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The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild - Preview Thread

Alright I've come up with little related checkpoints to look forward to before March 3rd to make the wait more bearable:

Tuesday you got the Nintendo Indies "Direct", that should be fun and interesting.
Wednesday the Switch reviews are dropping, the left joycon drama alone should get me through the day.
Thursday it's Zelda reviews time, a thing of glory no matter what happens.
Friday is the Switch.

So when you really think about it it's just Monday and then we're done

Einstein would disagree


I'm getting my Switch in something like 2 weeks because I'm importing it to avoid having to pay $600 for it here in Costa Rica. You day 1 guys are lucky.


That's not at all what I said or what I meant. You're missing the point with this caricature.

However that was expected, even if you disagree on the content of what I say, this is not how gamers are used to talk about their medium (we talk about metascores and the technical details mostly, rating and ranking).

No, I know you weren't saying that.
I'm saying that you can hand-wave away any gaming crime by claiming nebulous authorial intent that transcends the medium, and it is usually bollocks.
MGSV is not a bad game. but I guarantee you if it was someone would be justifying why its deliberately bad with some fan-wank theory about Kojimas 'genius'.

Do you want to actually know why so much of MGSV feels so big and empty and unfinished?
Because I'd put money on it being because the project went way over budget, and way past its super secret probation definite final double locked in absolute must ship by date.


Do we know if when you die, you respawn with all the weapons you had before you died?

I'm just imagining it being quite tedious going into a boss fight with 30 swords, using 28 of them, getting killed, and then respawning with only 2 left :/


Alright I've come up with little related checkpoints to look forward to before March 3rd to make the wait more bearable:

Tuesday you got the Nintendo Indies "Direct", that should be fun and interesting.
Wednesday the Switch reviews are dropping, the left joycon drama alone should get me through the day.
Thursday it's Zelda reviews time, a thing of glory no matter what happens.
Friday is the Switch.

So when you really think about it it's just Monday and then we're done

Do we know if when you die, you respawn with all the weapons you had before you died?

I'm just imagining it being quite tedious going into a boss fight with 30 swords, using 28 of them, getting killed, and then respawning with only 2 left :/

You spawn at your last save. So yes, you'll have your weapons.


Alright I've come up with little related checkpoints to look forward to before March 3rd to make the wait more bearable:

Tuesday you got the Nintendo Indies "Direct", that should be fun and interesting.
Wednesday the Switch reviews are dropping, the left joycon drama alone should get me through the day.
Thursday it's Zelda reviews time, a thing of glory no matter what happens.
Friday is the Switch.

So when you really think about it it's just Monday and then we're done

Well it looks like I am going to be an unproductive, distracted, worthless person at work all week.
Do we know if when you die, you respawn with all the weapons you had before you died?

I'm just imagining it being quite tedious going into a boss fight with 30 swords, using 28 of them, getting killed, and then respawning with only 2 left :/

The game often autosaves before battles, when you die you return for the last "status" that you had and marks on the map where you died
The game often autosaves before battles, when you die you return for the last "status" that you had and marks on the map where you died

Yah I think it might restore you immediately before you cause an enemy reaction, I remember a guy using all his arrows on a skull base, finally knocking down the lantern with the final one causing the explosion and some angry bokoblins that killed him. When he respawned, he had a single arrow again.
Edit: actually most of the bokoblins were gone too, so it's not quite that simple.
Do we know if when you die, you respawn with all the weapons you had before you died?

I'm just imagining it being quite tedious going into a boss fight with 30 swords, using 28 of them, getting killed, and then respawning with only 2 left :/
I hope you do lose the weapons since that would add a penalty to death which it seems to lack as of now.

Xaero Gravity

Do we know if when you die, you respawn with all the weapons you had before you died?

I'm just imagining it being quite tedious going into a boss fight with 30 swords, using 28 of them, getting killed, and then respawning with only 2 left :/
That just sounds tedious in general. As excited for the game as I am, I still can't believe I'm going to have to deal with such a stupid mechanic that completely goes against my playstyle.

If the armor breaks too I may as well just jump off a cliff now.


That just sounds tedious in general. As excited for the game as I am, I still can't believe I'm going to have to deal with such a stupid mechanic that completely goes against my playstyle.

If the armor breaks too I may as well just jump off a cliff now.

You can up the durability of weapons and armor that haven't broken yet.

I meant in terms of stuff you can buy with them.

There was a video with Beedle where you can buy ingredients, you can also spend rupees on dying clothes.


I feel better title formatting is needed when it comes to these things. Most are going to read the first part, the game name, and miss the spoiler/preview at the very end. That format forces your eyes to follow a long line of text just for the information you require. Especially on a forum where long thread titles are above and below that it can be easy to misread something

Preview Thread - The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild

Spoiler Thread - The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild

In that format, the information you're seeking and avoiding is put first and immediately seen.


If this game is good, you'll see meltdowns. They just won't be from Nintendo fans.

I am sure there will be at least one story element that causes some Nintendo fan meltdowns. That's not in reference to any spoilers or leaks, btw. Just a hunch because there's so much hype and players are going to have a lot of expectations there.


Do we know if when you die, you respawn with all the weapons you had before you died?

I'm just imagining it being quite tedious going into a boss fight with 30 swords, using 28 of them, getting killed, and then respawning with only 2 left :/

Actually, I think this may be a part of the DLC difficulty mode. I think the difficulty mode will be like Dark Souls in that death will cost you. I can see losing permanently all weapons lost during a battle being one of the main costs.

Tedious maybe. But, isn't Dark Souls tedious ? (I don't know, it was too hard for me so I didn't get very far 😭).
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