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The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild | Review Thread

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Guess I didn't dream big enough with my MC prediction of 96. God damn. Not making the Switch immediately is gonna be torture. Being poor sucks. Guess I still have a PS4 backlog to get through though, so there's that at least.


The thing is..... Super Mario Odyssey has also a high chance of achieving a similar level of critical acclaim, which is nuts.

yeah if they nail what they're setting out to do it'll be tough

though for me personally I don't see anything beating Splatoon 2 ;p
So I've played about 11 hours and I have to say this game is absolutely one of the very best games nintendo has ever put out. It is such a modernization of everything they've done and it's fucking fantastic. GOTY, it has to be, there's no way anything can top it.


Perhaps he's wondering why someone would shoot a man before throwing him out of a plane.
The thing is..... Super Mario Odyssey has also a high chance of achieving a similar level of critical acclaim, which is nuts.

If it is anywhere near as good as Galaxy was, than it should no problem.
You did good Aonuma, Mr Iwata would be proud.




Seems like 10 years ago. Glad they delayed the game, it likely turned a good game into an outstanding game.


Do I win a prize for talking about my penis on the Internet???
Amazon says my Wii U copy isn't arriving till TUESDAY...NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO.

I'm hoping I can wonder into a Target or Gamestop on Friday and get a copy.


Congrats Nintendo. I'm surprised all the talk of technical issues didn't detract from the scores. Means they can't be that bad can they?

from what i played the couple of hours it is pretty bad actually, but i guess they giving the switch not the proper console treatmeant, i mean HH games are also rarely discredit in scores even when most of them run subpar


Look at the reviews for every 3D zelda game. Every single one gets insanely over hyped by both consumers and games media. I think they're all hovering around 95 on MC. I am thrilled BotW is killing it critically. However, based on history of my personal preferences differing from the norm (wind waker is the only 3D Zelda that really gets me excited the rest are just okay imo), it's totally reasonable for people to take these reviews with a teeny tiny grain of salt. Further, just because someone like me isn't puking rainbows and jizzing all over my keyboard right now, it doesn't mean I'm not excited to play BotW eventually and hopefully have an amazing, 10/10 experience.

I see you.
Just woke up. Wow. Just wow.

I'm 75% through it, and I was expecting a 95 and GOTY, but I thought there'd be at least one or two detractors to bring the average down from near-perfection...

I mean, the game has flaws. Technically it's a mess, from framerate to IQ, both of which are horrible. Some parts of the world truly are too open and barren. Having all of the puzzles sequestered in shrines is a bit of a shame, and all shrines look / feel the same inside. Some of the voice acting is iffy and the story cutscenes don't really hit home. So it's not perfect perfect, if you get me.

That said, as I said in the impression thread, just 6 hours of this game would have been my GotY in 2016, and it's almost certainly my GotY this year. It's the best 3D Zelda ever, and if that's the case, why wouldn't it get a 98?

Wow... Another reason why you remain one of my absolute favorite GAFers. What I took away from your post: one can be excited for what is easily poised to be one of the unquestionably greatest video games of all time, but can still be objective and critical about it. Bravo!

Also, to people on both sides of the fanboy wars... You guys make me sick. There is room for both Horizon AND Zelda, room for both Sony and Nintendo. Instead of bickering like little shits, sit back and be happy about what an AMAZINGLY glorious time it is to be a fan of video games.


Playing through Horizon and that is one of the best games i have ever played. My mind is going to explode when i play this. Saving up to buy a switch.


Perhaps he's wondering why someone would shoot a man before throwing him out of a plane.
Also, it isn't 99 or higher Mr. Aonuma. Guess you can't retire yet.


They are pretty bad, but expectations are set on the fact even the Switch isn't "amazing" hardware, and this is one hell of a big open world game. Framerate chugs in towns, and around intense battles, almost consistently.

If the performance was like this on a PS4, or even XB1, reviewers probably wouldn't be as kind. Just the way the wind blows sometimes, especially if the overall package is simply that great.

They're not bad as we seen last year in other AAA where the game was unplayable, stop thinking Zelda is the same, for Hylia sake.
The cynical side of myself figured in 2017 there would be a few more 'its good but would be so much better if Nintendo weren't so assbackwards with their hardware' reviews.


Neo Member
Been following Neogaf for many years. So impressed by the reviews for BOTW that I am compelled to write.

Congratulations to all involved in Nintendo. I have many games and many consoles but nothing compares to the magic and joy that Nintendo can create when they succeed. Can't wait to experience BOTW tomorrow.


They're not bad as we seen last year in other AAA where the game was unplayable, stop thinking Zelda is the same, for Hylia sake.

Nintendo Polish™ doesn't usually lead to technical hitches. This being a Wii U title on weak hardware, leading to a quick and dirty Switch port, just leads to technical issues. As I said though, if the overall package is amazing it's often easier to look past technical issues. Especially if you're objective and understand where this game started development. There's no point in trying to downplay framerate issues, they are there, but instead acknowledge them whilst stating how amazing the overall package is.


I'm borrowing my cousins wii U and buying Zelda but I just went on amazon and noticed that they are not offering physical copies? anyone know why? Where can I get the physical?


Nintendo Polish™ doesn't usually lead to technical hitches. This being a Wii U title on weak hardware, leading to a quick and dirty Switch port, just leads to technical issues. As I said though, if the overall package is amazing it's often easier to look past technical issues. Especially if you're objective and understand where this game started development.

yeah totally agree
really hope i will like it! TP and SS were huge deception for me (they were not bad sure, but they were not worthy of the zelda serie to me)

ALBW revived my exceptation since it was so good


Loves the Greater Toronto Area
I actually well up thinking about this and reading these reviews.. that it would seem we have a game... yes, a game... not an adventure experience (such as TLOU, Uncharted, Horizon, Halo, Assassins Creed, etc) that not only takes what is truly amazing from those titles/series, but stays planted firmly within not only its gaming roots, but also its storied history.. that it would seem the inspiration from the ORIGINAL is so clearly obvious..

Anouma-san has been a rockstar at NCL for over a decade now.. but hopefully he finally gets to join Miyamoto-san now in recognition as a legend in the industry who truly helped shape a fair chunk of the last 20ish years in the industry.


Bruh, the more I look at this footage, the more silly I feel for ever doubting this game in the past.
I hadn't doubted since the first real game play they showed off with Link climbing anywhere. I'm not even a big Zelda fan. I instantly git this sense that they had something special going on.
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