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The Legend of Korra: Book 4 |OT2| ALL HAIL THE GREAT UNITER

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Wanna know what's ironic? I got banned to help study for a test. A test. Singular. Now that I'm unbanned? I have 3 more tests to study for in the next few days. :/
But he was in like every episode before that. God I hate legal bullshit.
With the DC stuff it was really tricky, because of the Bat Embargo, but also because certain characters were not owned by DC per se, but they were going through the process of fully acquiring them.

Like, Double Date was supposed to be a Birds of Prey episode, but they weren't allowed to use Barbara Gordon, so they threw Ollie and Question in there instead.


On the plus side, I've kind of worked out an outline of an alternative LoK story. Basically LoK as written by Veelk. If you guys are interested, I'll share what I've got when I have the time.
On the plus side, I've kind of worked out an outline of an alternative LoK story. Basically LoK as written by Veelk. If you guys are interested, I'll share what I've got when I have the time.

The question is, are we going to have the time to read it... or is the Andromeda / Milky Way going to be a single super galaxy by the time we finish Book 1


Yeah, definitely an outline. If I were to sit down and write it out, the structure would be like that of TLA, 3 books, 20 'episodes' each, because I like structural symmetry (It's like poetry, they rhyme), but in outline form, it's just the general overview of the story. A somewhat detailed wikipedia summary basically, with character and worldbuilding sections providing greater detail.

And if I were to planning to write it out, I wouldn't be dropping the outline here or anywhere. I'd just write it, but if I did, it'd probably be 300,000k words total, and ain't nobody got time for that.

Honestly, I'm kind of miffed I even made an outline of a story I know I'm never gonna write. But LoK is like an itch you just have to scratch every so often.
On the plus side, I've kind of worked out an outline of an alternative LoK story. Basically LoK as written by Veelk. If you guys are interested, I'll share what I've got when I have the time.
How much coffee would I have to prepare in advance to stay awake while reading this outline?
I mean don't get me wrong Veelk, I would read it... but I'm just going to need to master something they call reincarnation first.

But I'm looking forward to seeing your thoughts.


You want to know the crappy thing about writing stories?

I can't drop Veelks on my own stories. Authors have too much insider knowledge (as well as writer bias) to have an accurate outside view of their world unless enough time passes that they forget all that.

Whatever your guy's thoughts on it will be, positive or negative, a writer can't really talk about their own work the same way they can others.

Anyway, I have most of it on physical notes and books and stuff, so I'll have to copy it to Word, so expect it....idk, monday maybe?
Okay, so when I think "outline," I think bullet points. Does this outline have bullet points?

Yea, but Veelk doesn't call them bullets. More like "heat seeking missile" points


"KuBAEra" by Neorukix

Unlike Toa, this artist recognizes Kuvira as her one and true bae.


Nothing stupid. And keep the preamble to a minimum. I went to a panel once. Good lord some people did not ask questions. They just went on and on and on....

Ah jeez, there goes my Kuvira Address speech.

But naw, I'm not gonna harrass them, but I do want to ask something.

But the only things I can think of are story inconsistencies or all dat wasted potential. :(

I would be mauled.
Ah jeez, there goes my Kuvira Address speech.

But naw, I'm not gonna harrass them, but I do want to ask something.

But the only things I can think of are story inconsistencies or all dat wasted potential. :(

I would be mauled.

If you know the answer, don't ask the question.

If it's something you really want to know the answer to, ask it. Just make sure the answer doesn't already exist, otherwise you'll just look like you're reaching for face time. That's annoying. Get to a point.


If you know the answer, don't ask the question.

If it's something you really want to know the answer to, ask it. Just make sure the answer doesn't already exist, otherwise you'll just look like you're reaching for face time. That's annoying. Get to a point.

I guess I shouldn't ask what the point of the concentration camps were.

Ah jeez, there goes my Kuvira Address speech.

But naw, I'm not gonna harrass them, but I do want to ask something.

But the only things I can think of are story inconsistencies or all dat wasted potential. :(

I would be mauled.

Honestly, I too would be tempted to "politely" shit on them for their inconsistencies from "Kai-who?" and what the hell happened to Kuvira. But that kind of "questioning" is better off as either a private chat in real life or a private message. Anyways, possible questions like "Do you think characters like Kai were better off not existing. To make room for other characters like... the main cast[i.e Asami] or the Zaheer and his team. In retrospect that is. Since Kai did seem that relevant in Season 4. " or "Hey, will there be LoK comics? Like backstories on Zaheer & Friends or Kuvira. Hell, maybe Korra&Asami. ". or "Do you think the mini-series format worked for LoK in the end? There seems to be not a lot of time given to characters like Kuvira."

Edit: Now I think about it. 2/3 questions I gave were still kinda inflammatory.
I guess I shouldn't ask what the point of the concentration camps were.


They were called re-education camps. You know why they existed.

Although, it wouldn't be a bad idea to ask why they weren't shown. Or if they had thought about showing them, and if they had, then why didn't they?

I can predict the answer they'll give, but it's not a bad question.


Edit: Now I think about it. 2/3 questions I gave were still kinda inflammatory.
I wish. But I always feel that in Q&As the more thoughtful questions just get handwaved so fast. Or the answer isn't at all satisfactory.
They were called re-education camps. You know why they existed.

Although, it wouldn't be a bad idea to ask why they weren't shown. Or if they had thought about showing them, and if they had, then why didn't they?

I can predict the answer they'll give, but it's not a bad question.
I guess the reason why I wanted to ask is because it just ties into an overall problem with the show in that they have so many characters, they can't seem to be bothered to properly develop the main antagonist of each season. The concentration camps (yeah, I'm calling them that, they had FUCKING DORA in the show, okay?) seemed so off for someone who came off totally ambiguous to the audience, (in that she seemed to care about citizens of the Earth Kingdom until she started putting away non-Earthbenders), and then fucking cries at the finale about being a failed mother-figure for her people. It's so bizarre the leaps in logic and characterization and I got to wonder how that comes to be and why they were okay with that, especially since these people made ATLA. Unalaq is also a complete joke from the duo who claim they don't like black/white villains, but it literally became goodvsevil at the end of book 2.

I dunno. I never have any questions to ask because I don't think I'd ever get an adequate answer. Plus I'd piss off a lot of people, and I don't think Bryke are here to be criticized. I mean, they're already on Tumblr.
I wish. But I always feel that in Q&As the more thoughtful questions just get handwaved so fast. Or the answer isn't at all satisfactory.

I guess the reason why I wanted to ask is because it just ties into an overall problem with the show in that they have so many characters, they can't seem to be bothered to properly develop the main antagonist of each season. The concentration camps (yeah, I'm calling them that, they had FUCKING DORA in the show, okay?) seemed so off for someone who came off totally ambiguous to the audience, (in that she seemed to care about citizens of the Earth Kingdom until she started putting away non-Earthbenders), and then fucking cries at the finale about being a failed mother-figure for her people. It's so bizarre the leaps in logic and characterization and I got to wonder how that comes to be and why they were okay with that, especially since these people made ATLA. Unalaq is also a complete joke from the duo who claim they don't like black/white villains, but it literally became goodvsevil at the end of book 2.

I dunno. I never have any questions to ask because I don't think I'd ever get an adequate answer. Plus I'd piss off a lot of people, and I don't think Bryke are here to be criticized. I mean, they're already on Tumblr.

Yeah, try not to go on a rant like that.

Look, unless you want to ask the classics: Whose yer favuret karaktr? wats ur favrit seen? wuz thur a tim wen u thot the sho wuz gunna git cancelld?

What kind of answer do you want? Because you don't know what kind of answer you will get unless you ask it. There's no way you'll get that in depth of an answer at a Q&A. There are going to be other people there, so they'll want to go for time efficient answers. You can't be mad at them for that.
I'm going to the Q&A on Saturday after work. What should I ask?

Ask them why they added so many fucking characters instead of developing the main cast and villian. Why did Kai become mute for example.

Anyway, some guy in the OT thread said the Korra characters are better than the Gaang cast.

All of my wat. Mako and Bolin are better characters than Katara and Sokka, this just in.

Edit: lol just read your post above. Yeah I think at this point I'd probably ask them about some of their decisions I find...questionable...now. But it would be kind of ranty.


The problem with public Q&A's is that you can't ask meaty questions, only the usual cliched bullcrap, otherwise people will think that you're looking to make a name for yourself or something. That's why it's better to try and get a personal 1v1 question time, but unless you're from a known publication, you ain't getting that.

You know what Toa, just fuck it and go on a rant about the bullshit that went on during LoK's airing. It's either that or sit there bored whilst listening to Bryke answer the typical boring questions, like what their favourite characters are and what their favourite season is.
You better go ask about the wasted potential of your waifu Toa!! That's how you do... we talk it, but Toa lives it!! You'll make your bae so proud.

But seriously.... ask that shit.


I remember going to a Gears of War panel with a writer from the games and book/comic or something. This one dude in front kept asking apparently questions from the book, to which he kept replying "It's in the book". It was awkward. Eventually, I asked why the main characters have armor different from the rest, which he gave an answer that was clearly made on the spot (Apparently, it's because they randomly pick shit up on the battlefield and work it into their armor, which....doesn't really make sense when you think about it.), but it's the only one that he didn't just wave off with a 'check the syllabus' type answer.

My advice is to ask a question for something that will facilitate expansion of the story without it needing a huge answer. Something like "What made Suyin decide to adopt Kuvira?" You'll get an answer that expands her character, but they won't need to elaborate more than "She wanted someone she could lord her superiority over later in life" or something like that.

Avoid inflammatory stuff. The crowd will turn against you, even the people who agree with the criticism, because calling a writer out like that in public is pretty rude. To get away with that, you have to phrase it right. "I was a big fan of Asami and how she ended up with Korra. Is there a reason you didn't have more scenes focusing on their relationship before the finale?" But then you'll get the typical corperate answer. "We had a budget cut and had to fit other stuff in there." You can't confront them on their shit writing unless you give them a way out, which they will usually take. The only way you can really get away with it is if you somehow turn it into a sob story about how you are deeply emotionally hurt that this or that wasn't handled with as much skill as you would expect from them. At that point, you're not the angry fantard, but I don't think you want to be the awkward vibe kill either.

For the record, to really confront bryke with all this shit is to be their friend. Sending a PM or having a pivate meeting won't do it. They'll endure the rant if they have to, but discard it all once they get out of the room. You have to be someone whose opinion they not only respect, but actively desire if you want them to respond with the kind of depth and honesty you want from them. Make no mistake, confronting your weaknesses as a writer is a kind of self flagellation. It's necessary to do to improve yourself, but it fucking hurts. They're not going to willing endure that unless they will it themselves.
I remember going to a Gears of War panel with a writer from the games and book/comic or something. This one dude in front kept asking apparently questions from the book, to which he kept replying "It's in the book". It was awkward. Eventually, I asked why the main characters have armor different from the rest, which he gave an answer that was clearly made on the spot (Apparently, it's because they randomly pick shit up on the battlefield and work it into their armor, which....doesn't really make sense when you think about it.), but it's the only one that he didn't just wave off with a 'check the syllabus' type answer.

My advice is to ask a question for something that will facilitate expansion of the story without it needing a huge answer. Something like "What made Suyin decide to adopt Kuvira?" You'll get an answer that expands her character, but they won't need to elaborate more than "She wanted someone she could lord her superiority over later in life" or something like that.

Avoid inflammatory stuff. The crowd will turn against you, even the people who agree with the criticism, because calling a writer out like that in public is pretty rude. To get away with that, you have to phrase it right. "I was a big fan of Asami and how she ended up with Korra. Is there a reason you didn't have more scenes focusing on their relationship before the finale?" But then you'll get the typical corperate answer. "We had a budget cut and had to fit other stuff in there." You can't confront them on their shit writing unless you give them a way out, which they will usually take. The only way you can really get away with it is if you somehow turn it into a sob story about how you are deeply emotionally hurt that this or that wasn't handled with as much skill as you would expect from them. At that point, you're not the angry fantard, but I don't think you want to be the awkward vibe kill either.

For the record, to really confront bryke with all this shit is to be their friend. Sending a PM or having a pivate meeting won't do it. They'll endure the rant if they have to, but discard it all once they get out of the room. You have to be someone whose opinion they not only respect, but actively desire if you want them to respond with the kind of depth and honesty you want from them. Make no mistake, confronting your weaknesses as a writer is a kind of self flagellation. It's necessary to do to improve yourself, but it fucking hurts. They're not going to willing endure that unless they will it themselves.
You done fucked up by caring about the story consistency of the Gears games. I mean nobody cares about that.


I remember going to a Gears of War panel with a writer from the games and book/comic or something. This one dude in front kept asking apparently questions from the book, to which he kept replying "It's in the book". It was awkward. Eventually, I asked why the main characters have armor different from the rest, which he gave an answer that was clearly made on the spot (Apparently, it's because they randomly pick shit up on the battlefield and work it into their armor, which....doesn't really make sense when you think about it.), but it's the only one that he didn't just wave off with a 'check the syllabus' type answer.

My advice is to ask a question for something that will facilitate expansion of the story without it needing a huge answer. Something like "What made Suyin decide to adopt Kuvira?" You'll get an answer that expands her character, but they won't need to elaborate more than "She wanted someone she could lord her superiority over later in life" or something like that.

Avoid inflammatory stuff. The crowd will turn against you, even the people who agree with the criticism, because calling a writer out like that in public is pretty rude. To get away with that, you have to phrase it right. "I was a big fan of Asami and how she ended up with Korra. Is there a reason you didn't have more scenes focusing on their relationship before the finale?" But then you'll get the typical corperate answer. "We had a budget cut and had to fit other stuff in there." You can't confront them on their shit writing unless you give them a way out, which they will usually take. The only way you can really get away with it is if you somehow turn it into a sob story about how you are deeply emotionally hurt that this or that wasn't handled with as much skill as you would expect from them. At that point, you're not the angry fantard, but I don't think you want to be the awkward vibe kill either.

For the record, to really confront bryke with all this shit is to be their friend. Sending a PM or having a pivate meeting won't do it. They'll endure the rant if they have to, but discard it all once they get out of the room. You have to be someone whose opinion they not only respect, but actively desire if you want them to respond with the kind of depth and honesty you want from them. Make no mistake, confronting your weaknesses as a writer is a kind of self flagellation. It's necessary to do to improve yourself, but it fucking hurts. They're not going to willing endure that unless they will it themselves.


If the only way to call Bryke out and get a proper answer from them about some of the abysmal writing that went on in LoK is to either be a mentor, close family member or friend, then all hope is lost.


You done fucked up by caring about the story consistency of the Gears games. I mean nobody cares about that.

Well, first off, I wasn't asking the consistency questions, it was the dude in front. My question was of worldbuilding. Second, that's a bs answer and you know it. Every writer should care about the story they're writing. And all stories have their potential. There is no story on earth that couldn't be made good in the right hands. Personally, I think GoW2 had something interesting going on, but the new writer they got messed that up, so we're left with what we're left with. But I don't care what your a writer for, the fact that you are a writer means you should have shit together.

If the only way to call Bryke out and get a proper answer from them about some of the abysmal writing that went on in LoK is to either be a mentor, close family member or friend, then all hope is lost.

Well, think about it. You want an open, honest and constructive discussion on Legend of Korra, what are the chances you will get that from strangers on the internet? For every well thought out criticism, there are 100 troll comments, and more if you include general stupidity. I wouldn't want to open a dialogue like that either.
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