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The Hobbit - Official Thread of Officially In Production

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Ha, I'm the exact opposite.

ROTK EE adds the Mouth of Sauron
, The Witch King breaking Gandalf's staff (but getting distracted by the horns of Rohan), a smaller battering ram before Grond (something I thought added so much to the battle), the death of Saruman, Aragorn confronting Sauron through the Palantir.

The list goes on.

That was the one thing I really didn't like in the ROTK EE. I loved the Mouth of Sauron in the books but the film version just didn't match at all with how I imagined the character to look like and act. In the end I was glad they cut him from the theatrical release.


This is great.




Edmond Dantès;39940808 said:

He even surpassed Viggo in what should have been his big speech before The Black Gate. Bernard's speech before the battle and subsequent shouts of "DEATH!" "DEATH!" were spine-tingling.


It's weird, though, because his speech was taken from Eomer and was completely out of the original context of the show.

In the book this was Eomer's speech to his troops after the death of Theoden and was basically one of giving up and madness. "Ride to ruin" he's screaming because he's expecting to die.

There were a few scenes like this...including Wormtongue getting a Gandalf conversation.

It was only problem with the film outside of the additions in TT. It's like PJ was thinking "this is so flowery and pretty...let's find another scene that this could apply to but only if you changed the tone and intentions".


I really don't know what to make of all these rumors of a third film being a possibility. Despite what Jackson is saying about him potentially negotiating with Warner Bros. about filming additional scenes next year, it seems very odd that they would green-light a third movie this far into production.

Don't get me wrong, if they ended up having the right amount of material to successfully pull off a whole third film I'd gladly welcome it, since who knows when we'll get to see anymore adaptions of Tolkien's work once Jackson & Co. are done with it. The more stuff they can cram in from the Appendices the better, I'm just not going to get my hopes up for the moment. I'm still going to expect it to just be a two-film series with awesome EE's.

Edmond Dantès

Dantès the White
Radagast's description:

We see him nursing a hedgehog back to life. He’s a ratty figure, long dark beard, side of his head covered in bird poop, big (but not pointy) hat and wooden staff. There was a second shot with him as he lifted his hat and let a few birds fly under it. He’s a great character and I can’t wait to see how he comes across in the film. I dare say from what I saw on location and in this bit of footage I believe he’ll be an audience favorite.

Well, Saruman's mocking of Radagast was certainly taken into account.
Radagast the Bird-tamer! Radagast the Simple! Radagast the Fool!

The Hobbit's version of Gandalf's dialogue with Frodo in Moria perhaps:

Probably the most emotional part of the footage was the scene between Gandalf and Galadriel in Rivendell that you see in the trailer. She’s asking him why he invited the Halfling to join the quest. “I don’t know,” he says. “Saruman believes that it is only great power that can hold evil in check. That is not what I have found. I have found that it is the small things, every day deeds from ordinary folk, that keeps the darkness at bay. Simple acts of kindness and love. Why Bilbo Baggins? Perhaps it is because I am afraid. He gives me courage.”

McKellen kills it in this scene, if I may be so bold. He shows why Gandalf the Grey is so much more of an interesting character than Gandalf the White. He’s admits his fear, shows vulnerability, but also shows the great power of love. It’s a beautifully written and performed scene and Cate Blanchett shows much grace by her comforting gesture, her brushing Gandalf’s hair out of his eyes. It’s the scene that got to the most out of any of the footage, no matter how cool it is to see Bilbo pick up the ring or the red-headed Tauriel (Evangeline Lily) slicing up some Orcs or Legolas doing a slide through the leaves in Mirkwood, aiming an elvish arrow at our dwarves, it’s the quiet moments of connection like the one between Gandalf and Galadriel that make this feel the most like Lord of the Rings to me.

Also, seems like Orlando's Legolas will be up to his old tricks again.

Edmond Dantès

Dantès the White
Can't wait for Rises but this is my most anticipated film. Love me some Middle Earth. Just hope these 2
or 3
films won't be the last of it :(
I just don't see how we'll get another chance to delve into Tolkien's world considering Christopher Tolkien and the Estate's stance on The Silmarillion/Unfinished Tales/Children of Hurin licence.

Another attempt at adapting The Lord of the Rings decades from now? Maybe, but even that's a long shot.

An adaptation of The Children of Hurin with some of the backstory could work as a film and probably the most likely if the estate do sell the rights somehow, rather than the full Silmarillion story.

Edmond Dantès

Dantès the White
Frankly, the third film idea has blown out of proportion.

All Peter said was that he wanted to do some extra filming next year and he needed permission to do so. He has said nothing about a third Hobbit film.

Or it could be a bridge fim:

The Dark Lord Rises
Aragorn Begins


From that NYT article:

It is no small worry. “Unexpected Journey” and “The Hobbit: There and Back Again,” due next year, together carry an estimated $800 million in production and global marketing costs.



I'd be all for a buddy-cop movie starring Gollum and Smeagol.

I want a situational comedy staring a clumsy and inept Sauron and his over-demanding boss, Morgoth. Maybe they work in the Mordor Uruk-hai Fabrication Factory or something... And every episode ends with poor Sauron trying to do right and meet Morgoth's expectations, but failing spectacularly in some hilarious way. Like he goes to capture Frodo and ends up with an angry cos-player or Elijah Wood as himself. And then Morgoth walks into the room, sees the disaster unfolding around him, and shouts "SAURON!"

Freeze frame, Roll credits.

It's like the Office, but eeeeeeeevil.

Mr Cola

Brothas With Attitude / The Wrong Brotha to Fuck Wit / Die Brotha Die / Brothas in Paris
listening again to the osts, so good, Peter mentioned one of the main reasons he didnt want to do the hobbit was because they really caught lightning in a bottle for the lotr, and its true, the marriage of music, cast, performance, everything came together at the perfect time. Thats why im going to temper my expectation for the hobbit somewhat.

Edmond Dantès

Dantès the White
listening again to the osts, so good, Peter mentioned one of the main reasons he didnt want to do the hobbit was because they really caught lightning in a bottle for the lotr, and its true, the marriage of music, cast, performance, everything came together at the perfect time. Thats why im going to temper my expectation for the hobbit somewhat.
One thing's for sure, the score will be great. Howard hasn't lost his touch as evidenced by Hugo, but when he enters Middle-earth he reaches a whole different level of greatness. Some composers were just meant to score certain films and Howard is one of them.

The film will look exceptional, that's an area Peter and co just can't fail in.

Casting? Spot on. Freeman will make the role of Bilbo his own. Sorry Ian Holm.

The actual narrative. Well I don't think a director of his experience and Fran/Phillipa can get an already perfect story wrong, unless they make some very drastic changes.

There's obviously a lot that could go wrong/right and he has to bring it altogether in a coherent manner, but I still have faith in him even after his most recent output.

Speaking of casting, this is pretty interesting:


Daniel Day-Lewis or Russell Crowe as Aragorn.

Patrick Stewart as Gandalf or maybe Saruman is the character he had in mind.

Jake Gyllenhaal as Frodo.

And the two most surprising; Nic Cage/Vin Diesel as Aragorn. Well, Vin is a LOTR nut amongst other things.


He can play subtle beautifully well. All of DDL's films contain scenes where he communicates a lot through relatively inconspicuous, quiet scenes of dialogue.
DDL is great. Probably the best actor working today. But I think Viggo is more subtle and can do more with less if that makes any sense.

Funny how both were asked to play Ra's Al Ghul and declined.
It's weird, though, because his speech was taken from Eomer and was completely out of the original context of the show.

In the book this was Eomer's speech to his troops after the death of Theoden and was basically one of giving up and madness. "Ride to ruin" he's screaming because he's expecting to die.

I'm pretty sure they were expecting to die right after that speech. They spend the whole movie building up to the fact that they don't have nearly enough troops to deal with Sauron's forces, and when they see the force before them they are sufficiently scared shitless.


Art based on the book is even off limits now???If you want to avoid very broad barely even spoilers from a book, much of which is on covers for a book that is over 70 years old and the third most read book of all time then I dotty think that is ever going to be possible. That is like trying to avoid spoilers about vader being lukes dad in star wars threads. I can't imagine discussing the hobbit while ignoring the book in such broad terms, the only option would be for a separate spoiler free thread or something.

Edmond Dantès

Dantès the White
It's a book cover (one of the more famous covers) and hardly representative of what will occur in the film. No story spoilers or scene spoilers in that image at least.


Spoiler tags for something that pre-dates WWII, only on GAF would you see such absurdity. And spoiler tags for things barely major.

I mean no one expects spoiler tags for "rosebud is the sled". And that is way more spoiler and not even as old as the hobbit.

There needs to be a spoiler free thread for the all of like two people who haven't read it, avoiding every aspect of the book the rest of the year till the movie? Crazy.

I get avoiding or spoiler tagging major plot points but paintings of smaug? Someone who often is on covers of the novel? That is just nuts.


Still Tagged Accordingly
Edmond Dantès;40032345 said:
In other new Peter has hinted that we may see Smaug in the first film.

I'm thinking brief glimpses of him in the prologue/flashbacks, certainly not any not full body/faces shots.

We won't be seeing his magnificence in this manner until next year.


i grew up with this interpretation of smaug. i hope the movie closely matches it

Edmond Dantès

Dantès the White
i grew up with this interpretation of smaug. i hope the movie closely matches it
I think it'll be closer to what Guillermo del Toro had planned; something like Saruman of Many Colours in terms of Smaug's scales.

I'm pretty certain that many of the creatures will be del Toroesque in design.


Spoiler tags for something that pre-dates WWII, only on GAF would you see such absurdity. And spoiler tags for things barely major.

I mean no one expects spoiler tags for "rosebud is the sled". And that is way more spoiler and not even as old as the hobbit.

There needs to be a spoiler free thread for the all of like two people who haven't read it, avoiding every aspect of the book the rest of the year till the movie? Crazy.
Well, at least you didn't reveal who won WWII. That would be a major spoiler.
It was the Nazis. That's the twist.
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