Unalaq, the Ghost Pokemon Gym leader.
Unalaq: Ghost, Dark, Water, and Ice types.
Amon: Fighting and Water types.
Zaheer: Flying types.
Kuvira: Ground, Rock, and Steel types.
Unalaq, the Ghost Pokemon Gym leader.
I gave Amon psychic type as well. Dude blood bends with his mind.Unalaq: Ghost, Dark, Water, and Ice types.
Amon: Fighting and Water types.
Zaheer: Flying types.
Kuvira: Ground, Rock, and Steel types.
And Ash would still lose at the end of the dayUnalaq: Ghost, Dark, Water, and Ice types.
Amon: Fighting and Water types.
Zaheer: Flying types.
Kuvira: Ground, Rock, and Steel types.
I gave Amon psychic type as well. Dude blood bends with his mind.
And Ash would still lose at the end of the day
Gotta make more episodes (or did the series end after that?)
Ghazan would get represented with a Blaziken and Ming Hua is a Poliwrath.Perfect. Zaheer would also probably use Normal types.
Can someone link me up to thread with early final episode impression? I missing all the fun.
They're not adopted. They got Varrick to make some test tube babies.
They're not adopted. They got Varrick to make some test tube babies.
The Korra game is fun, but fuck is the Naga stuff frustrating on Extreme difficulty.
Also, probending on Ace. Kill me. I have to get this Platinum'd though.
Someone should shop your avatar with a "L" in handMako takes another L and donated sperm for children he won't get to raise
How fast could Bayonetta wipe the floor with Korra?
Those Naga sections are the worst. Good luck trying to get the Platinum though. I don't think I could handle those Naga sections again in Extreme difficulty to get the Platinum.
More Korrasami and adopted kids
How fast could Bayonetta wipe the floor with Korra?
How did she even zip that up? With her feet?ming hua tho
Please, post-Book 4 Korra in the avatarstate would wipe the floor with Bayonetta. Her hair would be finally useful for something, as a mop.
They're not adopted. They got Varrick to make some test tube babies.
We all know Korra would get eaten by one of Bayonetta's body hair demons.nah sg-17. no way
bayonetta would punch raava right out of korra, and straight to the sun.
We all know Korra would get eaten by one of Bayonetta's body hair demons.
True. Bayonetta would just say some posh bullshit and then shoot her in the head while swinging from a stripper pole.Or shot. Anticlimatically.
I'm not going get hung up and be super harsh on something I really enjoyed enough to actually get invested in to begin with, and I felt it did its job of being a good action series. I never saw it as trying to pass itself off as as anything more than that, so why would I treat it like it was? I just don't see the problems as impactful as others do. I've stated my major criticisms and what I thought could have been done better in my eyes. If you don't think that's good enough, well I guess I can't help it.
Either way, I've made my peace.
Ghazan would get represented with a Blaziken and Ming Hua is a Poliwrath.
Lol is P'Li a Moltres?Ghazan is a goddamned Groudon. He's too hype.
TLOK gets criticized and yet other shows which contain racist, sexist, tropes etc. on top of bad plot elements receive little to no criticism from some of these same members? Eh, I find it hypocritical to be honest.
Lol is P'Li a Moltres?
Ash should have won the Sinnoh League, his team was the strongest. But the writers legit created a character with 6 Legendary pokemon JUST TO STOP ASH FROM WINNING!
A character who's entire existence was to stop Ash from achieving his dream. I think the writers ether love or hate him.
This bullshit is why I completely stopped watching the Pokemon anime. Ash was boss in Sinnoh, his team was awesome and he was at the peak of his powers, it felt like all that hard work of his was about to pay off and that he was destined to win the league and face the Elite 4 and Cynthia. Then Tobias happened...
This random ass dude no one has ever fucking heard of comes the fuck out of nowhere with a team consisting of pokemon like fucking Darkrai and starts sweeping everyone. It was the most blatant asspull from the writers ever, they knew no one could stop Ash so they created an entirely new fucking character for that very purpose, because for some fucking retarded reason, they think that Ash winning the league would be detrimental to the fucking show, even though the introduction and quick disappearance of Deus Ex fucking Tobias, hurt the show a hell of a lot more than Ash winning a league ever fucking could.
Seriously, fuck the Pokemon writers, ain't nobody got time for their bullshit.
The Scollard said:I find the complaining has a lot to do with people's expectations and interest of a show, and not the actual content, which is why I don't find the complaining about Korra hypocritical, personally (though I do find this thread sometimes is a little too negative towards the show). I think to be in this thread, you have to care about Legend of Korra a lot, because otherwise, it's not worth the effort posting.
To give an example, I'm personally a huge fan of Doctor Who, and I complain about the direction that show, or episode of that show, takes constantly. The reason I do is because I love it, and hope to see it get better and hope to see the writers learn from their mistakes. I also occasionally complain about Legend of Korra for the same reason, especially when the creators in my mind slip up, like with the love triangles back in Book 1. I think the majority of the people here want to see a great series, and they complain when it doesn't live up to their high expectations.
And also, if they don't complain about other, less well-written shows, it doesn't make them hypocrites, it just means they don't care enough about those shows to complain. To use another example involving Doctor Who, one of the main episode I complain about is the 50th anniversary, which the majority of people think is a good, even great, episode. I even think it's a good episode, but only that. However, IMO, if a few things were changed, and it didn't make a few missteps, I think it could have been great. That's the reason I complain about it, because it had the potential to be more.
However, if I've watched another show, even if it is worse written than either Korra or the Doctor Who 50th, I don't complain too much about it, because I don't see it being able to go from good to great with a few little changes, and bit of constructive criticism. Just because the people in this thread don't complain about terrible writing in other shows, doesn't mean they like bad writing unless it's in Legend of Korra. It just means that they don't care enough about those other shows to complain in as much detail as they do for Legend of Korra.
In the DW fandom, there are occasionally arguments about how certain people can claim to love something, when they complain about it so much. In my experience, the complaining, and the effort it takes to do it, is fueled by people's love for the show. I think for many people, it's the same for Legend of Korra.
This bullshit is why I completely stopped watching the Pokemon anime. Ash was boss in Sinnoh, his team was awesome and he was at the peak of his powers, it felt like all that hard work of his was about to pay off and that he was destined to win the league and face the Elite 4 and Cynthia. Then Tobias happened...
This random ass dude no one has ever fucking heard of comes the fuck out of nowhere with a team consisting of pokemon like fucking Darkrai and starts sweeping everyone. It was the most blatant asspull from the writers ever, they knew no one could stop Ash so they created an entirely new fucking character for that very purpose, because for some fucking retarded reason, they think that Ash winning the league would be detrimental to the fucking show, even though the introduction and quick disappearance of Deus Ex fucking Tobias, hurt the show a hell of a lot more than Ash winning a league ever fucking could.
Seriously, fuck the Pokemon writers, ain't nobody got time for their bullshit.
It was really dumb.
Is starting with a new character that bad? Ash resets anyway, guess Pikachu is a staple. But what the hell is wrong with switching out the main character. Ash forget lessons he learns from season to season. (Also Raichu is better than Pikachu)
My favorite episode of Pokemon is when Ash fights Ritchie at the Indigo Championship and loses because Charizard falls asleep. Charizard is garbage and Ash is also garbage.
Granted, I only got to Johto, and I barely remember what I watched of it.
He was garbage then, but he improved greatly from there, from doing well in Hoenn to beating the Battle Frontier, and he got even better in Sinnoh. The dude became boss and I actually started to believe in him achieving his goal of becoming a Pokemon master, but the writers dun fucked it up and pulled a random ass trainer with legendary pokemon out of thin air just to beat him, because there was no one else who could, the dude was going to stroll to the Championship.
Why legendaries are even allowed in the league is beyond me.
I question though: If Ash is that weak when he enters a new region despite being strong in the previous one, does that mean that if some other trainer came from a region like say, Sinnoh, that they would sweep Indigo?
I question though: If Ash is that weak when he enters a new region despite being strong in the previous one, does that mean that if some other trainer came from a region like say, Sinnoh, that they would sweep Indigo?
I'm not going get hung up and be super harsh on something I really enjoyed enough to actually get invested in to begin with, and I felt it did its job of being a good action series. I never saw it as trying to pass itself off as as anything more than that, so why would I treat it like it was? I just don't see the problems as impactful as others do. I've stated my major criticisms and what I thought could have been done better in my eyes. If you don't think that's good enough, well I guess I can't help it.
Either way, I've made my peace.
I find the complaining has a lot to do with people's expectations and interest of a show, and not the actual content, which is why I don't find the complaining about Korra hypocritical, personally (though I do find this thread sometimes is a little too negative towards the show). I think to be in this thread, you have to care about Legend of Korra a lot, because otherwise, it's not worth the effort posting.
To give an example, I'm personally a huge fan of Doctor Who, and I complain about the direction that show, or episode of that show, takes constantly. The reason I do is because I love it, and hope to see it get better and hope to see the writers learn from their mistakes. I also occasionally complain about Legend of Korra for the same reason, especially when the creators in my mind slip up, like with the love triangles back in Book 1. I think the majority of the people here want to see a great series, and they complain when it doesn't live up to their high expectations.
And also, if they don't complain about other, less well-written shows, it doesn't make them hypocrites, it just means they don't care enough about those shows to complain. To use another example involving Doctor Who, one of the main episode I complain about is the 50th anniversary, which the majority of people think is a good, even great, episode. I even think it's a good episode, but only that. However, IMO, if a few things were changed, and it didn't make a few missteps, I think it could have been great. That's the reason I complain about it, because it had the potential to be more.
However, if I've watched another show, even if it is worse written than either Korra or the Doctor Who 50th, I don't complain too much about it, because I don't see it being able to go from good to great with a few little changes, and bit of constructive criticism. Just because the people in this thread don't complain about terrible writing in other shows, doesn't mean they like bad writing unless it's in Legend of Korra. It just means that they don't care enough about those other shows to complain in as much detail as they do for Legend of Korra.
In the DW fandom, there are occasionally arguments about how certain people can claim to love something, when they complain about it so much. In my experience, the complaining, and the effort it takes to do it, is fueled by people's love for the show. I think for many people, it's the same for Legend of Korra.
Logically, if someone had strong pokemon from one region and could sweep trainers in it, then they could go to another region and sweep trainers there as well.
The only thing stopping them from taking a championship would be the rules behind getting a region's badges, but Pokemon lore hasn't gotten to that point yet. I forget if it does in Origins, but in that show, it implies gym leaders use different kinds of Pokemon depending on how many badges a challenger has.
I've always pictured if someone had eight badges from one region and wanted to go to another but had to get eight badges there, the gym leaders in the second region would fight the challenger at full strength. Kind of similar to how it was in Pokemon Gold.
Excellent post, and I have understood that for awhile, but I have a question for you though: Would you agree that at some point, people need to let go of their high expectations and accept the show for what it is and did?
Logically, if someone had strong pokemon from one region and could sweep trainers in it, then they could go to another region and sweep trainers there as well.
The only thing stopping them from taking a championship would be the rules behind getting a region's badges, but Pokemon lore hasn't gotten to that point yet. I forget if it does in Origins, but in that show, it implies gym leaders use different kinds of Pokemon depending on how many badges a challenger has.
I've always pictured if someone had eight badges from one region and wanted to go to another but had to get eight badges there, the gym leaders in the second region would fight the challenger at full strength. Kind of similar to how it was in Pokemon Gold.
So you didn't have much of an expectation then?
well that's completely fair to feel that (and with that context your posts is seen in a different light tbh) but there are others who had more, especially when they had a previous series which they loved and they could set as a bar. So when it doesn't make it for some reason (especially if the reason it didn't reach could have been "fixed" with something extra or they are not doing something they did before) you can see why people would react the way they do.
Everyone can have their own "bar" of course but it think the overall bar in the thread(s) is somewhat high and then outliers like Veelk (and BorkBork when he was posting in threads) who got way more out of it hence the bigger backlash once things started to crumble at points. Also add the themes that seemed more "serious" and had more potential (hell the Amon/Equality stuff spawned many pages of discussion before the first episode was fucking released LOL) and well...
Infinite Justice said:Generally:
Depending on the love they had i expect either a no or it might take some time.
Some have already taken the crazy (imo) way out (aka flat out ignoring the series) iirc so..lol
Also when its about lost potential for anything its gonna be brought up somehow and the "bad" parts will usually be the things that are talked about.
i've already done that and i'm just shooting shit with whoever likes to bring up something about the series (which at this point in time is the "lost potential"/"bad" stuff)