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The kitty that will destroy us all.......

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He was living in a refugee camp in Palestine. He had to go home on a curfew (sometimes the IDF says they have to remain in their homes for a certain amount of time, sometimes days) but the cat didn't return home and when they were allowed out he found it squished.

He claims they must have shot it first because it would have ran away from the tanks. I asked him if he saw any bullets in the cat and he said he didn't see any but it probably went through the cat.

I don't know why cats (and I guess some chickens) are the targets of brutality. 2 years ago or so there were some guys bar-b-queing kittens. I guess the more defenseless you are, more likely you're gonna get slapped around as a species...
My cat owns the World's smallest domestic cat.


^^ I see sexy leg


Blurry. He wouldn't stop running at the camera.
Fight for Freeform said:
He was living in a refugee camp in Palestine. He had to go home on a curfew (sometimes the IDF says they have to remain in their homes for a certain amount of time, sometimes days) but the cat didn't return home and when they were allowed out he found it squished.

He claims they must have shot it first because it would have ran away from the tanks. I asked him if he saw any bullets in the cat and he said he didn't see any but it probably went through the cat.

I don't know why cats (and I guess some chickens) are the targets of brutality. 2 years ago or so there were some guys bar-b-queing kittens. I guess the more defenseless you are, more likely you're gonna get slapped around as a species...

woah, thats fucked up. I can't understand people being violent towards animals, to me its the same as violence towards young kids.


ConfusingJazz said:
Not very cool, my dog baiscally has four things to say to me:

1. Feed me, or give me what you have in your hand, it looks like food.
2. Throw, I will bring it back, and then throw again.
3. Hey, where the hell are you going, HEY, GET BACK HERE, STAY IN THIS HOUSE!
4. I need to piss.

I mean, he is cute as all hell, but I don't think he would be very interesting to talk to.

LOL...maybe it's because its extremely late and I've been up all night, but I found that to be very funny.
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