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The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild - Preview Thread


Everyone mock posting about being spoiled about the Switch release date or WiiU version are just coming off as assholes. Grow up and realize some people actually want to be surprised.

Sure, and if you were going around showing game previews to random people it might be a jerk move. But in a thread explicitly about previews for a game...
Hmm, just as a reminder:

You can turn off images.

I'm don't really care about spoilers, but I would like to retain some surprises. On mobile you can just turn off gifs or/and photos.

Laughing Banana

Weeping Pickle
Yeah alot of previews done broke embargo though. Want to watch it?

It's a risk that you just have to take when you enter a preview thread. *shrugs*

What is funny is someone proclaiming to not wanting to know anything about the game in order for a fresh experience but then without anyone pointing a gun in their head they entered a preview thread and then got mad when people are discussing the content contained in a preview. What's even worse is that it seemed like the "spoiled" content was very inconsequential anyways, it's not like people spoiling any major elements of the story or anything like that. Seemed so silly to lose your head over such things.

If you really hate to be spoiled about anything, then what are you doing here?
Sure, and if you were going around showing game previews to random people it might be a jerk move. But in a thread explicitly about previews for a game...
Sure, but theres nowhere elseto go to hype BOTW...

Hmm, just as a reminder:

You can turn off images.

I'm don't really care about spoilers, but I would like to retain some surprises. On mobile you can just turn off gifs or/and photos.

On mobile I have had images and gifs disabled for a week already lol.


When i want to be surprised by a game, i'm not looking at / posting in the preview thread.
But as already stated theres nowhere else to hype the game and the game must be hyped. Want to avoid spoilers yet can't get off the Zelda threads. @_@

But for me personally this thread has been alright for the most part.


Everyone mock posting about being spoiled about the Switch release date or WiiU version are just coming off as assholes. Grow up and realize some people actually want to be surprised.

Some people also want to discuss the stuff that's shown in the preview that is under clear embargo. Usually the distinction between what's spoiler or not varies, but BoTW has a clear guideline for what can or can't be talked in the previews coming from Nintendo themselves. It's fine if they want to have more blackout on the game, but this is a public place with an accepted consensus.
You can tell TheGreatMightyPoo is hyped when all he/she can post anymore are gifs and memes lol.
Is this Zelda game on the same scale as say Skyrim? As far as the open world console games go these days?

It's bigger than Skyrim, plays better than Skyrim and probably has more variety than Skyrim. and is better designed in general than Skyrim. I'd imagine Skyrim would be a joke compared to this game currently.
Below the sea in WW was such a let down. It's incredibly obvious that you were meant to explore it to reach some dungeons but it was cut for time.

Nothing about the under sea looked like it was meant to be explored. Going out of bounds shows how it was entirely designed as a set piece. The two missing dungeons were almost certainly above the water just like all the others.


It's bigger than Skyrim, plays better than Skyrim and probably has more variety than Skyrim. and is better designed in general than Skyrim. I'd imagine Skyrim would be a joke compared to this game currently.

On what basis are you saying this? Have you played the game yet to form these opinions?
Or is this post just pure 100% hype?


Just an accordion played by the bird minstrel Kass.

I thought the Gerudo girl was holding something that looked like a harp in the trailer? Might've been imagining that.

I'm pretty sure there must be an instrument and if it's still under embargo it might be spoilery.

Totally the Ocarina of Time.


It's bigger than Skyrim, plays better than Skyrim and probably has more variety than Skyrim. and is better designed in general than Skyrim. I'd imagine Skyrim would be a joke compared to this game currently.
Two different types of open world games. Why you gotta do this?


Hyperbole at its finest.

Probably. But from all the previews they talk about how all the people in the game have their own lives and wander the world and towns, that the world is dense and alive despite how it may look in what they're allowed to show, previews have talked about variety, Stephen Totilo said that the designer's touch was subtly everywhere in the world, Austin Walker talked about how if you think you can do something 99% of the time you actually can. Some have even made comparisons to other open world games and how BotW feels more complex and layered.

There's actually quite a lot of glowing praise from the previews. There's also some bits from the Edge's review as well including their post script here.

We've tried, over the years, to get Nintendo executives to talk about other companies' work. The house of Mario has long cultivated the impression that it's profoundly uninterested in what goes outside its own walls. Breath of the Wild producer Eiji Aonuma admits that younger members of the team play lots of games, and studied other open worls in preparation.
Yet this is no copycat work. Rather, the design teams have studied the competition, identified the genre's staples, its peccadilloes and its problems, and addressed them with the same flair that goes into a Mario or linear Zelda game. The results are breathtaking.
On what basis are you saying this? Have you played the game yet to form these opinions?
Or is this post just pure 100% hype?

Hyperbole at its finest.

I would agree with him if this is on the same quality level as past Zelda games. He probably didn't have to dis Skyrim to make his point but:

-The map is huge. It actually is bigger than Skyrim's map, from what I understand.

-Skyrim's combat has been complained about as one of it's worst features. Zelda's combat has always been better.

-Zelda typically has more veriety in it's dungeons and enemy types, puzzles, mini games, weapons, useful items.

-Going by Nintendo's track record, it probably won't have as many bugs and glitches that Skyrim has but we'll see about that as they have never made an open world game this big either.
Hyperbole at its finest.

I've given Skyrim enough time to know what it does well and it's a rather mediocre experience in the end. It was purely impressive for the time because what it tried to do was based in the technology rather than much good game design.

The best part of Skyrim is the soundtrack.

Balancing is atrocious and not in a fun way most of the time and if you screw up balancing variety tends to goes out the window. I supposed you could do things like Thievery or magic but those core mechanics have no depth in themselves and therefore have no variety. There's nothing to really learn about pressing a button to blow away enemies. Thus, Skyrim has to rely on roleplaying elements but these are quite weak ultimately compared to better efforts in the genre such as its own predecessor in Morrowind.

Skyrim was a memorable experience, but it was a hardly a well designed one.

A single look at Zelda shows more demands of the player, depth in its gameplay systems, and variety in its scenarios that frankly the two seem incomparable in terms of quality.

Two different types of open world games. Why you gotta do this?

I would argue that what they both set out to do and how they attempt to make the player feel in the world is actually very similar. There's a similar line of open ended adventure that both try to do. Mark my words, everything that Skyrim tried to do, Zelda will do better.


Neo Member
It's bigger than Skyrim, plays better than Skyrim and probably has more variety than Skyrim. and is better designed in general than Skyrim. I'd imagine Skyrim would be a joke compared to this game currently.

yeah but I haven't seen a single gif of a bucket on an NPC's head yet


I would argue that what they both set out to do and how they attempt to make the player feel in the world is actually very similar. There's a similar line of open ended adventure that both try to do. And Bethesda's formula of exploration and combat had yet to expose itself.

I mean, if you say so. Elder Scrolls games have you create your character and set out on an adventure based on what type of character you've created. Whether that's mass murder every human being alive or collecting pots and pans.

Zelda is open world Zelda, which isn't detracting from what BotW is doing so amazingly well, just that at its core it's a Zelda game with an impressive next gen sandbox to support it. I wouldn't say you're wrong but The Elder Scrolls and The Legend of Zelda set out to offer entirely different experiences.


We've known about the barrel thing since at least E3 (I believe) anyway, so I don't understand why people are going crazy over it.
I'm guessing they got rid of horse riding mechanic where you draw on the game pad and the horse will go to said destination? that was a thing from the Gamw Awards right?


I'm guessing they got rid of horse riding mechanic where you draw on the game pad and the horse will go to said destination? that was a thing from the Gamw Awards right?

That was never ever a thing. Are you sure you aren't mixing it up with Phantom Hourglass for the DS.


Exactly, they actually use them as weapons themselves, but most importantly, explosions are just fucking cool.

No one said that explosions aren't "fucking cool". Sorry again for trying to discuss basic game design where you need a proper challenge before having the cool reward (explosion, fun). In that case having a placement that is too convenient for the player kills 90% of the challenge (because you still need to have the fire Arrow and to shoot the barrel, or put a bomb near them). Red barrels are too often used to give fun in a simple way instead of building a complex level design that would be more challenging for the player but as or more rewarding (because it can involves explosions). It's cool that they can use them to kill you but that doesn't solve the issue that you can easily kill half a camp or the whole camp (in the original gif) with just one shot because of a chain reaction.

Anyway it's easier to be of bad faith and not to give all of the context and arguments that people tried to made to make fun of them, lolz. lololol
That was never ever a thing. Are you sure you aren't mixing it up with Phantom Hourglass for the DS.

Oh, I must be remembering what Aonuma and Miyamoto said very wrongly, but I think horses not running into trees is still there (if you let go of the control stick).

Can't believe that was 2014!
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