I hope that in the future, people also mention the Far Cry and Just Cause series, because those are the two that BotW reminds me most of.
In particular, there are a ton of features straight out of Far Cry, which might be a coincidence if it was just one feature, but multiple features means it was an obvious inspiration.
These are
-The towers
-The scope that lets you tag and log things
-The emergent fire gameplay
You could even add the parasailer (that's in Far Cry) and the basic collecting herbs to craft shit to keep you healthy.
It's very, very similar to Far Cry except you have way more vertical options and the combat gameplay is obviously totally different.
As for Just Cause, flying super high in a ludicrously big world with level design that's supposed to speak to you from that height (certain places just scream 'land here!' with X's or whatnot) and dropping bombs into camps, firing cannons to destroy a destructible platform with enemies on it, just raising havoc... very Just Cause 2 to me.