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The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild - Preview Thread


video and its mechanic, damn!
Don't click that video if you don't want to get spoiled on something wonderful (imo)



Previews got me hyped though. Hopefully I can get a Switch or at least borrow my friends Wii U by spring break.


Lol it looks like Shadow of the Colossus graphics, a PS2 game. God you fanboys get so defensive. I have a switch pre-ordered and will be getting Zelda day one. I'm just pointing out the obvious visuals. Keep kidding yourself then, its fine.
Is this bad sarcasm or bad trolling?
Ah gotcha, still very cool! And a lot more contextual than you'd expect from a Zelda game.

By the way I loved your exploration videos! Especially that sunset on the ocean...
Thanks man, I wanted to take a different approach to the footage from most others. After all, this game is all about the atmosphere...


I hope Koizumi saw all the reactions to this game and tries to not let the best Nintendo game of the year go easily to Zelda


Can you imagine getting so worked up about possible joycon issues this morning and cancel your preorder and then read these previews?

Holy shit, the sense of mystery is immense. That's just creepy and weird... and yeah, mysterious.

This game is the real deal isn't it

And there is absolutely no warning about what is happening if you haven't seen it in advance. Envision yourself exploring in the evening hours at the top of a remote mountain and seeing the moon turn red, hearing the music turn evil, and witnessing a streaky red sky coalescing above you. That's what happened to me the first time, and I nearly got goosebumps.


Sites can only talk specifically about and show the first 5 hours. We've had vague impressions from people 20-30 hours in and they seem equally as glowing.

Yes but "vague" means you don't go into specifics whether they're positive or negative.

Also they received the game a few days back, that means they're very much into it and don't seem to take a step back.

Those are bias and it's ok but you have to acknowledge them because it's Nintendo's marketing behind it.


Walruses, camels, bears, rabbits, tigers and badgers.
Clarification on Giant Bomb talk regarding duengons:

- They weren't actively searching for a duengon, just naturally playing the game and taking on side-quests, finding towers, placing markers, collecting gear, and attempting shrines as they discovered them. At the 25 hour mark, he realized that he hadn't even played a real duengon at that point. Now he has completed one duengon, bit it took him over 25 hours before he played one.

So milage may vary, it is a truly open world game.


As long as both the TV and the system are set to the same mode, the difference between "limited" and "full" RGB should be near indistinguishable to normal colour vision.

I know that, but MHWilliams said there was some problem with the gamma. If you put the Switch to full it defaults back to limited, so if he left the TV in full range it's normal that it looks washed out. But if he switched the TV back to limited as well and it's still washed out, well, like you said it shouldn't do that, so i'm trying to understand if there's some bug or stuff like that.


From the Gamespot preview...

This will make people happy.

This sounds absolute perfect.

This is something 3D Zelda's have never been able to capture that the 2D games usually had. This was mainly due to the amount of hand holding in the 3D games. I miss that sense of getting lost and not knowing where the fuck I'm going. No annoying tutorial is a great start.


No one is getting paid here. Skyward sword and the DS games especially aren't a good indicator that the media isn't blinded by nostalgia with these games.
Love how in the thread of Horizon you posted a hokey play on your username as your reaction to the reviews pouring in but here, you question the authenticity of the impressions.


I am 10 hours in and I am loving it to death. Most Zeldas had a point I was fed up with them and quit. Don't think it will be the case with this one.

Only thing I can hold against it is the framerate that nosedives from time to time.


I know that, but MHWilliams said there was some problem with the gamma. If you put the Switch to full it defaults back to limited, so if he left the TV in full range it's normal that it looks washed out. But if he switched the TV back to limited as well and it's still washed out, well, like you said it shouldn't do that, so i'm trying to understand if there's some bug or stuff like that.

Fair enough, I spoke too soon. Hopefully the day one patch fixes things.
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