Not me, I'm with Amazon UK and they keep changing mine around.Yeah, I'm assuming that all of the people getting theirs already are in the UK.
Still waiting on my Amazon US shipment over here.
Not me, I'm with Amazon UK and they keep changing mine around.Yeah, I'm assuming that all of the people getting theirs already are in the UK.
Still waiting on my Amazon US shipment over here.
Not me, I'm with Amazon UK and they keep changing mine around.
Too cute, I just can't.Not a plushie, but I think people will find it cool anyway
She is taking silent bids for it, so there is a chance you could land it.
Yep. Mine just updated with an estimated delivery date of this Friday. Can't wait.Amazon US just updated me on my book. Delivery estimate of this thursday.
Not a plushie, but I think people will find it cool anyway
She is taking silent bids for it, so there is a chance you could land it.
Really? Remote play = worse framerate and controls. I wouldn't wish that on anyone.Has anyone tried playing it with remote play? How is it? I played about an hour on my PS4 and it seems like it would work nicely on the Vita.
I mean, I played quite a bit of Infamous and Gravity Rush 1/2 with Remote Play and didn't have any issues. And it's not like the framerate is spectacular on the PS4 either.Really? Remote play = worse framerate and controls. I wouldn't wish that on anyone.
Has anyone tried playing it with remote play? How is it? I played about an hour on my PS4 and it seems like it would work nicely on the Vita.
Is it still easy too find physical copies of this game or is it a Gravity Rush: Remastered situation?
Is it still easy too find physical copies of this game or is it a Gravity Rush: Remastered situation?
It's here and it's beautiful!
Has anyone gone through the Ueda interview in the book for any juicy details?
Not a plushie, but I think people will find it cool anyway
She is taking silent bids for it, so there is a chance you could land it.
Ey, man. It was an Odyssey for all of us waiting and worrying all the time that it would never see release. They put us through hell! An entire console generation came and went without a single Team ICO game. Shit was crazy.It's not just the interview, there are questions and answers throughout the book. I'm reading cover to cover (about halfway through now) and it's fascinating. One thing I keep coming back to: I am utterly amazed this game exists! The development process is touched on here and there and it sounds like a true Odyssey!
Saw this on another site.Has anyone gone through the Ueda interview in the book for any juicy details?
I just played through The Last Guardian and I think it made me fall in love with Sony as much as the game itself
Like thank god they keep up these really spirited and artistic visionary projects, even when they aren't ripe for franchising or massive sales. What a beautiful game. Sony seems to have long been less averse to letting their projects be ambitious and risky. Microsoft seems to pick either ambitious and mainstream or take a creative risk but make it a small release... sorry Gears/Halo/Forza box
Alright so I just finally played this game and whew I'm in love. The art, directing, atmosphere, and central character relationship are so beautiful. Here's my cross post on it
I seriously am so happy with Sony's vision for exclusives.
I fully believe without the outcry of the fans this would have been scalebounded
I fully believe without the outcry of the fans this would have been scalebounded
Alright so I just finally played this game and whew I'm in love. The art, directing, atmosphere, and central character relationship are so beautiful. Here's my cross post on it
I seriously am so happy with Sony's vision for exclusives.
I fully believe without the outcry of the fans this would have been scalebounded
I'm still at disbelief this game even came out and ended up as wonderful as it did.
AgreedHonestly I'd have no complaints if the performance was up to snuff on the base PS4. It's an amazing game on the whole, but there's no excuse for those framerate drops IMO. They ruin so many otherwise impressive moments in the game.
Finding all hints is the last thing I need to do for a platinum trophy but it is soooo tiring and half of the hints wouldn't trigger during my last playthrough.Currently on my third playthrough with the intent to clean up all my missing trophies. The companion book is quite useful with getting the hints I haven't gotten yet (seriously, there's no way I would have gotten some of them naturally) and Toriko is being such a twit in this run. I loved Toriko in my second playthrough because he was very affectionate and did things almost immediately, whereas the current one is daydreaming half the time and would rather take a nap than progress. It was kinda cute how he couldn't figure out how to eat a barrel on a set of stairs, it's like I am playing with two distinctly different beasts hahahaha
Such an amazing game. I keep finding new things in every run.
How do you get the barrel in the hole on top of the bird's head on the top of the white tower?
I don't even see this barrel mentioned in any guides??
Finally, my precious collection!
I will be on it Day 1! hahaWell done! Now you just have to 100% the SotC-remake!
The Last Guardian OT is going to stay on gaming side for longer than it was in development.