I wonder if this kind of subculture exists in other elite units around the world?
Yeah sure. They absolutely are.The western sort is far more lethal?
my problem with the belief system of "we need bad men to do bad things to other bad men" is that now, the culture is such that bad is normal. from the article:
you have a former SEAL leader saying that this should have and could have been corrected, but now the thinking has infected the unit.
While this is wrong, it is very tame in comparison to other wars throughout human history. It used to be SOP to burn, rape and pillage sacked cities for armies.
This post turned my brain to mush. You honestly can't see a difference between these two?
Certainly, no argument from me. My comment was more of a commentary on how warfare has changed. House to house CQC....close....
The other part of my comment was simply that these are exceedingly complex questions of where the line is drawn both from a training perspective but from a practical perspective as well.
In the end...without fancy words created to hide the harsh reality (And I will be the farm that all special units have this mentality to some extent the world over)...We created surgical killers, and they performed the tasks we asked.
Navy SEALS put their lives on the line for this country and it sucks to see such a disparaging article.
Navy SEALS put their lives on the line for this country and it sucks to see such a disparaging article.
Blind hero worship.
They are lethal instruments of the state, they need to be held to higher standards, not lower.
Navy SEALS put their lives on the line for this country and it sucks to see such a disparaging article.
it's actually this type of thinking, internally and externally, that lets these war crimes be committed without accountability.
No, respect for the men that protect our freedom. Everyone could be a keyboard warrior with their indignations, but no one knows how it's like to be out there where everyone wants to kill you.
Not sure if we have any Navy SEALS on GAF, but it's doubtful.
No, respect for the men that protect our freedom. Everyone could be a keyboard warrior with their indignations, but no one knows how it's like to be out there where everyone wants to kill you.
Not sure if we have any Navy SEALS on GAF, but it's doubtful.
And should be subject to accountability. Putting your life on the line doesn't give you carte blanche to mutilate corpses and find gratification in spilling brains over your kill's face.
it's actually this type of thinking, internally and externally, that lets these war crimes be committed without accountability.
No, they shouldn't be held to higher standards?
And only "keyboard warriors" would get so upset over some trifling war crimes?
You don't give an institution respect by letting it run without accountability. Holding an institution to a higher standard is a form of respect.
An institution without accountability isn't worth respecting.
Are you guys in the special forces or the military in general? Do you guys understand what kind of enemy Al Queda was?
It's easy to be a tough guy behind a keyboard.
Blind hero worship.
They are lethal instruments of the state, they need to be held to higher standards, not lower.
That poster didnt read that article.It wasnt a smear of the whole unit, it paints a picture of a team of elite soldiers whose professional conduct was blemished by a handful of psychotics who werent disciplined appropriately.
In that case, why not go the whole hog?
Send in the chemical weapons and melt the fuckers to death eh?
They're not humans like us after all right?
Seriously you should watch that video I posted above...
Are you guys in the special forces or the military in general? Do you guys understand what kind of enemy Al Queda was?
It's easy to be a tough guy behind a keyboard.
The training to join the Navy SEALS is held to the highest standards. And even higher for SEAL Team 6.
Seems like they are doing their job well since America is protected and continuously cementing her place as a world superpower.
Are you guys in the special forces or the military in general? Do you guys understand what kind of enemy Al Queda was?
It's easy to be a tough guy behind a keyboard.
The training to join the Navy SEALS is held to the highest standards. And even higher for SEAL Team 6.
we should be thanking them not writing some dumb article about "transgressions" that are none of our business.
I'll point out again, regardless of what you might feel about the general abuse of corpses, there are distinct reasons why you don't deface the corpse of high-value targets like bin Laden and should not stand for that behavior.They killed the fucker that murdered thousands of Americans, we should be thanking them not writing some dumb article about "transgressions" that are none of our business.
No, the officers who didn't resort to barbaric mutilation for no reason are to thank for doing their job. I know several people who served in Iraq and NONE of them would have stood for this shit.
Where are you coming from on this, man? Were you a SEAL? Did you serve? Is that why you're here now?
I'll point out again, regardless of what you might feel about the general abuse of corpses, there are distinct reasons why you don't deface the corpse of high-value targets like bin Laden and should not stand for that behavior.
It's not as though they were asked to avoid shooting his face for shits and giggles.
No, I am not strong enough to be a Navy SEAL - those men operate on a whole other level. I just respect anyone that serves their country and don't appreciate when people that don't have experience in the field start judging their actions.
No, I am not strong enough to be a Navy SEAL - those men operate on a whole other level. I just respect anyone that serves their country and don't appreciate when people that don't have experience in the field start judging their actions.
Which basically means nobody should ever be able to judge their actions though no?
Not even politicians or lawmakers?
No, I am not strong enough to be a Navy SEAL - those men operate on a whole other level. I just respect anyone that serves their country and don't appreciate when people that don't have experience in the field start judging their actions.
I agree that defacing osama bin trashcans corpse was wrong, but I understand why it could happen emotionally. Those SEALS were representing every single victim that fell during 9/11.
It was a powerful moment.
No, I am not strong enough to be a Navy SEAL - those men operate on a whole other level. I just respect anyone that serves their country and don't appreciate when people that don't have experience in the field start judging their actions.
Of course they do. They're trained killers. They aren't superhuman individuals, they are prone to the same mental deficiencies as you and I.
I think the OP and article make it seem like this brutality was common in the SEALs, which I doubt. Even the source of the article says so -
Not to be a defeatist, but given the grueling and harsh things these people are asked to do, it does seem like some people going off is going to be inevitable. Maybe that's not true, but I'm not sure what you do as preventative measures and how you even really go about dealing with accountability issues. Especially when it's become so persistent. I guess you could do a full tear down of some of these units, but I don't know how helpful that would ultimately be.
No, respect for the men that protect our freedom. Everyone could be a keyboard warrior with their indignations, but no one knows how it's like to be out there where everyone wants to kill you.
Not sure if we have any Navy SEALS on GAF, but it's doubtful.
The SEALs from the other helicopter immediately headed up a steep hill after landing to locate an armed man who had been shot from the helicopter. When they reached the hilltop, the operators looked down in disbelief at women and children, along with the man all were dead or mortally wounded from the spray of gunfire from the Chinooks gunners, who had unloaded after the free fire zone had been declared. They realized the man had been trying to protect the women and children.
According to Hyder, the encounter ended there. But the retired SEAL who was on the mission tells a different story. According to this source, after shooting the man, who turned out to be unarmed, Hyder proceeded to mutilate his body by stomping in his already damaged skull. When Heath, who witnessed Hyders actions, reported them to his team leader in the presence of other members of the team, several of the guys turned and walked away, said the retired SEAL. They were disgusted. He quoted Heath as saying, Im morally flexible but I cant handle that. Heath refused to comment for this article.
It's up the military to punish their own.
Are you guys in the special forces or the military in general? Do you guys understand what kind of enemy Al Queda was?
It's easy to be a tough guy behind a keyboard.
i think that the article, along with similar examples from other "self-policing" institutions, shows this doesn't really work.
it's how police that shoot unarmed civilians never really face trials or receive substantive punishment. there is not really a way to punish your own.
This question reductive and dumb.
Not only did I not say this but you quoted specific reasons I have to why I reject sites like daily stormer, the intercept, reddit, 4chan, and etc.
What's scary is just how willing people are to accept it. The below is a perfect example.
"They killed the fucker that murdered thousands of Americans, we should be thanking them not writing some dumb article about "transgressions" that are none of our business."
Hand-waving away the evidence, the post-truth technique of putting things in scare quotes to de-legitimize them, the writing off of potential war crimes carried out in our name as "none of our business".
It's so self-evidently wrong that no one could believe it, not even the poster as he was writing it. Just your standard post-rationalisation response in order to rabidly defend an imagined sacred order that bears no resemblance to the reality of the people who actually make up that order.
appreciate the thoughts man 👍🏼
No, I am not strong enough to be a Navy SEAL - those men operate on a whole other level. I just respect anyone that serves their country and don't appreciate when people that don't have experience in
yeah, the intercept is equivalent to a white power site, ok gocha
So you reject out of hand an article from a source you don't like for no specific reason, because 'confirmation bias.'
So it's ok when white men act like savages and engage in heinous barbarism, so long as it's for "your protection"...?
But when middle-eastern religious militants do this stuff, they're all neanderthals, medieval primitives and animals?
I'm not the least bit surprised that men who live and breathe warfare are a little fucked in the head.
Just not sure what can be done about it.
Psychologically, I get what happened too. It was an emotionally powerful encounter for those operatives, and to boot many of them likely suffer from long-term mental health issues from their time in the field, all of which came to the surface in the defacing of a corpse they were specifically told not to deface.I agree that defacing osama bin trashcans corpse was wrong, but I understand why it could happen emotionally. Those SEALS were representing every single victim that fell during 9/11.
It was a powerful moment.