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The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword |OT| Home of Punkin' Chunkin' Champion 2011


Ha, fuck you Ghirahim.

Just figured you out and I schooled your ass.

Slowing down really helped. I'm still not to big on the controls, but I'm slowly getting the hang of it.
I fought him for the first time yesterday, it was a pretty easy fight. No problem with the controls or anything like anyone here mentioned.


I love the controls now lol.... but still hate the swimming stuff.
Can't stop playing
boss rush
mode. They made almost all of them very enjoyable & fresh with the controls. (not too fond of
ball boss scaldera?


Any tips on wielding the sword? I feel like I have to swing erratically too much.

Do you mean you feel like you have to swing it erratically to connect with an enemy that is blocking? If so, you should try doing a shield parry when the enemy attacks.
Okay, so perhaps I'm just rusty, but the
Eldin Volcano pre-dungeon stuff was legitimately tough, especially for so early in the game.

I'm not saying the game is incredibly hard or anything, but I've never encountered this much difficulty this early in a 3D Zelda.


I fought him for the first time yesterday, it was a pretty easy fight. No problem with the controls or anything like anyone here mentioned.

He was kicking my ass into the next Zelda game yesterday. Took a day off, played some Skyrim, recalculated myself and beat the ever loving shit out of him.

There is a definite learning curve to this game. I think that's what my problem was\is. I've got to throw out the 25 years of Zelda that I've built up and relearn some things.


Doesn't that weaken the shield?

No. You don't lose shield durability if you do a perfect shield parry (doing it right as the enemy is about to connect to you), which is what causes enemies to be stunned in the first place. So if you get good at it, you'll never lose durability.

Laughing Banana

Weeping Pickle
I love the controls now lol.... but still hate the swimming stuff.
Can't stop playing
boss rush
. They made all of them (except for the 2nd boss) very enjoyable & fresh with the controls.


second form of the Imprisoned
is my Achilles' Heel! I just can't seem to find a really dependable method to defeat the fucker, as it almost always involves luck (where he falls, whether there are air burst nearby, etc etc etc). Definitely the highest point of frustration of the game for me.



Kills Photobucket
Made up a handy guide for the first boss and the people who were rage quitting over it.



Ὁ μεμβερος -ου

second form of the Imprisoned
is my Achilles' Heel! I just can't seem to find a really dependable method to defeat the fucker, as it almost always involves luck (where he falls, whether there are air burst nearby, etc etc etc). Definitely the highest point of frustration of the game for me.

[late boss spoiler]
I usually jump down one step, run to the steam burst closer to his head to get back up, and hurry the fuck up back to him. If you don't run out of stamina, you have enough time to do it.


I'm currently listening to the special orchestra CD that came with the game. What a great way to get pumped up before playing the game itself.


I beat it without my shield...

Me too, but he's a lot easier with the shield. In fact, a lot of enemies are. The best advice is to not ignore your shield at all because you're just making it harder for yourself, especially against the larger enemies.



second form of the Imprisoned
is my Achilles' Heel! I just can't seem to find a really dependable method to defeat the fucker, as it almost always involves luck (where he falls, whether there are air burst nearby, etc etc etc). Definitely the highest point of frustration of the game for me.


2nd form is the one with the hand? Use Goose's bomb if available (when its trying to climb, aim at those hands), time your run between the legs too anticipate shockwave, use air burst to climb and intercept (I rarely use it unless for intercepting when he's in snake mode or going to his head to drive the stake in)

edit: agree on the shield being important. makes some enemies/bosses easier to beat.
It doesn't matter even if you've never played a Zelda game. You will understand the concept of 'health' 5 minutes into the game, regardless. Visual and audio cues are enough. For her to explicitly bug you about it to is pretty ludicrous of a decision. I can understand the 1st few times MAYBE.. but throughout the entire course of the game? Come on Nintendo.

Fi's implimentation is a little janky. I take back what I said earlier about her ruining puzzles. The
puzzle right before the 3rd dungeon. I had figured it out right when Fi appears and blurts out the entire answer. It was a bit annoying but I think you're blowing things out of proportion. She will occasionally beep 3 times to tell you stupid things like you're low on health but its 3 soft beeps which you can ignore just as easily. She rarely forces herself on you to tell you the stupid crap.

I do agree that they should've fixed her implimentation for example if you've failed your 4th or 5th time at a puzzle, you keep dying quite a lot in one area or you're spending an obnoxious amount of time in one section. Then she can pop up and help me because as you said her hints aren't helpful most of the time but she will gladly force herself in a situation and solve a puzzle for you before you get the chance to try it out. However, I still do think people are blowing things way out of proportion for something that wouldn't be as criticized as heavily in other games.

For example, Super Mario Galaxy had a lot of minor flaws: stars I hated, stupid waggle minigames, collectathon aspects, forced story segments, empty and boring hub world, extremely basic and dummy proof level design for the first 60 stars, etc. I never saw that many people and complain and rage about all of these aspects nearly as much. I'd say right now I've got a similar number of minor complaints as I did in SMG. Again, I'm only halfway past the 3rd dungeon.
People are having issues with the first boss? Huh. Best him on my first try both in the E3 demo (in which I was massively uncoordinated) and the final game.

I started doing some side missions after the first dungeon, couldn't figure out the
"girl lost in graveyard"
thing and so I went and wrapped up Mario 3D Land as a break. Back into it and I'm still loving the game.

I will echo the "Fi needs to shut the everliving hell up" sentiments though.
I picked the game up yesterday but didn't get to sit down and play it until this afternoon--had to hunt down a wii motion + sensor as I've not needed one yet.

I've only made it to the Sealed Grounds, but overall, the controls are tight. They're what I was expecting when I picked up Twilight Princess a few years ago, so I can't complain--I think it's kind of funny that people are frustrated that the wii controller handles nearly like a 1:1 representation of the sword in the game. I'm glad to see Waggle gone.

Anyway, the only frustrating part so far has been the
flying chase tournament
at the very beginning of the game. I realize the Skyloft is supposed to act as a hub that you return to occasionally, and the game is called "SKYWARD" sword, but the flying controls are too janked and difficult to use in situations where you have to chase something down.

Overall, I'm okay with Fi. I haven't gotten that far in the game, but it doesn't seem like you HAVE to listen to her--it's optional.


best seen in the classic "Shadow of the Beast"
noted zeldaphile oblivion sends a message from beyond the grave.

he is in the process of playing skyward sword as we speak. and will provide the most definitive review when he returns from his exile....

he also will like to give a shout out to all his zelda homies* anihawk, beelzebozo, viciouskillersquirrel, and any others he may have forgotten.

*his words....


Just did the first Temple. I swear, this is not the kind of game you put down for a day or two then jump back in. I was rusty as hell after not playing since Friday.

I really enjoyed it, even though it was basic Zelda. Ghirahim is such a badass.
Tongue wagging was hilarious. I also really loved it when Fi was doing her water skating routine, how graceful and elegant! Hahaha.

I'm loving how this is going so far.


The guy who was sick came in early and so the boss said I can go home tonight.
This means an early start to Zelda week :)
Relatives are using the main TV, and my brother is cleaning bamboo leaves but once he's done with that it's ALL ZELDA ALL FUCKING NIGHT. So excited.

Regarding Skyward Swords quirks, I think most of the design decisions are not a result of diminishing talent but just some bad decision making. The talent is still there full force and the game is still veryp olished. It just has some odd design choices. The motion controls are about as good as current technology allows. Motion sensing was never a perfect technology and even cellphones have troubles sometimes registering it. Kinect and Sony Move really don't do a much better job of it even with added tech. It just isn't 100% perfected yet.
What I applaud Nintendo for is making use of the technology in the entire game and as a fully featured part of a hardcore gaming experience (despite the handholding).
I really can't think of anything in the game so far that smacks of a lack of TALENT, just a lack of foresight. Despite that, this game has charmed me already BIG TIME and I havent even experienced its dungeons.


Me too, but he's a lot easier with the shield. In fact, a lot of enemies are. The best advice is to not ignore your shield at all because you're just making it harder for yourself, especially against the larger enemies.

I've found the shield to be a complete life saver against some enemies, and I actually enjoy parrying their attacks and then going in for the kill :p


I've found the shield to be a complete life saver against some enemies, and I actually enjoy parrying their attacks and then going in for the kill :p

And once you get the shield that
repairs itself over time
, there really isn't anything to be afraid of.
I am playing this entire game without ever using the Shield because it burns up too quickly and am tired of buying a new one

You could just get the iron shield which doesn't burn up but is susceptible to electricity.

Okay, I'm about five hours in. First, a disclaimer: Link to the Past is my favorite Zelda game. I consider it the flawless action adventure game. But, I'm not married to certain tropes like what many consider a traditional overworld.

So, dat intro. You know what; it's not as long as TP (but TP's length may depend on where you feel the actual gameplay really starts), but still reasonably long. I think it's the most charming and involving of all the 3D Zelda games though. At the very least it ties TWW for charm - maybe that says a lot considering it has to carry itself for longer than TWW's intro does. And there's no Forsaken Fortress before you become a "complete Link" and start adventuring.

What gets me is the quality of the humor and writing. It's so much better than even TWW. It's on par with the great stuff you usually see in an Intelligent Systems game, like Paper Mario or on the dramatic side, Fire Emblem. I feel the intro is also more enjoyable and significant since Skyloft is not a disposable tutorial area you suffer through only to have no meaningful reason to return to. It is also an intro to the hub of the game. That's not padding or fluff.

I'm finding the swordplay absolutely rock solid period. It hasn't goofed up on me one time so far. Wiimote calibration is interesting - I tested this by first sitting out of sight of the sensor bar, and guess what: yes, without the bar to allow the system to auto-calibrate in pointer mode, the pointer calibration drifts easily and you have to tap down to reset it. But here's the thing. The way they've got this set up... it's an air mouse. That is what this thing really is. It is NOT supposed to be an IR screen pointer, period. Using it correctly involves treating it like a mouse that you lift up and re-center when playing an FPS.

I think that's an interesting solution to the problem and it seems to free up the game design to not fret constantly over whether the player is clearly pointing at the sensor bar.

As for the rest of the game, I'm obviously early but all my impressions are positive so far. Here's my single real crit: yes, Fi talks a lot. Yes, Fi pops up to tell you the obvious a lot. Like most modern Nintendo console (not portable) games, the game is idiot proofed to an extreme degree. And you know what? Fuck it. I don't care. Yes, there should be an option to turn off context hints just like pro interface mode. But I am not going to let this be a significant bitch about the game and whine about how incompetent Nintendo is. Not going to let it ruin such an epic experience for myself.

Another comment, on the side; the game really does feel very fresh in all the small details. From the controls, the stamina system, Link's MUCH more tactile interaction with the environments. And you know what it makes me compare it to? Games like Uncharted, and finding them failing in comparison. This is clarifying something that's bugged me for a while. Much of the moaning (in gaming generally, not GAF centric) over how "old and moldly" Zelda is, is wrong headed. Every knob that bitches about it being past its time, wants it to be an RPG - a western RPG specifically. Everyone wants it to be Elder Scrolls, Fallout 3.

But that's not what it is. It's an arcade action adventure. The problem is that Zelda's mechanics have not been kept up to date, with arcade action adventure games. My impression of SS so far is that it rams home Zelda is supposed to be exciting to lay in an arcade sense, coupled with adventure and puzzles. Link to the Past is a GOOD top down, 2d hack and slash action game as well as an "rpg". Skyward Sword schools other contemporary, on rails, corridor action adventure games, with their totally scripted "platforming" and climbing and puzzles. This game is actually a blast to play. Not just navigate to the next quest giver with stiff controls and rudimentary interaction. This is what Zelda is good at being. Not "evolving" by imitating western RPGs.

*cough* I'll go play more now.
I mostly agree with your impressions. I think you'll probably understand more where people are coming from a little bit later with Fi. I still think they are blowing things out of proportion with it but there are some aspects that do get a bit more annoying later in the game. I personally have maybe a 15% fail rate with the controls. However, it only really happens with the Bobolkins(IDK how to spell it) where occasionally I'll have my sword to the left hand side and then switch to the right hand side and do a slash from right to left and the game will interpret it as me doing a slash from left to right instead. I've also had a few odd things with the menu where I've clearly, there could be no mistake, that I'm selecting the right option for when the dialogue branches or it asks me if I want to continue or quit and I hit A and last second it freaks out and selects the opposite choice. I've moved, pointed and angle my controller all the way to the right and then last second it will occasionally jump to the left option instead.

I also think you'd be surprised with the RPG-lite elements that are implemented in this game. I'd say it's the most RPG-ish Zelda since ALttP.


Quick question: any missables? The Minish Cap had one missable item (cardinal sin for me) and this is from the same director.

I also heard about one-chance-only sidequests (or at least ramifications)...
Quick question: any missables? The Minish Cap had one missable item (cardinal sin for me) and this is from the same director.

I also heard about one-chance-only sidequests (or at least ramifications)...

You can miss items in the sense that if you don't do a sidequest you might not get a bottle or if you choose not to upgrade your equipment. However, from impressions and what I've experienced there aren't major missable items.

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
No, you just can't. Some islands you can sleep until night and explore then, but you're never able to fly at night, no.

Such a shame. Looking out at the dark sky and imagining flying through it... man.


Really Really Exciting Member!
I beat it without my shield...

Lol i barely use my shield and i just beated the 2nd dungeon. For Ghirahim, i just stayed close to him, slashed his little red orbs before he could launch them and attacked him everytime he was about to charge me, which cancel it. Was much easier that way than trying to keep my distance.


Ὁ μεμβερος -ου
Quick question: any missables? The Minish Cap had one missable item (cardinal sin for me) and this is from the same director.

I also heard about one-chance-only sidequests (or at least ramifications)...
As far as I know, nothing is missable.
About the sidequests, some of them
involve choices, which can affect what happens but your reward stays the same.

You can miss items in the sense that if you don't do a sidequest you might not get a bottle or if you choose not to upgrade your equipment. However, from impressions and what I've experienced there aren't major missable items.
What you don't do can still be done later, though.

Laughing Banana

Weeping Pickle
[late boss spoiler]
I usually jump down one step, run to the steam burst closer to his head to get back up, and hurry the fuck up back to him. If you don't run out of stamina, you have enough time to do it.

2nd form is the one with the hand? Use Goose's bomb if available (when its trying to climb, aim at those hands), time your run between the legs too anticipate shockwave, use air burst to climb and intercept (I rarely use it unless for intercepting when he's in snake mode or going to his head to drive the stake in)

edit: agree on the shield being important. makes some enemies/bosses easier to beat.

During normal gameplay mode, I can at least prepare stuff like stamina potion, upgraded Sacred Bow, and bombs to help me gain the odds a bit when dealing damage to its humongous toes. But
boss rush mode
does not offer the same luxury which is why it's very frustrating :\

Is the
ultimate shield
reward worth it? It seems like I won't bother with it since a fully upgraded Goddess Shield is enough.
Such a shame. Looking out at the dark sky and imagining flying through it... man.

Imagine if the sky had a day/night cycle.. I can just imagine blood red sunsets, changing sky colors, the stars at night.. wow, what a missed opportunity. Would have made flying so much more engaging.


Imagine if the sky had a day/night cycle.. I can just imagine blood red sunsets, changing sky colors, the stars at night.. wow, what a missed opportunity. Would have made flying so much more engaging.

Wow, never thought of this. That would look sublime. Definitely a missed opportunity.

Don't fuck up in 2016, Nintendo!
noted zeldaphile oblivion sends a message from beyond the grave.

he is in the process of playing skyward sword as we speak. and will provide the most definitive review when he returns from his exile....

he also will like to give a shout out to all his zelda homies* anihawk, beelzebozo, viciouskillersquirrel, and any others he may have forgotten.

*his words....

What the hell is 'the most definitive review'? So he'll provide us his most definitive opinion? Incredible.


Ὁ μεμβερος -ου
During normal gameplay mode, I can at least prepare stuff like stamina potion, upgraded Sacred Bow, and bombs to help me gain the odds a bit when dealing damage to its humongous toes. But
boss rush mode
does not offer the same luxury which is why it's very frustrating :\

Is the
ultimate shield
reward worth it? It seems like I won't bother with it since a fully upgraded Goddess Shield is enough.
[Late game spoilers]
boss rush
is the only thing I haven't done yet, so I can't say for sure if it's worth it. Still, I
played partially through it, specifically the first four fights to get a piece of heart, and the Imprisoned 2 fight gave me no problems. I used Groose's bombs to paralyze him, take out one foot at a time (so that you don't get that annoying red energy from the toeless foot whenever he takes a step), and tried not to waste the other Groose bombs (ie. I had one ready when the Imprisoned turned into that annoying snake form). I think I lost two or three hearts out of twenty there.


Imagine if the sky had a day/night cycle.. I can just imagine blood red sunsets, changing sky colors, the stars at night.. wow, what a missed opportunity. Would have made flying so much more engaging.
Yeah, I was really hoping later in the game you'd be allowed to do it, especially considering there's one particular island with no bed that supposedly has something to do at night. Turns out there's just another way to get to it. Such a missed opportunity indeed, I was glad you were able to skip forward in time after hanging around on Hyrule Field for ages waiting for night in TP for Poe hunting (or hanging around waiting until day so I could donate to brudda), but I wasn't really happy with what they did with the day/night cycle here.

Is the
ultimate shield
reward worth it? It seems like I won't bother with it since a fully upgraded Goddess Shield is enough.
General late game spoilers (not for you, just anyone else who considers highlighting this)
Not sure because I got it, but there's a decent chance it might be fairly useful against the final boss. I was shield bashing constantly there and it could possibly really wear the shield down. I got really lucky and the game didn't pick that second Imprisoned boss before I got the shield though, it would've been the last one but who needs 2000 rupees? Can you not just do that boss first? So long as you can do it on one health bar hopefully you'll get a boss with hearts like Scaldera soon after to recover.

Laughing Banana

Weeping Pickle
[Late game spoilers]
boss rush
is the only thing I haven't done yet, so I can't say for sure if it's worth it. Still, I
played partially through it, specifically the first four fights to get a piece of heart, and the Imprisoned 2 fight gave me no problems. I used Groose's bombs to paralyze him, take out one foot at a time (so that you don't get that annoying red energy from the toeless foot whenever he takes a step), and tried not to waste the other Groose bombs (ie. I had one ready when the Imprisoned turned into that annoying snake form). I think I lost two or three hearts out of twenty there.

or not, each and
every step the fucker took resulted in shockwaves


Membero Americo
Sooooo, GameSpot pulled a G4 (or Morgan Webb, rather) and called Skyward Sword too cutesy.

Also apparently Tom McShea said his Skyward Sword score wouldn't change even if the control were better. (He thinks controls are only means to an end and don't affect his score, which I completely disagree with, but that's another matter.)

EDIT: Correction, he didn't say Skyward Sword was too cutesy, but rather the whole series. (And it's not Tom who made that comment.)
Finally got to the first dungeon (taking it slow, exploring, etc.), and though many people say everything improves after the first dungeon, I'm really enjoying it. I love how they immediately throw classic Zelda conventions out the window with the first switch of the dungeon (the
eyeball that you have to circle your sword around to confuse it
). I almost seriously considered consulting Fi. Plus, even regular enemy fights are tough in this game.
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