In Miller's defense, I really enjoyed his Year One, TDKR, 300, and MWNF. His stuff being a basis for cinematic media constantly says something. He had a lot of great ideas and stories for certain characters and it shows.
Have you read All Star Batman?
Its not like Miller's Batman is all revered an shit since hes a fucking psychopath that is supposedly a hero.
So both sides comes out looking "bad" anyways. *shrug*
Nah. I'm not gonna say Miller's golden, but he's done some good stuff.Have you read All Star Batman?
Its not like Miller's Batman is all revered an shit since hes a fucking psychopath that is supposedly a hero.
So both sides comes out looking "bad" anyways. *shrug*
I find the dark knight returns to be highly overrated but year one is good stuff. But overall, I don't like frank millers work, and if he's to be used at all, I don't think it should be as the introduction of the Justice League. Batman and superman are far more interesting as friends.
Wishing I could go back to sleep.Soo.... what are we up to today?
Wishing I could go back to sleep.
Is it because of something you're doing, or that your body won't let you?
I have a final tomorrow that I have to study for. On a freakin sunday. I can hear my prof laughing maniacally right now.
I have a final tomorrow that I have to study for. On a freakin sunday. I can hear my prof laughing maniacally right now.
I have a final tomorrow that I have to study for. On a freakin sunday. I can hear my prof laughing maniacally right now.
Soo.... what are we up to today?
Soo.... what are we up to today?
You know what pisses me off about BvS? Assuming that trailer is accurate, it's coming off as an anti-Superman movie.
Yes, let's take the character who, considering how popular he is and his position within the comics industry as both a character and a franchise, has the single-worst track record in the film industry, and make the movie constantly be against him. Let's do that.
The Batman stuff is hype, sure. Not gonna deny that. But there's no Superman hype. Man of Steel was controversial amongst fans as it is, and this doesn't exactly look like it'll be any more of a step in the right direction.
But alas, it's just a trailer. There are parts of this film that I'm looking forward to.
Is that the case? I don't remember that much of that movie, then.
Eh, it's only one trailer. I won't pass judgment until I know the full plot. I'm with you, Superman always gets a bad rap but we don't even know what the story is. I'm guessing Lex convinces Batman to fight Superman or vice versa. I do like that they are addressing the fallout and destruction from MoS though.
I need to google high ass bridges for me to jump off of right now
Shouldn't be that hard. I'm sure you have one.
Yea, there's on about 30 miles from here but I really don't want to make the drive. I'll just throw myself in traffic or something.
Nah, too risky. Toaster in the bathtub should work fine, though.
Never thought of that... thanks BK
I'm busy.....Does anyone here want to 1v1 in smashI only use Charizard
I need to google high ass bridges for me to jump off of right now
I'm busy.....
Not like I'm scared or nothing.
I mean, I wouldn't actually recommend doing it.
No worries.
I don't have a toaster, just checked. Old roommate must've taken it when he moved out.
No Feenix don't do it what's going on
Shame. They're a good appliance to have.
All evidence points to The Dark Knight Returns as the basis for the movie. As far as I'm concerned, that's a terrible idea. Especially when it's your jumping off point for the entire cinematic universe that's being established.
Got some of my proverbial thirst quenched.Soo.... what are we up to today?
Yeah, it's not my favorite story either, but let's see how it plays out. I'm sure by the end they'll be best buddies.
Got some of my proverbial thirst quenched.
Got some of my proverbial thirst quenched.
We didn't have sex yet, stop jumping the gun people. We only made out a bunch of times.congratsonthesex.gif
my man
We didn't have sex yet, stop jumping the gun people. We only made out a bunch of times.
Well, I'll save the gif for future use then
Them thirst quenching gifs
The thirstiest of them all.
"Kuvira baby let me getta taste, let me getta taste!" "No."Even worse because we all know he ain't hit.
"Kuvira baby let me getta taste, let me getta taste!" "No."
Kuvira won't even let the man smell her hair."Kuvira.. can I just get a peek? Please?"
She won't even step on him.Kuvira won't even let the man smell her hair.
Lol. Bataar stay thirsty.She won't even step on him.