Never cared for SS'S dungeons outside of the desert ones (and even out of those two I'd say only Sandship is particularly great).
77 hours to go, still no preload info.
The time travel mechanic from the sandship is what the entire game should have been based around.
Without it the game felt a little uninspired relying solely on the Wii Motion+ stuff.
It's bigger than Skyrim, plays better than Skyrim and probably has more variety than Skyrim. and is better designed in general than Skyrim. I'd imagine Skyrim would be a joke compared to this game currently.
Still wondering what these carving that was added to Twilight Princess HD means in the context of BotW:
Others trying to back up their terrible buggy WRPG in this thread, don't let it get you down- we get to have the new Morrowind of the generation and they get to have a big sook about it!
Any words on HD Rumble? I know it wasn't Nintendo's focus for this game, but is there something? Does it at least work better than the Wii U Gamepad rumble?
Others trying to back up their terrible buggy WRPG in this thread, don't let it get you down- we get to have the new Morrowind of the generation and they get to have a big sook about it!
The Wii U gamepad's rumble is pretty shite, so it must be better in some way. There are lots of little ways they could use the HD rumble in this game, but we'll just have to wait and see I guess.
Sigh... It's going to be a long week.
The desert is by far the best area in the game. lf everything else had been as good then the game would have been fantastic.
Small update from the french press: the reviewer from Le Monde thinks Breath of the Wild is better than Witcher 3.
Looks like a book not a tablet IMO.
Doesn't look like a controller or a screen at all.
This is the longest reach ive ever seen based on an image.
I don't know how you look at that and think "tablet controller." That's pretty plainly a magic book to me.
How the fuck does that look like a tablet?
lolThat's a book OP.
It's bigger than Skyrim, plays better than Skyrim and probably has more variety than Skyrim. and is better designed in general than Skyrim. I'd imagine Skyrim would be a joke compared to this game currently.
I agre that the desert was fantastic, but the game had other highlights as well. For example, Ancient Cistern was awesome (and it had the best boss fight outside of Demise) and the sky dungeon was a masterclass in level design. I do believe the game has some pacing issues, but it´s still a masterpiece for me.
it's funny, i looked back through an old thread where someone posited that the sheikah slate was some kind of electronic (right), probably a gamepad (wrong), and people were laughing at them lmao
Zelda has the other Sheikah Slate, so Zelda is taking the photo?
Cuningas de Häme;231106928 said:People comparing new games to Skyrim most likely forget that Skyrim probs influenced these newer games A LOT...
I'm sure it did, although it seems like Far Cry 2 was a bigger influence on BotW, as well as survival games like Minecraft.
It did some good, some bad. As far as an ES game it pales in comparison to Morrowind and Oblivion IMO. I think it was a lot of style over substance.Cuningas de Häme;231106928 said:People comparing new games to Skyrim most likely forget that Skyrim probs influenced these newer games A LOT...
Cuningas de Häme;231106928 said:People comparing new games to Skyrim most likely forget that Skyrim probs influenced these newer games A LOT...
Any words on HD Rumble? I know it wasn't Nintendo's focus for this game, but is there something? Does it at least work better than the Wii U Gamepad rumble?
I thought Skyward Sword was slightly better than Twilight Princess,mostly due to the combat,wich was a love/hate thing but much better than the braindead of TP. It had a strong main town and the graphics looked cool for the Wii.
But neither of those are real classics like the other 3D Zeldas imo
Bokogoblins are dumb
I'm working the nightshift Thursdsy night and finish at 6am. I've asked to be woken up as soon as the Switch arrives regardless of what the time is. I'm also working Friday night. Fuck sleep. Zelda more important.
I think how journalists are describing it is the revealing part. Usually it's like 'yeah, it's pretty good BUUUUUUT' then goes onto lists lots of complaints. There's also usually 1 dissenter that pisses off everyone, but one hasn't revealed themselves yet...maybe.
So there isn't really a Switch megathread and I'm not sure where to ask this. Has there been any news on the standby feature of the Switch and how it compares to Vita? Can I suspend the game and continue where I was later with little to no battery being used up like Vita?
Hell the notorious hard to please German reviewers seem to be giving it glowing praise as well. Gamepro Germany gave it a 94, their second highest score ever. This game has been getting universal praise like no other game. I do not understand why people are so hesitant to believe it.
Oh I'm aware. My break will be put to good use. God I hope we get a small delivery so I can get that out of the way then sneak in more Zelda...Guess what, you can play at work if you can sneak in some playtime.
When do reviews hit again? Wednesday? 9 AM PST?
I think it's funny how Bokoblins didn't exist until Wind Waker, and yet now they're easily accepted as the staple mook of the Zelda series. It's rare for a series to just adopt a completely new "face" mook 16 years later and have it stick. Like, imagine trying to replace goombas in Mario games- it wouldn't work.
I suppose octoroks were the default mook in the 2D games, but their moveset didn't translate to 3D spaces very well. Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask opted for diverse ensembles of enemy minions rather than any one default type, creating a void for Bokoblins to fill the face role in Wind Waker.
I think it's funny how Bokoblins didn't exist until Wind Waker, and yet now they're easily accepted as the staple mook of the Zelda series. It's rare for a series to just adopt a completely new "face" mook 16 years later and have it stick. Like, imagine trying to replace goombas in Mario games- it wouldn't work.
I'm working the nightshift Thursdsy night and finish at 6am. I've asked to be woken up as soon as the Switch arrives regardless of what the time is. I'm also working Friday night. Fuck sleep. Zelda more important.
Thursday 6AM PST IIRC. 12AM CEST.
Well, most of the the other humanoid mooks were rather large, save maybe the Lizafos. It was a niche that hadn't been filled yet, and honestly, I just thought of them more as mini-Moblins, which they sort of are.