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The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild | Review Thread

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From the critic reviews page of MC I got:
32 perfect scores
2 9,8
2 9,7
1 9,6
6 9,5
1 9,4
1 9,3
8 9

I don't know what impresses the most, the number of perfect scores or the fact that we have yet to see a score below 9

Hahaha what a guy


I don't understand how people can be reading these reviews and not seeing what the major reason for these scores is. You're either in denial or being intentionally obtuse, the both of you.

The common thread is the realism in interactivity (and reactivity) of the world and the systems, and how it's on another level compared to essentially every other game. A lot of reviews have said something along the lines of "you'll be asking yourself 'can I do this thing?' an the answer will almost always be 'yes!'"

Can I experience a multilayered, deep story in world that is given context?


Absolutely this. What a predictable industry.

Can't wait to see more of Xenoblade 2's world. Of course, even though it's going to be a much more interesting world, it won't get reviewed as well because it's not Zelda.

Holy shit could you be any saltier?


I think back to that thread a few days back where they asked if reviews were always objective. I think these review scores provide a ready answer.

There's nothing I've seen listed in any of these reviews which blows your mind. No boundary pushing depth or complexity, no underheard of mechanics. The story telling remains rote, the technical perfomance is acceptable and there's the usual mixture of combat, traversal and puzzles.

There's no redefining of the open world scenario and nothing in the combat which is radically different from what we've seen before. Why the perfect 10s? What kind of otherworldly achievement would merit that? Simply being a Zelda game in a critical forum who's leading voices grew up with Ocarina of Time.

That's my takeaway.

This must be trolling at this point did you see that physics system? Find me a game where i can take a builder from the beginning to the final boss for example.

Or hit a object to send it fly away.

Or surf on a shield and be freaking legolas and use your bow on it.

Or creat fire to open up your glider and fly using bombs or arrows you can do this even while in air.

Climb nearly everything you could say lol assassincreed but could you climb whole mountains there?

And more it sure is doing something good gameplay wise. This kind of physics have never been used in such a creative fun way.

Oh and the coolest imo manupilating thunder with metal.


Neo Member
From me, over at AppTrigger: We gave it 10/10

While I have played open world titles before, Breath of the Wild gave me a new sense of control over how my adventure played out, offering me a steady flow of chosen objectives and paths to them without overwhelming me with unnecessary information or bogging me down in sidequests. Mechanically sound, aesthetically pleasing (often breathtaking), challenging but rewarding, Breath of the Wild is a joyous journey you won’t want to put down, just so you can see what’s on the other side of each new hill.
Guess I'm gonna be hitting up stores like a filthy pre-orderless vagabond on Friday looking for a Wii U copy. Was not expecting THIS level of acclaim. FUCK. I need more time with Horizon, Nintendo, why you gotta play with my emotions like this.



The game is hard, so going by the latest trend, that means it's a souls like! And that means it the best souls like game ever! Woohoo!

Reaaaally happy with the fact that the game offers a challenge

Yup and that's what fans were asking for a long time, make Zelda hard :D


Why is no reviewer besides Allies talking about how bad the frame rate is and are all the reviews so far based off of Switch version?

I would like to know.


Awesome to hear and see such positive feedback for the game. No joke, Zelda/switch got back into gaming as a lapsed gamer. Because of that I also picked up an Xbox One last week and I'm enjoying the heck out of it!

Back to Zelda...

For me personally, it was watching BOTW in motion and feeling a magic for gaming I have not felt in years that really amazed me. I straight up feel a bit like a kid again and its not nostalgia, it's a "something" that I last felt somewhat with original Wii launch but is legit reminds me more of launch day with Mario 64.

It also gave me flashbacks of Ultima Online. That might sound strange but if you played UO in the early days, the thing that made it special was that the world gave yo ua set of tools and a sandbox to create your own story and adventures. Some of my best gaming memories where just talking to other players/friends and retelling a story/adventure we had.

Amazing stuff...

From the sound of the reviews, Zelda has similar "choose your own adventure" glitter to it. I hope we see future games building upon the foundation/example BOTW has created.

I'm really curious to see what kind of magic and impression Zelda will leave on my kids who are 8 & 9 and are really getting to gaming now.

Side note: Shout out to the Horizon devs and fans. Game looks fantastic, feel bad the timing of there release is limiting their time in the spotlight.


Why is no reviewer besides Allies talking about how bad the frame rate is and are all the reviews so far based off of Switch version?

I would like to know.
Because it doesn't interfere with the playability of the game in any meaningful way when measured next to its strengths?


lol the salt in this thread does not disappoint. I love it, cracks me up at people losing their shit over a game they were never going to buy being amazing.


Why is no reviewer besides Allies talking about how bad the frame rate is and are all the reviews so far based off of Switch version?

I would like to know.

More people have mentioned the framerate in their preview impressions, I'm guessing two reasons (a) it doesn't factor into the score since 10/10 doesn't always mean "perfect", just "highly recommended" (b) the framerate issues are mostly are the starting area of the game and are rarer afterwards.


Absolutely this. What a predictable industry.

Can't wait to see more of Xenoblade 2's world. Of course, even though it's going to be a much more interesting world, it won't get reviewed as well because it's not Zelda.

Lol fuck me sometimes I literally cant believe some of the shit I read on the internet.
Can I experience a multilayered, deep story in world that is given context?

I honestly don't know because I'm doing my best to stay away from story spoilers. But the January trailer would suggest so, yes.

Why is no reviewer besides Allies talking about how bad the frame rate is and are all the reviews so far based off of Switch version?

I would like to know.

Probably because it didn't impact their opinion of the game much. Same with Soulsborne games.


Final version I guess.


Great job on the OP.

by the way this (very light spoiler) writeup by Jason Schreier on how to skip an early game? puzzle in a shrine left me without words.

Early in The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, I discovered a puzzle shrine containing a small maze. Inside that maze was a little ball. The goal, I realized, was to maneuver the ball out of the maze and slide it into a nearby funnel. To do this, I’d have to rotate my Nintendo Switch controller, using motion controls to turn the maze around and let gravity move the ball through each corridor. One wrong move and the ball would fall out, forcing me to start again.

After struggling a few times to solve the puzzle thanks to Newton’s dumb laws, I noticed that every time the ball fell, a new one would drop from a canister several feet above the maze. Then I had a wild thought. Just before a new ball dropped, I turned my controller upside down, flipping the maze 180 degrees. There was nothing on the other side, so I now had a nice flat surface on which to roll the ball. I slowly tilted the maze’s newly exposed backside and dropped the ball right into the funnel, skipping the maze entirely. Boom. Puzzle solved.




Good god. I cannot wait. I feel sick with anticipation.

I feel like I'm a kid all over again waiting for the release of the SNES knowing that there is such an amazing game waiting to be played.

Very cool to see Sony acknowledge this apparent milestone. It is indeed a great time to be gaming.


Awesome to hear and see such positive feedback for the game. No joke, Zelda/switch got back into gaming as a lapsed gamer. Because of that I also picked up an Xbox One last week and I'm enjoying the heck out of it!

Back to Zelda...

For me personally, it was watching BOTW in motion and feeling a magic for gaming I have not felt in years that really amazed me. I straight up feel a bit like a kid again and its not nostalgia, it's a "something" that I last felt somewhat with original Wii launch but is legit reminds me more of launch day with Mario 64.

It also gave me flashbacks of Ultima Online. That might sound strange but if you played UO in the early days, the thing that made it special was that the world gave yo ua set of tools and a sandbox to create your own story and adventures. Some of my best gaming memories where just talking to other players/friends and retelling a story/adventure we had.

Amazing stuff...

From the sound of the reviews, Zelda has similar "choose your own adventure" glitter to it. I hope we see future games building upon the foundation/example BOTW has created.

I'm really curious to see what kind of magic and impression Zelda will leave on my kids who are 8 & 9 and are really getting to gaming now.

Side note: Shout out to the Horizon devs and fans. Game looks fantastic, feel bad the timing of there release is limiting their time in the spotlight.

Hahah oh you.

I think Horizon will be fine.


He's a pretty swell guy in my books anyway.
eh, most people don't know that a wiiu emulator exists, and the tiny number of people who will pirate it are far smaller than the number of wiiu owners that will buy this.

not everyone is jumping on the switch train. the majority of people don't buy a console at launch just for one game.

Maybe you're right but those are unsubstantiated claims. There's no way of telling how many would buy the game and a system to play it on if they didn't have a choice, but I have no doubt BotW will increase the users playing on all platforms (including PC as well).


I know there are tons and tons of glowing reviews, but this review does seem to address my biggest concern about the game. All the other reviews don't seem to talk about these things.

I'm not saying I will definitely hate this game, but I think I will approach with caution.
Maybe because it's not something you need to be concerned about? I mean with this much praise everywhere else you choose to listen the one bad review? Just enjoy this day and look forward to the day you get to play what could possibly end up being one of the best games ever. :)


I honestly don't know because I'm doing my best to stay away from story spoilers. But the January trailer would suggest so, yes.

Probably because it didn't impact their opinion of the game much. Same with Soulsborne games.

Actually that's a good comparison.

But it is why they docked it from being a perfect score though.

It's why they have it 4.5/5.

Little Mons†er;231324595 said:
Because the frame rate apparently isn't that bad as made out to be and it doesn't affect the gameplay at all

Boy are you wrong watch the easy allies review and the overview by digital foundry. In forest area's and densely populated parts it almost becomes unplayable like in the easy allies video they showed where the game almost completely stopped.
And I have to wait until April just because I want to make it special and get it in Tokyo together with a Nintendo Switch................ But Hey! If this is the game of the generation, I want to always remember that I bought it in Tokyo!!


Great job on the OP.

by the way this (very light spoiler) writeup by Jason Schreier on how to skip an early game? puzzle in a shrine left me without words.

Early in The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, I discovered a puzzle shrine containing a small maze. Inside that maze was a little ball. The goal, I realized, was to maneuver the ball out of the maze and slide it into a nearby funnel. To do this, I’d have to rotate my Nintendo Switch controller, using motion controls to turn the maze around and let gravity move the ball through each corridor. One wrong move and the ball would fall out, forcing me to start again.

After struggling a few times to solve the puzzle thanks to Newton’s dumb laws, I noticed that every time the ball fell, a new one would drop from a canister several feet above the maze. Then I had a wild thought. Just before a new ball dropped, I turned my controller upside down, flipping the maze 180 degrees. There was nothing on the other side, so I now had a nice flat surface on which to roll the ball. I slowly tilted the maze’s newly exposed backside and dropped the ball right into the funnel, skipping the maze entirely. Boom. Puzzle solved.


Love it.
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