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The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild - Preview Thread

You're not seriously implying that magazines are breaking embargo, are you? They get to release reviews early so that they are not a month late.
Maybe the embargo is different for printed press, after all the Edge critic is already known. But the enemy shown here was definitely on the embargo list for the Youtubers.


Graphics are obviously not as realistic and the textures and geometry are not as detailed or complex as Horizon or Witcher 3.

But I don't take anyone who calls this game ugly as a whole seriously.

There are definitely times that I think it looks really nice, like in your gif. I also think character models (including enemies and animals) look good. But there's a lot of times, more often >30ft away from Link than close up, that I think it looks pretty terrible. Lighting is also inconsistent, sometimes looking pretty beautiful, and sometimes looking washed out and lacking. The low amount of geometry also hurts, I think.

We often talk about how much art style matters over graphics quality, but graphics quality can 100% make an art style better.
Will the wonders ever end with this game.


I don't know why so much credence was put into the dualshockers editor. The website is called dualshockers for fucks sake. Plus there is that wonderful "If it was the story of Belda no one would care," nonsense, along with "rose tinted glasses".


Neo Member
I thought he was talking about the structure of the game itself

I'm not going to attack someone for an opinion of game I haven't played but I'm not too worried about it either given the wealth of reports saying otherwise.

There goes the 95+ though :(

Well, it looks like you don't have to worry about that. He says in one of the comments that he isn't reviewing the game.


It's not ugly by any means and will most likely look quiet beautiful on the Switch in handheld mode, due to rendering at the native resolution of that screen. But its strongly stylized elements (characters) are mixed with things that simply don't look too hot when seeing them up close and in person. All the .gifs do a good job of hiding the less sexy parts of it's visuals. Those being some blurry, low res textures etc.. Take those bushes in your .gif and have a close look at them on the big screen. You'll find they're a rather blurry mess.

I'm used to obsessing over visual perfection with my PC and sitting up close to a monitor, I really don't think I'll have an issue with this game running at 900p on a properly calibrated TV while sitting six feet away. Naturally I know everyone has different setups and that will impact their tolerance.

This game does need texture filtering bad, though. I'm hoping for a graphics patch.

. Uncharted 4? Bloodborne? FFXV? Witcher 3? Ratchet and Clank? Xenoblade X? Sunset Overdrive?
Unless you mean only cel shaded thats a bit weird

He mentioned personal taste so for you to list other beautiful games doesn't contradict his statement. I think all of those games are spectacles and Zelda carves its own niche.
. Uncharted 4? Bloodborne? FFXV? Witcher 3? Ratchet and Clank? Xenoblade X? Sunset Overdrive?

Unless you mean only cel shaded thats a bit weird

All look fantastic but none of them are as visually appealing as Breath of the Wild in my personal opinion. Better textures and technical performance for sure (maybe not Xenoblade X) but in terms of pure beauty BotW wins for me. Like FFXV looks brilliant but there's not really anything distinct about it, Bloodborne is the only game that rivals Zelda for me.
I don't know why so much credence was put into the dualshockers editor. The website is called dualshockers for fucks sake. Plus there is that wonderful "If it was the story of Belda no one would care," nonsense, along with "rose tinted glasses".

Red flags all over the place. It's apparently hard for a lot of people to have an opinion without trying to drag others through the mud in a weak effort to prop up how they personally feel.
Non-stable framerate is typical of open world games. Plus this is mostly stable according to reports, just a couple blips.

As for dogshit image quality? Really? What's so "dogshit" about it? When I played it, the image quality was solid and gorgeous. Or is this just because it's not native 1080?

The complete lack of AA or any sort of decent texture filtering.


Stop talking about the dualshockers dude. He could review the game and give it a 1/10 for all I care. He has different priorities and he has his own opinions. Yeah, his arguments are pretty shitty, and he is demeaning a lot of other reviewers, but that's on him. And if it lowers the MC, so what? Were you all pumped to play Zelda with a 95+ MC but just won't be able to find the same fun if it's 92 or lower?


The start of the DualShockers post was a valid criticism, but then he started to talk about "rose tinted glasses" and "not giving zelda a pass" and it started to sound like an excuse to give the game a bad score and generate clicks. If he needs to make excuses that even doesn't make sense because only 2 reviews leaked until now, it says a lot about his intentions.
I want criticism in reviews to not be disappointed when I play the game, but criticize the game and not other reviewers.


I don't know why so much credence was put into the dualshockers editor. The website is called dualshockers for fucks sake. Plus there is that wonderful "If it was the story of Belda no one would care," nonsense, along with "rose tinted glasses".

Because he's a professional reviewer, so his opinion is important no matter what he says


Criticism of technical image quality in a Nintendo game in 2017 seems so... is pointless the word I'm looking for? We all know what Nintendo is going for at this point. We know they place art and gameplay over texture and resolution. They've done it this way for two generations now.

My default expectation for Nintendo games is that I'm getting a cohesive, tailored experience, not that it will be packed with more texture detail than I will ever appreciate. That's Nintendo's "thing" now, and everyone should be fairly wise to it.

We don't watch Star Wars for the Oscar-caliber acting performances, you know?

Anyone feeling the need to run Zelda through the mud for resolution and texture shortcomings is either not paying attention to Nintendo or feeling the expectional need to be heard, IMO.


All look fantastic but none of them are as visually appealing as Breath of the Wild in my personal opinion. Better textures and technical performance for sure (maybe not Xenoblade X) but in terms of pure beauty BotW wins for me. Like FFXV looks brilliant but there's not really anything distinct about it, Bloodborne is the only game that rivals Zelda for me.

Man, it's crazy that you don't think Ratchet and Clank is as visually appealing. It's even stylized to the extent that BOTW is with a very cohesive art style, and it's technically leaps and bounds above BOTW.
All look fantastic but none of them are as visually appealing as Breath of the Wild in my personal opinion. Better textures and technical performance for sure (maybe not Xenoblade X) but in terms of pure beauty BotW wins for me. Like FFXV looks brilliant but there's not really anything distinct about it, Bloodborne is the only game that rivals Zelda for me.
There's nothing distinct about Rachet & Clank?
The start of the DualShockers post was a valid criticism, but then he started to talk about "rose tinted glasses" and "not giving zelda a pass" and it started to sound like an excuse to give the game a bad score and generate clicks. If he needs to make excuses that even doesn't make sense because only 2 reviews leaked until now, it says a lot about his intentions.
I want criticism in reviews to not be disappointed when I play the game, but criticize the game and not other reviewers.

It's very sad when a professional critic sounds like a GAF troll. Just do your job of being an open minded critic rather than comparing the visuals of a native Wii U game to that of Horizon Zero Dawn.
Man, it's crazy that you don't think Ratchet and Clank is as visually appealing. It's even stylized to the extent that BOTW is with a very cohesive art style, and it's technically leaps and bounds above BOTW.

Ratchet & Clank looks like a Dreamworks / Illumination film. So yeah, I don't find it appealing either. It's technically impressive, for sure.


Yea, can folks in this thread make a pact to not try and discredit reviewers based on their score when the review thread goes up, and try to talk down any who do? I have a feeling the US Gamer review is gonna start an avalanche of shit posts, while others will be digging through old reviews of the one 6 the game gets.

I agree with the general sentiment that you are your own reviewer, as many of my favorite games are sitting on low 70s MCs. Just read their points and see if you find that in your play through, or if what they said resonates with you and what you want out of the game, maybe wait and see. Laugh off stuff like the dual shockers stuff, it's not even worth it.


All look fantastic but none of them are as visually appealing as Breath of the Wild in my personal opinion. Better textures and technical performance for sure (maybe not Xenoblade X) but in terms of pure beauty BotW wins for me. Like FFXV looks brilliant but there's not really anything distinct about it, Bloodborne is the only game that rivals Zelda for me.

yeah exactly. not trying to be controversial or anything but something like U4, while impressive in its own right, just doesn't really appeal to me artistically. realism rarely does for me. I'll look at the incredibly detailed world and technical aspects of the game and sort of come away like "yep, that's what a forest looks like".

the facial animation stuff in ND games is seriously impressive though, TLoU and U4 blew me away in that regard. but the graphics as a whole? ehhh
Man, it's crazy that you don't think Ratchet and Clank is as visually appealing. It's even stylized to the extent that BOTW is with a very cohesive art style, and it's technically leaps and bounds above BOTW.

There's nothing distinct about Rachet & Clank?

Whoops I was referring to FFXV when I meant visuals not being distinct, Ratchet and Clank is dripping with charm and there are few games that feel as visually alive as it. I simply prefer the art style Breath of the Wild achieves. I think each game that was brought up looks amazing.


Man, it's crazy that you don't think Ratchet and Clank is as visually appealing. It's even stylized to the extent that BOTW is with a very cohesive art style, and it's technically leaps and bounds above BOTW.

I disagree. The "problem" with BOTW is that alot of the textures have a hint of realism in them mixed with the cel shade in other areas. Sometimes it looks beautiful, othertimes ugly. Ratchet and Clank doesnt have much of those so kinda a lower ceiling, higher floor type thing.
One of the things that seems 2017-level (or beyond) technically about Zelda is the animation. Some of Link's animations look weird because they don't want to remove player control at any time (so a design choice) but all of the enemies, NPCs, and animals have extremely detailed and impressive animations from everything I've seen.

Moreso than many other games I've seen recently.
On one hand, he's right. Zelda does look outdated compared to horizon. On the other hand, there is more to a game than its graphics. And personally speaking Zelda's looks are more than adequate. In fact I think it looks beautiful.

Incidentally, isn't dualshockers a primarily PlayStation site?

As in they usually review PlayStation titles more favorably? I could be mistaken here.
yeah exactly. not trying to be controversial or anything but something like U4, while impressive in its own right, just doesn't really appeal to me artistically. realism rarely does for me. I'll look at the incredibly detailed world and technical aspects of the game and sort of come away like "yep, that's what a forest looks like".

the facial animation stuff in ND games is seriously impressive though, TLoU and U4 blew me away in that regard. but the graphics as a whole? ehhh

Nothing wrong with having a preferred art style. I see people with the opposite opinion all the time, so there's no reason why this one can't exist, too.


After playing Horizon: Zero Dawn, Zelda feels extremely antiquated. Many will ignore it because it's named Zelda, and nostalgia will put some super-thick rose-tinted glasses on their nose, but that's simply how it is.

I've heard this said about quite a few of the Zelda games, but I've come to a realization lately that makes me think that it's absolutely not rose-tinted glasses that make people love Zelda even when it's not at its best.

The games are designed differently from anything out there. It's the only 3D series my wife can play confidently and have fun with. There's a sort of accessibility that other games just don't have. It's that Nintendo factor.

That being said, no idea if it will be here with BotW, but I hope so.


I think Ratchet and Clank looks way better than Uncharted 4 and Horizon. I personally prefer that kind of art style to realism.

Anyway BotW looks amazing, but I can see people having issues with the graphics.


Nothing wrong with having a preferred art style. I see people with the opposite opinion all the time, so there's no reason why this one can't exist, too.

exactly. and to be clear my main gripe with that dualshockers post was his high and mighty attitude and attempted undermining of the opinions of his peers around the industry. as I've said a few times already it was both childish and unprofessional.


The hype is strong with me. I think I wasn't this hyped since a loooooong time. Owning my first Nintendo Home console on Friday. :eek:
exactly. and to be clear my main gripe with that dualshockers post was his high and mighty attitude and attempted undermining of the opinions of his peers around the industry. as I've said a few times already it was both childish and unprofessional.

Yeah, it comes off as dismissive — as if the game can't be fantastic on its own merits, without relying on a player's nostalgia or whatever.
I think Ratchet and Clank looks way better than Uncharted 4 and Horizon. I personally prefer that kind of art style to realism.

Anyway BotW looks amazing, but I can see people having issues with the graphics.

I agree with you, Ratchet and Clank is consistently stunning whereas Uncharted 4's visuals took a back seat as the game went on. I started off being wowed with every small detail but as the hours clocked by I was less interested in the technical achievement and more interested in the gameplay. Facial animations were always a joy to watch though.

I think I prefer more abstract art styles, realism is only impressive initially for me.

Deleted member 752119

Unconfirmed Member
Criticism of technical image quality in a Nintendo game in 2017 seems so... is pointless the word I'm looking for? We all know what Nintendo is going for at this point. We know they place art and gameplay over texture and resolution. They've done it this way for two generations now.

My default expectation for Nintendo games is that I'm getting a cohesive, tailored experience, not that it will be packed with more texture detail than I will ever appreciate. That's Nintendo's "thing" now, and everyone should be fairly wise to it.

We don't watch Star Wars for the Oscar-caliber acting performances, you know?

Anyone feeling the need to run Zelda through the mud for resolution and texture shortcomings is either not paying attention to Nintendo or feeling the expectional need to be heard, IMO.

You're over thinking it in the extent that everyone just has their own opinions and things the value/care about in games, be it professional reviewers or random posters on forums like GAF.

No one is wrong for being critical of Nintendo as they love their gameplay but hate that they keep doing underpowered hardware and art styles they dislike.

No one is wrong for loving the art styles etc. that Nintendo does and disliking more realistic graphics.

Different strokes for different folks and all that. I mean I get your point that it is what it is with Nintendo at this point. Hell, the Switch may end up the first Nintendo platform (other than virtual boy) that I don't own due to that and just slowly accepting I don't like enough of what they do anymore to shell out for their hardware that also doesn't fit my preferences. But I still have every right to express disappointment as someone who grew up on Nintendo and misses the "now you're playing with power" days when we got their incredible gameplay on decently powered consoles and were regularly wowed by them pushing graphics with things like the FX chip, the DKC games, pushing 3D with Mario 64 et al etc.
The start of the DualShockers post was a valid criticism, but then he started to talk about "rose tinted glasses" and "not giving zelda a pass" and it started to sound like an excuse to give the game a bad score and generate clicks. If he needs to make excuses that even doesn't make sense because only 2 reviews leaked until now, it says a lot about his intentions.
I want criticism in reviews to not be disappointed when I play the game, but criticize the game and not other reviewers.
What was the second review? I just know of the Edge one.


His name is Giuseppe Nelva, and he expressed those opinions in the comment sections here and here.

Quite frankly I think he comes off as a bit childish and biased. But hey he's the guy that runs a website, he can express whatever he wants.

Here's the main point:

Pathetic lol. But he also said he isn't the one making the review.
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