Mistle said:
Gah, 15 days left for me ;_; Give impressions! Let us know if the 3D is as inconsistent as some people have said.
EDIT: I just realised I could have imported the UK copy on the 17th... But then again, I got the Ocarina edition. Hmm.
I'm not sure in what way you mean inconsistent (I haven't read what other people said) but I'll try my best.
I've played for about an hour and half and cleared the Deku Tree. I was focusing on the difference between 3D and 2D.
With 3D, the graphics are more lively and vibrant. There is more depth to things. There are more jaggies however, definitely in comparison to the 2D version. Also, this is probably something with most games on 3D, but the amount of 'ghosting' or objects you see double is really distracting, especially with dark backgrounds. If someone can tell me how to avoid the problem, I'd appreciate it! The game runs smoothly, 30fps from what I noticed.
On 2D, the graphics look a bit less vibrant and they're more smooth with less or hardly any jaggies. It really looks good on 2D with a different atmosphere thanks to the colours and smoothness. But, the characters and objects look more flat of course*.
*The 3D-ness is subtle and not that apparent in your face, but the more you play with it the more you notice it. I only played Pilotwings on 3D besides Zelda, so trained fans might notice it quicker and better.
As a whole, I'm having difficulties deciding which mode to stick with. I really like 3D and played mostly with that but the ghosting annoyed me when it became more apparent in certain areas. Also, it's really silly that you can move around with your 3DS to aim and look but it breaks the 3D effect! I guess it isn't a big deal since you can use the circle pad but it's still a silly design choice!
As for the graphics themselves, they look great in my opinion. Everything looks more sharp and detailed, you can view first person mode and everything looks nice. The water effect with lightning looks good, I saw Link's shadow moving around him at own point, and there was shadow from his footsteps for a while whilst walking as well. I wasn't paying attention wether it was there the whole time though. It definitely looks better than what the screenshots showed and the difference is pretty big in comparison to the N64 version. I don't know if I'd call it a remake or a good enhanced port since the game is very faithful to the original version.
The interface is also good and user friendly so far. Seriously, the game plays how you would expect. There is nothing wrong with it, and everything works the way it should. It's a shame the 3D effect breaks when looking on first person mode though.
And you can save wherever you want, I haven't tested it in a dungeon though. I don't know if it brings you back exactly where you saved. My memory is a bit foggy on how it went with the N64/gamecube version.
So yeah, it seems like the definitive version to me. Fans should be pleased with how the game runs. It's not going to feel fresh but it's going to look and feel better. I only played and finished the game once when WW was released, so it should feel more fresh to me.
And cheer up! You're going to get your hands on the game soon, not many days left