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The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild - Preview Thread



Unconfirmed Member
Guys can we move all spoiler talk to the spoiler thread. I'm just waiting for someone to accidentally post an untagged spoiler or someone accidentally click the spoiler tag.....


Guys can we move all spoiler talk to the spoiler thread. I'm just waiting for someone to accidentally post an untagged spoiler or someone accidentally click the spoiler tag.....

my favourite part is
yada yada yada yada yada
and especially when he


Guys can we move all spoiler talk to the spoiler thread. I'm just waiting for someone to accidentally post an untagged spoiler or someone accidentally click the spoiler tag.....

All the black/white bars in the last two pages are not spoilers. Don't worry they are safe to click.
Ummm. Is there really a high spoiler or are you guys just having fun?

Don't know, too scared to check the spoiler thread. But there's nothing here.
I have no self control, i click every spoiler tag all the time, this thread is safe, it's only jokes people.

Apart from muchomalo being the final boss, his war cry is "NINTENDO CAN SUCK A FAT COCK WHILE THIS GARBAGE FORUM CAN FUCK THEMSELVES"
Please god can someone avatar this for me

edit: nvm I got this


Too late ;P
So...best buy is preparing for shipment with my BOTW copy...

I got no Switch to play it on thought lolzz

Anyone know how comfortable it is to play with the stand up and a joy con in each hand? I'm really not big on handheld gsming and want to use the Switch docked as much as possible.


I like MGSV, but that's basically pretentious bollocks.

I mean, you might as well say "Kojima is such a genius, he made a deliberately bad game to challenge the preconceptions that games should be fun, to reinforce the struggle that you must live through as the protagonist"

ie bollocks.

That's not at all what I said or what I meant. You're missing the point with this caricature.

However that was expected, even if you disagree on the content of what I say, this is not how gamers are used to talk about their medium (we talk about metascores and the technical details mostly, rating and ranking).

Are you Hamish Black?

Who's that ?

Well I also think Kojima is a bad writer, so....

What do you mean ?
Writing in video games is not just lines of dialogues, it's also game design (and cinematography, and sound design, and a sense of editing etc). Very complex medium.

Anyway that's off-topic if we only talk about MGS V, I wanted to make the link with BOTW's vision of the open-world (an allegory of the adventure-freedom with mostly emergent gameplay and a de-"linearised" structure both in the narrative and the geography)


Does anyone know if anyone has mentioned anything about where in the timeline this game falls?

I know the timeline is stupid, but I'm sucker for Zelda lore.
Does anyone know if anyone has mentioned anything about where in the timeline this game falls?

I know the timeline is stupid, but I'm sucker for Zelda lore.

No idea, It could really be in any of the timeline splits. I want it to take place after Spirit Tracks because that's my favourite story arc. Wouldn't really explain Ganon and the Master Sword though.


Unconfirmed Member
All the black/white bars in the last two pages are not spoilers. Don't worry they are safe to click.

Don't know, too scared to check the spoiler thread. But there's nothing here.

So someone is accidentally going to post a spoiler and everyone thinks it is a joke so they click on it and BAM game ruined.
Who's that ?

A youtuber whose channel, Writing on games, analyses recent games from a thematic standpoint. Your view on MGS5 are almost identical to his, plus he seems like the type of dude who would read foreign reviews. He's also written for Waypoint I believe.


Every Zelda game gets positive buzz but no, I haven't read these kinds of superlatives since Ocarina of Time. And even then I was pretty much just reading Matt and Peer flipping their shit over it on their upstart IGN64.com videogame news website.

Wind Waker's aesthetics were too polarizing and it was also readily apparent that it was the most forgiving Zelda game to date. Twilight Princess came closer in previews and early buzz to "the Zelda you've been waiting for!" but that was more in an "Ocarina of Time 2!" kind of way. There was excitement and encouraging word about Skyward Sword's motion controls (regardless of how that actually panned out for players) but no one was throwing this kind of praise around.

The positive buzz for a new one is always kind of tied to whatever they're moving away from in the previous game. But this time it's about it hearkening back in spirit to the original but also apparently leapfrogging past all the other games as well.

Yeah I agree the buzz around Breath of the Wild is near Super Mario 64/OoT/Halo level.
Looks to be a historical moment in gaming. And I try to keep my expectations in check.


The prevailing theory is downfall timeline, either between OoT and lttp or after AoL but nobody knows for sure

No idea, It could really be in any of the timeline splits. I want it to take place after Spirit Tracks because that's my favourite story arc. Wouldn't really explain Ganon and the Master Sword though.

I'm leaning toward child timeline or downfall timeline myself, at the end of either, but I could see it at the end of the adult timeline as well due to the Rito and Koroks.
But guys have you seen the spoiler video where
Link get laid by a goron after a long choice-based discussion, which ultimately leads to the true ending
Wait I just realized, have we ever seen any female Gorons or are they a primarily male race?


I love kojima, but i think many fans try to put every decision of his as some grand scheme , especially in a game like MGS V, where the development of the game made it impossible to be finished and many plot threads and ideas were left unfinished. The story implies some sort of war happening in that area of the game, yet we never see anything other than patrolling units. The world of red dead redemption is hostile, you see people getting attacked by animals, the story of the characters show how harsh the wild west life could be, in mexico there are often civilians being executed by the army, the rebels trying to fight the army, and others.

I think that if kojima wanted to convey this feeling you described, we would notice it much more easily.

That's not a grand scheme. He may or may not have planned all of this, it doesn't really matter to me or to any analysis. But yes how the development was conducted is important, it would require to do in detail on how in may have influenced some aspects.

About the war, I believe he didn't went the RDR way because that's wouldn't be the proper way. A war is not like a wildlife. Some games do it that way, with combat everywhere (Far Cry is the master of this). That doesn't really work, it's artificial. Kojima is more subtle than that (war sorties by audiologs, soldiers, documents for instance, and all the main missions that take place in the open world). Maybe it was too radical or unfinished but it was, I believe, the right way to do it and the right way for him to do it(knowing all he did as a game designer and game director).

Although that's a very complex game and I only focused on the open world aspect. The other main aspect would be how you become Big Boss thanks to the gameplay and that fits well with the story too. Or how he used the online aspect into an endless war.

This is hard to evacuate as much as possible the judgement we do (is it good? is it fun? etc) in order to focus on a more suble and nuanced focus on how things work, why do they work like these, what were the intented effects, what methods were used, how does it fit with the story and what the game tells us... It isn't easy and I've just scratched the surface of the topic (thanks to the critique I read)

/end of the off-topic for me


That's where the genius is, that so few saw. That's not a world you can explore or inhabit, there are few ressources, you drop in and out from an helicopter, there are huge distances between two points of interest....it all reinforces how hostile and overly vast the world you try to conquer is. In fact you can't conquer it. That's the political Kojima enters : it's an open-world that is anti-colonialist and anti-warmongering.

It wouldn't work with other games, it's purely linked to the context, the intention of the game author (because Kojima is one of the few game designers that can be identified as a true author in an AAA industry). He's using a genre and its specificities to turn them against the modern use of the open world genre (points of interests everywhere, conquest of new territories for ever etc)

Far Cry 2 succeeds at creating an open world at war that you cannot conquer in its critique of war-mongering colonialism. That's why criticisms of its respawning checkpoints (or even its malaria and weapon degradation) are kind of besides the point. The entire theme of that game is that you're playing both sides of a civil war against each other for profit. You fuel the conflict. You cannot bring order to it. The world will never like you.

Metal Gear Solid V's open world doesn't succeed at this. I don't really agree with your characterization of it. Sure, it's a vast place that you can never fully own. But the real criticism I have of it is that it feels empty. There is very little meaningful conflict outside of the main encampments where most missions are focused. And the further you are from civilization, the more autonomy and control you have. Your air power is more or less uncontested throughout MGSV, which allows you to freely call in supplies and even drop air strikes. This doesn't make the world harder to conquer or more hostile. It just makes it... bigger.

Moreover, the open world isn't the marker of your progress in that game. Mother Base is. By recruiting soldiers, completing missions, and collecting resources, you grow your world out on the ocean, adding more platforms and building more power. The battlefields of Africa and Afghanistan are the colonies you plunder to grow your own imperial nation, where you are revered by your troops. The gear you upgrade increases your power as a warmongerer and conqueror. In this way, Kojima compounds the error he made in MGS4, attempting to critique war while fetishizing military hardware and rewarding the player's engagement with conflict.

Zelda looks like it's doing a much better job of encouraging exploration in its world and providing lots of challenges wherever you go.
Had a freak out, wondered why my order hadn't updated at all, turns out I had it set for in store pickup, and I thought it was being delivered, so my freak out actually had a purpose!


Alright I've come up with little related checkpoints to look forward to before March 3rd to make the wait more bearable:

Tuesday you got the Nintendo Indies "Direct", that should be fun and interesting.
Wednesday the Switch reviews are dropping, the left joycon drama alone should get me through the day.
Thursday it's Zelda reviews time, a thing of glory no matter what happens.
Friday is the Switch.

So when you really think about it it's just Monday and then we're done
Alright I've come up with little related checkpoints to look forward to before March 3rd to make the wait more bearable:

Tuesday you got the Nintendo Indies "Direct", that should be fun and interesting.
Wednesday the Switch reviews are dropping, the left joycon drama alone should get me through the day.
Thursday it's Zelda reviews time, a thing of glory no matter what happens.
Friday is the Switch.

So when you really think about it it's just Monday and then we're done
Haha, that's a good way to pass these last few days.

It won't matter, I'll be agonizing anyway.


This was posted in the Edge review thread and I thought it would be good to cross post here.

Don't think it was posted, but a great final quote from their other article (Post Script) on the game after the review:

We've tried, over the years, to get Nintendo executives to talk about other companies' work. The house of Mario has long cultivated the impression that it's profoundly uninterested in what goes outside its own walls. Breath of the Wild producer Eiji Aonuma admits that younger members of the team play lots of games, and studied other open worls in preparation.
Yet this is no copycat work. Rather, the design teams have studied the competition, identified the genre's staples, its peccadilloes and its problems, and addressed them with the same flair that goes into a Mario or linear Zelda game. The results are breathtaking.

(not posting the rest, which is obviously way longer etc. Get the magazine)
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