In the case of the Dai Li during Aang's day, they were run by a separate entity from the Earth King before Azula took over. This time, they answered directly to the Earth Queen. The Earth Queen dies so then I'm curious as to what happens. Would they have tried to reestablish order themselves, or just said fuck it? If the latter, I wonder if they would've left the city or stayed and waited for someone else. We never get to see Ba Sing Se after Kuvira takes it, which is funny, because that's the first thing she did. Although, the implication that she basically scoured the city for any non-Earth Kingdom citizens and chucked them into camps was pretty out there.
Kuvira's backstory wasn't even bad though. Like, that's the thing. The way it was done wasn't to everyone's liking, but the backstory itself wasn't bad. Also, other showrunners may not have had to deal with the stuff that these two did. Book 2 was apparently awful to work on and in Book 4 their budget was slashed (which is why we got Remembrances). Maybe they aren't the best showrunners. We don't know, but people seemed to enjoy working with them (at least the voice actors did). They must have been doing something right. Let's stop pretending like we can actually criticize anything about the behind scenes stuff other than what we know up front. It's getting old real fast, and it's exactly the reason why people don't like this community. I believe the term "wannabe writers" has been thrown around aplenty, as well as "entitled." Those comments aren't exactly wrong.
If you want to throw around they must be doing something right card. Than SAO and Naruto must be clearly the superior series, after all they are more popular make more money and is more well known around the world...
It doesn't matter the flaws of the series, they must be doing something right!
I know that the series is far from perfect, and point out the flaws is not a problem. If you just want people to enjoy it for what it is than fine. But you better damn well stop complaining when lesser shows get more budget and screen time and things like Young Justice and Korra are cut off or canceled.