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The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild - Preview Thread


In case you can't go to Youtube


this is so great

it's stuff like this that makes me feel like I can get unreasonably hyped about this game and it'll still wow me


Hey guys, I was purposefully not clicking the spoiler link and some of ya'll are posting what's in it. Please go back and spoiler tag them. It doesn't sound major, but I was hoping to get impressions without spoilers.
This sounds absolute perfect.

This is something 3D Zelda's have never been able to capture that the 2D games usually had. This was mainly due to the amount of hand holding in the 3D games. I miss that sense of getting lost and not knowing where the fuck I'm going. No annoying tutorial is a great start.

Ocarina of Time, Majora's Mask and Wind Waker had this, Ocarina of Time even had you able to do huge chunks of the main story in a non-rigid way. It's the very recent games: TP and SS that are a bit more handhold-y.
I know that, but MHWilliams said there was some problem with the gamma. If you put the Switch to full it defaults back to limited, so if he left the TV in full range it's normal that it looks washed out. But if he switched the TV back to limited as well and it's still washed out, well, like you said it shouldn't do that, so i'm trying to understand if there's some bug or stuff like that.

I have another, older TV in a different spot. I'll probably try it later.
Engadget preview mentioned framerate issues while in docked mode.

Anything else on this?

That was mentioned a while back, people were saying the game ran better in 720p over docked 900p

Saying that, has anyone tried playing with the dock output set to 480p instead of 1080p? I want to know if the switch benefits from a lower res output while docked.
Nintendo better give Aonuma and Co. the keys to the kingdom, because they might have actually delivered on the promise of singlehandedly justifying a Switch purchase.


Are we allowed to make a spoiler thread at this time? There do seem to be quite a few spoilers out there now. (This question is directed at mods that may read this.)


Thank you I already read these as they are posted three times a page, but you didn't read my post or write a proper answer so I won't take time to explain again.

Your original point was that we've only been given impressions about 5 hours of the game. I showed you that this wasn't the case. There's little proof of their being some inherent bias which I'm assuming was what you were implying.


Has anyone talked about the music?

From this preview:

Much fuss was made also about the choice in musical style and the approach to integrating it into the gameplay. In a word, the overworld music is minimalist—in fact, it’s absent, as the music only plays at particular times, and it’s specific to the location and other factors. But it’s also unobtrusive, and moody. It configures the emotion of the particular scene so that it is as intended. And it’s really never repetitive—which is perhaps the most fortunate aspect of this approach. In the overworld, the music consists predominantly of piano with occasional accompaniment by other instruments. It’s slow and quiet, and it stays out of the way. As you approach a serene vista, it might offer a happy melodic statement for the player to subconsciously digest as they explore. By contrast, as danger approaches or night falls, dissonant notes begin to play, unpredictably, softly.

Conventional music still exists in specific other areas, and from what I’ve heard, it’s very good. It also changes—actually, it fades seamlessly—between day and night versions of each theme. Many of you who know me know that I have long been a follower and enthusiast of game music (I’ve been to the Symphony of the Goddess concerts not once, but twice)—and I can tell you that I am quite satisfied with what I’ve heard so far from Breath of the Wild.


I have another, older TV in a different spot. I'll probably try it later.

Awesome. Can you please post the results with both full/full (if the console accepts it on that TV) and limited/limited? Thanks again for trying this, i really appreciate it.

No, it's a bullshot from E3. Here's a screenshot from Gamespot's preview article:


That's not the native res of the game. Wondering if the console can capture screenshots at the native internal res.
Does Switch have a built-in video capture feature, or is it just for screenshots?

Just screenshots at the moment. At the press event in Tokyo they promised video capture eventually.

Is this a new screenshot? It has much better anti-aliasing than the previous ones I've seen?

Gotta be an edit or bullshot. The art direction is grand and there are some great scenic vistas, but no, the game doesn't look that good. Lack of aliasing is a clear tell.
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