There are people like me who don't want to watch anymore new game footage. So where else do we go?
Please be considerate of us.
The Zelda community thread?
Given people reactions, I'm scared to give you a direct link, haha. The name of the youtuber is runJDrun, search his channel.Is there a link to the video?
I guess that could be done, but why are people who are on a self-imposed "media blackout" reading and/or posting about the game on a gaming forum like this to begin with? Isn't that, like, defeating the whole purpose of a media blackout? lol If you're that sensitive to what may be "spoilers" then participating in threads like this of any kind online is going to be a risk for you regardless.Maybe a super safe/media black out/ wake me up in March 3 thread should be made.
Actually I haven't been following spoilers that much, (just this thread for the most part) I just assumed bottles weren't in the game due to the fact you craft potions and elixers and it's just limited by inventory space.Goddamn itthis is the shit everyone in here is talking about! I didn't know this and I didn't want to know.
Avoiding absolutely all spoilers is gonna be mighty difficult for the next few days. You better have them skills.
Solid Link in Metal Gear Tingle.
I'm old enough to remember playing The Legend of Zelda with my older brothers. I remember staring at screenshots and looking at the artwork and the map and wondering what was out there. It really felt like anything was possible.
In the 3D era, it never once felt like anything was possible. It felt like I was at a theme park, as a celebrated guest, and the game was guiding me through it. It felt like a tour of what it might look like to explore and discover things, but I'm not really doing it. The game designers were on my shoulder the whole time.
I know this is partly a me thing, and I just like my exploration-focused games to feel indifferent to me. I think that's what makes them seem alive and important -- That they feel like they'd go on existing even if I wasn't there. Dark Souls in 2011 is what turned me back on to video games. It was the first game that recaptured that childhood feeling of anything being possible.
I'm super excited for BOTW because it really looks like they've learned from their many mistakes.
My emotional journey over my first four hours of playing the new Zelda: liked it, grew skeptical of it, doubted it, regained appreciation, now hooked on it. If you love the Zelda formula you may take this same ride when you start playing The Legend of Zelda Breath of the Wild, which comes out for Wii U and Nintendo Switch next week. I've only played a paltry bit of this gargantuan game, so I cannot tell you how that journey may end...
If you, like me, are a fan of many recent Zeldas, you expect an authored experience, something that feels laid out by a designer's hand. Zelda games are the opposite of all of gaming's randomly generated content. Their landscapes are intentional, their pathways paved purposefully... In those opening hours, my worry grew as it began to feel too random to feel like Zelda...
My doubt faded. My sense that this world was as random as it initially appeared melted. There was a designer's hand all over this place, just more subtly... I've gotten back on the road then wandered off it. Little things keep catching my eye, and when I approach a suspicious hut or a curious chain or an odd ridge, I'm usually rewarded with a puzzle of sorts. This wild world has definitely been hand-shaped...
Motherfuckers need to stop adding gifs of new stuff here. I didn't know Link could do that and didn't want to know.
I think the spoiler thread is for spoilers and the preview thread is for previews. What the definition of each of those is very subjective. The only guarantee of not being let down by your personal definition of what's appropriate may require one to avoid threads with BOTW in the title at this point.
We talking together in a non spoiler thread. Let us exists damnit. Go bug someone else
Non-spoiler-y shit.
I know this guy is gone from the thread and all but I just wanted to get this out.I'm not bothered by anyone overhyping it. You kidding? I'm stoked for Zelda. Looks sick. I was just simply saying Edge is full of shit in my view since they're biased over Zelda and anything Nintendo so I'm not taking their review seriously,
Avoiding absolutely all spoilers is gonna be mighty difficult for the next few days. You better have them skills.
I understand this is your opinion, but so far you have completely failed at providing any arguments outside of "really? SS?"Saying that Skyward Sword has the best dungeons in any Zelda game is a little bit silly. It has a couple great ones, but that's it.
This is all purely subjective and based on personal opinions, mind you.
I never understood if this was a "joke" fight or not.
I mean, if this was real, why just doesn't the black dude punch forward for body hits? The other one is in the corner and is a big mofo, a bit hard to miss...
But it describes the spoiler dodging situation brilliantly.
What is non-spoilery if even the smallest gameplay mechanic is a spoiler at this point? I'm totally perplexed at what else there is to talk about if we can't discuss some of the preview content being released right now.
Who knows.. honestly it wasnt that bad. But the closer I get the less I want to know. I done made it this far without seeing some crazy stuff I dont want to see, I can wait a few more days and experienece this game like the reviewrs. I want what they got. They didnt see all this, they jumped in and got BLESSED!What is non-spoilery if even the smallest gameplay mechanic is a spoiler at this point? I'm totally perplexed at what else there is to talk about if we can't discuss some of the preview content being released right now.
We should talk about our first sexual encounters. You go first.If you don't want to discuss content from previews... what do you expect to get out of this thread?
Preview content is fair game in a preview thread.then go to the spoiler thread
then go to the spoiler thread
edit: And yeah if its bothering people then just go in the spoiler thread. Idk how yall hoping between the two if I was in the spoiler thread I go in there and never come back lol
Brief and unsatisfying, just like a spoiler.We should talk about our first sexual encounters. You go first.
Brief and unsatisfying, just like a spoiler.
I have to do SOMETHING while I wait. Reading about the game is something atleast a little excited. I can't stop thinking about the game. I need to pass the time. AAHH! I'm more hyped about just exploring the Great Plateau than I am all other games coming out this year. I'm so sick of waiting.If you don't want to discuss content from previews... what do you expect to get out of this thread?
Preview content is fair game in a preview thread.
People gon get gif happy thats what im thinking.How y'all gonna tell people that are just simply enjoying the preview GIFS and what not to go into the spoiler thread, especially when there's now actual story spoilers in there. :|
It'd be like if someone told y'all to actually go on that media blackout you're supposedly on if the GIFs in here are apparently too much.Except it would make much more sense...
Brief and unsatisfying, just like a spoiler.
Can anyone clarify for me how we go about purchasing the expansion pass?
i've never seen so much sensitivity towards "spoilers" in my life. jesus.
if you're so scared of seeing things like link doing stealth with a barrel, stay out of the zelda threads. or stay off the internet/social media. it's not hard. i did it for skyward sword. and here's a spoiler for you: that game still sucked even though I avoided media from the game at all costs.
it's really not a big deal.
This sentence is as bad as Zelda's Skyward Sword hair.Why should people who want to discuss preview stuff from the previews leave the preview thread and go into the spoiler thread where they will actually get spoiled, instead of people who don't want to see anything from the game not, you know, going into a thread where people are talking about previews of the game.
This.Here' s a thought: don't post gifs, just links. Seems super simple and doesn't make you look like a dickbag trying to justify what 'you' consider to be a spoiler.
This sentence is as bad as Zelda's Skyward Sword hair.
This sentence is as bad as Zelda's Skyward Sword hair.
Seriously.Here' s a thought: don't post gifs, just links. Seems super simple and doesn't make you look like a dickbag trying to justify what 'you' consider to be a spoiler.
I don't know what you just said but I like it.Seriously.
It wasnt even a spoiler to me but I care about my co habitants in this thread and we getting close. Yall should chill on trying to dictate what is aint a spoiler and go to the spoiler thread since yall so trill
I would say it's as bad as people getting upset about being "spoiled" seeing a mechanic that's been in Metal Gear games since 1998(and was also in Wind Waker, a previous Zelda game).