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The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild - Preview Thread


Yes! this!, I want to laugh at the people that called me out for suggesting the WiiU might look better, please be there lol

There is no chance in hell the WiiU one will look better. We have had reviews who have played both who said they look identical except for lower frame rate on the WiiU one.

There is literal no chance Nintendo would release it that way, Nintendo does not want you to buy the WiiU edition of this game, their motivation is for any WiiU owner to buy the Switch. It's why they removed all gamepad features. They actively wanted the WiiU edition to have no advantage over the Switch release.
Gravity Rush 2 got it beat imo

It's brilliant to have this debate. We have so many amazing styles this generation and whether it's Breath of the Wild, Ni No Kuni 2, Ratchet and Clank, Gravity Rush 2, The Last Guardian, Bloodborne or realistic looking games like Uncharted 4 they all look great. (I'm with you though, I prefer Gravity Rush 2's look to Ni No Kuni 2's)
It's definitely more appealing if you don't have/never had a Wii U.

For one, it's the only way you can play Zelda. Well, you could buy a Wii U, but that would be kind of silly at this point IMO.

For another, MK8 and any other Wii U ports it gets (Smash problably, maybe Mario Maker or a sequel etc.) will be totally new to you. Sequels like Splatoon 2 will also be fresher (no pun intended) if you've not played the first to death.

Looks really good. Curious to see some footage with extreme weather and other things Edge says led to drops.

I was actually pretty interested in Wonderful 101 and Boyonetta 2 wonder if those will see a port


Cucurbitacée;231128210 said:
I can spoil that for you, if you want. :p

I'm mixed...
I really want to try that without knowing for sure...
You can absolutely try if you don't mind the time wasted.
I feel like even if that's possible it would take so long that it would probably be faster to just get the glider and progress from there.


Looks like there is already a potion and skewer we've seen that does indeed restore Stamina. I got the impression you auto fall at a certain point on the Great Plateau exterior, but maybe not.

Yeah I saw that since the e3 demo where there were some items that could do that.
From what I've seen of the Great Plateau there seems to be a place to do that.


There is no chance in hell the WiiU one will look better. We have had reviews who have played both who said they look identical except for lower frame rate on the WiiU one.

There is literal no chance Nintendo would release it that way, Nintendo does not want you to buy the WiiU edition of this game, their motivation is for any WiiU owner to buy the Switch. It's why they removed all gamepad features. They actively wanted the WiiU edition to have no advantage over the Switch release.

Let a man dream mang D:


Bad graphics, great art style = wasteful?

Oh definitely. If you have a great art style and graphics that can't fulfill the vision of the style they put forth, it's a waste of that style. Look at Toy Story 1 vs. Toy Story 3.

Now, I'm not saying BOTW has bad graphics (though I do believe there are certainly parts about it that look bad), but its art style could certainly take advantage of better graphical fidelity.


Cool Facts: Game of War has been a hit since July 2013
I've seen more insightful Nintendo posts from NinjaBlade then I have from Dualshockers.


never left the stone age
Yes! this!, I want to laugh at the people that called me out for suggesting the WiiU might look better, please be there lol

If you seriously think the Wii U version will look better than the version they want to sell with their brand new system you're in for a very rude awakening my friend.
I've seen more insightful Nintendo posts from NinjaBlade then I have from Dualshockers.

I wish NinjaBlade was here for Zelda. It has realtime shadows/lighting! I wanna see how he'd try to goalpost himself from that, because from what I remember, not having actual realtime shadows made Xenoblade X look like trash according to him :lol.


aka Mannny
Apparently lol
I honestly don't know how people put themselves through these mental gymnastics. Graphical fidelity and the enjoyment of it is subjective. What some people see as wasteful others don't care about, which is the beauty of opinion. Horizon looks amazing but I play games more than just for visuals. If horizon plays well then the visuals are an added bonus, but that's all dependent on my tastes. I'm not sure what's so hard for people on the internet to understand in regards to that.

Oh definitely. If you have a great art style and graphics that can't fulfill the vision of the style they put forth, it's a waste of that style. Look at Toy Story 1 vs. Toy Story 3.

Now, I'm not saying BOTW has bad graphics (though I do believe there are certainly parts about it that look bad), but its art style could certainly take advantage of better graphical fidelity.
That's fair, I don't agree though.
What I left for a few hours and there's 600+ new comments...

We've mostly been bitching about the Dualshockers comment aha. If you missed it:


Oh definitely. If you have a great art style and graphics that can't fulfill the vision of the style they put forth, it's a waste of that style. Look at Toy Story 1 vs. Toy Story 3.

Now, I'm not saying BOTW has bad graphics (though I do believe there are certainly parts about it that look bad), but its art style could certainly take advantage of better graphical fidelity.

you could say this about literally any game ever tho as technology is always improving


I'm kinda missing Miiverse already, I would have easily documented my exploration this way!
This plus the lack of "Spirit Tracks writting on the map" really feels like a missed opportunity for me...
I'm pretty confident that I've seen in some shots the walls of the Great Plateau being regular stone that are climbable elsewhere!

I've seen more insightful Nintendo posts from NinjaBlade then I have from Dualshockers.
If you seriously think the Wii U version will look better than the version they want to sell with their brand new system you're in for a very rude awakening my friend.

Wasn't even the case for Twilight Princess! They even recalled unsold WiiUs! They clearly would prefer if you bought a Switch for this game.
Oh by the way, I created the review thread. How do you like it? I know it's unsual for a review thread to have so many graphics but I just thought I'd give my best for Zelda no matter what thread it is.

Please don't comment in that topic, it's a 5 year old thread I simply use to do layout tests.


I can save $175 on the Xbox Family Fun Bundle?!

It looks amazing, you've out done yourself.


Cucurbitacée;231128638 said:
I already tried, that's why I offered to spoil it for you. It's up to you, if you want to discover by yourself or not.

In spoiler tag, that way it's not spoiled for everyone.


aka Mannny
Oh by the way, I created the review thread. How do you like it? I know it's unsual for a review thread to have so many graphics but I just thought I'd give my best for Zelda no matter what thread it is.

Please don't comment in that topic, it's a 5 year old thread I simply use to do layout tests.

i believe you can do this for any locked thread you posted in. Could be wrong though.


I'm pretty confident that I've seen in some shots the walls of the Great Plateau being regular stone that are climbable elsewhere!

They are. You could probably leave the Great Plateau without the Paraglider, but then the rest of the game laughs as you fall to your death and die more often.


Oh by the way, I created the review thread. How do you like it? I know it's unsual for a review thread to have so many graphics but I just thought I'd give my best for Zelda no matter what thread it is.

Please don't comment in that topic, it's a 5 year old thread I simply use to do layout tests.


The text in the cases ("Reviews", "Gameplay", "Accolades") aren't perfectly centered vertically and it's killing me.

Other than this detail that only my stupid brain will notice, it looks great.


Does the Switch final version Intro have the same dynamic lighting of the Wii U E3 demo? It looked different in the January event.

No, the lightning has been downgraded since then. But we don't know if the Wii U version still has it. That would be quite the scandal I think.


They are. You could probably leave the Great Plateau without the Paraglider, but then the rest of the game laughs as you fall to your death and die more often.

I can already see it :
Spend 3 hours trying to gear up for a climb down.
Spend another 2 for the actual trial/error in climbing down
Spend 10 hours trying to climb the fuck up again because I'm trapped in an unforgiving world.

Preferably in PMs actually.

Actually screw that let me try on my own!


you could say this about literally any game ever tho as technology is always improving

That's what I'm saying, though. He implied it was ridiculous to suggest that an art style without the graphics power to back it up is wasteful. I believe it is. In the Toy Story example, both movies were released at the height of available power in their respective years of release, so it makes sense that Toy Story 1 doesn't look nearly as good now. But my point is just that: today, it DOESN'T look nearly as good, even if TS1 had a similar and still cohesive art style. Graphic fidelity is very important, even if art style is MORE important. I get frustrated when people brush aside any complaints about graphic fidelity just by saying "but art style." (I don't think you're doing this to the extent that I'm saying; you're reasonable and level-headed about it. But I do think you and others aren't putting enough...WEIGHT on the graphics side of the graphics-art style scale.)
If you guys want to feel bad for those poor Bokoblins, watch this. These animations are heartbreaking.

Some of the previewers have said the combat can be a bit bland, but really that video is showing me the opposite. And that's basically just the enemies on the plateau... I'm really excited to see some crazy things happening with late game enemies like darknuts.


never left the stone age
Also what's with the "dynamic lighting" bs resurfacing, we've been through this. The Switch version clearly has dynamic lighting and shadows lol. That's how the environment fuckin reacts to the position of the sun in the first place, with the environment casting shadows all over.

And there's plenty of footage of the Switch version that shows dynamic shadows inside of the mini dungeons, it's not something that was removed from Wii U -> Switch. They just changed shit. God dammit, it was an artistic change, not a technical change. This ain't Dark Souls 2 vertical slice -> Retail.

Deleted member 752119

Unconfirmed Member
you could say this about literally any game ever tho as technology is always improving

Of course. It's just more relevant when discussing games on a systems that are vastly under powered relative to their current competition.

It's easier/fairer/more natural to have wondered how Mario Galaxy would have looked on 360, or BOTW on PS4 Pro than it is to wonder how Horizon would look on a PS5 in a few years. A more relevant comparison there would be how much better could Horizon looks on PC on a current top rig?

For me, I wish they'd have been able to just do a separate console and portable version of Switch that shared highly scaleable games, with the console being at least around X1 in power. I'd love to see what BOTW could look like on better hardware. I am buying the Wii U version and do have a gaming computer (though no where near top of the line) so maybe I'll finally mess around with CEMU after it's reported to run well there and see how it looks.
Honestly, everyone. There are gonna be people who knock the game for not being up to the graphical standards of what are available on ps4 and xb1. I mean I guess I just dont care. I have UC4 which is the best looking game I own and I shelved it because I found the game to be very boring (cleared parts 1, 2, & 3 on the UC collection). TW3 is also a fantastic looking game when compared to the likes of Dark Souls 3 and Bloodborne and yet there were many times I popped back in From's games because I just found the gameplay to be so much better and fun.

BoTW will never hold the title of best looking game of all time. Far from it. I do think though the game looks as good as it can considering the hardware which is why it gets a pass from me. Had it been a switch exclusive it would have looked even better. Still, I think many parts of the game look beautiful due to the art style and the lighting.

What I never realized until now is that people really believe that nintendo's games gets some kinda pass due to nostalgia just because the opinions of the masses fail to line up with these peoples own pre conceived notions.

Like I can go from UC4 to play ALBW and have an infinitely better time. And albw is pretty basic for a 3ds game.

I think the poster a few posts up had it right: if you want to knock a game for a personally percieved short comings then fine. However, when you start questioning how other people can like things that you dont like and attribute this to nostalgia or some sort of nintendo pass, thats when it gets childish and insulting.


I thought Wind Waker looked stunning before it released, I still feel that way now.
I thought Twilight Princess looked quite ugly before release, still feel that way now.
I thought Skyward sword looked gorgeous, but that being in SD was a crime against IQ for such a beautiful game. Still feel the same. It's perfectly possible to draw visual conclusions before release, imo.

From everything I've seen so far from BotW I have to say it's a very mixed bag at best, and often very, very ugly. No idea why some think that holding such an opinion is clickbait. As for the comparison that seems to rile people up so much, I'll be playing both horizon and Zelda this week, both will vie for my time just as both vied for my money. Therefore they're in competition, to me anyway. I expect Zelda to be a far superior game but I won't give it a pass on the visual comparison.

What I like about BotW visually is the character cell shading, some of the animation, the grass fields, and the village scenes. What I dislike is the shocking IQ - the gamersyde direct feed vids really opened my eyes on this - along with the terrible textures, low poly environments, lack of texture filtering etc. That stuff isn't cell shaded enough to get a pass as 'art style's in the way WW and SS did, imo. And as a result Hyrule doesn't look like a real world to me, and in a game about exploring the wild that could well be an issue. Or maybe not, well see.

It's going to be an IQ step backwards from wwhd which I'm playing at the moment and that just feels strange for a new release.
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