expect to love The Hobbit it is literally impossible to hold a candle to Tolkien's written word.

Edmond Dantès

Dantès the White
I am surprised how closely you follow this thread yet haven't read the Hobbit. You really should read it and LOTR if you haven't. As much as I really love Jackson's LOTR trilogy and expect to love The Hobbit it is literally impossible to hold a candle to Tolkien's written word.
I think he wants experience the narrative for the first time while watching the film and not have any preconceived notions about it. I actually wish I could experience the story for the first time again.
Edmond Dantès;35582876 said:
I think he wants experience the narrative for the first time while watching the film and not have any preconceived notions about it. I actually wish I could experience the story for the first time again.

Bingo. This is how I experienced Jackson's movie. All I know about The Hobbit is what was in the trailer and Gandalf's talk of 'that business with the dragon' which I assume is Smaug that I've heard of. Outside of that I'm a Hobbit virgin. I've neither read Tolkien's book nor sodomized a little hairy man.


Well I hope you'll read all of the books soon as you watch both Hobbit films! You would be missing out on so much of what makes the series so great otherwise, especially with LOTR where a lot had to be cut for time reasons in the films.
Bingo. This is how I experienced Jackson's movie. All I know about The Hobbit is what was in the trailer and Gandalf's talk of 'that business with the dragon' which I assume is Smaug that I've heard of. Outside of that I'm a Hobbit virgin. I've neither read Tolkien's book nor sodomized a little hairy man.

Don't watch Leonard Nimoy's classic song "Ballad of Bilbo Baggins"

It's basically a summary of the book in a terrible song, with girls dancing around in hobbit ears.


Reading the book for the first time now.

Starts off pretty slow but its getting very entertaining now. Maybe this way I can actually enjoy the movie(s) as opposed to the LOTR series which I didn't find as amazing as most others did.


Awesome video.

Man, PJ really knows how to tickle people's hype bones by filling these vlogs with Howard Shore's music....so devious....


Yay for Reg!



Edmond Dantès;35629138 said:
Pretty much confirms where the first film will end;
Bilbo's barrel ride, with Lonely Mountain looming in the distance.

Yep, just what I was thinking as well, seems to make sense. I have to say I can't wait to see how that scene plays out in the final cut, it already had me chuckling just watching the vlog.


I'm gonna build my own version of Hobbiton one day and invite Hobbit GAF to come live there. Every Sunday we'll gather at the town IMAX to watch 48 FPS trailers.

Edmond Dantès

Dantès the White
Stephen Fry backing the 'save TheHobbit pub' campaign.


Thousands of Facebook users have joined an online campaign supporting a pub called The Hobbit after lawyers in Hollywood threatened legal action.

They want the pub in Southampton, which serves cocktails named after characters in the JRR Tolkien book such as 'Frodo' and 'Gandalf', to choose another name.

The quirky haunt has traded with the name The Hobbit for 20 years.

Actor Stephen Fry, who is currently working on a film of the book in New Zealand, has now also lent his support to the campaign.

On Twitter he wrote: “Honestly, @saveTheHobbit, sometimes I'm ashamed of the business I'm in. What pointless, self-defeating bullying."

So far, @saveTheHobbit has attracted 3,897 followers on Twitter and campaigners are bidding to make #saveTheHobbit a trending topic on the social networking site.

The Saul Zaentz Company, based in California, has sent a letter to the pub asking it to make the changes, according to the BBC. The firm protects numerous brands connected with JRR Tolkein.

But landlady Stella Mary Roberts has told the BBC that changing the name of the pub and any references inside would cost 'thousands'.

A 'Save the Hobbit' Facebook page was set up five days ago by student Heather Cartwright from Southampton University and has attracted growing support with 19,000 likes and counting.

Outlining why it had set up the page, the Facebook site reads: “Obviously, it wouldn't be our beloved Hobbit if it weren't The Hobbit anymore, and whilst copyright must be respected it seems as though this legal case is being put forward for the wrong reasons.”

One user posted a comment on the ‘SavetheHobbit’ page saying: “Having run a small business in the UK myself for twenty years I really empathise with your plight.”

Their website: http://www.thehobbitpub.co.uk/

I've been to the pub and it's a lovely place, frequented by quite a few Tolkien fans, it'll be a shame if the lawyers succeed in their action.


I would bang a hot farmer!
Edmond Dantès;36034425 said:
Stephen Fry backing the 'save TheHobbit pub' campaign.



Their website: http://www.thehobbitpub.co.uk/

I've been to the pub and it's a lovely place, frequented by quite a few Tolkien fans, it'll be a shame if the lawyers succeed in their action.
I wouldn't have a problem if Tolkien's estate was pursuing this if it wasn't for one thing, it's been open for 20 years. They should've tried doing this a long time ago.


An update on the whole Hobbit pub thing:

THE battle over Southampton's famous pub, The Hobbit, could be over, the Daily Echo understands.

The Saul Zaentz Company, which contacted owners Punch Tavern about the Bevois Valley pub's use of The Hobbit brand has told the Daily Echo the row has been a misunderstanding. Film producer Paul Zaentz has told the Echo he does not necessarily want to remove all reference to Tolkien's work and "certainly doesn't want to run anyone out of business."

He wants to resolve the dispute "amicably" and suggested the pub could be asked to pay a nominal licence fee of $100 a year - about £63.

Mr Zaentz said: “We’ve tried to be very gracious. We think asking for a nominal licence fee is very reasonable.

"Rather than engage in protracted and expensive litigation, (we) would prefer to resolve this matter amicably.

"We said we would be willing to consider any proposition they might make, but to my knowledge we’ve had no response yet."

Mr Zaentz contacted the Echo after the campaign to save the pub garnered worldwide attention, with backing from Stephen Fry and Sir Ian McKellen, who both appear in the upcoming The Hobbit movie.
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