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My current team is King, Billy, and Robert. They're supposed to be good starter characters. In an earnest effort to get better, I've just been spending my play sessions like this: Spend a couple hours running through their trials over and over (I think I'm getting better at this because I can breeze through them now), then I spend a couple of hours in training vs a level 3 CPU and try to pull off the trials during combat (which is much, much more difficult). Should I be doing anything else to get better? I'm guessing it just comes down to practice, practice, practice.


We keep thinking about this being a KOF thing... but what if SNK is using the multiverse theory to legitimize the connection between these universes in all the games they bring out for now? Imagine Xanadu learning Naka's process, and transporting himself into a new Metal Slug or such... or if Whip ended up in a Samurai Shodown world, and had to fend for herself with older, rustic weapons, Ivy-style?

IIRC the Another World story mode had the girls mentioning something about stuff gathering specifically in the KoF world, which makes sense considering series history - look at the original Psycho Soldiers and it's clearly something more fantastical than the other games, then the age/time twisting with the FF and AoF casts, and IIRC even in XI there's a Gai Tendo victory quote against Ryo about an age discrepancy, since Ryo looks older in Buriki One, to to mention the generally crazier aesthetics of the Fu'un character like Sho Hayate and Jyazu in that game.

NGBC goes further with the multiverse stuff despite not really exploring its mechanics, but these developments make me wonder if we'll see NGBC's originals, both the protagonist pair and villain Goodman making an appearance...

The SS games are already quite a melting pot of SNK guests, especially considering some of its endings and Kuroko's moves, so it's fitting that Nako's driving things for now, awareness of this sort of stuff would be high in her neck of the woods.

It's gonna suck waiting for further developments once I'm done with all the stories, but the stage is at least set to enable an entertaining ride - even if Akihiko Ureshino's not writing for KoF anymore, remembering the Ash team's background story already hinted at XIII's ending gives me hope for good things...

Ban Puncher

When you select Kyo, the option should be above the color select.

Wasn't there.

Deleted the DLC and redownloaded it.

Still nothing.

And so began over two hours of trial and error of downloading and deleting things until I finally got it the DLC to work.

1. Insert disc.
2. Pause automatic v1.01 patch download
3. Let game fully install (not just the 10 second disc install where you can only play training mode with Kyo vs Iori - the entire thing takes about 25 minutes)
4. Once game is fully installed, resume v1.01 patch download.
5. Once v1.01 patch has downloaded and installed, download Kyo DLC.
6. Let Kyo DLC download and install.
7. Boot game.



Daimon's HK can cancel in super grab. Also df+C to hcb,f+P is easier. No need for roll cancel at mid range.


Yup, canceling off the HK is useless though since you can't hit confirm.

Nice find on the extended range of the grab, that's a nice buff.

For damage purposes it seems the optimal thing to do after df+C is to roll cancel into DP+K grab and then super cancel. Gotta cancel the roll into DP+K fast though or the grab will whiff in your opponent's face. sC> df+C>DP+K>EX super does over 50% damage iirc.

I'm digging Love Heart as a mid character, but maaaaaan her jump ins are complete garbage. The only character I've been disappointed by so far is Ralf. No tackle, no command grab, feels like he's missing something.

The guy is loaded with moves though lol, I'm guessing you didn't play him in XIII because this is an evolution of that style of play.

They have been differentiating him and Clark more and more over the years and in XIV they have reached the point where they have barely anything in common.

Few Notes about RALF:

Thanks for these, will be putting more time into him today.

My current team is King, Billy, and Robert. They're supposed to be good starter characters. In an earnest effort to get better, I've just been spending my play sessions like this: Spend a couple hours running through their trials over and over (I think I'm getting better at this because I can breeze through them now), then I spend a couple of hours in training vs a level 3 CPU and try to pull off the trials during combat (which is much, much more difficult). Should I be doing anything else to get better? I'm guessing it just comes down to practice, practice, practice.

Check the OP for links to Juicebox's tutorial vids for KOFXIII, there are a bunch there that teach you about the basic and advanced mixups of KOF that will help you with any character and help you learn the game (and the series) in general. Should be quite a bit more helpful then just grinding away at combos etc.


Yes, God Ryo returns!

BTW, anyone know if saved game data from a digitally purchased game applies to a physical copy of that same game?
Amazon apparently only sent out my copy today, so digital is is for the weekend... that, or focusing more doing some more Super Robot Wars OG Moon Dwellers while I wait.

Yes. The save data will work for both versions as long they are from the same region.


Yes. The save data will work for both versions as long they are from the same region.

Nice, thanks! Looks like I'll be marathoning me some story modes.

I do with the character use statistics were as detailed as those of XIII - I tended to use those to help me decide which characters I'd take to Ranked for the 10 wins trophy after experimenting a bit in unranked. But it seems the game in the very least still keeps track of the amount of wins versus amount of total matches, it may still help. Odds are it'll take a while to find who I'll really click well with given such a big cast (pretty curious about Gang-Il though).


It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
G-Mantle (ゲーマント) ‏@SNKPofficial 20m20 minutes ago
NOTICE: Patch fixing issues in online mode is currently in-review. A few days may be required until its approval / launch. #KOF14 #KOFXIV

SNK with the god tier communication skills.

EDIT:Just got got by BadWolf #RIP


It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
Thank god, the game is almost unbearable online. Awful.

Wut? ;)

I'm in the UK, the game finds zero EU rooms. All I see are Japanese and American lobbies, the lag is killing me man.

But the game is awesome.
lol sorry man!!! I read "ubeatable online" and made no sense to me lol

On my side i havent been able to find any connection better than one bar since release @___@
So i haven't played online yet.
I'm in the UK, the game finds zero EU rooms. All I see are Japanese and American lobbies, the lag is killing me man.

But the game is awesome.

Could be it simply didn't sell well in them parts for any big enough community to establish and make online viable.
How is KoD so high?

How can Ramon and Ban be so low (wait nevermind I can kinda see that)?

Anton being that low DOES make sense. That dude is straight garbo but I'm sure as shit no authority on KOF.


Are you guys liking this over 13? Quite frankly, I can't get past the downgrade in visuals to try it out but if the gameplay is that much better I might.


How is KoD so high?

How can Ramon and Ban be so low (wait nevermind I can kinda see that)?

Anton being that low DOES make sense. That dude is straight garbo but I'm sure as shit no authority on KOF.

KOD has armor on his HCB grab IIRC.


Are you guys liking this over 13? Quite frankly, I can't get past the downgrade in visuals to try it out but if the gameplay is that much better I might.

I think that one of the best virtues of KOF, is that games are so different that I feel unfair to think that one is better than the other.

For example, I could compare 97 and 98 since this game are similar, but not with other entries.

That being said, one thing that I like about this over 13 is that there is not touch of death and that you can't abuse of ex moves that easily.

In the other hand, the pace of 13 was more exciting to play and watch, and said touch of death combos weren't that easy to execute.


Are you guys liking this over 13? Quite frankly, I can't get past the downgrade in visuals to try it out but if the gameplay is that much better I might.

I am. There was just too much for me to remember in regards to meter management in XIII. My brain would shut down whenever I landed a hit trying to figure what combo to do. This one doesn't seem so touch-of-death focused and I really like what they've done with the characters and it feels closer to the older KOFs to me while still being its own beast. Sure it doesn't look as amazing as KOF XIII but aside from Kyo and Andy I actually think it looks pretty damn nice especially in the details.

As long as the game balance shapes out and the game itself doesn't stagnate as KOFXIII did it should turn out to be the better game in the long run.

Plus it has Angel and Ramon so that makes it worth it right there.

qcf x2

Are you guys liking this over 13? Quite frankly, I can't get past the downgrade in visuals to try it out but if the gameplay is that much better I might.

These visuals look better tbh. Not saying they're awesome but they're sharper while retaining personality.

Brandon F

Well congratulations! You got yourself caught!
Are you guys liking this over 13? Quite frankly, I can't get past the downgrade in visuals to try it out but if the gameplay is that much better I might.

Prefer the aesthetic and visual look of XIII, but the game experience feels more accessible and stronger here.

Oh and I am not certain how GAF feels, but I also found XIII had a superior story and single player suite. Story mode was more engaging, there were far more pre-fight quips, and overall it just felt a bit more stacked in the last game.

KoFXIV is fine though overall and provides enough to do(and I approve greatly of the slimming down of systems), but I guess I expected more out of the story mode mostly. Better reason to enjoy each team's perspective and such...


These visuals look better tbh. Not saying they're awesome but they're sharper while retaining personality.

Can't really agree unless you don't like sprite work.

Game is not a looker.

But it plays amazing, which is all that matters. KoF13 was far too dense and execution heavy with. I never found 3 characters I wanted to play in that game, let alone learn indepth HD combos for.

This game has 10 characters I love, the combos are short and sweet, and the game is more about fundamentals than learning long combos (even if those are hype to watch.


Found a lobby with a solid connection last night. I played about 12-15 games against a zarina player, felt so good. If the patch can deliver that on a consistent basis then this will be getting play for a very long time.


Prefer the aesthetic and visual look of XIII, but the game experience feels more accessible and stronger here.

Oh and I am not certain how GAF feels, but I also found XIII had a superior story and single player suite. Story mode was more engaging, there were far more pre-fight quips, and overall it just felt a bit more stacked in the last game.

KoFXIV is fine though overall and provides enough to do(and I approve greatly of the slimming down of systems), but I guess I expected more out of the story mode mostly. Better reason to enjoy each team's perspective and such...

Story Mode sucks on 14, but overall I feel like the endings are better in 14 since they had a purpose, and you know that they are leading to something greater.

Still, all the ash related endings on XIII were perfect, amongst my favorites in the genre


Finally got the game in the mail yesterday and so far I must say this is one of the best fighting games released this generation. Sure the graphics aren't as pretty as Mortal Kombat X or Street Fighter V but the gameplay allows for newcomers and veterans to get in on it. Certain characters I wouldn't touch in the past I was able to pick up and learn a bit about them thanks to the rush system and my understanding of the fundamentals in fighting games. The only issues i have with the game are:

- The menu system is kinda bland... looks great in screenshots but very static in game. Online menu for free play is super confusing at first glance.

- I'm not sure if anyone else is dealing with this but the R2 trigger is completely unresponsive. The PS4 controller isn't the greatest to play with anyway but a dead button doesn't help. I'm glad my hori pad works for it.

- The boost in game speed also makes the window for inputs shorter. Making it harder to perform certain combos in succession.

- Rapid input moves that use LP in particular (Example: Joe's Bakuretsuken) are impossible to do thanks to the rush system and the game speed boost has me relying on the turbo function on my hori fight pad.

- Story mode makes little to no sense... but the endings are great... I wish there was an opening video for each team.

- No English Dub

and aside from the controller issue... these are small... SNK really delivered on this game and I hope people who are new to fighters get a chance to try this out. I believe it will make them appreciate how a classic 2D style fighter should play.


That chart is in Japanese, unless Japanese players found Xiaohai's comments on a Chinese board and slapped it on that graph.

Anyone frequent Chinese boards to confirm?

Per lower in post:

Up to down is strongest to weakest
left to right is, difficult to use, and not difficult to use.
These visuals look better tbh. Not saying they're awesome but they're sharper while retaining personality.
You're actually crazy. 13 had gorgeous sprite work that's some of the best you'll find in the genre and 14 looks like an early budget PS3 game. It's cool if the look of the game doesn't bother you, despite how much I make fun of it I'm none to bothered by it either, but there isn't a timeline or multiverse where this game looks better than 13.


That is an execution thing on your part then, not an issue with the Rush system.

I have to disagree as I never had issue with pulling the move off in previous entries of the series. If the instructions say you can rapidly tap LP or HP... but it forget to mention that the rush system will take priority over the intended special attack being executed... that's a issue with the system. An easy fix to this is to change the instructions to say only tap HP rapidly but even in doing so... the speed to do so successfully is not defined and if it requires to do it at a speed in which the user can damage their controller (or ligament for others)... then it speed needs to be tweaked.

Hyun Sai

You're actually crazy. 13 had gorgeous sprite work that's some of the best you'll find in the genre and 14 looks like an early budget PS3 game. It's cool if the look of the game doesn't bother you, despite how much I make fun of it I'm none to bothered by it either, but there isn't a timeline or multiverse where this game looks better than 13.

Sprite work was good in 13 but some of those 13 sprites were hideous to be honest. Every woman got the face of a mouse, Ralf and Clark got some deformed beefed bodies, Athena was strangest than ever...

And I honestly think many of the stages look better in XIV.


Sprite work was good in 13n but some of those 13 sprites were hideous to be honest. Every woman got the face of a mouse, Ralf and Clark got some deformed beefed bodies, Athena was strangest than ever...

And I honestly think many of the stages look better in XIV.

Am I one of the few that thought Athena's 13 look was an awesome throwback to her original design? Seems universally hated.


As is I prefer KoF 13 more, I just liked the combo system there more.

Also Ralf's KoF 97 intro and his special intro with Clark are the best FG intros in a fighter ever. His later intros paled in comparison.


If anyone is interested/cares, my review is now up: EGMNOW review (8.5/10)

As I had mentioned earlier in the week in the review thread, I really didn't feel right putting up a review before the game launched and I'd had at least a little chance to see how the online was going post-release. I still feel like more time is needed to see how that's all going to suss out, especially with news of the patch coming, but I'm not certain when we'll really know how the netcode is truly going to be going forward.

Sprite work was good in 13 but some of those 13 sprites were hideous to be honest. Every woman got the face of a mouse, Ralf and Clark got some deformed beefed bodies, Athena was strangest than ever...

And I honestly think many of the stages look better in XIV.

Man, I loved Athena in XII/XIII. Yeah, I can totally understand why people didn't like her face, but I didn't mind it, and having her being a little thick was sweet. And man, that Mai. I went back to XIII a bit this week, and god... I'm so, so going to miss SNK sprites. I wish that the XII/XIII era could have gotten one more release before it came to an end.


Ahh, finally got to see it, it's as I surmised! LoL, thanks for the confirm! I've no idea either... I could understand if it was the recordless arcade mode?

And for Kula, I checked because you asked, and all I could come up with was (in Corner) (HK*1 hit*,Command normal)x2 due to MAX activate, EX Diamond Breath, (run in), EX Counter Shell, EX Crow Bites. This topped out at 401 damage, without any DMs or such in there.

She doesn't have the KuruKuru Lay spin craziness of older games, and Counter Shell doesn't have that old Hard Knockdown trick. And her supers aren't great for comboing into, since enemies fall out of a lot of the damage. I guess they figure her basic B&B of (Far.C,LK Ray Spin->Ray Spin(sit), HP Crow Bites) doing nearly 300 meterless damage, even at mid screen, is quite enough, heh.

I like 'betty... but yeah, she can take a break. XI, XII, and XIII were a lot of time for them to mess with her character, and she got more limelight than Oswald or Adelheid, for sure.

That said, I'd love to see them add a team with her (and 2 others) and have that be the bridging story to XV, via XIV DLC. A 14.5 epilogue that raises anticipation to the next game would be fun, and would let them start the next game in a later point of time.

He seems like an honest enough guy, enough that I hope his story is a bit more than just him grandstanding. I also like the rather Krauser-like moves he has in his jumping HK (Leg TOMAHAWK!) and his forward throw (much like Krausers Lift throw).

Hopefully so. He's just a big guy who powers through everything. And he has 2 target combos! I'm glad to see someone with some new ones, as I think it's a nice mechanic to compliment command normals, while also enforcing his brute strength gameplay.

Well I didnt know her counter juggled, downside is damage is easier and better just to go ex breathe, ex qcb+k's~lk, to dp. Still cool though thanks!


It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
If anyone is interested/cares, my review is now up: EGMNOW review (8.5/10)

As I had mentioned earlier in the week in the review thread, I really didn't feel right putting up a review before the game launched and I'd had at least a little chance to see how the online was going post-release. I still feel like more time is needed to see how that's all going to suss out, especially with news of the patch coming, but I'm not certain when we'll really know how the netcode is truly going to be going forward.

Party Mode netcode seems fine according to most folks, so the patch should greatly improve the current experience.

And i agree with your review on 100%.... the Andy model is by far the worse.

Then you have characters like Chin with absolutely top notch animations... but oh well... this is SNK learning to do 3D and its a great first step.
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