Fuck that Q&A if all it's going to be is some vanilla nonsense. You can accurately guess what questions Bryke are going to get and what their responses to them will be.
AIn't nobody got time for that predictable shit.
Yeah I'm not disagreeing, I just find it funny, but yeah the writer should fucking care, not just pull some shit out of their ass.Well, first off, I wasn't asking the consistency questions, it was the dude in front. My question was of worldbuilding. Second, that's a bs answer and you know it. Every writer should care about the story they're writing. And all stories have their potential. There is no story on earth that couldn't be made good in the right hands. Personally, I think GoW2 had something interesting going on, but the new writer they got messed that up, so we're left with what we're left with. But I don't care what your a writer for, the fact that you are a writer means you should have shit together.
You need to establish a certain dynamic with the panelist. A Q & A is a kind of dialogue, and it is dependant on the questioner as much as the answerer. You have too make the panelist want to answer your stuff. So ask the right questions, you'll get good answers.
That's just not going to work if you attack the dude, anymore than if you try to open argument with "Yo, fuck you, cocksucker". People don't respond well to blatant aggression like that, not the target, and not anyone watching.
I make these things when I'm bored now. I was honestly just fucking about on Photoshop but forgot I have most of my main ones on my work computer. I'll change to something else tomorrow most likely, but which one I do not know.Jaded, how many times are you going to change your avi in a span of a week?
Oh, I could probably butter them up a bit and get them to open up, but in a public Q&A with limited time, that's just not going to happen. Since being hyper aggressive is out of the picture, you aren't going to get anything good from public Q&A's, unless the person answering the questions had already decided beforehand that they were going to spill the beans on parts of writing or development process, which doesn't happen often.
I make these things when I'm bored now. I was honestly just fucking about on Photoshop but forgot I have most of my main ones on my work computer. I'll change to something else tomorrow most likely, but which one I do not know.
I'm trying to make one using one of the Laundryverse sketches, but it don't look right.Make it a Korvira one.
I'm trying to make one using one of the Laundryverse sketches, but it don't look right.
And when those two get together, look out!Then go Nikkipet if that doesn't work.
More of the waifu-bae
and the other waifu-bae
Had to go to class but I'm back and read through everyone's posts. I definitely wanted to take this route. Of course I don't want to go there and rant or be awkward (like damn, you guys give me no credit lol) or anything like that. I'm pumped to just be in the same room as these dudes, but I'm seriously wondering about that leap in logic from "concentration camps" to "I just wanted to protect mah peeps." Albeit, better worded.You can get something useful if you want, you just need to phrase it right. Like, what is it you specifically want to ask? Lets take Kuvira for example. You don't find her going over the edge was a believable development in the show. Okay, so you ask "What was the exact thing or moment that made Kuvira decide to do what she was going to do? Did she debate it long, or have doubts after she did it?"
That's the woman that bends the sexualities of all the Tumblr girls.Fantastic.
Lol, I made 3 new ones while I was at work today. I have a decent rotation going on currently. Since I don't have to rely on someone for an avatar change I can do it whenever I feel like it.Jaded is trolling now with his avatar changes![]()
Jaded is trolling now with his avatar changes![]()
Sometimes it's impossible to get everything and I'm too lazy to fix everything all the time. I think my next couple should be better, I did rush this one.I keep thinking my screen is dirty
Sometimes it's impossible to get everything and I'm too lazy to fix everything all the time. I think my next couple should be better, I did rush this one.
I made like 4 while I was at home. I did a decent job of one of the laundryverse sketches, cleans up well when it's smaller. I probably need and intervention at this point. I ran the same 2? avatars for most of my duration, now I'm addicted to the switching because I made them myself it seems like. It's a fun distraction.Bruh!!! Again?!
I approve.Everyone pull a Toa and do a selfie avatar
I can see if someone wanted to put Bolin and Korra up there, but that's about it. If you're going to put them above any character in the Gaang, I'd say Toph, but that's just me.Anyway, some guy in the OT thread said the Korra characters are better than the Gaang cast.
All of my wat. Mako and Bolin are better characters than Katara and Sokka, this just in.
Well fuck dude I don't know you. I've seen some shit, alright. I've seen a lot of incredibly awkward people at panels, so my advice is essentially don't be those people.Had to go to class but I'm back and read through everyone's posts. I definitely wanted to take this route. Of course I don't want to go there and rant or be awkward (like damn, you guys give me no credit lol) or anything like that. I'm pumped to just be in the same room as these dudes, but I'm seriously wondering about that leap in logic from "concentration camps" to "I just wanted to protect mah peeps." Albeit, better worded.
I know that the Q&A is probably going to be sanitized, so-to-speak, but I guess this is my only chance to ask. It's either this or ask about soundtrack release (which I highly doubt they have a part of at this point) or who would have the baby? (Nah, I wouldn't ask that one. Maybe. I'll be worn out from work you know.)
NoEveryone pull a Toa and do a selfie avatar
No. I'd prefer us being anonymous random faces.
Bruh!!! Again?!
I actually like this one, might stick with it for a couple of...days.
I actually like this one, might stick with it for a couple of...minutes.
I do have 5 on my computer that I have yet to use currently.uh huh
I do have 5 on my computer that I have yet to use currently.
That's cool. They AU's do free up a lot of creativity and you just get to have the girls running around having fun, not even bending or fighting. Though Kuvira and Korra fighting in a bar and winning would be some hilarious shit.wow.... anyhoo
remember when we were talking about how I didn't like reading AUs until LaundryVerse.... I changed my mind
writing them is fun as hell
That's cool. They AU's do free up a lot of creativity and you just get to have the girls running around having fun, not even bending or fighting. Though Kuvira and Korra fighting in a bar and winning would be some hilarious shit.
That and somebody threatened to stab you because Korra doesn't love Asami enough in the in show universe stuff. Yo, two paragraphs in and Kuvira is straight fucking gangsta, lol!!!Yea... that's the big thing, you're just taking characters from their world and putting them in yours where you make the rules. The one I wrote on AO3 was my single longest chapter out of all of them I did just because I can be creative and not worry about the technicals.
I didn't think people would like mine because it's "urban" music based and that doesn't mesh well.... on top of that there's literally nothing else like it out there. But 600 hits and a lot of nice mail in my inbox telling me that I should make it more than a one-shot tells me otherwise
I just guess I might continue writing in this "verse" just due to people that don't really feel represented in similar fics wanting to read more that suits their tastes.
That and somebody threatened to stab you because Korra doesn't love Asami enough in the in show universe stuff.
You had Kuvira shoot her ex, lol.lmao... that too xD
You had Kuvira shoot her ex, lol.
Kuvira's dance game is too stronk.lmao... aye bruh!! I wanted to take some in universe dealings and translate to AUs.
How Kuvira break up with Bataar again? She shot him!! So I did it again here xD
Kuvira's dance game is too stronk.
dance game must be stronk... it's Kuvira after all
God, Daemul, it's like you never manipulated a social scenerio or rigged a conversation to elicite a desired response in your life
That's what I did. I just found some other animated stuff to watch after Korra. It was Young Justice I think. Eased the pain fine, then it ended.![]()
If I cared enough I would go that path, but nope, I ain't got time for all that subtlety. It's all or nothing.
It's not like it matters much anyway, what's done is done, time to move on to the next badly written show![]()