Grab Metal Torrent from the DSi shop, it's made by the team that put Ketsui DS together.Chopper said:Are there any other particularly good shooters available for the DS or PS3 that I need to be aware of?
Grab Metal Torrent from the DSi shop, it's made by the team that put Ketsui DS together.Chopper said:Are there any other particularly good shooters available for the DS or PS3 that I need to be aware of?
PixyJunket said:Grab Metal Torrent from the DSi shop, it's made by the team that put Ketsui DS together.
DoDonPachi is on PSOne classics for Japanese PSN. I'd highly recommend it. Pick up a Japanese PSN point card and check it out.Chopper said:Thanks. So, nothing notable for PS3?
Holy shit if this turns out to be true! DFK is one of the most demanded games on their forums so this makes sense.Sir_Crocodile said:Rumour that RSG may be bringing out Dodonpachi Daifukkatsu in Europe:
Day one if true, and it certainly makes sense at least.
jlevel13 said:It's pretty unexciting though. By unexciting, I mean boring, useless and a waste of $
Is it still worth my monies if I own the iOS version?_dementia said:DoDonPachi is on PSOne classics for Japanese PSN. I'd highly recommend it. Pick up a Japanese PSN point card and check it out.
They are different games (the iOS DDP is like a few sequels of the PS1 port).Chopper said:Is it still worth my monies if I own the iOS version?
Chopper said:Is it still worth my monies if I own the iOS version?
iconoclast said:LOOOOL
I just got 999.7m in Death Smiles 2 Arcade mode. 300 fucking thousand points from my goal. God damn it.
It was a nice run though. Cleared it with 3 lives and 1 bomb left. Now I'm ranked #12 overall and #8 with Lei, so I'm pretty happy with that.
adversesolutions said:Brutal dude, WR for Deathsmiles II is not even that far away at that point.
Nice.iconoclast said:Just beat my 999m score, yay. Got 1,024,552,463 now, and again I finished with 3 lives.
ketsui > muchi muchi pork > ESP Rade > ddp: dai ou jou > pink sweets > mushihimesama > ddpjlevel13 said:DoDonPachi is a MUCH better game than DoDonPachi Dai-Fukkatsu/Resurrection. It's arguably CAVE's best (or second or third best). Can't speak to the quality of the ps1 port though. Perfect in MAME if you want to try it out.
iconoclast said:The western record? Do you know what it is currently? I tried googling, but I don't know what site would have that information. If it's within a couple hundred million or so, I might go for it. The #1 XBL score with Lei is 1.3 billion, but I think that's too high for me. The world record from the Arcade is like 2 billion, and I can't even wrap my head around a score that high. That's way out of my league, heh.
Muchi Muchi Pink said:jesus
iconoclast said:The western record? Do you know what it is currently? I tried googling, but I don't know what site would have that information. If it's within a couple hundred million or so, I might go for it. The #1 XBL score with Lei is 1.3 billion, but I think that's too high for me. The world record from the Arcade is like 2 billion, and I can't even wrap my head around a score that high. That's way out of my league, heh.
iconoclast said:Just beat my 999m score, yay. Got 1,024,552,463 now
Harvest Moon: Grand Bazaar, Rune Factory 3, DoDonPachi Resurrection, King of Fighters XIII, Cradle of Rome 2
Rising Star Games saves a bad day at work
iconoclast said:Version 1.51 is going to be paid DLC? Hopefully it won't be too expensive, that was a first print bonus in the Japanese version.
Az987 said:Is $45 a decent price for Mushihimesama Futari 1.5 platinum hits version?
My local shop has it for that. They also have Espgaluda II for $90... I thought that was a bit high.
jbueno said:Yes to Mushi-Futari and yes to Espgaluda II if it is the original print with the included OST. Both are awesome games and have a lot of modes to enjoy, specially Espgaluda II. I´d get both.
Az987 said:I'm not sure if it has the soundtrack but it didn't have platinum hits on the box, does that mean it's the original print? Does the original print have anything else the platinum hits doesn't besides the soundtrack?
Thanks for replying, I was gonna just get Mushi-Futari but maybe I should get both.
Hmm decisions, decisions.
Edit: I don't think it was the limited edition either
Shou said:Sorry, it took me awhile to come back on this.
Here are the latest Cave financial results. Obviously, this is all in Japanese.
Key slides are 14, 28, 33-35.
14 shows that over Q3-4 of 2010 that Social/Smartphone apps have brought in roughly 42% of revenue while arcade/console brought in 14.5%.
28 shows their staff resourcing in 2011. The top line shows that they only have consumer development at this point, no more arcade dev.
33 shows their focus on smartphones and what games they have in the pipeline for them. Note that there are 2 shooters, 1 facebook casual game aimed at gaijin and 1 MMO
34-35 shows how they will capitalize on the foreign market: Smartphone and social content.
So, there you go. Real. gaming. journalism.
28 shows their staff resourcing in 2011. The top line shows that they only have consumer development at this point, no more arcade dev.
33 shows their focus on smartphones and what games they have in the pipeline for them. Note that there are 2 shooters, 1 facebook casual game aimed at gaijin and 1 MMO
no more arcade dev.
focus on smartphones
jbueno said:As I recall the first print of the regular edition of Espgaluda II (region free) was the one that had the OST but i remember there being non Platinum Hits versions without the OST, maybe the seller should be able to confirm that? I bought mine from NCSX and they confirmed it for me.
If you get Futari be sure go buy the Black Label DLC, its 1200 MSP but I love it so I think its worth it; also in order for the game to run smoothly I heavily recomend installing the disc and DLC to a flash drive, its borderline unplayable when you play from the HDD because it stutters when entering parts with heavy slowdown, making it really difficult to play for score or survival.
Tain said:Yeah, it is what it is. It's the environment, it's the consumers, whatever. It was inevitable.
They've released enough masterpieces to last me a long time. Sucks, of course, but I'm still set.
Spitz said:Rising Star Games saves a bad day at work
Az987 said:hmm that's disappointing that it stutters. I don't have a flash drive, guess I'll have to pick one up. Would an 8GB flash drive be enough?