I like to think he at least got to second base lol
Second base = Getting shot at by a laser beam?
I like to think he at least got to second base lol
Second base = Getting shot at by a laser beam?
It's like those virgins have never seen a porno before.
I can't understand that either. My girlfriend and I are all over each other during our dates so it's hard for me to see people dating for long periods of time without touching or kissing each other.Tbh, I've never kissed anyone, but how does one have a relationship without ever having kissed the person? I can understand abstaining from sex due to certain beliefs, but no kissing at all?
I'm a virgin too and I've never kissed a woman before about 2 weeks ago. I'm the least experienced one, but the girl helps since she's got more experience. Two virgins doesn't exactly make for a good physical relationship I'm going to assume, must feel pretty awkward.They're not just virgins in that they hadn't had sex, but also never kissed, anyone. That was their first ever kiss period. So I'm pretty sure no, they haven't seen porn.
Even I kiss better than them.
Even worse because we all know he ain't hit.
I bet at least Kuvira knows how to kiss.And way more according to Owler.
Batar Jr is literally the only reason kuvera is anything.
I'll shit on mako all day, Imma stand up for batar jr.
He ain't nothin but a low down simp at the end of the day, Mako may have taken a few Ls in his lifetime but he ain't have a spirit cannon fired on him by his girl.
1 I don't think you know what a simp is
2, while he did get a lazer fired at him, he did, like technologically advance the shit of their world building all that. Along with his moms bailing him out of jail probably he could be a great asset to society and the world at large when it comes energy harnessing mechanisms, and war time stuff if they still wish to build that sort of. They are humans so they are.
Kuvera was just mean and could metal bend, what he did was way more impressive.
And whats sillier is you all play up like "Oh kuvera was playing him the whole time" I don't think that happened. It seemed apparent the two actually liked each other there was no " simping involved " she was just so much of a sociopath that she was willing to throw her relationship out the damn window just to get what she wanted. They were going to get married remember? She probobly the type of person, if she would have won, she would have blammed the avatar for killing her fiancee rather than herself.
Yeah I don't think he was a simp either. He made the robot. Bow down to the true emperor of the earth kingdom.
His logistical prowess made the conquest possible. Kuvira ain't shit without Bataar. Once she abandoned Bataar she got taken down fast.
No one gives Kuvira shit for leaving Zaofu, why give Bqtaar the same grief?
Can't say Kuvira never loved Battar. We saw Kuvira's reaction after shooting him with the laser to show that it was a hard thing for her to do.
pls. Kuvira was probably planning that stunt for weeks.
"There are people on tumblr who disagree with you "![]()
Yea, it's about time I finally retire from this thread now. Even after all the 'awesome' pics and randomness I posted in the past few months, I don't even think I can handle all the new found love for as tumblr dubs him 'fuckboy jr.'
Fanfiction.pls. Kuvira was probably planning that stunt for weeks.
Neither of them being self aware was kind of the point.I think the ideal way to portray him would have been to have him question her leadership at some points. I would think of him kind of like Rory from Doctor Who. He'd be willing to do anything for her, abandoning his family, facing down the avatar, whatever. If she told him that she needed him to rub lemons into his eyeballs, he'd do it and give them an extra squeeze to make sure he got all every drop of acid in there as he could. But let him atleast be self aware that he's way, WAY head over heels for this girl to the point of being unhealthy, and maybe have him criticize her when necessary. Not that if she was stubborn and stuck with it, he wouldn't go through with it, but give him a mind of his own instead of being her yesman. And you could probably have a pretty cool scene where he comments how he is aware she doesn't love him the way he loves her, which would be interesting no matter what Kuvira's response is.
Neither of them being self aware was kind of the point.
The whole plot was them having their heads up their asses.
Yea, it's about time I finally retire from this thread now. Even after all the 'awesome' pics and randomness I posted in the past few months, I don't even think I can handle all the new found love for as tumblr dubs him 'fuckboy jr.'
I'll defend Mako, but I will not defend Bataar Jr, he is a waste of thought. Like legit the worst character ever and a chump master 2000. This isn't even going into his relationship with Kuvira. The crux of his character is the fact that his dad was super awesome and everyone compared him to his dad...which would make sense.
IF HE DIDN'T work in the exact same field as him! I mean, holy shit. It would be one thing if he wanted to be an artist or his dad was a great earthbender and his technological advances were ignored. But what was he think was going to happen?
Even then, that's not a good excuse. He is a character that easily could be taken out of the plot and nothing would be lost. I think Amon's Second Hand man was a less whiny and more productive character.
You know thats a thing that happens in real life very often right? Like... a lot .... right? People entering the same field as someone else in their family because they have genuine interest and constantly being compared to that family member, I have never experienced this, but from what understand, its psychologically draining. It leads people to change their names to avoid association with that person, some people will deny any type of affiliation entirely. That's the type of thing that breeds inferiority complexes, some people don't handle that shit the same.I'll defend Mako, but I will not defend Bataar Jr, he is a waste of thought. Like legit the worst character ever and a chump master 2000. This isn't even going into his relationship with Kuvira. The crux of his character is the fact that his dad was super awesome and everyone compared him to his dad...which would make sense.
IF HE DIDN'T work in the exact same field as him! I mean, holy shit. It would be one thing if he wanted to be an artist or his dad was a great earthbender and his technological advances were ignored. But what was he think was going to happen?
Even then, that's not a good excuse. He is a character that easily could be taken out of the plot and nothing would be lost. I think Amon's Second Hand man was a less whiny and more productive character.
You know thats a thing that happens in real life very often right? Like... a lot .... right? People entering the same field as someone else in their family because they have genuine interest and constantly being compared to that family member, I have never experienced this, but from what understand, its psychologically draining. It leads people to change their names to avoid association with that person, some people will deny any type of affiliation entirely.
I recently went to a reading by the author Andre Dumas III. He's gotten a lot of success, and his father, Andre Dumas, was extremely successful in his own right.
He got 200 rejection letters before his book made it, but he never felt like he was in his father's shadow. It's more like his conflict was portraying him in his book Townie, which had him as a very absent father. A priest came up to ADIII, saying that his father's book is what made him take up priesthood, so he was very disheartened to see such a negative portrayal by his son. ADIII didn't hate him or anything, in fact he loved his dad and was worried that he had dishonored his memory in some way, but he had to be honest in his writing, so he wrote him like he lived his life.
I don't know how common the whole "living in the parent's shadow" thing is statistically for people who go in the same professions as parents, but I don't think it's the only way to go about that conflict. Still, I think he was more defined by his love for Kuvira than his relation to his family. If anything, the ending implied that Kuvira corrupted him rather than that his bad family ties were genuine.
You just be hatin' on Bataar Jr. cuz he got that sick hair and he gettin that Kuvira booty
You mean the guy that gets jobbed by EVERYONE?
Bataar could have been a lot more compelling if they had more time to flesh out his back story and motives.
Some of those fanfiction comics are legit good.
But that's like damn near everyone in LoK though sans Amon... and Unalaq's boring ass who managed to get an in depth back story but managed to squander that by being just plain uninteresting.
He had a cool voice though
The lesson:
NICK make the seasons longer for Avatar part 3.
That's cool for the gent you mentioned, but I wasn't saying that's the only way that narrative plays out. I will say however, for a lot of people, it effects them, poorly.
I will agree with your last point though.
Then I would just argue, it feeds back into they just had their heads up their own asses point. And how its valid, because at the end, kuvera just kind of gives up, like her head was removed from her ass, and she saw the destruction that had occurred whilst her head was up there.
And I think that was the point, I think they were just two people who legit loved each other and fed into each others bullshit as soon as they got a little power. And are quick to blame other for their misfortune, rather than their own misstepping.
But that's like damn near everyone in LoK though sans Amon... and Unalaq's boring ass who managed to get an in depth back story but managed to squander that by being just plain uninteresting.
Can I just point out that Bataar and Jr. were not in the same field. Bataar was an architect. Bataar Jr. was an engineer. All Bataar did was design, but he didn't actually construct anything. Bataar Jr. actually did the work, which probably made the inferiority complex far worse.
But, as you were. Same old, same old.
It feels like they went with like the first draft of a script that everything feels shallow that we literally have to make things up for the characters not to seem this shallow.