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The-MagicBox.com ( c t o b e r 7 , 2 0 0 4) feel the Nintendo DS hype


Junior Member
Wow. Its fun to see a site filled with Nintendo DS hype in this day and age of Sony Fanboyism. Wonder what is going on?
Alright, now I'm starting to find these topics are getting out of hand myself. This one isn't even necessary and it's nothing but a jab to Sony fans. IBL
DarthWufei said:
Alright, now I'm starting to find these topics are getting out of hand myself. This one isn't even necessary and it's nothing but a jab to Sony fans. IBL

I don't think it's even a jab. It's just some sad attempt after being kicked to the curbs so many times and for so long, they're crying out in one united voice. NO MORE!!

It's not a conspiracy that people don't talk about Nintendo. There hasn't been a damn thing to talk about on any front until this latest press conference.


Junior Member
lock it. I dont give a shit. I just get off on the change of face of the gaming-age forums recently. not to bash sony. I will be buying both handhelds, but I will playing one more than the other...


Junior Member
ok. I have gone to far. really though, I had a few too many beers and the last game I played is "Ninja Gaiden". Please lock this thread before I become the new OLIMARIO.


sonycowboy said:
I don't think it's even a jab. It's just some sad attempt after being kicked to the curbs so many times and for so long, they're crying out in one united voice. NO MORE!!

:lol :lol
so funny, so true.
sonycowboy said:
It's not a conspiracy that people don't talk about Nintendo. There hasn't been a damn thing to talk about on any front until this latest press conference.

So true, but myself, I don't mind topics in general, but I dislike topics with little to no content at all, or just are meant to serve the purpose of generating arguments, when there are plenty of other topics with arguments all their own. MAF, you too.

And hell, we even have a couple of topics already dedicated to pointless poking and jabbing. I don't mean to play mod or point the finger, it's just a little bothersome and things feel very cluttered. But I guess it's a launch and to be expected.

Kon Tiki

sasimirobot said:
Wow. Its fun to see a site filled with Nintendo DS hype in this day and age of Sony Fanboyism. Wonder what is going on?
Media lockout + video game event + lack of an offical thread = October 7th.


actually, thanks for the thread and pointing this out, I used to visit the-magicbox.com tons of times (sometimes more than once a day) as it was a great place to find sales info and news from Japan, but yeah it did have an overflow of Sony news...

refreshing change, hope it takes place through out other news net sites...

gotta check out gaming-age.com, gameforms.com, rpgamer.com, gamespy.com, and other places I used to visiti daily...


I don't know what's worse, the Nintendo people getting excited over something big, or the non-Nintendo people who feel they have to respond negatively to every one of these threads. Do you think so many would pop up, if there weren't people trolling in them, or making ones like MAF's Advance Wars DS thread? Jesus.


Soul4ger said:
I don't know what's worse, the Nintendo people getting excited over something big, or the non-Nintendo people who feel they have to respond negatively to every one of these threads. Do you think so many would pop up, if there weren't people trolling in them, or making ones like MAF's Advance Wars DS thread? Jesus.

Or the holier than thou people who come into threads, pass judgement and then do the same fucking thing.



Razoric said:
Or the holier than thou people who come into threads, pass judgement and then do the same fucking thing.


Or the holier than thout people who reply to the holier than though people responding to the trolls responding to DS hype. :p


Razoric said:
Or the holier than thou people who come into threads, pass judgement and then do the same fucking thing.


If you would recognize how you're not helping the situation, just fueling the fire, I wouldn't need to pass judgement. I might make stupid posts in some threads, like the "6.5" thing for Paper Mario 2 reviews, or insult Shellshock and Fugitive Hunter, God forbid, but I don't start threads just to piss other people off. Why can't you just let people be excited about something?
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