Weird, I made one. I'll put it up again.
Join the discord server. easier to chat
Weird, I made one. I'll put it up again.
Hinox Mines...
Don't Pop the Balloons...
I hate myself.
Do all challenges have the, "Mess up once, it's all over", rules and you have to restart from level 1 everytime? Cause that sounds like hell incarnate if you're trying to 100% both offline/online.
If you're playing online with 2 friends, is it possible to choose your color? For example, if I want to be blue, I have a friend who wants to be red, and another who wants to be green, can we choose that? Or are colors randomly assigned?
Host is green, person who joins first is blue, person who joins second is red.
Thanks for the answer! I have my own copy and am now trying to convince others to get it.
I'm so sorry.Hinox Mines...
Don't Pop the Balloons...
I hate myself.
Sounds good to me. I may not be able to play as long as yesterday though.Chase, Dad, or anyone interested..
Around 7 EST time, you guys wanna play for 3-4 hours like yesterday?
Need to clear challenges & hunt lots of materials, I hardly have any decent outfits.
Okay, let's get real now. New areas of
the Drablands are now available for
purchase from Nintendo eShop.
Would you like to go to Nintendo
eShop to get more information?
Go to eShop
No thanks
No worries.Sounds good to me. I may not be able to play as long as yesterday though.
Added my friend code to the NA doc. Currently I'm up for Woodlands challenges, so let me know if you want to team up.
Thanks, added back.Added you
Tri Force Heroes will likely be getting DLC:
Tri Force Heroes will likely be getting DLC:
Hope it's free or else it will start dividing the community.
Hinox Mines...
Don't Pop the Balloons...
I hate myself.
Welcome to hell
We warned people that the balloons are the monument of all of our sinsI'm so sorry.
So.... How's the Single Player?
I've completed the regular levels in the first four worlds in single player and it's enjoyable. Some of the bosses have basically been different fights when compared to multiplayer.
Sounds good. I picked this up today and s/p will probably be my primary focus unless some of my friends decide to pick it up as well.
Anyone want to team up and do the Riverside challenges? My FC is in the NA spreadsheet.
Sure. I think I have you from yesterday. Want to open the room?
See my edit. I'll be on in about an hour. If you're still on I'll help you clear world 2 and then we can do the challenges.
I'd be up for it.
Just be aware that the single player makes it much harder to get the arena materials. You can get them, but it requires you to beat every challenge (things like beat the level swordless, do a speed run, bombs only in a level that you normally have arrows in, etc) in that world to get that worlds arena material.
Chase, I finished earlier than expected.Sounds good to me. I may not be able to play as long as yesterday though.
Tri Force Heroes will likely be getting DLC:
Chase, I finished earlier than expected.
I'll be online at 6:15
I'll join some random teams till you reply. You can also create a room.
I'll join you once I see a comment from you here.
Reminder: Please enter this in the lobby if you need to write in the OT/use the bathroom/emergency break:
I need a fossil & a gut to finish Goron & another outfit.Cool. Earlier actually works better for me. I'm good to go whenever. I'll go ahead and create a room now and wait for you. How do you want to go about doing the challenges? Should we just focus on woodlands to start?
Sounds good.I need a fossil & a gut to finish Goron & another outfit.
Lets do these if you don't mind in the volcano, then lets go through any order you prefer.
Edit: I'll join you in minutes,adding the new FCs now.
Ah OK, I'll let you know if I'm still on.