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The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild | Review Thread

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Anyone doubting these scores just plain needs to play the game. It is abundantly clear that it deserves the acclaim after you do.

I even took a moment to add a note to the bottom of my review:

ADDENDUM – Editor's Note

A 10/10 is a rare achievement; in fact, the last one I awarded was seven years ago in 2010. It's also natural to doubt whether any game should deserve such high acclaim, so let me spend a few moments to address any such concerns.

In my 15 years of reviewing games, this is one of the easiest and most certain scores that I have ever awarded, and there is no doubt that Zelda: Breath of the Wild deserves every bit of the acclaim this tremendous score implies. I tried in earnest to conjure valid criticism of the game every moment I spent with it, but in reality, apart from the usual technical what-ifs and minor quibbles about platform limitations, there is truly nothing much wrong with this game. It is the first game in a very long time which I have felt compelled to spend 100+ hours playing, and most importantly, every single moment I have spent with it has been something special.

This is a memorable moment for gaming. Breath of the Wild is a very special product which we will probably not witness again anytime soon—or possibly ever. Let go of your concerns and prepare yourself: this is the ultimate adventure you've been waiting for. You are in for something unforgettable.
I'm just going to go ahead and cancel all plans I have this weekend.

As an aside and this is probably the wrong place to ask because the thread moves so fast but is there anything I should know? I'm not a Zelda 'fan' (yet) as I've never played any of them but have been sold on this game for a long time.

I've been told to kill chickens so far but is there any knowledge, lore, basic concepts that I should know before jumping in that may enhance my enjoyment?


Unconfirmed Member
Anyone doubting these scores just plain needs to play the game. It is abundantly clear that it deserves the acclaim after you do.

I even took a moment to add a note to the bottom of my review:

ADDENDUM – Editor’s Note

A 10/10 is a rare achievement; in fact, the last one I awarded was seven years ago in 2010. It’s also natural to doubt whether any game should deserve such high acclaim, so let me spend a few moments to address any such concerns.

In my 15 years of reviewing games, this is one of the easiest and most certain scores that I have ever awarded, and there is no doubt that Zelda: Breath of the Wild deserves every bit of the acclaim this tremendous score implies. I tried in earnest to conjure valid criticism of the game every moment I spent with it, but in reality, apart from the usual technical what-ifs and minor quibbles about platform limitations, there is truly nothing much wrong with this game. It is the first game in a very long time which I have felt compelled to spend 100+ hours playing, and most importantly, every single moment I have spent with it has been something special.

This is a memorable moment for gaming. Breath of the Wild is a very special product which we will probably not witness again anytime soon—or possibly ever. Let go of your concerns and prepare yourself: this is the ultimate adventure you’ve been waiting for. You are in for something unforgettable.

You are making the wait unbearable lol
Yup, going to pick up my Wii U version preorder tomorrow. Excitement levels rising.

It'll be funny if someone with Photoshop skills does a Zelda version of this:


Somebody please do this


I... I have no words. Currently at 98 metacritic with 53 reviews. Is that the highest metacritic score ever?

Hah, no. GTA IV got a 98 based on 64 critics.

Most people will tell you it doesn't deserve it, but I kinda think it does because I'm crazy like that.

Also, Ocarina is sitting at the top with a 99, though of course it's only based on 22 reviews.


My first console Zelda since Wind Waker and I couldn't be more excited. I've been cautiously tempering my expectations until today but holy moly it seems like this game is on another level.
I'm sincerely interested to know how old people are who are really bothered by FPS dips?

I'm 33 and unless it's egregious it tends to wash over me. For reference I play everything, consoles since 8 bit days to current PC gaming.

Just curious to see if a it's a generational thing. I also value gameplay experience over any other element like graphics or story, though those things can elevate it.


Ugh I don't care about the Switch. Doesn't make sense to get the switch just for this. Right! RIGHT?! I mean that's like $360 plus tax just for Zelda! Ughhhhh

*jumps back to Horizon Zero Dawn*

*keeps reading GAF Zelda review thread*


can you afford it?

because YOLO


No. Watch EZA's review. They show how bad it gets. It's noticeable and during combat sections.

I'll take your word for it since I'm avoiding watching any more videos until i get hands on with it. However I'm not suprised. WWHD has some noticeably bad drops at times, especially in combat.

I just dont think most will care all that much.
Holy shit, man. I expected it to be great but skimming through the reviews seems like it's even a level above that.

Great job Nintendo! And boy am I glad I can say that without a hint of sarcasm for a change.


It's all weird and positive in this thread. Where are the Nintendoomers?
So a lower average than a nearly 20 year old game, which hasn't even aged well and only rose-tinted spectacle wearing Ninty fanboys ever thought was anything above average. This fucking company, doomed, preorder cancelled, etc.

Hyped to the moon


I'll take your word for it since I'm avoiding watching any more videos until i get hands on with it. However I'm not suprised. WWHD has some noticeably bad drops at times, especially in combat.

I just dont think most will care all that much.

Ideally patches will smooth things out with time as well.

I don't in general care about framerate drops, but if the stuff that happens in the easy allies review happens often it would be highly annoying.

we are talking dropping down to single digit frame rates for a second or two during combat in that video.


Wii U version costs 68$ here in Norway eShop and I can't even pre-order it. Oh well. Getting it anyway. Won't have a 10% off sale until 2019.


Switch purchase redeemed. Wiiu goes to the closest.

So happy I was able to stay on media blackout for this and horizon.

Going to stay that way til k finish both
I'll take your word for it since I'm avoiding watching any more videos until i get hands on with it. However I'm not suprised. WWHD has some noticeably bad drops at times, especially in combat.

I just dont think most will care all that much.
Jump to the 3:10 mark. Just shows combat
I'm just going to go ahead and cancel all plans I have this weekend.

As an aside and this is probably the wrong place to ask because the thread moves so fast but is there anything I should know? I'm not a Zelda 'fan' (yet) as I've never played any of them but have been sold on this game for a long time.

I've been told to kill chickens so far but is there any knowledge, lore, basic concepts that I should know before jumping in that may enhance my enjoyment?

No, honestly this will be more enjoyable not knowing anything.

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
i can't believe they actually made the game without a tutorial, where you can go anywhere and do whatever you'd like

if you'd told me that five and half years ago,or whenever it was that I finished Skyward Sword, I would. not. have. believed. you.

The Lamp

Anyone doubting these scores just plain needs to play the game. It is abundantly clear that it deserves the acclaim after you do.

I even took a moment to add a note to the bottom of my review:

ADDENDUM – Editor’s Note

A 10/10 is a rare achievement; in fact, the last one I awarded was seven years ago in 2010. It’s also natural to doubt whether any game should deserve such high acclaim, so let me spend a few moments to address any such concerns.

In my 15 years of reviewing games, this is one of the easiest and most certain scores that I have ever awarded, and there is no doubt that Zelda: Breath of the Wild deserves every bit of the acclaim this tremendous score implies. I tried in earnest to conjure valid criticism of the game every moment I spent with it, but in reality, apart from the usual technical what-ifs and minor quibbles about platform limitations, there is truly nothing much wrong with this game. It is the first game in a very long time which I have felt compelled to spend 100+ hours playing, and most importantly, every single moment I have spent with it has been something special.

This is a memorable moment for gaming. Breath of the Wild is a very special product which we will probably not witness again anytime soon—or possibly ever. Let go of your concerns and prepare yourself: this is the ultimate adventure you’ve been waiting for. You are in for something unforgettable.

So the voice acting is not worth criticizing? I keep hearing concerns about its quality but I have no idea. Haven't seen anything outside the trailers.


i can't believe they actually made the game without a tutorial, where you can go anywhere and do whatever you'd like

if you'd told me that five and half years ago,or whenever it was that I finished Skyward Sword, I would. not. have. believed. you.

There is a tutorial, it just teaches you things naturally instead of shoving text down your throat.


That metacritic average.

Holy shit.

I usually don't get hyped over games anymore. Chalk it up to age or diminishing interest in certain genres or whatever but JESUS.

I can't wait until midnight.


Just woke up. Wow. Just wow.

I'm 75% through it, and I was expecting a 95 and GOTY, but I thought there'd be at least one or two detractors to bring the average down from near-perfection...

I mean, the game has flaws. Technically it's a mess, from framerate to IQ, both of which are horrible. Some parts of the world truly are too open and barren. Having all of the puzzles sequestered in shrines is a bit of a shame, and all shrines look / feel the same inside. Some of the voice acting is iffy and the story cutscenes don't really hit home. So it's not perfect perfect, if you get me.

That said, as I said in the impression thread, just 6 hours of this game would have been my GotY in 2016, and it's almost certainly my GotY this year. It's the best 3D Zelda ever, and if that's the case, why wouldn't it get a 98?


Hah, no. GTA IV got a 98 based on 64 critics.

Most people will tell you it doesn't deserve it, but I kinda think it does because I'm crazy like that.

Also, Ocarina is sitting at the top with a 99, though of course it's only based on 22 reviews.

Ah ok, I couldn't remember lol :)
So happy to be here for a Zelda release! I just saw all the scores now that I've woken up and changed. Those are incredible!

Now I'm super tempted to open them up and read them. Who cares about some mild spoilers when we'll be getting the game in only a couple of hours!!!!
Switch purchase redeemed. Wiiu goes to the closest.

So happy I was able to stay on media blackout for this and horizon.

Going to stay that way til k finish both

My wii u will still have a place untill Mario Kart 8 delux is released at least.

Oh my.. an even better version of Mario Kart 8 on the go..
98 metacritic in this generation with the volume of reviewers we have now is unheard of. Still can't believe my eyes, this game must be so so special.


Why are these reviews so good...
I wasn't going to get it launch day, but now I'm having a hard time stopping myself.
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