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The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild - Preview Thread

Which of these 3 excellent games had the biggest backlash on NeoGAF:

- Bioshock Infinite
- Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain
- The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword

Each has critical acclaim and were loved at launch by fans and critics alike. Then the "fans" turned on them.

Probably Skyward Sword. But it should be Bioshock Infinite, because that game is legit trash. I'll go so far as to say the entire Biosock series is trash, though all three games have a great setting.


Which of these 3 excellent games had the biggest backlash on NeoGAF:

- Bioshock Infinite
- Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain
- The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword

Each has critical acclaim and were loved at launch by fans and critics alike. Then the "fans" turned on them.
Bioshock Infinite

Which of these 3 excellent games had the biggest backlash on NeoGAF:

- Bioshock Infinite
- Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain
- The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword

Each has critical acclaim and were loved at launch by fans and critics alike. Then the "fans" turned on them.

None of these are excellent games.

I say this as a huge Zelda and Bioshock fan.
I felt like MGS4 ranks pretty well up here too. Funny because apparently it won GOTY 2008 on GAF two times and yet people here hate its guts still.

So, here's what I think is actually going on in regards to this. There's a lot of people on GAF. When it comes time for voting, a lot of people vote. But in actual discussion topics, it tends to be that people who disliked these things are very outspoken about it, while maybe not everyone that loved those games are there to come out in droves and readily defend it.

MGSV is a game that a lot of people loved. I didn't like it much at all, but I guarantee I'm in a minority there. Same for Bioshock Infinite, Skyward Sword, and MGS4. It did, after all, win GAF GOTY twice lol.


Which of these 3 excellent games had the biggest backlash on NeoGAF:

- Bioshock Infinite
- Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain
- The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword

Each has critical acclaim and were loved at launch by fans and critics alike. Then the "fans" turned on them.

I would wager people turned on them because they're terrible (MGS5 has some really strong gameplay, granted, but it also does some things that understandably provoked people).


Any podcast impressions for Zelda? I've only listen to Waypoint, but I have access to a computer right and need something to listen to while I finish a short essay for class tommorow

Giant Beastcast has Dan Ryckert and Jeff Bakalar's impressions start at around 31:00

And not a podcast, but Gamespot's Peter Brown talked about Zelda starting at 19:30

And you've already seen waypoint. Haven't listened to IGN yet but they have some impressions too
Which of these 3 excellent games had the biggest backlash on NeoGAF:

- Bioshock Infinite
- Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain
- The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword

Each has critical acclaim and were loved at launch by fans and critics alike. Then the "fans" turned on them.

Bioshock was fine, had many flaws but still pretty solid


Which of these 3 excellent games had the biggest backlash on NeoGAF:

- Bioshock Infinite
- Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain
- The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword

Each has critical acclaim and were loved at launch by fans and critics alike. Then the "fans" turned on them.
All three have excellent moments but are bogged down by serious problems. Skyward Sword, for example, has those terrible fetch quests, and the pacing just grinds to a halt after the sandship.

Edit: Bioshock Infinite had worse moment to moment gameplay than the first two. MGSV the map is mostly empty, alot of the mother base mechanics just suck(timers in a singleplayer game WTF). I have put alot of hours into MGSV though, thanks to great gameplay. the stories in both are awful.
This is still my favorite non 8bit Zelda track of all time...OOT - Gerudo Valley

Very good melody. Ocarina's soundtrack actually isn't one of my favorites in the series, but it's still very good with some standouts like this one. The Gerudo Valley theme, Forest Temple, Zora's Domain, regular boss track and final boss tracks are all great. There's likely even a few I'm forgetting.

enigmatic you just had to pull that shit didn't you. You knew what you were doing. You understood the consequences.
Lol it's not getting a 95+

I'm gonna say 90-93. Anything lower I can see happening too since this Zelda is more of a wildcard than others. And no, Edge giving it a 10 means nothing. Edge is biased over Zelda and anything Nintendo. While I do respect Edge...in terms of Nintendo reviews? Sorry, they're full of shit. Probably the most biased publication I've seen for one company aside the dozens of Nintendo centric publications that are obviously biased. After SS getting a 10, I'm not taking Edge seriously.

Regardless, I'm glad Horizon and Nioh nailed a 9. Haven't played Horizon yet but Nioh definitely deserved that 9. I'll judge Horizon in only one more day and Zelda in a few more days myself. Horizon is the only one I was paying attention to in terms of reviews. Zelda reviews are irrelevant since people are biased and give Zelda a pass just for being Zelda. I'm not judging Zelda from reviews. I'll judge it myself.

Man im catching up yall im on page 108 right now. I quote whatever then hit back.

the game that got the most backlash is bioshock infinite. SS i tend to see more people saying they love it and i think that the new direction of the series will help the game to receive some love (just like zelda 2 has people loving it now). If the game receives a HD remaster that cuts the item popups, speeds up text, cut some Fi dialogue, the game will be loved by even more people.

MGS V is unfinished and people love kojima, and after how the konami thing happened, people are more forgiving to the game, one year later i see more people talking about it and the good things that it does than the questionable things.

Bishock Infinite killed irrational games, was even more streamlined than bioshock and the dlc made people hate the story even more.


Bioshock was fine, had many flaws but still pretty solid

"Pretty solid" does not reflect the critical reception which is perhaps part of why the backlash was so universal (or seemingly universal).

I think the game has major flaws in it's story which overshadows the solid if boring gunplay and is all propped up by the first few hours of visuals when it still has the power to wow you with the setting.

Skyward Sword is a great game that's gotten a bad rap due to the over-reliance on motion controls and the fact that it drags quite a bit. Could have been 10 hours shorter tbh.

MGSV has almost flawless gameplay and the sandbox you get to fuck around with using that gameplay is tuned very well for it... it's just unfinished and repetitive. Which is okay because playing the game is magnificent.


"Pretty solid" does not reflect the critical reception which is perhaps part of why the backlash was so universal (or seemingly universal).

I think the game has major flaws in it's story which overshadows the solid if boring gunplay and is all propped up by the first few hours of visuals when it still has the power to wow you with the setting.

Bioshock Infinite is an insult to life itself.


Another thing about infinite is that the last of us stole its thunder hard doing the loli waifu much better.

It (the Last of Us) also was able to tell a coherent story that didn't betray it's themes halfway through.

Bioshock Infinite is an insult to life itself.

The first few hours of visuals are surprisingly stunning.

After that it kind of loses that wow-factor.

The sound design if VERY nice.

That's about all I can say that is good about the game.


I can't *believe* these lazy developers keep making file sizes so damn large. Btw, how does technology work?
At the very least, MGSV has some of the absolute best gameplay ever conceived. Its player agency and the amount of control you have on "Snake" is just perfect.
Another thing about infinite is that the last of us stole its thunder hard doing the loli waifu much better.
So female side characters are loli waifus now?

It also was able to tell a coherent story that didn't betray it's themes halfway through.
Good thing they looked into what made M. Night Shyamalan briefly successful by throwing in a surprise twist at the end to make up for the rest of the game.


Which of these 3 excellent games had the biggest backlash on NeoGAF:

- Bioshock Infinite
- Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain
- The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword

Each has critical acclaim and were loved at launch by fans and critics alike. Then the "fans" turned on them.
You are paranoid if you think that's what happened.


I really think the thing that hurt Bioshock Infinite the most was the fact that it came out the same year as Last of Us and GTA5.

and Metal Gear Rising. and Fire Emblem Awakening. And Link Between Worlds. And Mario 3D World.

2013 was fucking magical.


At the very least, MGSV has some of the absolute best gameplay ever conceived. Its player agency and the amount of control you have on "Snake" is just perfect.

And the "open world" it drops you in to play around with is like a fine machine tuned specifically to the gameplay frequency.

It didn't have enough variaty to sustain it's 40+ hour main story though.


I can't *believe* these lazy developers keep making file sizes so damn large. Btw, how does technology work?
And the "open world" it drops you in to play around with is like a fine machine tuned specifically to the gameplay frequency.

It didn't have enough variaty to sustain it's 40+ hour main story though.

Agreed. The game nailed everything but the story and setting - two components that have been critical in defining what MGS is. To this day, it boggles my mind how far TPP strayed from its predecessors in that regard, and how much of a blow it was to my enjoyment of the game.

It's a brilliant, brilliant, woefully unfinished game.


Bioshock Infinite had fake gameplay that way overpromised on what was possible.

Can you imagine if it had built the game more around the mobility it promised? Developing the levels and encounters based on that with improved gunplay and variety?


Instead it was just "grind grind grind to the next shooting gallery"
Which of these 3 excellent games had the biggest backlash on NeoGAF:

- Bioshock Infinite
- Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain
- The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword

Each has critical acclaim and were loved at launch by fans and critics alike. Then the "fans" turned on them.

Speaking as a "fan", you're allowed to dislike a game in a franchise you like. Skyward Sword bored me to tears. The "everything's a dungeon" gameplay took away from my favorite element of the series, the exploration. I thought the controls were its one redeeming feature.

As for critical acclaim, I think many reviewers have a bit of a blind spot for highly hyped, large-scale, content-rich games. Especially if it's a sequel in a storied franchise, which applies to all three of your examples. In these instances, (and often because of limited play time before a deadline) reviewers tend to fall back on franchise pedigree. It takes some breathing room beyond launch hype to gauge community response to a game. This is your "backlash".

Your implication that fans are looking for reasons to dislike a game in a franchise they love doesn't hold up to scrutiny. What possible motive could they have?

Astral Dog

I thought Skyward Sword was slightly better than Twilight Princess,mostly due to the combat,wich was a love/hate thing but much better than the braindead of TP. It had a strong main town and the graphics looked cool for the Wii.

But neither of those are real classics like the other 3D Zeldas imo
MGSV is absolutely amazing. I hope I enjoy Botw as much as I did the my 130 hours with MGSV (before forcibly putting it down due to other newer titles).


its simply a lot easier for many to talk about things they hate than things they like.

The former allows you go on and on about it and still look sane. The latter gushing too much suddenly makes you a fanboy/girl who sees no wrong in it. That and its rather difficult to debate why you like a thing...whereas the back and forth of "this thing sucks and here's why" is almost limitless.

This leads to it seeming like a lot of people hate something when in reality that may not be the case. Its something I have to get better with actually. Often the ones loudest aren't the majority (this goes for both sides of the coin in this case).

This shows itself out in the various voting threads in which things that seem to get dragged through the mud...actually rank rather high.
So female side characters are loli waifus now?

no..? But both games are about a bearded main character voiced by troy baker having a strong father figure over the side character, often showing interest in protecting them.

I love the last of us and i love the character of ellie and now that she's the main character of part II she will be even better. Don't take what i said seriously.

People are harping on Bioshock Infinite from the get-go.

Not being able to name Link was too great of a change.

Yes i know, but the last of us added more fuel to that fire.

Also Dan talked the game to high heavens on the beastcast, him tweeting this is much more likely to want to gush about the game rather than anything else

I really think the thing that hurt Bioshock Infinite the most was the fact that it came out the same year as Last of Us and GTA5.

and Metal Gear Rising. and Fire Emblem Awakening. And Link Between Worlds. And Mario 3D World.

2013 was fucking magical.

Yes it was, but people would still complain about infinite either way, especially because the two exciting things, the storyline and the gameplay possibilites (of the e3 2011 demo) didn't pan out.
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