Sorry, I was just speculating no insider knowledge, which is why I wrote probably. Thinking about it a little more, they probably did ok on iOS, as they did manage to put out quite a few games. Looking at the leaderboards of the ones I have, I see between 5,000 and 40,000 people with the games (probably sold more). But I imagine each release sold a little worse than the last (with the HD upgrades selling the worst)? Those numbers look ok (not great though), ok especially considering how much they were charging for the games (even on sale), but you also have to figure in Apple taking their 30%, and then all the work that went into each port. In my opinion, thats where they might have went a little wrong, as these werent really quick ports (which probably would have sold the same), but it seems like they actually put quite a lot of work into their iOS releases, with new modes and all that, plus promotion budget (special websites and even someone doing promotion stuff for the titles in the west / English), and the time they spent on updates (several for each game). Basically, its pretty obvious if the iOS ports were more successful, they would have done more. Pretty much the only logical reason to stop is if the returns werent worth the effort, right?