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The Hobbit - Official Thread of Officially In Production

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Any bets as to what lines of Smaug will be the end of the teaser?

Maybe just black background, maybe with Bilbo hiding using the ring...
(which, thinking about it shouldn't really work all wooshy swooshy like in the LOTR movies. Meh, Sauron is weak and a wizard did it. Moving on...)

The boast? The laughing off revenge? Calling Bilbo out? or just a low growl?

I'm interested to see what can be done with Cumberbatch doing modified gollum like mo-cap as well...
So much to think about.. dang...

Smaug will be in the second movie. We may see his shadow though. I think the trailer will be about the necromancer and his dooming dangers.

It stars in Rivendell "We are tempted by this new doom." then it cuts to Gandalf investigating the abandoned tower. "The rumors are true. Dark magic has been cast. We must act now." and then it cuts to Bilbo and Dwarfs about the secret map. "The entrance is well hidden and the journey dangerous." and then cut to Gollum in the cave. then back to the necromancer and something spectacular and then the title.

I ain't watching it


I get:

"The page you requested was not found.

The requested website may not exist or has been moved more. Perhaps the link that you have accessed the page in error. Check the web address again."

(Chrome translated from German)


Meh, we've waited for over six months, what's another hour and a half?

A long time :(

Edmond Dantès;42304471 said:
We're getting more than just the trailer today according to Peter. I wonder what he has in store for us?

A preview of the score maybe. Or another vlog.

At the moment I'm assuming another vlog.
Edmond Dantès;42304471 said:
We're getting more than just the trailer today according to Peter. I wonder what he has in store for us?

A preview of the score maybe. Or another vlog.

Lord Of The Rings Super Extended Blu-Ray Collection: Balrog Edition with over two hours of new scenes! To be released this christmas!
So have you guys decided who does a thread for the new trailer so we wont have multiple persons working on it like last time ;).

It's not an OT. It's a goddamn trailer thread saying 'HERE IS A LINK TO THE TRAILER'. Let's not go through this stupid shit again.

When the trailer is up, the thread will go up.


Here are the screen-grabs I posted in the other thread. Holy freaking colors Batman, talk about a painting come to life:







Hard to see, but notice the eagle flying behind Gandalf in that last shot (easier to see in the trailer).
I'm a dork, it gave me chills, mostly Gandalf's fault. The only thing that I'm not digging is the brightness of the Riddles in the Dark scene. Both characters are lit much more clearly than I would have imagined.


I'm a dork, it gave me chills, mostly Gandalf's fault. The only thing that I'm not digging is the brightness of the Riddles in the Dark scene. Both characters are lit much more clearly than I would have imagined.

Maybe it'll be different in a darkened theater 30 times bigger?
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