nah, still can't see what you talking about breh
you were about to say something slick, go ahead and say it shortpants
Maybe I'll PM you lolll. It would contribute absolutely nothing lol
Edit: actually I just thought of anither way to post it. Will return momentarily
Yeah just say it, it's not like we're talking about the damn show. ;_;
Nope. Need more pics.We just spent the last page posting PNGs and pics of your waifu, is it not enough Toa?!
Yeah just say it, it's not like we're talking about the damn show. ;_;
I hear you. I wish nick would release the score.I've rewatched Book 2 a couple more times and I must say, Jinorah's Light is such a beautiful track.
That and I sorely wish Studio Pierrot had animated the entire season.
I love that free-form style they have, especially during frenetic fights.
Oh and the rearranged section Peace Excerpt that played when Wan was sealing the portals was phenomenal as well.
Fucking MIA soundtracks.
I've rewatched Book 2 a couple more times and I must say, Jinorah's Light is such a beautiful track.
That and I sorely wish Studio Pierrot had animated the entire season.
I love that free-form style they have, especially during frenetic fights.
Oh and the rearranged section of Peace Excerpt that played when Wan was sealing the portals was phenomenal as well.
Fucking MIA soundtracks.
Having just come off of over ten years of bringing the Avatar-verse to the small screen, both Konietzko and DiMartino have opted to close the door on it, at least in the medium of animation.
We had our time to make Korra, and then were all tired and burnt out. We need to move on and take that next step. I would not be surprised if a number of people from Korra had their own shows within the next ten years.
It seems that some of the Korra staff is already working together on a new project, which has been jokingly referred to as Korra 2.0, not because of any connection to the Avatar-verse (Mike and Bryan were both very emphatic about that), but because of the shared creative experience of most if not all of the creative team on this mysterious new venture.
As for Mike and Bryan themselves, while they arent working on anything together at the moment, swiftly and directly debunking that rumor of a new project to be unveiled at Comic-Con, they are working on their own separate projects. Though no longer working together, they continue to support one anothers efforts and are leaving the door open for future collaborations.
Before I lost them in the crowd, I managed to get you all a little more inside info.
Episode 8 of Korras final season, Remembrances, was always meant to be a clip show. The budget cut was announced early enough that the season was planned out around it, so its not like theres a lost episode floating around. Mike and Bryan planned out twelve episodes of plot, and thats what we got.
How it should be.A Day at the Avatar/Korra Art Show at Gallery Nucleus
Well so much for that Comic Con rumour. Unless they're bluffing hmm.
Looking forward to seeing what this Korra 2.0 is. Another action adventure show hopefully.
Nice to hear that they always planned to shaft Kuvira on character development. You had one job Bryke. Man I forgot how fucked up the Starcrossed arc is, poor John. Dude just got maced by the woman he loves, I don't want to know that feel bruh. Shayera's husband, lost the plot hard.A Day at the Avatar/Korra Art Show at Gallery Nucleus
Well so much for that Comic Con rumour. Unless they're bluffing hmm.
Looking forward to seeing what this Korra 2.0 is. Another action adventure show hopefully.
Where's the real Alert Mode pic where she's getting gang banged by Lin and Kuvira?This newest piece by Alert Mode is so pure, so majestic... I have to share with everyone in this thread because of how much we love this character!!
Where's the real Alert Mode pic where she's getting gang banged by Lin and Kuvira?
Whatever do you mean good sir?
AM doesn't draw such.... Filth!!!
that Kuvira/Satsuki tho, *heavy breathing *
Nice to hear that they always planned to shaft Kuvira on character development. You had one job Bryke. Man I forgot how fucked up the Starcrossed arc is, poor John. Dude just got maced by the woman he loves, I don't want to know that feel bruh. Shayera's husband, lost the plot hard.
Is Savage Times the WWII ep? I like that one. Superman dies only to find a crazed, but nice Vandal Savage that desperately wants house company is quite funny. Justice Lords is great because it shows that no matter what happens John and Shayera are together, that and Justice Lord Superman is cold as fuck. Dude melted Lex Luthor.I feel like they actually had many jobs.
But yeah, Starcrossed is amazing. One of my favorite eps of JL, up there with Twilight, the Justice Lords episode, and the Royal Flush episode. The one where Superman "dies" is also amazing.
The one with the weird moon/snake people was terrible. Only episode I didn't like. Well, I'm not really a fan of Savage Times either.
Is Savage Times the WWII ep? I like that one. Superman dies only to find a crazed, but nice Vandal Savage that desperately wants house company is quite funny. Justice Lords is great because it shows that no matter what happens John and Shayera are together, that and Justice Lord Superman is cold as fuck. Dude melted Lex Luthor.
John has his moments. John's problem is his confidence. He has those moments of thinking his just "the ring." Does this mean you don't like the arc where he's reunited with his trainer Katma?Well, Justice Lords is also really important because it sets off the entire plot for S1 of JLU.
And yes, Savage Times is the WWII episode. I really wasn't feeling it. Maybe it was the focus on John that killed it. He's a boring character for me, personally.
I believe he's on Tumblr. Do not search in public with a big screen, you've been warned.Who is Alert Mode? Are they on Tumblr?
Who is Alert Mode? Are they on Tumblr?
John has his moments. John's problem is his confidence. He has those moments of thinking his just "the ring." Does this mean you don't like the arc where he's reunited with his trainer Katma?
John Jones takes a big ass sabbatical for like no apparent reason.The Green Lantern stuff in the show wasn't done as well as it should have been, personally. Like, I just feel that GL and WW got shafted when it came to the storyline department. They're perfectly fine characters in their own right, but they didn't have many storylines that I felt were up there. I enjoyed the WW stuff more than GL, and the only part I enjoyed about GL was Kilowogg.
Although no one, NO ONE, got shafted as much as Martian Manhunter.
Had to do with rights issues. A lot of characters couldn't be used in JL/JLU because of various stuff like that.John Jones takes a big ass sabbatical for like no apparent reason.
But he was in like every episode before that. God I hate legal bullshit.Had to do with rights issues. A lot of characters couldn't be used in JL/JLU because of various stuff like that.
I warned you.
Probably the pron, I did warn the guy.Are ya talkin aboot the pron or that post over-analyzing fanart of LoK by artists like Iahfy.
I warned you.
that's your own fault
Are ya talkin aboot the pron or that post over-analyzing fanart of LoK by artists like Iahfy.
Probably the pron, I did warn the guy.
Welp, time to purge my internet history.
Are ya talkin aboot the pron or that post over-analyzing fanart of LoK by artists like Iahfy.
hat post was hilarious.
Which post was this?
I believe it was a Q&A post from Alertmode's tumblr. Probably was distracted by dat pron to notice it. Quotes that involved quite a bit of leaps and assumptions were involved.
Was it the Korra and Mikasa pic?I made sure no one was around, but I wasn't expecting THAT.
Well, time to purge my internet history.
I believe it was a Q&A post from Alertmode's tumblr. Probably was distracted by dat pron to notice it. Quotes that involved quite a bit of leaps and assumptions were involved.
Was it the Korra and Mikasa pic?
I wanna read a hilarious post.![]()
You're not strong enough to even survive the content on that Tumblr page to even get to the post in question.I wanna read a hilarious post.![]()
God damn he went in deep.http://alertmode.tumblr.com/post/113624965244/hi-there-i-was-just-wondering-what-happened-w
it's safe, just don't browse his main page if you want to maintain your sanity
Not saying their complaints aren't legit, especially "white washed" Korra, but damn that's not some shit I would write a Veelk about. If you want to vent about fan art, browse rule 34 and go after those nasty ass artists.