The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom |OT| The Legend of Link? Tri Harder!


Gold Member
Probably best to spoiler the answers but what were peoples favorite bosses?
Skorchill was fun imo, although pretty easy if you have both the Ice and Fire wizrobe.

Speaking of bosses. What ever happened to Ganon in this? I feel like I missed something along the way… Or was the Ganon we saw in the intro also created by Null/an echo?


The nicest person on this forum
Probably best to spoiler the answers but what were peoples favorite bosses?
The last boss Null is my favourite boss fight in the game, I like how you are working together with Link to defat him, it kind of reminds me of Route C in Nier Automata when both 9S and A2 fighting to defeat that twin machine.
Without spoilers please, but will there be a more "permanent" way to resist cold, like in Hebra Mountain, other than carrying an Ignizol around (even if I summon two of them, they can't really fight for shit) or gulping down smoothies?


Skorchill was fun imo, although pretty easy if you have both the Ice and Fire wizrobe.

Speaking of bosses. What ever happened to Ganon in this? I feel like I missed something along the way… Or was the Ganon we saw in the intro also created by Null/an echo?
I used the bats myself.

They said at some point that Ganon was an echo, how or when he was taken we don't know. Presumably he's released now that Null is gone.


Without spoilers please, but will there be a more "permanent" way to resist cold, like in Hebra Mountain, other than carrying an Ignizol around (even if I summon two of them, they can't really fight for shit) or gulping down smoothies?
Braziers have an area to them, I just made a path of them and fought nearby. Enemies can break them.


The nicest person on this forum
Without spoilers please, but will there be a more "permanent" way to resist cold, like in Hebra Mountain, other than carrying an Ignizol around (even if I summon two of them, they can't really fight for shit) or gulping down smoothies?
Just summon fire echo and use bind to carry with you or make smoothly to resist cold.


Gold Member
They said at some point that Ganon was an echo, how or when he was taken we don't know. Presumably he's released now that Null is gone
Yeah, there is an echo fight where it’s obvious and they explicitly say that ‘this isn’t the real Ganon’ - which to me implies that the one we saw in the intro was indeed real.

Although the Ganon we see in the intro was never explicitly sucked into the rifts I guess (only the trident). So maybe we actually defeated him as Link before the rifts started occurring (?). But if that’s true and Ganon never touched the rifts or got sucked in, why would Null be able to make an Echo of him (?). All other NPC’s seem to have had to be sucked into the rift in order for a copy to be made by Null.


The nicest person on this forum
Yeah, there is an echo fight where it’s obvious and they explicitly say that ‘this isn’t the real Ganon’ - which to me implies that the one we saw in the intro was indeed real.

Although the Ganon we see in the intro was never explicitly sucked into the rifts I guess (only the trident). So maybe we actually defeated him as Link before the rifts started occurring (?). But if that’s true and Ganon never touched the rifts or got sucked in, why would Null be able to make an Echo of him (?). All other NPC’s seem to have had to be sucked into the rift in order for a copy to be made by Null.
it seem to me Null has been around for loooong time maybe at some point he did suck Ganon to the rift or copy him same way he did for Zelda (with dark clouds).


Gold Member
it seem to me Null has been around for loooong time maybe at some point he did suck Ganon to the rift or copy him same way he did for Zelda (with dark clouds).
Definitely. I guess that’s possible. Would’ve been nice to get some concrete clarification though. The ending fell a bit flat for me being all happy given that I assumed Ganon would be set free again when the rifts disappeared since we saw and fought the echo previously.

But I like that idea in theory. Would’ve been cool to see echoes of bosses/characters from ALttP or ALBW (or other Zelda games) just to take it a bit further and cement it though.


The nicest person on this forum
Definitely. I guess that’s possible. Would’ve been nice to get some concrete clarification though. The ending fell a bit flat for me being all happy given that I assumed Ganon would be set free again when the rifts disappeared since we saw and fought the echo previously.

But I like that idea in theory. Would’ve been cool to see echoes of bosses/characters from ALttP or ALBW (or other Zelda games) just to take it a bit further and cement it though.


Finished the game.

- Art style
- World Design
- Exploration
- Echoes (and their amount and variety)
- Music
- UI
- Feeling of comfort (cosy game)
- Puzzles
- Feeling clever

- Opportunity to improve UX by allowing quicker access to some echoes (shortcut buttons mapped to certain echoes for example, etc)
- Some feeling of repetitiveness with clearing rifts, seeing third Goddess, etc. Could have varied narratively.
- Automatons are poorly implemented (introduced too late, needs to be wound to activate, and consumes resources to repair constantly)
- Some mini games are annoying
- No retry option in Slumber Dojo
- Only one save file

Overall it was a fun and cosy game. There is definitely room to take it up a notch with more RPG aspects and better UX for power players, but I believe Nintendo prefers to keep things simple. The game organically included puzzles, even in things like basic traversal. There were definitely moments of feeling clever by solving a situation in a unique way. This is probably what makes the game feel so good. Also was a little sad when Tri had to leave :(

I hope they build on this a little more in a future game.

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Gold Member
This game is just so much fun! The random framerate choppiness is becoming more noticeable to me probably because its really the only flaw that i feel the game has. I do hope that it gets patched....
Completed it yesterday night, fantastic game from start to finish!

Did all side quests
Got all heart pieces
Got all Might Crystals, all upgrades, and the final "reward" for the last 25 crystals (pretty useless at that point in the game, but thanks for trying?)
Got all echoes
Did all normal training in the dojo with the speed bonus
Only thing I didn't bother with was the final boss rush you unlock after clearing all other training sessions and get the green tunic for it, because it was getting late and I honestly couldn't be arsed lol

Never used a single smoothie, although I guess I'll have to if I want to do that last boss rush.

I love the growth in power you get from progressing through the game and getting new echoes; you're very limited at first, but getting to 5 triangles is already such a big boost in power compared to 4 (Darknut lvl 3, Moblin lvl 3...) and when you get to 6 and can just spawn a Lynel, that just trivializes most fights.

The dungeons were really disappointing though. While there were some good puzzles, they felt way too short, by the time its gets interesting the dungeon is basically already over.


I finished it yesterday. Overall I had a good time, but my enjoyment dropped quite a bit with the second round of dungeons. The still world stuff felt a little same-samey and I didn't like how they always had a rift before the bigger rift just to pad the game out. I also never got used to the lack of organization in the menus.
Still, a decent game though. On to Metaphor now.


Finished it. 18 hours, did some side stuff and complete unveil the map. A lot of fun, loved the references.

Agree with most posters here about Pros and Cons. I also don't know how big the replay value is as the main focus is the puzzles.
Finally did that last boss rush, although without the time bonus.

My most-used echoes at the end were:
Water Block
Old Bed
Darknut lvl 3
Club Moblin lvl 2
Chompfish (best underwater combat echo)
Wolfos (I did use it a lot in the early game)
Lynel (considering how late in the game you can use it, this says a lot about how much fighting it did for me lol)
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2 dungeons in, this is a proper zelda game, don’t know why Nintendo did not have duel protagonists, link and zelda, would have sold bucketloads, yeh it’s not as as good as link between worlds, still better then most 2d Zelda games. Love it .
So I let a friend (37, pretty big gamer himself) borrow the game after I was done with it. It was his second Zelda game after the LA remake. He had to get help for the Ganon (do we still need to spoiler-tag these things lol) fight during the prologue, I can't even... :messenger_face_screaming:


ידע זה כוח
Just finished it. It was ok. Everything is ok, art, music, dungeons, etc. Nothing stands out.

The main gameplay premise is not used well enough, you keep returning to the same things to echo. The UI for them is horrible. The automation comes too late, the bomb comes waaaay too late. Other issue is the Tri mechanic which is hardly used.

The rifts are way too padded and repetitive. Most of them offer nothing new.

Just ok. 7.5-8.
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I'm slowly playing this my wife.

I don't like it. I

I loved the 2D Zeldas prior to this. I thought BotW was a bit overrated but very good. I liked TotK less, as I found so much of it a slog, and didn't care for the gluing random crap together aspect annoying and boring.

This game looks like Link's Awakening (which I love), but plays nothing like it. It took all the worst parts of those games, while making terrible combat and laughably bad menu system.


Gold Member
Way to ruin the entire game by forcing you through the entire last dungeon with no option to save and the last several phase boss battle is one and done or you have to do the entire fucking thing all over again.

Braindead decision and ruins what was otherwise a fantastic game.
Finished it a few days ago. What a fun little Zelda game. You can definitely feel a bit of the Tears of the Kingdom design ethos in how the game just gives you all kinds of tools and says "go nuts", though it is certainly scaled down here. There were a bunch of times where I came up with some jank puzzle solution and thought "I'm pretty sure that's not what the devs had in mind". The only downside is that the echo list starts to get really cluttered after a while, but the sorting options do a decent job of keeping the echo you're wanting to use close at hand most of the time. Also the game doesn't run very well, but I kind of got used to the frame stuttering eventually.


2 dungeons in, this is a proper zelda game, don’t know why Nintendo did not have duel protagonists, link and zelda, would have sold bucketloads, yeh it’s not as as good as link between worlds, still better then most 2d Zelda games. Love it .

A game simply about being Link and Zelda running around solving puzzles would have broken the IP
See this bumped, shocked how small this OT is in terms of reply count. Did this flop (relatively speaking of course)?

Want to try it out but haven't gotten around to buying it yet.


See this bumped, shocked how small this OT is in terms of reply count. Did this flop (relatively speaking of course)?

Want to try it out but haven't gotten around to buying it yet.

It’s already sold 3.9 million. For 2D it’s certainly not a flop.

The game is good, it’s not traditional playing as Zelda who’s more of a magic user this time and not a sword fighter like Link.

The game is very open for a 2D game and It’s a nice change up of the 2D formula. The dungeons are challenging enough. The last dungeons is particularly enjoyable!

vaibhavpisal vaibhavpisal No not mid, just because it’s traditional 2D doesn’t mean it’s not worth its price.


Didn’t say anything about 2d or 3d.

Just that it isn’t part of discussion anymore and seems kinda forgotten.

I mean, I pay full price for peak gaming experiences. This, dunno, seems ok.
You are in a thread talking about 2D Zelda. Also top down. What else should I think you were referring too!

You certainly haven’t played the game or seems you don’t like this style of game as much. To be saying that it’s not “peak gaming experience”

Also, everyone has different preferences and views of what peak gaming experiences are. It’s meaningless to debate that. You are simply moving the goal post. To try and down play this game.
You are in a thread talking about 2D Zelda. Also top down. What else should I think you were referring too!

You certainly haven’t played the game or seems you don’t like this style of game as much. To be saying that it’s not “peak gaming experience”

Also, everyone has different preferences and views of what peak gaming experiences are. It’s meaningless to debate that. You are simply moving the goal post. To try and down play this game.
Of course I haven’t played it.

You should have vouched for this game, but you didn’t. Kinda makes me feel my gut feel is right.

A Link Between Worlds was my top 10 of all time just some time ago. Will gladly pay full price for that game.
I need to come back and give this game another shot. Got through 3 dungeons or so and it has just been a slog. Started out great and exploring the overworld was fun, until I realized beds and walking on trees 90% of the time, dull, slow cutscenes for the rest. Really want to like this one.


Biggest Trails Stan
I need to come back and give this game another shot. Got through 3 dungeons or so and it has just been a slog. Started out great and exploring the overworld was fun, until I realized beds and walking on trees 90% of the time, dull, slow cutscenes for the rest. Really want to like this one.

I heard mixed things about this game

I got both of the physicals for this game and Mario and Luigi Brothership. I hope they fix the problems with Echoes of Wisdom like they did with Brothership


Of course I haven’t played it.

You should have vouched for this game, but you didn’t. Kinda makes me feel my gut feel is right.

A Link Between Worlds was my top 10 of all time just some time ago. Will gladly pay full price for that game.
My posting a sale of the game is not considered vouching for the game? You came in here hot!! And looked like you already had your mind made up!

I also gave my small impression of the game afterwards.

Oh, now you say Link Between Worlds is one of your favorite games. Like that means anything after you already said Echoes wasn’t considered peak gaming experience without ever playing it. 🤷‍♂️

Now what is your definition of peak gaming experience? Don’t need to answer it, it’s preference and everyone’s criteria is different.

But you already assigned a perceived definition of “peak gaming experience” to a game you haven’t played. Also a value to it saying you wouldn’t pay full price. But I linked a sale! 🤦‍♂️


Gentlemen, we can rebuild it. We have the capability to make the world's first enhanced store. Steam will be that store. Better than it was before.
I really enjoyed the game (see my impressions earlier in the thread) but I'm not surprised to see it mentioned several times in the "Worst HUD you've ever seen thread" that's going on now. As you accumulate more and more echoes, it just gets incredibly cumbersome to easily swap between different ones. Having one giant list that's sorted by "most recently used" means that you'll get tons of echoes that you'll inevitably never use. And because of this (and the way the puzzles are laid out) you'll spend an increasing amount of time in the menu as the game goes on.

This game could have really used an update that let you pull up a list of categories. Or almost literally any QoL that improves upon the game's "one giant list".
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