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The Last of Us Pt II |OT| Oh Ellie...I think they should be terrified of you


NaughtyDog Defense Force
So I'm starting the second half of the game and I'm curious what was leaked that got people so outraged. My guesses are:

1. The interaction Abby has with another character in the early part of the game
2. Abby looks like a dude
3. Liberal amount of on screen lesbianism
4. 1st half final fight sequence
5. ????

Joel being killed by Abby and then playing as her in the second half. That was the main issue had from the beginning. At the End of Day 3 Abby, people thought
Abby would kill Ellie and that would be the end of the game.


About the people giving not only 0/10, but even an 8/10 is an extreme stretch for a negative opinion. What are they comparing it to? How many games are this high in standards? Those must be the COD/Fortnite hordes who are pretty much brainless. The story itself is a 10/10, wonderful perspectives giving you a wider, interesting view into one thing and another. Most people whine because they're not used to see heroes (if that's a thing) die, just like Hollywood's generic movies, and even games like Desmond Miles in Assassin's Creed. They'll keep bitching about it and if the dev is weak enough will make a prequel or a remake, or make some sorcery or trickery to undo the death of the main character.

It was refreshing, and pretty much thoughtful to make such story, not kill them all and beat your chest like a gorilla and all of them are just bad and fuck them all! Yes, it puts more care about lives inside their game, and makes you the judge. Not everything is black and white, just like in real life.


I keep video clipping my combat encounters and rewatching them. When all the systems flow together and you master the controls then the combat is the equivalent of set pieces, can't hate on a game that pulls that off... The combat designers are the real MVPs at ND.


Unconfirmed Member
She is nothing like arnie at his peak, the hiperbole around this muscular bitch always make me laugh.

Yeah that was sarcastic exaggeration mate. I do know she's not actually the same size as Arnie at his peak.

Glad to give you a laugh though (y)


Gold Member
I've spent some time browsing youtube today checking what all the hate is about and I feel like I'm living on a different planet. I hardly noticed the "bigot sandwitch" while playing and it turns out it had been like a global scandal when it leaked. What the actual fuck. Even if the LGBT themes present in the game were in some way motivated by personal beliefs of the game directing team, who cares??? How can this be something so important to anyone that completely overshadows the whole experience, to see it mainly as a "product of woke propaganda" and a reason to hate it?
I find that rather telling.
I am not saying the story is perfect and yes, many people might not like it for a number of reasons. No problem there. There were moments I felt some arcs could have ended differently for the benefit of the game and some scenes felt compressed and lacking justification in the dialog. Cut content perhaps?
On youtube, however - people seem to be making whole careers bitching about the plot and how it penetrates their impeccable hetero masculine sensitivity with all the gayness on display and how it's bad storytelling when they'd prefer different fates for certain characters, demanding justice and CAMPAIGNING for review bombing it on Metacritic. Are you kidding me??? All that while trying to make a point totally misrepresenting motivations and relationships between characters, even though the game is out and everyone who has seen the credits knows that.
Some go as far as to SELL their own "FUCK NAUGHTY DOG" merch using the branding of the company, wow good luck getting your pants sued off for trademark violation.
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Psst... Guys...

I think the games 'journalists' might have been right about this one, and the backlash totally unjustified. This shits great. Weirdest thing I seen all year in a pretty weird year, I reckon.

I just past the big twist in the middle part (that I believe caused much rage) and like where its going already...

edit. Fuck yeah. I just played
for 25 mins. Game of the Gen
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Psst... Guys...

I think the games 'journalists' might have been right about this one, and the backlash totally unjustified. This shits great. Weirdest thing I seen all year in a pretty weird year, I reckon.

I just past the big twist in the middle part (that I believe caused much rage) and like where its going already...

edit. Fuck yeah. I just played
for 25 mins. Game of the Gen

Regarding your spoiler...

I kept trying to make the ball land in the dog bowl lol.


Unconfirmed Member
Seattle day 3.

The story is shit.

One of the weirdest love/hate games I've played. Excellence almost across the board. Everything is stunning, but the script is an absolute disaster.


Seattle day 3.

The story is shit.

One of the weirdest love/hate games I've played. Excellence almost across the board. Everything is stunning, but the script is an absolute disaster.
i think i'm almost at the same point on the story, do you hate the plot or dialogues? I think it's pretty well made until now, there it's very good detail in acting(characters express a lot with body movement and not just the face), dialogues have good amount of character building and foreshadowing and the pace of the story beats feels very deliberate.
Edit: NVM my save file says day 1, i might be confused....
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I would probably have this game on par with TLOU 1 if the Abby section was like an hour long tops. The game would probably get much less hate if we didn't play half the game as her. She is just not nearly as interesting as Joel and Ellie, but Druckmann has a crazy massive ego thinking he could pull it off
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Unconfirmed Member
i think i'm almost at the same point on the story, do you hate the plot or dialogues? I think it's pretty well made until now, there it's very good detail in acting(characters express a lot with body movement and not just the face), dialogues have good amount of character building and foreshadowing and the pace of the story beats feels very deliberate.

I hate the plot. I'm just not on board with whatever it is they're trying to do here. Outside of revenge is pointless, violence leads to violence & these things aren't good for you (which is so blindingly obvious that I can't believe it's all they've got), I don't even know what they're trying to do.

Wouldn't say I hate the dialogue. A lot of it lands with a clunk, but then it surprises you with a bit of class. There have been some nice little moments. Here & there.

It is very well made. Like I said, ignore what's happening in the story & pretty much everything else about the game is just excellence.


Was the kiss at the party cutscene that we saw at E3 some time ago not actually a cutscene in this game, or did I accidentally skip something? (I am about 10 or 12 hours in). It referenced that incident in dialogue, but never actually saw it in-game.


I hate the plot. I'm just not on board with whatever it is they're trying to do here. Outside of revenge is pointless, violence leads to violence & these things aren't good for you (which is so blindingly obvious that I can't believe it's all they've got), I don't even know what they're trying to do.

Wouldn't say I hate the dialogue. A lot of it lands with a clunk, but then it surprises you with a bit of class. There have been some nice little moments. Here & there.

It is very well made. Like I said, ignore what's happening in the story & pretty much everything else about the game is just excellence.

Are you starting Day 3 or wrapping it up?


Just finished the game. Honestly, I don't get why do people hate it so much. I think I liked the first one a bit more, but still it was a great game. There's no point in talking graphics/audio, that is among the best in the whole gaming industry. Story-wise, it was an emotional rollercoaster which wasn't easy to digest, but that's what I expect from a game like this. Reading some comments, I get the feeling some people expected the game to be about everyone living happily ever after in Jackson, without anything bad happening whatsoever.


Is it just me or can this game be very fucking frustrating at times? Feels like I’m constantly holding listen mode. Tips?
i'm playing on survivor without using listen mode, i think it might be a problem with your situational awareness. The human enemies can flank you very effectively so you must try to keep in mind where you last see them instead of just tracking what's in front of you.

Game changes a lot depending on difficulty it seems, so you could try and lower whatever you think it's the problem if you don't want to get better, game has a truckload of options for everything, even difficulty.


Playing on normal and it's a little too easy. Should have started with Hard.

I just finished Seattle day 1 (10 hours in. Taking my sweet time)
Really enjoying the game and exploring.


I'm six hours in and have spent 85% of that time walking through generic urban overgrowth city. This is somehow more mundane than the first one was.


i'm playing on survivor without using listen mode, i think it might be a problem with your situational awareness. The human enemies can flank you very effectively so you must try to keep in mind where you last see them instead of just tracking what's in front of you.

Game changes a lot depending on difficulty it seems, so you could try and lower whatever you think it's the problem if you don't want to get better, game has a truckload of options for everything, even difficulty.
Tried right away to look around more and it worked like a charm, so thanks. I really need to limit the listen mode usage.
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Seattle day 3.

The story is shit.

One of the weirdest love/hate games I've played. Excellence almost across the board. Everything is stunning, but the script is an absolute disaster.

I’m at the same spot and I tend to agree, although on the negatives I would add pacing problems when the game becomes too wide for its own good.


Imagine if other than factions they made this into even a 50 player br as well with these controls and scavenging.....fuck me.....
i've been saying this since the first factions, this mechanics in a BR game would be amazing...but playing TLoU2 makes me think they already know and it's why it's taking so long.
Every piece it's there, they just need to make it happen in a timely manner and it probably will be a success.
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Playing on normal and it's a little too easy. Should have started with Hard.

I just finished Seattle day 1 (10 hours in. Taking my sweet time)
Really enjoying the game and exploring.

You can change the difficulty or even customized it around anytime. Pause the game and go to options.


i've been saying this since the first factions, this mechanics in a BR game would be amazing...but playing TLoU2 makes me think they already know and it's why it's taking so long.
Every piece it's there, they just need to make it happen in a timely manner and it probably will be a success.

Yeah plus they've updated their engine for larger environments, which is exactly what BR needs. I wouldn't be surprised if they add the mode.


I think I just stumbled upon a bug and I'd like help verifying it. I tried replaying the very first encounter in Seattle (the synagogue) from the encounters menu after finishing the game. Weird thing is, when I stealth kill the first runner, the camera changes focus to blur the environment and focus on execution. Thing is, it doesn't reset after the animation is done. The game is left blurry even after the stealth kill is finished.

I went through the entire game without this, it's only happening if I load from the encounters menu to be dropped directly into the encounter.

I'm playing on PS4 Pro... Could any kind soul test this?
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REE Machine

i've been saying this since the first factions, this mechanics in a BR game would be amazing...but playing TLoU2 makes me think they already know and it's why it's taking so long.
Every piece it's there, they just need to make it happen in a timely manner and it probably will be a success.
The fact the controls are so smooth to, its like if they made a BR game or off mgsv control scheme

except only health packs in the last of us br, no bullshit armour
To me the comparison that I constantly come back to is the RE remakes. I personally couldn’t play them because they gave me motion sickness and I never get motion sickness. That was really disappointing to me because I really wanted to like and enjoy those games. I didn’t go around hating on the REmakes though which seem mostly to receive positive feedback despite the old fashioned movement and aiming speeds (to keep in line as a remake of course). I think in a lot of ways TLOU2 feels like the ultimate survival horror / stealth action game mix and I really could get behind a resident evil remake that controls and plays like these games. I can’t wait to see what ND can do with opened up tech on PS5 and hopefully provide this level of complexity and gameplay in a more interactive destructible and open world kind of sandbox. I believe it will be incredible, I personally hope they take that path.

From what I am aware I’m only 30% of the game through and 20 hours into my game. I just got past the hospital. I am in awe of this game and it is absolutely living up to the over exaggerated 10/10 awesome reviews which shocks me.

I personally very very very if ever rate things 10/10. This game comes insanely close. I’d give it 9.5 - 9.8 depending on how I’m feeling. The only thing that holds it back from a 10 is the journal bug that has happened to me when re-loading a previous game save and the problem which is the way the game will overwrite its auto save if you move into the next area without being aware that you’re doing it and I hate not exploring every inch of every area so I’m re-loading saves when this happens and feel myself saving a new save file very often to avoid missing stuff. It’s immersion breaking but only a tiny bit.

I know I’m probably playing wrong but for my first play through I don’t wanna miss anything. I will definitely play again because I want to platinum and I’m playing on hard and have full ammo and supplies most of the time. This is probably because I’m taking such a crazy long time in each encounter killing a few peeps running away and going back into stealth but I do feel like I’m getting pretty good at it now. I am very much looking forward to trying survivor or survivor+ for the next play through. It will be fun to go again at some point on survivor and play more “loud”, use more ammo and just go nuts and maybe end up having nothing but stealth to fall back on.

I can’t get over the exquisite hand crafted master ship every single little part of this game has received its incredible.

I also don’t find it to be overly “woke” like some things that force it down our throats it just feels natural to me so I find all this controversy and hate kind of mind boggling in a very interesting way. That I can find something so incredible which others seem to hate so much is fascinating!

What is also fascinating is that I can play another game, not like it and think “oh well who cares on to the next thing”. That some people can embrace their hatred so fiercely they feel the need to cause the uproar that surrounds this game is also fascinating and it makes me wonder if it’s a FUD campaign perpetrated by a competitor because most of the ridicule seems so specious to me.
I think I just stumbled upon a bug and I'd like help verifying it. I tried replaying the very first encounter in Seattle (the synagogue) from the encounters menu after finishing the game. Weird thing is, when I stealth kill the first runner, the camera changes focus to blur the environment and focus on execution. Thing is, it doesn't reset after the animation is done. The game is left blurry even after the stealth kill is finished.

I went through the entire game without this, it's only happening if I load from the encounters menu to be dropped directly into the encounter.

I'm playing on PS4 Pro... Could any kind soul test this?

I’ve found another bug that happens after a re load so maybe there is something that gets set of by interrupting the order some how.

Edit: Sorry double post I’m on my phone walking and it’s sunny so can barely see my screen and thought I was editing my previous post.
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