people should stop responding to googleplex's korrasami posts, he's been on an anti-korrasami crusade since day 0 and honestly it won't contribute anything to the conversation
Fair point.
people should stop responding to googleplex's korrasami posts, he's been on an anti-korrasami crusade since day 0 and honestly it won't contribute anything to the conversation
After two Official threads, there really isn't much left to say.
We're just waiting for the official community thread at this point.
At least Korra has the excuse of being raised in complete isolation. She literally had no friends until she moved to Republic City.
The announcer guy I think. I don't actually remember his name.
Eh... the Anit-bending thing never made sense to me given the world we've been shown from TLAB and TLOK.
people should stop responding to googleplex's korrasami posts, he's been on an anti-korrasami crusade since day 0 and honestly it won't contribute anything to the conversation
Three people demo'd a skyscraper and threw it with their bending. A single person created lava that destroyed a mountainside. People can shoot lighting out of their finger tips at will. People can functionally fly.
Benders are the entirety of the police force, by all appearances are the entirety of the armed military, and at the time were the undisputed leaders of Republic City, making the Earth Queen the only apparent nonbender in the entire world leading his or her country.
This is part of what makes Endgame, and season 1, so disappointing. A legitimate question was raised in the context of the Avatarverse - a question that has significant real world parallels. This same question was made the literal setting of the show, back when season 1 was thought to be all there was to the Legend of Korra. This question made for interesting drama, which was enough for the show to run on for much of the first season. But by season's end, it was destroyed, discredited, and swept under the rug; all in nonsensical fashion.
...the fuck's a jin
people should stop responding to googleplex's korrasami posts, he's been on an anti-korrasami crusade since day 0 and honestly it won't contribute anything to the conversation
Three people demo'd a skyscraper and threw it with their bending. A single person created lava that destroyed a mountainside. People can shoot lighting out of their finger tips at will. People can functionally fly.
Benders are the entirety of the police force, by all appearances are the entirety of the armed military, and at the time were the undisputed leaders of Republic City, making the Earth Queen the only apparent nonbender in the entire world leading his or her country.
This is part of what makes Endgame, and season 1, so disappointing. A legitimate question was raised in the context of the Avatarverse - a question that has significant real world parallels. This same question was made the literal setting of the show, back when season 1 was thought to be all there was to the Legend of Korra. This question made for interesting drama, which was enough for the show to run on for much of the first season. But by season's end, it was destroyed, discredited, and swept under the rug; all in nonsensical fashion.
Meanwhile Mako and Asami actually made some sense not only in terms of personality but also a plot device (with Hiroshi's hate for benders. Ironically Asami ended up with THE bender).
I've been of a bad ending/terrible pacing crusade since day one. Just because I'm not joining in the Korrasami circle jerk doesn't mean I have any motives outside of being a fan of the show disappointed with the many flaws of TLOK. I've already been called a homophobe for daring to complain about the terrible buildup of the ending relationship.
Korrasami is just one a list a things that could have been done better. HELL i wish it had. It would have given Asami something to be apart of instead of being mostly MIA the last two books. I wish the writers had given me proper Korrasami.
It's even worse when you think about the fact that it's never brought up again in the entire show. You'd think you would still come across mistreatment of non-benders and such but they either get airbending or are totally cool that everyone around them have superpowers and they're the rest of the world's bitch.
It's even worse when you think about the fact that it's never brought up again in the entire show. You'd think you would still come across mistreatment of non-benders and such but they either get airbending or are totally cool that everyone around them have superpowers and they're the rest of the world's bitch.
Yep. While I love Season 3, Korra would have been a much more interesting show if the nonbender dilemma was actually treated with the respect and attention such a plot point deserves.This is part of what makes Endgame, and season 1, so disappointing. A legitimate question was raised in the context of the Avatarverse - a question that has significant real world parallels. This same question was made the literal setting of the show, back when season 1 was thought to be all there was to the Legend of Korra. This question made for interesting drama, which was enough for the show to run on for much of the first season. But by season's end, it was destroyed, discredited, and swept under the rug; all in nonsensical fashion.
Gotta agree. Mako works best on his own.Masami was not much better either, really, Mako is better single, otherwise he ruins the other characters.
uh, no? You spent like the first 4 hours after the finale trying desperately to convince us that they were just best friends. Then the tumblr post came and you moved to goalpost to "uh i'm just complaining about the bad writting!". I don't really care if you're an homophone or not, but it's really annoying at this point how Korrasami bashing is ALL you do.
Yep. While I love Season 3, Korra would have been a much more interesting show if the nonbender dilemma was actually treated with the respect and attention such a plot point deserves.
Gotta agree. Mako works best on his own.
These two. Maggie Sawyer was awesome.
I don't hate Korrasami. I hate the execution of it or lack there of. I've been pretty consistent on that point since the finale aired. I have to feel anything for it to hate it. Outside of fan works, Korrasami just falls flat.
I actually feel that Mako works best when he's teamed up with Bolin.
Both characters work great together.
I imagine the Amon conflict would've been tied into the other seasons more nicely, including maybe not killing him off so early, if Nick would've just told Bryke they had 4 seasons from the start.
Masami was not much better either, really, Mako is better single, otherwise he ruins the other characters.
Well, I meant that they actually showed their relationship. Accidentally bumping into one another, going on dates, all that. The carriage scene comes to mind as well.
I imagine the Amon conflict would've been tied into the other seasons more nicely, including maybe not killing him off so early, if Nick would've just told Bryke they had 4 seasons from the start.
This begs the question if an Avatar is an Avatar if her bending is removed.
Not to delve too much into wishful thinking, but I really would've liked to see her defeat Amon without bending, and then Korra manages to find her spiritual side from personal enlightenment and not from desperation. Perhaps from here, she'd get her powers back after finally tapping into her soul, and come out having more respect for her bending abilities considering bending is not necessary to live.
I've always dug stories like that.
Yeah, you're definitely right there.I actually feel that Mako works best when he's teamed up with Bolin.
Both characters work great together.
Wait, you actually liked the Mako subplot in Season 2?I disagree. Bolin out on his own, actually did stuff with his life. became a mover star and a high ranking official in Kuvira's army. Mako went on to be a bad ass detective.
It's even worse when you think about the fact that it's never brought up again in the entire show. You'd think you would still come across mistreatment of non-benders and such but they either get airbending or are totally cool that everyone around them have superpowers and they're the rest of the world's bitch.
Yeah, you're definitely right there.
It seems like the writers realized that too, based on the end of Season 4.
Wait, you actually liked the Mako subplot in Season 2?
The avatarverse is in need of a proper effing shakeup. With the means of industrialization, there's now a way for the common non-bender to be competitive against the bourgeois bender, either petite or major. I bet chi-blocking is still illegal in republic city to appease the powerful minority, the ones who control the police,military and presumably the political landscape.
As for the Earth Kingdom, it was effed in terms of inequality and self-interested states like Zaofu. Kuvira was right that Zaofu was prosperous in terms of tech and education, in times of crisis and opportunity, is it wrong to not extend these gifts to those who need it the most? Especially when they are your own countrymen.
Yet, despite these obvious calls for change, the universe sides against modern people like Amon, Zaheer and Kuvirva (if they not effed by Byke).
Unfortunately, it's a fact of life nobody likes married people together.
If I wanted to watch a fantasy about people living in the middle of their lives, I'd watch ABC.
I'm not going to post anything lengthy because I'm sick and tired, but I'll tell you to sincerely think about what you're posting. I've noticed your posts throughout this thread and you seem to have a chip on your shoulder about these two fictional characters being confirmed as a couple in their own stories. Almost obsessive even.
For that pic you just posted, I don't think anyone knows or cares who they are considering LoK literally ends with two women of color as leads of their own show in a relationship.
If you had posted anything about Xena: Warrior Princess, I would've let you slide but that Superman TAS shit is such evidence of scraping at the bottom of the barrel to try to make a point in a discussion (talking about Makorra) that has no place in it kind of makes you look kinda crazy.
Remove bending to stop people from abusing it to hurt other people. Start with taking over Republic City to achieve this, then the rest of the world.The entirety of Amon's end game was stupid. what exactly did he hope to accomplish?
I'm pretty sure that was her kid.
I disagree. Bolin out on his own, actually did stuff with his life. became a mover star and a high ranking official in Kuvira's army. Mako went on to be a bad ass detective.
Whether that's true or not, is besides the point. Korrasami fans needs to stop trying to cliam it was some obviouse beautifully written romance. Beside's Superman: The Animated Series had a confirmed lesbian couple years before TLOK.
Remove bending to stop people from abusing it to hurt other people. Start with taking over Republic City to achieve this, then the rest of the world.
It was a pretty simple goal, outside the wrinkle that he was using bending and was a big doo-doo head hypocrite.
The avatarverse is in need of a proper effing shakeup. With the means of industrialization, there's now a way for the common non-bender to be competitive against the bourgeois bender, either petite or major. I bet chi-blocking is still illegal in republic city to appease the powerful minority, the ones who control the police,military and presumably the political landscape.
As for the Earth Kingdom, it was effed in terms of inequality and self-interested states like Zaofu. Kuvira was right that Zaofu was prosperous in terms of tech and education, in times of crisis and opportunity, is it wrong to not extend these gifts to those who need it the most? Especially when they are your own countrymen.
Yet, despite these obvious calls for change, the universe sides against modern people like Amon, Zaheer and Kuvirva (if they not effed by Byke).
I'd figure once the Earth Avatar comes around nonbenders will be able to negate their inherent disadvantage with technology. We already see that in TLOK with Asami's glove and the suits etc.
I liked it, but it (Along with many other things) contributed to Book 4's snail-like pace. After the two escaped the train, they should have gotten back to Republic City offscreen.I really did enjoy the varrick/bolin pairing up in Book 4 though, worked surprisingly well.
As far as I could tell, no.Wasn't he planning to rule everyone by being the only bender, too? :/
Virtually everyone agrees with this. Among being a bender castrated him.If the show was in more competent hands, I don't think Amon would've been a bender at all. He'd either be some spirit itself or some scary nonbender who kidnapped benders to do surgery on their chi points to server them.
Wasn't he planning to rule everyone by being the only bender, too? :/
If the show was in more competent hands, I don't think Amon would've been a bender at all. He'd either be some spirit itself or some scary nonbender who kidnapped benders to do surgery on their chi points to server them.
Yeahhhhh trying to pass off Korrasami as next to nothing by showing that as evidence of some kind is some weakass shit.
Lead character of color =/= white minor character.
Trying to disregard the importance of Korrasami being canon just because another show had a lesbian couple is incredibly fucked up and petty. How dare you.
Lol this is true.
However, a part of me would really REALLY like the characters to acknowledge why guns aren't a thing in the universe.
I know it's a children's show, so I've been letting that slide since Book 1.
It seems like offensive bending filled in the niche well enough for armies that they never saw a need to invent the firearm. The Equalists are the only force that had a need to invent non-bending warfare, and they just never thought of it.Lol this is true.
However, a part of me would really REALLY like the characters to acknowledge why guns aren't a thing in the universe.
I know it's a children's show, so I've been letting that slide since Book 1.
Why? I enjoyed the more understated direction for the romance.Korrasami was terribly terribly executed.
Lol this is true.
However, a part of me would really REALLY like the characters to acknowledge why guns aren't a thing in the universe.
I know it's a children's show, so I've been letting that slide since Book 1.
eh, guns wouldn't really work against earth, fire or airbending really. only water bending is vulnerable and even then I assume they could heal bullets really easy. Asami is better off inventing something less useless.
Suffocation = ok
Suicide = ok
Guns = 2scary4kidz
Very disappointing indeed. The concept of how powerless a non-bender can be compared to a bender was one of the best and logical questions to pursue right after watching A:TLA.
It's even worse when you think about the fact that it's never brought up again in the entire show. You'd think you would still come across mistreatment of non-benders and such but they either get airbending or are totally cool that everyone around them have superpowers and they're the rest of the world's bitch.
Yep. While I love Season 3, Korra would have been a much more interesting show if the nonbender dilemma was actually treated with the respect and attention such a plot point deserves.
It seems like offensive bending filled in the niche well enough for armies that they never saw a need to invent the firearm.
Though that brings up the question of why the superweapon looks like a giant gun.
Why? I enjoyed the more understated direction for the romance.