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The Last of Us: Left Behind |OT|


Loved it. Even knowing how it ends beforehand I loved every second of it. Probably the best DLC I've played, even if a bit expensive. Story was great and the gameplay felt even tighter than on the main game. Those three-way encounters were awesome.

I've said it before but I'll say it again: as someone who played every Uncharted and thinks it's really overrated, everything about TLoU is amazing.


The only problem I have after finishing the DLC is, that I now feel kind of bad, because this could have maybe been the last time, we could have spent time with Ellie and Joel :/

But that I have this feeling confirms only, that Naughty Dog did a briliant job with this game. Hopefully, there will be a PS4 Port on some point., I would love to play it again.
Man, watching Lirik, a DayZ streamer play this, so miserable.

He's like "Fuck this halloween shit, give me some loot!"

Some people don't get it. Fucking DayZ.

Ugh, this is why I hate the commonness of streamers. It'd be like every movie having Let's Watch videos attached and people watch these to experience the actual movie before they go see it. I was just curious and watched one guy play Last of Us and he was just making jokes the entire intro... some people are so dead inside.

It makes me a bit worried about this generation. Like the top stream on PS4 was Outlast (with 500 viewers) and it was the END of the game... people were asking, "What is this?" "Is this game good?" while they watched the entire ending. Makes me fear what is going to happen when actual games with meaningful stories comes out. Like imagine this DLC being live streamed on the top of the PSLive streams...

If they could implement some spoiler protection that you have to physically disable in order to see certain things, that might help a bit.
Downloaded it and installed it. As I installed it I walked away, and turned my TV off, stuff has always installed horribly slow on this HD. Came back like 15 minutes later and it's gone. What the hell happened, do I have to redownload :(?


Downloaded it and installed it. As I installed it I walked away, and turned my TV off, stuff has always installed horribly slow on this HD. Came back like 15 minutes later and it's gone. What the hell happened, do I have to redownload :(?


just start the main game and you'll have the "left behind" option on the main menu


Just finished it and loved every second of it. Perfect in every way just like the regular game itself.

Sad it's over, but I knew what would come...

Not sure if I want a sequel with the same characters if we ever get one. Although, all things considered, if someone could pull it off, it would be Naughty Dog.

Downloading the documentary now and will watch that in a bit.

Seriously thinking of picking up the OSTs as well as I love the soundtrack so much.

I'm not sure, that's the thing. Again, I haven't played it, but it's plausible that the writers wanted to have the whole story lead up towards that revelation, much like in (huge spoilers for very recent indie title)
------Gone Home------
. If that's the case, then I will be pretty disappointed. I hope it's not though
I don't really consider it a spoiler.
That moment made perfect sense for me for some reason. Didn't even take my by surprise. It just seems to perfectly fit the character.
I enjoyed the game. Only complaint is these kids are supposedly smart and somewhat trained in combat, but
knowing what they know about the Clickers, why would they make that much noise? I cringed everytime I heard them make all that sound. They were asking for it.
I enjoyed the game. Only complaint is these kids are supposedly smart and somewhat trained in combat, but
knowing what they know about the Clickers, why would they make that much noise? I cringed everytime I heard them make all that sound. They were asking for it.
They thought they were still
inside the quarantine zone
didn't they?


They thought they were still
inside the quarantine zone
didn't they?

They did talk about how it was BS when the woman over the speaker said the QZ zone was infected free for X amount of days though. I'm not sure they knew infected were in the mall, but I took it as Riley knowing there was infected inside the QZ. They also run into infected in the comics
I was more excited for this than I was for Christmas and despite my hype the DLC still managed to exceed my expectations. I'd go as far to say that I think it was a better game and experience than The Last of Us, at least in my opinion.
If Naughty Dog can maintain this level of quality for their next DLC and game I'll be very happy.


I would love a PS4 goty version with everything bundled. I want to give them my money again.

I've been postponing my second playthrough of the main game in the hope of that happening eventually.

How long is this?

I have a friend who was very disappointed in it because of how quickly it took him to get through and stated that it was not worth the price of entry.

3h 33min on normal for me, and I did try to inspect every nook and cranny, and listen to all the conversations.

I just learned today that Sony put up The Last of Us OST Vol 2 recently, you can get it on iTunes and Amazon. It's got some music from Left Behind and TLOU, 25 tracks in total. iTunes Amazon

Is it still available only for Americans? I tried to buy it on Amazon earlier on the week, but it wasn't available for the European region. =/


Neo Member
Holy shit I completely forgot how to fight in this game. Some kind of refresher would have been nice.

That's how I felt too. The scaling of difficulty felt weird to me. I ended up not having a problem finishing it though, but I did get occasionally annoyed.

It was essentially what I was expecting, and I LOVED The Last of Us, but I just didn't need more of that. This same story was expressed totally fine in the main game, I mean come on you know EXACTLY how this was going to end. So I'd caution others to pass on it.
They offered me a refresher. From the main menu, when I first selected the DLC. It asked if I needed a quick tutorial to get a handle on the controls again.
You mean the text tutorials? Or the in game tips? Either way they didn't help me at all.

I literally don't remember how to fight clickers or the regular zombies for that matter. It's been like 8 months since I last played the game. It's really irritating as I've died like 5 times now on the same section.

I don't even know what's making the clickers hear or see me. But the home right in on me every time.


Ok how do I fight with the brick. Seriously I've completely forgotten how to play this game.

Also where in the main menu is this refresher because I don't see it anywhere.
Wait until they're close then throw a brick and stab them while they're stunned. Rinse and repeat. You could also shoot them to death if that's more your style.


Is it just me or does this DLC look better than the main game graphically? I've been taking screenshots and it looks insane:











So just finished the DLC pretty good, but way overpriced considering it seemed like they pretty much reused a lot of areas from the original game. And I meat the game in 2 hours 49 mins on hard. Got 24 collectables.

The ending though left me just feeling kinda empty... i guess I dont want the journey with Joel and Ellie to end. definitely felt like that after the end of the main game (so much so that i restarted it rift after it ended). Like by the end of the DLC I finally had started to get into the rhythm of the gameplay because I really struggled at first.

Who else thinks online needs a Water Gun mode? I can't believe I enjoyed playing with water guns so much in this game. The hide and seek was kinda tense lol because I didn't want to lose.

Is ellie a lesbian now just because Ellen Page is one? Or is it the other way around? lol.

It makes me a bit worried about this generation. Like the top stream on PS4 was Outlast (with 500 viewers) and it was the END of the game... people were asking, "What is this?" "Is this game good?" while they watched the entire ending. Makes me fear what is going to happen when actual games with meaningful stories comes out. Like imagine this DLC being live streamed on the top of the PSLive streams...

If they could implement some spoiler protection that you have to physically disable in order to see certain things, that might help a bit.

This is actually already possible. Developers can block parts of the games from the streams. So like spoilers can be blocked and they won't show. Dunno if any game does it though.


It was... okay. I found the moments between Ellie and Riley boring, as a game. As a story, it's interesting, but to play it it's not... fun. And what actual parts are gameplay, there's so few of it. The three-way-encounters aren't even anything that special because the way they have them set up it's purposefully done so one side will win if you do alert them. It's cool to see, certainly, but I don't see how the side with less numbers could win out with how the AI works.

I played it on Hard and it wasn't as difficult as it could have been. I maybe died twice and that was because of purely stupid mistakes. Suffice to say, I don't really have any interest in replaying it because of those moments between Ellie and Riley -- they'll get in the way of why I'd want to replay it in the first place.

This probably would've felt better in the main storyline, it really feels like it was planned for the main story but they prioritized other events over it. It was definitely a whole chapter, in terms of comparing the length of it to the chapters in the main game.

Feels kind of cheap they spent like 80% of this DLC on conversation and forcing the player along hallways to do interactables to initiate conversations. I guess it keeps your interest for a bit and I appreciate them showing what their relationship was and showing what kind of person Riley was. But as far as pure gameplay content? It's lacking for something that was $15. And I understand why it's $15 and why much of it is more narrative than gameplay (especially because of the story they wanted to cover) but man it feels really lame because much of the actual gameplay content (the encounters and the time frame these encounters are from) are from a portion the main game that were cut due to time or whatever.

Those are my 2 cents anyway. Not particularly glowing like the rest of you -- I loved the main game, obviously, but this just didn't have enough action oriented gameplay. I don't think it was balanced proportionally as it could have been. And I guess, again, that's because of the story constraints they put themselves into (exploring Ellie/Riley relationship and showing what happened).
This is a walking simulator/movie. It doesn't have even close to enough gameplay to justify the price. This is a complete rip-off to someone like me who was expecting a video game. They should have put a warning on this to prospective buyers that this is a movie.


This is a walking simulator/movie. It doesn't have even close to enough gameplay to justify the price. This is a complete rip-off to someone like me who was expecting a video game. They should have put a warning on this to prospective buyers that this is a movie.

Not enough sexy anime characters, right?


This is a walking simulator/movie. It doesn't have even close to enough gameplay to justify the price. This is a complete rip-off to someone like me who was expecting a video game. They should have put a warning on this to prospective buyers that this is a movie.

I liked the creative ways they introduced gameplay but oh well, too bad you didn't. I personally enjoyed interacting with the environment, the attention to detail like going down the
escalators again and having more happen if you do, interacting with the photo booth, etc. but I understand that's not gameplay to you. I however liked the way they integrated the fighting game, I liked the water gun game, I felt the stealth game was the best they've made short of playing against humans in multiplayer and I felt there was just enough puzzles-platforming to not overload it and I liked pitting factions against one another, throwing bricks on cars, etc. and those are real gameplay elements
There's a lot of varied stuff you can do.


Naughty Dog delivers another classic. Better than what I expected. Perfect tie in to the original game.

Not sure what everyone else was expecting. The Last of Us Horde Mode?


Because I thought it would have about the same ratio of story to gameplay as the original had. Unfortunately it had far less gameplay than the original .

Actually, the ratio is not much different. There are long stretches in the main game with no combat at all.

Also, you should have known what you were getting into. It was clear from the outset that this DLC would not be combat heavy.
Actually, the ratio is not much different. There are long stretches in the main game with no combat at all.

Also, you should have known what you were getting into. It was clear from the outset that this DLC would not be combat heavy.

I didn't think I had to follow this DLC super closely, because Naughty Dog has never done me wrong before. I liked all the Uncharteds and I liked the original LOU. I thought I was safe. They just should have put a warning on this DLC explaining that it was a movie.


I didn't think I had to follow this DLC super closely, because Naughty Dog has never done me wrong before. I liked all the Uncharteds and I liked the original LOU. I thought I was safe. They just should have put a warning on this DLC explaining that it was a movie.

Well, you knew that it was a prequel where you played as Ellie, right? That's enough to assume that there wouldn't be much combat.

That's not following it super closely, that's basic knowledge.


Just wondering, if I were to start this after deleting my LoU save file, would I have to unlock Survivor in the main game in order to play the DLC on Survivor?


Today I bought the digital version of the Last of Us on Amazon for $30. For some reason I didn't get it last year when it released... but I guess now it's a good time to try it. Currently waiting for the download to reach 50%. If I like the game I'll probably but this DLC too.


So having had some time to think about Left Behind I think I have actually flipped my opinion on this DLC.

It was completely unnecessary and now I think i see it for what it is, a cheap cash grab. Pretty much everything that happened was better left untold. To be honest we did not really get any deeper insight to any of the characters. We know more about riley but we already knew what we needed to know about her in the main game. She was a kid, Ellie's bff and dead.

Did we really need to see Ellie getting the supplies for joel? And then the whole Ellie and Ripley story while nicely told did not add anything more to the lore/story of The Last of Us. The main thing they did in terms of character development is tease the Ellie is a lesbian thing (which I don't think is the case) which I found to be kinda stupid

I think stepping back from the hype I see no reason for this DLC to exist. Doesn't do much gameplay wise and story wise its unnecessary exposition, which doesn't even show the most important part of it. To anyone on the fence I'd say save your money until this is much much cheaper.

And I love TLOU - the original game is one of my favorite games of all time and is tied with MGS4 for GOTG.


I didn't think I had to follow this DLC super closely, because Naughty Dog has never done me wrong before. I liked all the Uncharteds and I liked the original LOU. I thought I was safe. They just should have put a warning on this DLC explaining that it was a movie.

Well, you knew that it was a prequel where you played as Ellie, right? That's enough to assume that there wouldn't be much combat.

That's not following it super closely, that's basic knowledge.

Completely off topic, but I followed your back and forth picturing your avatars as your faces. It made the debate more entertaining.

On topic, I enjoyed it and I thought it was money well spent. I bought the season pass though, and I got the most out of the multiplayer, so overall I'm very happy with this season pass and very happy with Left Behind as a complete package of story telling and gameplay, in fact I actually enjoyed the story bits more than the gameplay.

Also, I could tell this 'interactive movie' criticism could be forthcoming for some. Maybe if I wasn't so in to the story, I would have felt that way. But I appreciated the contrast that was seen in the DLC. I had such a great time with the DLC that I'm going to play the main game once more.
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